)ieS; Police, VS Officials the Authors. pa thin and the Ai. Is! more than s and Today serials To Set Policy al SAN magazines, Apo 35 JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1962 I. 50 No 36 "Mule Team," Ii. TEVE tault was not that 01 fraterni, eqUI11,1 mu I Ci01,111N gatherings '1',, daiter the circumstances men. "We are resolved that tas disperse noisy, unruly wrote members of the fraternal male', .1 state student:.. These occasions radio, surrounding Halloween's student, iklets and ad. were in line and were not resiaa, acre marked by drinking, violence, overall; riot and to determine an hale," declared the chief. "In fact. defiance of the police and arrests. Leads policy for future preven- Over effective at Nixon some fraternity members took Brown time. we expresed the San Jose "At that ,,,n of such incidents, a group of charge of dispersing the crowd." that the school administra- rf public rela- . opinion .-;.1S administrators, student lead- Dean Benz commended ASH tion should take a stronger position rid taught by President Bill Hauck and Inter- in dealing with delinquent students. :e also ers and San Jose police will as- taught fraternity Council President Dave We still feel that way. - semble in the recreation room of article writ. -Point; lA Loomis for assisting the police. Mid that the At Gains The editorial advocated Allen Hall at 3:30 p.m. today. , he suffered a administration "get tough with col- gan, NOT ISOLATED ISk BETTY 1,URRANO Republican, by 249,638 to 000 votes to Ralph Richardson's San Jose Police Chief Ray as disable, Chief Blackmore pointed out that legiate offenders and keep them Edmund G. tPat Brown 115.383. 41.000. The office is non-partisan. hope: ilea. Blackinore stated that "we from giving a had name to the rest looking for it is "a minority of the students limilkdomedied may not have to start Leading in the race for the office ! Incumbent Thomas H. Kuchel, to join forces with San Jose stu- in every instance," but that it is of the students on campus." :ORNER a new home Just yet if voting of treasurer was Democratic can- Republican, was re-elected over dent leaders and come up with the majority that suffer when an "The police don't want these continued as they were didate Bert A. Betts over Repub- Richard Richards, Democrat. .orue effective means of curtailing 42199 trends incident such as this occurs. People to have police records . early this morning. lican John A. Busterud 188,000 to Returns on the local scene for these things Iretoi'e they happen. An editorial presented by KNTV and we don't want property dam- fop 44299 Brown was holding his own over 160.000. changes in the San Jose City aged and students hurt," Dean Richard M. Nixon by Charter indicated that Propositioni GET TOUGH television last week stated that the Republican For the office of Secretary of Friday. 999 after mid- A "The only alternative is a real Halloween riot was not an iso- Benz remarked 80,000 votes shortly State, Republican Frank M. Jor- was being defeated by less than than half of one tough policy of moving right in lated incident. "Only a month ago." And so today a policy will Ire 399 night. slightly more dan led Democrat Don Rose 244,- per cent. at that time. and making wholesale arrests." the editorial declared "pollee users' discussed; it nmv he adopted the votes were in 000 to 178,000. Proposition 13 was being decline(' count of the votes would Ilalloween night, hundreds of LAMS Final two to three per cent. Also heing ROBERT A. NYE hours since MOSK LEADS 5.15 students, most of them by- not be in for several defeated was Proposition C two .. Rhodes scholar RS close With standers, broke several car win- rolls in the Bay Area did not figures changing every to three per cent. '5t) dows and flung eggs and tomatoes until 7 p.m. San Francisco polls moment, Stanley Mosk, Demo- Proposition D. also a charter Special Night Meet CY in a wild fiasco which ended only, 2 7587 closed down at 8 p.m. cratic candidate, led Republican amendment was receiving votel Popossooporolls when declared the Tom Coakley 217,000 to 137,000 approval by two to three per cent. Nye police gathering IA GAINS Chosen for the office of Attorney General. an "unlawful asembly" and threat- IA which provides The Santa Clara County Water Proposition noil arrests. One of the closest races for the Bond for the construction of a for a $270 million bond for facili- s For Seniors Grads office of State Superintendent of complete water distribution plant Approximately 35 students are ties for higher education, mentally orninee Public Instruction put Max Raf- within the county WiLS ahead in mar being investigated as to their ortarried and mentally ill, nar- Graduates and seniors will have dent, in institutions all over the ferty in the driver's seat by 437.