SAVE THE DATE Don’t forget to renew JNF OTTAWA NEGEV DINNER 2018 your subscription to the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin! IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO PLANT! JNFOTTAWA.CA [email protected] 613.798.2411 Call 613-798-4696, ext. 256 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin MAY 14, 2018 | IYYAR 29, 5778 ESTABLISHED 1937 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM | $2 Ottawa community leader to receive honorary doctorate from Hebrew University Stephen Victor has berg Amphitheatre in Jerusalem on the been a prominent Mount Scopus campus during the Board of Governors’ gathering. leader in the Jewish Significantly, the bestowing of Vic- tor’s honorary doctorate will coincide community, both with events marking the centennial anniversary of the laying of the corner- locally and nationally, stone “in celebration of 100 years of since the 1970s. knowledge” at Hebrew University. Victor credits his lifelong involve- Next month he will ment with Israel to the influential exec- utive director of the Jewish Community be honoured by the Council of Ottawa/Vaad Ha’Ir (now the Jewish Federation of Ottawa) Hy Hoch- Hebrew University of berg in the 1970s. Jerusalem. “Hy Hochberg took my wife Gail Louise and me to Israel in 1972,” he said. “I Rachlis reports. was 31 and she was 29, and we were the youngest couple on the trip. I was already practicing law. We fell in love s a lawyer, advocate, and a with Israel… I decided that besides my volunteer, Stephen Victor is law practice and my family, I wanted to proud to have supported the do something additionally in my life. State of Israel for 50 years. Because of that trip, I decided that I’d AAnd now, a letter from the Hebrew devote my time and energy to the State University of Jerusalem has informed of Israel and the Jewish people. him that it will be conferring upon “I was lucky because in the ’67 war, I him the degree of Doctor Philosophiae was privileged to go to the home of Sol Honoris Causa, the university’s highest Shabinsky and saw the outpouring of accolade. financial support for the Six Day War. Born and raised in Ottawa, Victor Only the major donors were there, but RICHARD SMITH is senior partner in the law firm Vic- Stephen Victor will be honoured for a lifetime of volunteerism and philanthropy by the Hebrew Hy took me along. And then in ’73, I was tor Ages Vallance. From a start as the University of Jerusalem. in the boardroom when Gilbert Green- youngest-ever director of Camp B’nai berg led fundraising at that critical time. Brith of Ottawa at age 24, he has served And so, I said ‘hey, it’s not a bad idea to the Jewish community in many roles Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished Service Victor’s honorary PhD will be con- devote a part of your life for this.’ And and has been honoured several times – Award, the highest award offered by the ferred at Hebrew University’s annual that’s what I’ve done ever since. It’s the including in 1992 when he received the Jewish community of Ottawa. convocation on June 11, at the Roth- See Victor on page 2 Navigating the Jewish ‘It’s so good to be back,’ says Ottawa celebrates inside: superhighway> p. 3’ Michael Regenstreif > p. 7 Yom Ha’Atzmaut > p. 12 Urban escape artist. The Audi Q3. Audi Mark Motors of Ottawa Audi Ottawa 295 W Hunt Club Rd. 458 Montreal Rd. 613-723-1221 613-749-5941 SPARKADVOCACY.CA APPROVED FILENAME SPARK-MM-AUDI-Q3-JEWISH-10.25X1.5-2018-04-EN2 MODIFIED APRIL 24, 2018 4:21 PM DATE 2018 CLIENT CLIENT VENDOR + JEWISH BULLETIN PROPERTY ACCOUNT REP. KEVIN DEAGLE ART DIRECTOR ADRIAN JEAN CGD PUBLICATION TRIM SIZE 10.25”W X 1.5”H APPROVALS PRODUCTION MORGAN DUNBAR INSERTION TYPE --- COMMENTS SPECS INSERTION DATE --- May 14, 2018 2 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM SCOTT GOLDSTEIN Yom Ha’Atzmaut flag-raising: Dignitaries and community members gathered outside Ottawa City Hall, April 19, to celebrate Israel’s 70th Yom Ha’Atzmaut. Beyond Duty, an exhibit co-sponsored by the Embassy of Israel and Global Affairs Canada, (From left) MP Peter Kent; City Councillor Jean Cloutier; Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor; honoured diplomats from 21 countries who saved Jews during the Holocaust and who have Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Israel Shlomit Sufa; Jewish Federation of Ottawa been recognized by the State of Israel (Yad Vashem) as Righteous Among the Nations, took President and CEO Andrea Freedman; Rabbi Robert Morais of Temple Israel; place in Ottawa at Global Affairs Canada from April 25 to May 1. and MP Kate Young. Victor: ‘An outstanding professional and community leader’ Continued from page 1 of Hebrew University. ty lauded Victor as an “extraordinary the Court of Appeal for Ontario, the most worthy cause and I wanted it to be “It was an unbelievable