(Pdf) (Link) Characteristics Photo 1 Spectrum Analyzer FSL6 Rohde &A

(Pdf) (Link) Characteristics Photo 1 Spectrum Analyzer FSL6 Rohde &A

EQUIPMENTS IN CCMSPS Manufactu Data sheet (pdf) Nr. Equipment Characteristics Photo rer (link) https://www.rohde- Spectrum schwarz.com/us/product/fsl- Rohde & 6GHz bandwith, Tracking Generator, LCD display, 1 Analyzer productstartpage_63493- Schwarz interfaces USB, Ethernet, GPIB. FSL6 8042.html 1GHz bandwith with Trachink generator, RS232 interfaces Spectrum Hameg http://www.farnell.com/datash + 2 Analyzer Instrument eets/318524.pdf HZ531 Sniffer probes kit: Electric field probe HM5014-2 s HZ530-E, Magnetic field probe HZ530-M, High impedance probe HZ530-H Oscilloscope Hameg http://www.farnell.com/datash 3 Hameg Instrument eets/56832.pdf 2 analogue channel, 35Mhz bandwith H303-6 s Function Hameg http://www.tme.eu/ro/Docume 10 MHz, sine, triangle, square waveform; sweep 4 Generator Instrument nt/ce7add5bb422cd8d7fdc121a function. HM8030-6 s c1e5d274/HM8030_6_D_E_F_S. 2 x 20V/0,5A adjustable, 1x 5V/1A, shortcircuit + Hameg pdf protection/current limiting/electronic fuse. Triple Power Instrument Supply s http://www.tme.eu/ro/Docume HM8040-3 nt/c5690750d59bcbd75c1825f2 06033a48/data_en_HM8030_6. pdf http://www.tme.eu/ro/Docume nt/3d153e56d7faf7c62268447a da4d4ff1/HM8040- 3_D_GB_F_E.pdf http://www.tme.eu/ro/Docume nt/87c762facbf8244b757460e0 802b6bc3/data_en_HM8040_3. pdf http://www.rigol- france.com/RIGOL/Serie- DG2000/ Function/Arb itrary http://www.batronix.com/shop 25 MHz, 100Ms/s, signal shape: sine, square, Waveform /waveform-generator/Rigol- ramp, arbitrary, noise; modulated signals AM, 5 Rigol generators DG2021A.html FM, FSK; Rigol Interfaces GPIB, USB, LAN DG2021A http://www.batronix.com/pdf/ oscilloscopes/Rigol/DG2000- Manual.pdf 25 MHz, 50Ms/s, Color LCD Display; Signal Arbitrary shape: sine, square, triangle, arbitrary; Waveform Tabor http://www.taborelec.com/ww 6 Modulated signals AM, FM, FSK; generators Electronics 5061 Interfaces: GPIB, LAN, USB; WW5061 http://www.meterdigital.com/p roduk/protek-df1731sl5a-dual- Dual DC output-power-supply-30v-5a Power Output Voltage [0, 35V]; Imax = 3A; Protectie 7 Protek Supply scurtcircuit http://www.mem- DF1731SL5A gmbh.de/Protek_DF1731SL3A_ 1731SL5A_1731SB3A.pdf http://literature.cdn.keysight.co Frequency m/litweb/pdf/5967- 1.5Ghz, 2 channels, 8 Counter Agilent 6039EN.pdf?id=1000071171:ep Interfaces: GPIB (IEEE 488.1, IEEE 488.2) 53181A sg:dow Portable, LCD display, autoscale, 100Hz, 120Hz, https://www.proditec.ch/prodit Digital RLC 1Khz, 10kHz frequency measuring; phase, quality 9 Escort ec/downloads/a_/en/ecELC132 Meter A-133A_en.pdf factor and loss factor measuring http://www.appatech.com/uplo ad/download/file113564970499 Digital 09.pdf Multimeter 10 http://www.arc.ro/userfiles/do Appa 305 cs/ecomm/Manual%20APPA%2 0301_303_305.pdf Digital http://www.tehranelectronics.c Multimeters om/PDF/multimeter/handheld/ 11 Protek Protek Protek%20506.PDF http://www.velleman.eu/produ Digital