- affirmative votes at last word. le...ree of participation in what country and that many of these CASS control, correctional and an opportunity to "get the word" hief Blackmore described as an fire-fighting, was receiving are unfilled each year." forest For Rhodes unfortunate episode." on graduate study at a special state-wide approval. Dr. William J. Dusel. SJS vice Stanley C. Benz, dean of stu- meeting tonight at 7:30 in Concert Proposition 23 for senate reap- president; Dr. Conrad Wedbert Jr., dents, remarked last week that "if Hall. portionment, received 2,126 "no" Robert A. Nye has been selected director of admissions at CSC; and any of them are found to have The meeting. featuring graduate So foe is sae votes and 791 "yes" votes. CD Plan as San Jose State's 1963-64 Dr. Sanford Elberg, graduate dean Analyzed; been ringleaders, appropriate dis- salary. Phone Controversial Proposition 24. !o- Rhodes Scholarship nominee, ac- authorities from the University of , at the University of California at .nant. cording to Don Ryan, assistant to ciplinary action will be taken." California, the University of South- gle Francis Amendment, polled Berkeley, are the scheduled the dean of students. ern California and San Jose State, Call diet tit, 1113,000 "no" votes compared to GREEKS INNCH'ENT speakers. is being held to inform the stu- 47,000 -yes" votes. A junior history major with a Even though the riot occurred Don Ryan. assistant to the dean Two dents of graduate study possibili- Gov- Shelters 3.9 grade-point-average, Nye was Only breakfast coot In the race for Lieutenant en 11th Street. Chief Blackmore ' of students, will tell of financial ties throughout the state and of 43 S. 1416. ernor, Democrat, Glenn M. An- chosen to represent SJS by the :Ind Dean Ben/ ts,tti ...aid that the assistance, and Dr. Edward W. -- A new SJS civil defense plan be used for protection in case of College Scholarship Committee. financial assistance available. .Acacia, Friday, derson led Republican George was the topic of Monday's Civil enemy attack. Clements, head of the school place- According to the sponsoring Col- '2-9575 Christopher 230,426 to 225,092. Defense Committee meeting. Dr. On the basis of this new informa- Nye will compete nationally fir- ment services, will discuss place- lege Graduate Committee. "only Figures for the office of State Frank Willey, chairman of the tion, Dr. Willey, Ralph Gough, and one of the 32 scholarships offered ment. 'Riot' Resolution 5 per cent of the most intelligent Controller put Democrat Alan committee, reported that a tele- Lt. Col. Edwin T. Rios have re- each year, Ryan said. Rhodes The meeting, although designed I per cent of persons in the U.S Cranston ahead of Bruce V. Rea- gram received from Chancellor vised our present civil defense plan scholars are awarded $750 per for graduates and seniors, will be !a. 14E -- 375 of 'doctoral age' receive a doctor- a .-, - Glenn S. Dumke gave results of a and have brought our old plans up year for study at the University .pen to all students. CY Goes To Council ate in the sciences. This is true u survey by the San Jose Civil De- to date. of Oxford, England. a time when almost all graclu.c 0,, . 3 fense Office. The report concerned It was revealed that Glen Gut- The awards extend over a pe- A resolution which re q., the students in the sciences are !Tee:: Faculty Plans two buildings on campus that could tormsen, SJS husines manager, will riod of at least two years with the ASH Attorney General, in ssmiunc- ing substantial financial supp,.: 'Guns of August' p. ap. sign license agreements for the possibility of a third year if the 29; 5634 t ion with the office of the Dean of through fellowships and assist an civil defense plans so that the scholar's record and plan for study Students and the ASB Judiciary. ships." nip ----- New Council school can carry on present work, warrant such an award. To Be Reviewed Colbert, Welles if riots simi- The committee also has repays,. in the light of new developments.1 Presently a resident assistant take immediate action salary 2357221. A committee has been that "there are numerous oppm- Results of the survey show that at Moulder Hall, Nye is from Wal- lar to that of the Halloween fiasco appointed to draft a proposal for- tunities for fellowships, assistant- nq Meal! the recently completed addition ts. nut Creek. He ultimately plans to occur again, is scheduled to be pre- Today by Dean 195-7221.
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