S1706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 6, 2016 dedicated to the betterment of urban The Daughters of the American Rev- But Joe Medicine Crow’s achievements for areas. By advocating for improved city olution is such a special organization his people went far beyond bravery on the planning, decisionmaking, design, de- in part because of its qualification for field of battle. velopment, management, and action, membership. Any woman 18 years or His commitment to education was un- matched and paved the way for generations the program brings attention to the older can join if it can be shown that of Native Americans to achieve their dream. need for revitalization and upkeep of she is a direct descendent of one of our We are fortunate, in Montana, to have metropolitan spaces. Nation’s patriots from the days of the many reminders of the land and the people With the U.S. population expected to American Revolution. who came before us. Joe wasn’t just a re- hit nearly 350 million by 2026 and al- Each member of the DAR knows that minder, he was a shining example. Mon- most 400 million by 2050, the sustain- the best way to honor their family’s tanans will be telling the story of Medicine ability of American cities, which con- contribution to the beginnings of our Crow for generations. And Americans across tain 80.7 percent of the U.S. total popu- Nation is to promote a greater aware- the country will have his work to thank for preserving the rich history, language, and vi- lation according to the 2010 census, is ness and appreciation of what it means paramount to accommodating an ever- brant culture of the Crow Nation. to be an American citizen. That means Joe received the Presidential Medal of expanding citizenry. getting more and more involved every Freedom from President Barack Obama on The focus of the program lies not day in helping to make their commu- August 12, 2009, and joined a short and pres- only with large cities like Boston and nity stronger and more committed to tigious list of Montanans to receive this New York, but also with smaller ones making the world a better place to honor. His actions and accomplishments en- like Portland and Augusta, ME. These live. sure that his legacy will reflect the life he small cities are growing and developing The Daughters of the American Rev- lived. Joe was a remarkable Montanan. He was a into economic powerhouses attractive olution continues to make a difference, to both skilled workers and middle- soldier, scholar, and historian, but above all and we can be proud of the results they he was a fierce advocate for Native American class families. Ensuring the preserva- continue to achieve. The members of tion of productive relationships, infra- families. He embodied the warrior spirit of the DAR have taken their inspiration the Crow people, and was a fierce example of structure, and environmental well- from our past, and it has encouraged America’s highest ideals. I’m honored to lend being in Maine’s growing urban spaces and guided them to work together to my praise and remembrance of Dr. Joe Medi- is a crucial piece of the success not build a better future for our Nation and cine Crow. only for these cities, but for the entire all our people. f State. American City Quality Month I thank them for the good work they TRIBUTE TO SHERRY DAVICH inspires the dialogue and partnerships do. necessary for sustainable growth and Thank you. Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I come revitalization. to the floor today to speak about a I thank the organizers of American f topic that is bittersweet for me. I am City Quality Month for ensuring that REMEMBERING DR. JOE MEDICINE here to share my gratitude for a person American cities of all sizes continue to CROW who I not only consider an adviser and promote the welfare of this generation Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I ask an exemplary public servant, but a and those to come. unanimous consent that the following friend and confidant for over 40 years— f remarks that will be read on my behalf our director of constituent services, 101ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF at the funeral of Dr. Joe Medicine Crow Sherry Davich, who retired from the THE WYOMING STATE SOCIETY, today be printed in the RECORD. Senate. NSDAR There being no objection, the mate- I met Sherry back when we were both rial was ordered to be printed in the admittedly younger, after she worked Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I wish to on Jimmy Carter’s Presidential cam- pay special tribute and recognize the RECORD, as follows: Today I wish to honor Dr. Joe Medicine paign and I was running for the Florida good work that the Wyoming State So- House of Representatives. Sherry was ciety of the Daughters of the American Crow, a Presidential Medal of Freedom win- finishing her bachelor’s degree at Flor- Revolution is doing in my home State. ner for his contributions to the culture, his- tory, and security of the United States, who ida State University and had an unde- This is their 101st annual conference, passed away on April 3, 2016. niable curiosity and a nose for politics. and the fact that the organization has On behalf of all Montanans and all Ameri- After Carter became President and I not only continued to exist, but has cans, I would like to thank Dr. Medicine was in the Florida House, I convinced grown stronger over the years, is proof Crow for his service and contributions to the her to intern in our office, and the rest of their determination to keep the spir- nation. is history. Forty years—wow, that is it of the American Revolution alive. It is my privilege to share Dr. Medicine real public service. Thanks to them, our respect and our Crow’s story for the official Senate RECORD. Sherry has been unwavering in her admiration for the heroes of those days Thank you for inviting me to share a few words today to honor the life and legacy of has remained strong and continues to service to the people of our country Dr. Joe Medicine Crow. I’m sorry I cannot be and of Florida as I have served in the grow stronger. with you in person. On October 11, 1890, a group of con- House and Senate, as well as State I remember when I first met Dr. Joe Medi- treasurer and insurance commissioner. cerned citizens banded together to cre- cine Crow, I was immediately inspired. His ate the National Society Daughters of words resonated deep into the souls of those During her 15 years in the Senate, she the American Revolution. Their intent he touched. has overseen over 350,000 constituent was to protect and preserve the prin- In 2008, I had the great honor of nomi- cases ranging from veterans not receiv- ciples and values upon which our Na- nating Dr. Joe Medicine Crow for one of the ing their benefits, working with folks tion was founded. They knew that their highest awards given by the United States— impacted by the BP oil spill, reuniting ancestors were part of a very special the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Honorees families as they navigate the immigra- are selected for their exemplary contribu- time in our history and sharing their tion process, and of course, the lost tions to their country’s culture, history, and passports and visa assistance. stories would raise our awareness of security. I nominated Joe Medicine Crow be- the blessings we had received from our cause he embodied all of these things. She has touched the lives of so many citizenship. During World War II, he accomplished the of our constituents as their chief advo- Over the years the organization has four remarkable war deeds that make a tra- cate. She has also been a part of my grown in strength and numbers as the ditional Crow War Chief. His bravery is the family. Actually Sherry and her hus- national society now includes 177,000 kind you read about only in stories. He band, David, started to see each other members all over the world who con- fought in hand-to-hand combat, and led as a ‘‘Nelson Congressional Couple,’’ tinue to embrace and promote the troops into enemy territory to capture 50 both working in the DC office years enemy horses. ago. Grace and I think of Sherry, American dream and our American And he accomplished these feats for the way of life. country that he loved, as so many Native David, and their son Will, who was an In Wyoming the State society has 11 Americans did during World War II, even intern in our office, as family. We are chapters with hundreds of members though their treatment on the home front so thankful for her commitment, her statewide. left much to be desired. loyalty, and her friendship. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:03 Apr 07, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06AP6.042 S06APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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