cts/view/?country=nl&lang=en Multimeter Digital 3 digit Ohmeter, AC/DC Votmeter, AC/DC &id=349121 12 Velleman http://www.velleman.eu/downl Ampermeter, Capacimeter, Temperature Meter DVM891 oads/1/dvm891gbnlfresd.pdf Test Generators http://wandel- Wandel & VMS-1 goltermann.industrialpartner.co 2048 Kbit/s, PCM 30, 13 Golterman For Digital m/products-v/vms-1.htm n Switching Systems Test Receiver http://wandel- VME-1 Wandel & goltermann.industrialpartner.co 2048 Kbit/s, PCM 30 14 For Digital Golterman m/products-v/vms-1.htm Switching n Systems PCM Digital Wandel & Signal 2048 Kbit/s, RZ, NRZ, AMI, 8 bits code word. Golterman Analyser n PDA-3 2048 Kbit/s, Maximum error count 99999, Digital Error Wandel & diferential/ non-diferential input , 120/ 75 15 Rate Metter Golterman ohms, 17/15 bit pattern, 0-64 zeros bit blanking, PFM-1 n line code selection (NRZ, RZ etc.) Input phase modulation signal frequency [10Hz- PCM Pattern Wandel & 200kHz], maximum transmission rate 3 Mb/s, 16 Generator Golterman binary codes NRZ, RZ, AMI (1/1), AMI (1/2), HDB- PFG-1 n 3. external clock input 2048 or 8448 kHz, frequency PCM Jitter Wandel & of signal for jitter control [0-400] kHz, jitter 16 Generator Golterman PJG-1 n amplitude control Analyzer for testing local access telephony lines WG ASA-200 Wandel & and subscriber loop , QoS evaluation on analyzer for 17 Golterman Wandel & Goltermann telephone subscriber loop (Network Termination Point), n lines Transmission, Signalling and Dialling testes. 20-1000 MHz, Radiofrequency receiver with IF Miniport Rohde & band 7,5-150 MHz, Signal level indicator, AM/FM 18 receiver EB Rohde Schwarz Schwarz 100 modulation. Telephone DECT System, space and time switching 19 switching LD Didactic Leybold Didactic technology, USB connection to PC system AT3000 - http://en.gratten.cn/Educationa Gunn Oscillator based system, Directional Waveguide l_Training_Kits/Waveguide_Trai Coupler & Horn Antenna, Frequency: 8GHz ~ 20 Gratten Experiment ning_Syste/38.html 12.4GHz (X-Band), Microwave output: 15mV System HE 100 20-200MHz, 200-500MHz, 500- 1000MHz directional Rohde & http://www.atecorp.com/produ 21 active Schwarz cts/rohde-schwarz/he-100.aspx measurement bandwitdth antennas antenna http://www.anadigm.com/_doc AN221E04 dpASP chip, 16-MHz oscillator, serial Anadigm /UM022100-K003.pdf delelopment RS232 interface, 5V power supply. 22 Anadigm http://www.anadigm.com/vort board ex-devkit.asp AN221E04 ZigBee http://media.digikey.com/pdf/D Developmen ata%20Sheets/Jennic%20PDFs/J 23 t Board Jennic N5139-EK010-Getting-Started- JN5139- 1v2.pdf EK010 http://www.telegesis.com/dow 1 x ETRX2DV Development Board nload/document- 1 x ETRX2HW Module with a fitted Harwin centre/user_guides_and_produ 1 x ETRX2MCB Carrier Boards fitted with ETRX2 Telegesis ct_manuals/TG-ETRX2DVK-PM- modules ETRX2DVKA 005-303.pdf 1 x ETRX2-PA MCB with ETRX2-PA Module 24 Plus ZigBee Telegesis 1 x AA Battery Holders with leads Delevopmen http://www.iec.dk/UserFiles/Te 1 x ETRX2USB USB stick t Kit