■'■ft: Lv a Manchester Ev^ing Herald "THftJKSlDAT, SFEmCMBiinK 9, 3.948 In All the World Theresa No Value Like ik S. War Loan Bonds ■MOBd U*ut. Harry C. Mohr, of 55 New eti-eet, who la atationed Letter o f Se^ii M anchesi0 Party Is Held Receives Wings Season Starts ROOFING About Town at the Infantry Replacement Cen­ Average Daily Circulation' The Weather ter at Camp' Roberta, Calif., has Date B(0(ok X taen promoted to drat lieutenant. ASBESTOS srorvG. For the Month of August, 1948 Forecasf of I'. S. Wrkther Bureau Trank E. Zimmerman, Jr., aon Arrives First For Demeusey For Glee Cliib o f Mr. and Mrt. Frank E. Zim- •t'-'.' MondajyBept. IS • • ' / George O. Roae of Bolton has Meeting, B o p ^ of Selectmen, at INSULATION 8,258 Slightly cooler tonight and Sat­ j/.i juarman, ®r., of 152 Benton atreet, a horse chestnut tree in full bloom, Mollier Knew of Son’ s Municipal building at 8.^ Joint Gathering to Hon­ urday morning. haa been awarded a Truatees’ a beautiful and unusual sight at Beethovens ^ to Partici­ Expert workmanship. AB work ' Member of foe Audit X 44', aeholanhlp at the Univeratty of Joint installation of the Ameri­ this time of year and plainly visi­ Wounds Before War can LegiOn Poat and Auxiliary. or Young Man l^eaving pate in Program of the guaranteed. Reasonable Prioea. Bureau of Circulations ’ CoanecUcut, for hlTh acholaaUc ble from the listening post in that No^ obligation for aa eafonata. Manchester— A City of Village Charm c v Itajudln,. He la an Engineering ' First rehearsal of Beethoven place. Departinent Wired. Glee Club at Emanuel Lutheran For Service. Rockville Elks. Writa X atudent at the college. chrfreh. ^ T WTWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS St. Margaret’s Circle, D a u ^ - Fifteen days before she was of­ ■v/ Tuesday, Sept. 14 Sergeant-Major Gerald Demeusy, The Beethoven .ee C.lub, local (Classified Advertising on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1943 Vra. Mary Rubacha Steahko of^ tera of IsabellaKWill hold Iti first VOL. LXII.; NO. 291 ficially notified by the War Depart­ Election Primaries affAmerlcan of the 2nd Battalion,’ State Guard male chorus of ’hlch Fred E. Burton Insulating Co. Morth atreet an^ - bee daughter, meeting of the Tall series Tues­ ment that her son had been-.wound­ Legion Hall. staff, Hartford, was the guest of ISO Oxford St. Hartfoid ] i i « Peter MaanickI of Hartford, day evening, September 14 at the ed in the invasion of Sicily. Mrs. Hospital Auxiliary Garden Par­ Werner is conductor, will begin have icetumed from Norfolk, Va., K. of C. home. The new book Alva Allen, Sr., of 140', Charter ty at Miss Mary Chapman’s gar­ honor last night at the Villa another season Monday evening, Brenner P^^shm—Germans Say Italians Hold It where they viaited another daugh­ club, which is being formed will Oak atreet, received a letter from den, 75 Forest street. Louisa at a joint gathering of September 13, at Emanuel Lu­ ter of Mta. Steahko, Mra. Bernice have its Initial presenUtion Tues­ her son. Private Alva Allen, Jr., of Sunday, Sept. 19 Herald and State Guard members. theran chtircb. A social will fol­ Allied Guns Begin ♦ Taranto Is Occupied tUibachk Wllaon. Mra. Wilaon day night, with Mrs. James Bafry, the 20th Engineers in Sicily, stat­ 3:30 p. m.—Song recital at Cen­ The party was attended by mem­ low the rehearsal and Rev. Earl Oacured a •divorce from her hus­ chairman, assisted by Mrs. Ray­ ing that he had been hospitalized ter church. Pupils of Mrs. Charles bers of th.e battalion staff, headed H. Furgeaon of the North Meth­ band, Edward D. Wilaon of 79 mond" Peterson and Miss , Anna with shrapnel wounds in his .right by Licut-Col. William J. Maxwell odist church will be the guest N O TICE Yerbury. speaker. Mill atreet, Augtiat 20 on grounds LeGace. Mrs. John Holden will check and over his left eye-' ^ Fiftieth anniversary celebra­ and members of the Herald editor­ 'iTie club’s first date of the new at Japs ' Of desertion. be in charge of refreshments at Mrs.'Allen was nt^lfled by tele­ tion, Zion Lutheran church. ial and advertising departments. O IL USERS the social following. ^ gram from the War /Department Fifth Herald Employe season is Sunday evening, Sep­ A tember 12, when it will have a Fill your tanks now! Every By Britain’s Troops; Mr. and Mrs. F n ^ la E. Bray Sunday that her son had been Sergeant Demeusy, who has Townsend Club No. 2 will hold wounded Severfcly. It Is assumed been employed in the Herald ad­ part ID the program of the Rock­ srallon you take now ineans of West