Agenda for De lhi OCC meeting dt. - 24.05 .201 8 DELHI TRANSCO LIMITED (A Govt. of NCT of Delhi Undertaking) An ISO 9001:2015 certified company Office of DGM(T) OS, Convener - OCC 1 st Floor, 220 kV Sub - Stn Park Street , Opp. Talkatora Stadium , Near R.M.L. Hospital, New Delhi - 11000 1 Web: - www.dtl.gov.in, E - mail : - [email protected] No. F.DTL/831/F.4/201 8 - 1 9 /DGM (OS)/ 09 Date: 21 . 0 5 .201 8 To, All Members of Operation Co - ordination committee DTL General Manager (O&M) - I, Chai rman OCC Fax no. 011 - 23366160 General Manager (O&M) - II General Manager (Protection,Metering ,Safety & Disaster Mgmt.) General Manager (Planning) Fax No.011 - 23622707 DGM (O&M) - North, East, West, South DGM (M/P) Fax no. 011 - 23366160 DGM(Plg.) Fax No.011 - 23632031 SLDC ED ( SLDC ) Fax no. 011 - 23221069 DGM (SO) Fax no. 011 - 23221059/12, T PDDL HOD (PSC &AM) Fax no. 011 - 66050602 Sr. Manager (PSC) Fax no. 011 - 66050602 BRPL Vice President (SO) Fax no. 011 - 39996549 BYPL AVP (SO) Fax no. 011 - 39996549 NDMC Superintendin g Engineer Fax no. 011 - 23235754 IPGCL AGM (T) COS Fax no. 011 - 23284797 AGM (T ) Opr. GTPS Fax no. 011 - 23370884 PPCL DGM (T ) Opr. PP S - I Fax no. 011 - 23 378947 DGM (T) Opr. PPS - III Fax no. 011 - 27791175 MES AEE/M.SLDC Officer BTPS AGM (EEMG) Fax no. 011 - 26944348 BBMB S r. Executive Engineer, O&M Fax no. 011 - 28315542 DMRC Addl. GM (Elect.) Special Invitee DMRC G eneral M anager (Elect.) Special Invitee GMR(DIAL) GM(DIAL) Special Invitee N. R ailways Sr. DEE (TRD) Special Invitee EDWP C L Director(EDWPCL ) Special Invitee Delhi MSWSL Station Incharge Special Invitee Sub: Agenda for next Delhi OCC Meeting (02 /1 8 - 1 9 ) to be held on 2 4 .0 5.2018 (Thur s day ) at 2:30 P.M. Dear sir/madam, The n ext Delhi OCC meeting is scheduled to be held on dt. - 2 4 .0 5 .201 8 ( Thurs day ), 2:30 P.M. at the following venue: - O/o - GM(O&M) - I, Delhi Transco Ltd., 220 kV Sub - Stn Park Street, Opp. Talkatora Stadium, Near R.M.L. Hospital, New Delhi - 110001 You are hereby req uested to attend the meeting in accordance with the agenda enclosed herewith. Thanking You. Encl: Agenda for Delhi OCC meeting . Yours Sincerely, sd/ - (Hitesh Kumar) DGM(OS),DTL Convener - OCC Page 1 of 17 Agenda for De lhi OCC meeting dt. - 24.05 .201 8 DELHI TRANSCO LIMITED (Regd. Office: Shakti Sadan, Kotla Road, Ne w Delhi - 110002) AGENDA FOR DELHI OCC MEETING NO. 02 /1 8 - 1 9 Date : 2 4 .0 5.2018 (Thurs day) Time : 2:30 PM Venue : O/o - GM(O&M) - I, Delhi Transco Ltd., 220 kV Sub - Stn Park Street , Opp. Talkatora Stadium , Near R.M.L. Hospital, New Delhi - 11000 1 1. Confirmation of minutes of Delhi OCC meeting held on dated 2 0 .0 4 .2018 . The previous Delhi OCC meeting was held on 2 0 .0 4 .201 8 in accordance with the agenda circulated vide letter dt : 16 . 0 4 .2018 . Minutes of the aforesaid OCC meet i ng were issued vide letter dt. 01 .0 5 . 20 1 8 . The same was also uploaded on DTL website. Members may like to confirm the same. 2. DTL AGENDA POINTS: 2.1 Status of Hot Reserve of transformers at a ll levels. The latest status of hot reserve of transformers as discussed during previous OCC meeting are as under: - S. N o. Transformation Population Hot Reserve Present Status Capacity in no. (No.) Decided 1. 400/220kV, 2 1x500MVA One 400/220k V 500MVA transformer 500MVA ICT would be installed as hot reserve by the year 2019 - 20 and would be placed at Bamnauli. In case of damage of 315MVA transformer in future, the 2. 400/220kV, 14 same would be replaced with 315MVA ICT 500MVA. DTL Plg. Deptt. confirmed that the scheme is under prepar ation stage. OCC advised to expedite the same. 3. 220/66kV, 22 2x160MVA One 160MVA transformer would be 160MVA kept as hot reserve and placed at Mundka . The scheme for 160MVA Tr. as hot reserve at Mundka has been prepa red and is under approval. In steering committee meeting dated 04.04.2018 it was delibrated that 160 MVA transformer which was earlier to be kept at Rohini - II will now be placed at Mehrauli. Acoordingly scheme will prepared. OCC advised that considering t he continuous growth in demand and Page 2 of 17 Agenda for De lhi OCC meeting dt. - 24.05 .201 8 in view of recent failure of transformers, the scheme for both 160 MVA Trs. for Mehrauli and Mundka Sub - stn be finalized by the end of July 2018. 