experience,” example of an outstanding professional Federal Court Trial Division, the Federal part of my life.” he recalled, “and I met everybody from and community leader reflected in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court Victor’s community work continued. all over the world. I met the finest and wide variety of professional and com- of Canada. In 1981 he was appointed He was president of the Jewish Commu- greatest people at Hebrew University – munity roles that you have undertaken Queen’s Counsel. nity Centre from 1978 to ’80, UJA chair philanthropists as well – all committed throughout your life. He was the Ottawa JNF Negev Din- in 1983 and became president of the to the survival of the Jewish people and “The Stephen and Gail Victor Centre ner honouree in 2006 and chose the Vaad in 1987 for a two-year term. the survival of the State of Israel.” for Trial Advocacy at the Faculty of Law Hebrew University’s Botanical Gardens In 1990, he began working at the Victor has no regrets. and the Stephen and Gail Victor Plaza on Mount Scopus as the recipient of the national level and eventually was elect- “I have spent all my life on this, but at the Botanical Gardens on Mount Sco- funds raised. The central plaza of the ed chair of the Canada-Israel Commit- the time was always worth it. Whenever pus are both results of your leadership gardens was named the Stephen and tee, then the advocacy voice of the Jew- I was in negotiations in my law practice, and community respect,” said the letter. Gail Victor Botanical Garden. ish community in Canada on behalf of because of my community involvement, “In addition, you were instrumental in Today, he is delighted that the cita- Israel. He was there for four years, and people looked at me in a different way. establishing the Stephen Victor Academ- tion for his honorary doctorate men- all the Jewish organizations had repre- They knew I had credibility. It enhanced ic Exchange Scholarship between the tions that the historic garden “stands sentative on that board. the quality of my life,” he said. University of Ottawa and the Hebrew as a living testimonial to the Victors’ “I did things on a national basis and Victor has no plans to retire from University of Jerusalem.” decades of dedication to the university went to Israel three times a year,” he said. either the practice of law or volunteer- The prominent Ottawa lawyer and and to the Jewish people.” When Yitzhak Rabin, then the prime ism. And, after June 11, don’t call him community leader graduated from Car- For the convocation, he’ll be in Israel minister of Israel, was assassinated on “Dr. Victor.” leton University in 1963 with a bachelor for 10 days, along with his wife Gail and November 4, 1995, then-prime minister “For 25 years, I used to criticize guys of commerce (economics) degree. Three their children and grandchildren. Jean Chrétien invited Victor to accompa- who got honorary degrees and then years later, he earned his law degree “All of my community endeavours ny him to the funeral. called themselves ‘doctor,’ so I can’t do from the University of Ottawa. Since have been supported by my life partner In the early 2000s, Victor became that,” he laughed. then he has acted as lead counsel before Gail,” he said, “and any success that I’ve national president of Canadian Friends The letter from Hebrew Universi- the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, achieved is in large part due to her.” 2 0 1 8 JUNE 14 - JUNE 16 OTTAWA'S ONLY TEN CITY BLOCKS BLOCK PARTY & TWO STAGES MUSIC FESTIVAL MUSIC + LIGHT + ART GLOWFAIRFESTIVAL.CA | @GLOWFAIR May 14, 2018 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM 3 Presentations on Jewish superhighway and inclusion at Federation meeting BY PAULINE COLWIN JEWISH FEDERATION OF OTTAWA nspiration and inclusion were the themes of presentations delivered at the Jewish Federation of Ottawa Members’ Meeting, May 2, at the ISoloway Jewish Community Centre. “The Jewish superhighway is a met- aphor for meaningful Jewish experi- ences and journeys, where Jewish life is vibrant and no one is left behind,” explained Federation President and CEO Andrea Freedman to the crowd of about 50. With a $1.7 million annual funding target, the superhighway is the Federa- tion’s bold new vision for Jewish Ottawa. It embodies the message of innovative progress, forward thinking and inclusion for all community members at every stage of their lives. Freedman presented the plan by explaining the highway is a metaphor for busy, active Jewish life. It is accessed and intersected by a multitude of “on-ramps” and “pathways” made up of “The Jewish superhighway is a metaphor for meaningful Jewish experiences and journeys, where Jewish life is vibrant and no one is left behind,” programs and projects for all ages, inter- says Andrea Freedman.
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