Center street are speiid- ville Lodge of Elks. A rehearsal Holding Lae Base tng ten days at HighgatE"s^anor, its first fall meeting tomorrow eve­ by the family that the wound Shower Parlies \ vertising department for the past more we can store for win­ ning at 8 o’clock at the Y. M. C. which he had sustained previously three years, is the fifth employee' for this appearance will be held Highgate Springs, V t by the club tomorrow evening at ter. A., when plans will be made for was the one meant by the Army For Bride-Eleel 6f the Herald to entfer the service. Ensign W. F. Davidson the mass meFUng in Hartford this mentioned in the telegram.. He recently enlisted in the Navy eight o’clock in Emanuel Luther­ , Donald Norton, son of Mril. an church. , Aiizac 25-Pounders Are ' Sm oke M oV Germans Hold Ron .month and the anniversary of the Private,‘Allen was born in -Mon- Seabees and leaves for a southern Ensign William F. Davidson of Marjorie Norton of 57 Academy founding of the movement by Pr. son, Mass'., and attended the schbols training camp tomorrow accom­ A cordial Invitation is extended James A. Woods Used to Lay Down Bar- atreet has left for Mount Hermon Townsend. Members and non- there. He was Inducted into tht Mi'^s Betty Werher, of 152 West panied by- Sergeant Ulysses S. Lip- the U. S. Naval Reserve.^, son of to any man interested in good RANGE AND FUEL OIL I-* school. Mount Hermon, Mass., for members are welcome to attend Aripy in June, 1942 and took part Center street^nas been guest of pincott, formerly, of Compa.ny H.' Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. David­ (horus singing to attend the re­ rage as Attacking Aus­ Capilulali.,.. Claim Ma.le I V c s s h l s Allied Konjes (iain Third his freshman year. hearsal and sociab Monday eve­ 381 Center St. Dial 6566 Give Cities the meetings of the local club. in the invasion of No>-th Africa honor at sew'ral recent social func­ State Guards. Sergeant Demetisy son of 16 Laurel street who re­ and served throughout that entire has served 28 months in the 2nd ning, at which time voice place­ tralian Units Cross Riv­ III Loiiiiniiiiiqiic Issiiofi | Big'Foothold on Pen­ tions in EMognition of her ap- ceived liis wings at the Naval Air ments will be given by COnduailN: Private John Kleinschmidt. Jr., Pfc. Roy Helm has returned to campaign without injury and was Battalion and was The highest At Hitler’s Headqiiar-| insula; Messages Indi­ has returned to Camp Haan, Cal., Camp Haan. California, after a member o f one of the engineer proacljlfig 'marriage t6 Gorp. Ed­ ranking non-commissioned officer base in Pensacola, Florida, August Werner. er into Swamps to N ew Riches ] \ o t D u c k s after spending a seven-day fur­ spending a 15-day furlough with units to take part in the Sicilian ward W,. W'a'ilera. of 307 Middle of the battalion at the time of his 27, is now stationed at Hollywood, ters; 81i|(ht Local Re­ cate (rerniaiis .Attack- Let Your “ E” Bonds Biiy Contact Enemy There. lough at the home of his parents, his parents, Mr. and Mra. William invasion. Turnpike, East resignation. He h ^ had nine Florida, for eight weeks’ further Helm, of 28 Cooper street. years' service in the National and training. Yankee Subs. sistance Reporleil Be­ ing Rome; .Americans t4 Wells street. ■ Previous to his induction Private 'The first was by'her former of­ New Technique May Al F or Planes Allen carried on a farm owned by State Guards amj enters the Sea- W'ith the Australians Out­ fice associates at the^Phoenix Fire Ensign Davidson received his — :— Beat Down Five Coun­ Clan MacLean. 252, O. S. C., will Mr. and Mrs, Richard W. Gutz- his parents in Monson. bees as a Gunner's Mate, 2nd IC O low Recovery of VaU fore Siirr<i*ml|er; Fight­ Insurance Company, Hartford, who primary flight training at Chapel side Lae, Sept. 10.— (/P)— Al- ] hold its regular meeting tomor­ mer of 43 Mather street have Just Class. Hill,. N. C., and Squantum, Mass. ftc'--''; lied field artillery today be­ uable and Rare Mate­ ing in Trieste, Bozeiv ter-Attacks on Bridge­ row evening at eight o’clock in received a letter from the JVar De­ surprised her with a dinner at the Sergeortt Demeusy was present- ISatuil Experts Point to home of Mlaa Florence Goodrich. He was graduated.with the 1941A gan pounding the Japanese the Masonic Temple. partment. stating that their son, Party Is Given ed gifts of cash from his former class from Manchester High Manchesf'er C o m f o r t i n g rials Now Being Lust.
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