4. 220/66kV, 42 1x100 MVA Steering Committee has already 100MVA agreed for p roviding new 220/66kV, 100MVA hot reserve transformer at 220kV Papankalan – I by 2019 - 20. DTL Plg. Deptt. confirmed that the scheme for 100 MVA Tr. at PPK - I is under preparation stage. OCC advised that considering the continuous growth in demand and in view of recent failure of transformers, the scheme for 100 MVA Tr. for PPK - I Sub - stn be finalized by the end of July 2018. 5 220/33kV, 37 2 In steering committee meeting dated 100MVA 04.04.2018 it was delibrated that one no. 100 MVA transformer which was earl ier planned for Kashme r e gate Sub - stn will now be placed at Okhla. Acoordingly scheme for one no. 100 MVA Tr. at Okhla will prepared. The scheme for one no. 100 MVA at P atparganj is under prepration. OCC advised that considering the continuous growth in de mand and in view of recent failure of transformers, the scheme for both 100 MVA Trs. for Okhla and Patparganj Sub - stn be finalized by the end of July 2018. 6 66/11kV 24 NIL Steering Committee in its meeting 20MVA held on 15.03.2017 has decided that in ca se of exigency, the Discoms may provide these transformer on returnable basis. As per the decision taken in the Steering Committee Meeting held on 30.10.17 the transformer augmentation has been planned as under: S Sub Details Augmen Year . Station of tation N existing Plan Tx. 1 Lodhi 2 no 2 no 2018 - 19 7 33/11kV 16 Road 33/11k 33/11kV 16MVA V 25MVA 20MVA Lodhi 2 no 2 no 2018 - 19 Page 3 of 17 Agenda for De lhi OCC meeting dt. - 24.05 .201 8 Road 33/11k 33/11kV V 25MVA 16MVA 2 Najafga 2 no 2 no 2019 - 20 rh 66/11k 66 /11kV V 31.5MV 20MVA A 3 Okhla 2 no 2 no 2019 - 20 66/11k 66/11kV V 31.5MV 20MVA A 4 Sarita 2 no 2 no 2019 - 20 Vihar 66/11k 66/11kV V 31.5MV 20MVA A 5 Pappan 2 no 2 no 2020 - 21 kalan - I 66/11k 66/11kV V 31.5MV 20MVA A 6 Mehrau 2 no 2 no 2021 - 22 li 66/11k 66/11kV V 31.5MV 20MVA A The scheme for replacement of 2 nos. 33/11kV,16MVA Tr. to 2 n os. 33/11kV,25MVA Tr. and 2 nos. 33/11kV,20MVA Tr. to 2 nos. 33/11kV,25MVA Tr. has been prepared and is under approval stage. Planning Department of DTL informed that they have already drawn a detailed plan of augmentation/replacem ent of Trs in Business Plan 2017 - 22 as under: Sr. No. Name of the Sub Qty. Year Scheme status as on date Station (No.) 1 Sarita Vihar 1 2018 - 19 Under tendering stage 2 Narela 1 2018 - 19 Under Approval 3 Najafgarh 2 2018 - 19 Under tendering stage 4 Okh la 1 2018 - 19 Under Approval 5 Mehrauli 1 2019 - 20 To be prepared 6 Patparganj 2 2019 - 20 To be prepared Total 8 OCC advised DTL to adhere the time lines of augmentation/replacement of Trs. as mentioned in Business Plan 2017 - 22. DTL Planning deptt. may update the latest status. 2 .2 Status of Supply of 3 nos. 100 MVA, 220/33kV BHEL make Transformers against MOU - II project . Three nos. 220/33kV, 100 MVA BHEL make Transformers are to be supplied against MOU - II project. Page 4 of 17 Agenda for De lhi OCC meeting dt. - 24.05 .201 8 It was apprised that Main tank/A ccessories except Tr. oil of 100 MVA Transformer has arrived at 220kV Naraina . Further, Tr. main tank has arrived at Preet Vihar and Lodhi Road. OCC advised to expedite for supply/erection of transformers at site. DTL to update the latest status. 2 .3 Sta t us of Procurement of O&M min. inventory/spares/services as well as equipments to be procured against PSDF schemes. 1. Representative of DTL C&MM deptt. informed that w.r.t procurement of hot reserve transformer, one such request has been received in the C&MM department on 21.12.2017 for transformer package including one no. hot reserve 160 MVA transformer for Kanjhawala. The order for 9 nos. Transformer is expected to be placed in the month of May 2018 and its procurement will be in the month of Oct/Nov 2018 (i.e after 06 month after date of order) 2. Representative of DTL C&MM deptt. further informed that PR w.r.t availability of minimum inventory in Material Management Department is pending with finance department.
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