legesis%20ETRX2%20Range.pdf 1 x ETRX2HRHW-PA Module with Hirose connector for external antenna and Harwin 1 x ½ Wave antenna http://www.telit.com/fileadmin /user_upload/products/Downlo ads/2G/Telit_EvaluationKit_EVK 2_Datasheet.pdf Evaluation Board EVK2, GM862 GPRS - Cellular Quad Band http://www.telit.com/fileadmin 850/900/1800/1900 Mhz, GPRS Class 10, GSM/GPRS/ /user_upload/products/Downlo GM862-GPS - Cellular Quad Band Module with GPS ads/2G/Telit_EVK2_User_Guide GPS, 25 Telit Evaluation _r19.pdf GSM antenna, Board EVK2 GPS antenna https://www.telematica.uk.com /product/TLT- 0001/Telit/GM862-GPS/Telit- GSM---GPS-(-GM862-GPS- module-) PABX configurable switching module, 248 ports 26 TOPEX 3a http://www.topex.ro/ capacity, 8 trunks and 40 extensions. PBX IPS Telephone system, 4 trunks, 16 http://www.bbsgroup.com.sg/i Telephone mages/pdf/manual/ipsuserguid extensions, Serial programming interface. System BBS e_jun06.pdf 27 Galaxy BBS Telecom http://www.bbs.com.sg/pabx.ht Telecom IPS ml 416 http://www.uic.edu/depts/accc /voip/Cisco-7960-guide.pdf http://web.mst.edu/~mhays/pr ofessional/CCM4- IP Phone LCD, QuickStartGuide-7940&60.pdf Cisco IP SIP protocol 28 Cisco Phone 7960 http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/ 48V DC Supply products/collateral/collaboratio n-endpoints/unified-ip-phone- 7940g/product_data_sheet0918 6a008008884a.html http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/ support/docs/collaboration- endpoints/unified-ip-phone- 7900-series/5455-handset-to- sip.html Linksys https://www.inphonex.com/sup PAP2-NA VoIP internet phone adapter 29 Cisco port/linksys-pap2- Phone configuration.php Adapter Multifunctional I/O DAQ module, http://www.ni.com/pdf/manual - USB interface NI- National s/371022k.pdf - 16 analog inputs, 16bit resolution, 1.25Ms/s 30 USB6251M Instrument http://www.ni.com/pdf/manual - 2 analog outputs, 16 bit, resolution, 2.8Ms/s DAQ Module s s/371291g.pdf - 24 Digital I/O - 2 Counter/timer Multifunctional I/O DAQ module, http://www.ni.com/datasheet/ - USB interface National pdf/en/ds-9 NI-USB6212 - 16 analog inputs, 16bit resolution, 400Ks/s 31 Instrument http://www.ni.com/pdf/manual DAQ Module - 2 analog outputs, 16 bit, s s/371931f.pdf - 32 Digital I/O - 2 Counter/timer, 32 bit http://www.ni.com/pdf/manual Multifunctional I/O DAQ module, s/371303n.pdf - USB interface National NI-USB6009 http://home.hit.no/~finnh/vide - 8 analog inputs, 14bit resolution, 10Ks/s 32 Instrument DAQ Module os/topics/labview_analog_io/37 - 2 analog outputs, 12 bit, s 1303.pdf - 12 Digital I/O - 1 Counter/timer, 32 bit DAQ modules http://www.icpdas.com/root/pr RS485 communication interface I-7000 Series oduct/solutions/remote_io/rs- Optical isolation Remote 485/i-7000_m-7000/i-7017.html Acquisition I-7107: 8 channel differential analog inputs, 16 Modules (I- http://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/8 bit resolution 33 7017, I-7012) 000cd/napdos/7000/manual/70 + 17-18-19_english.pdf I-7112: 1 channel differential analog inputs, 16 I-7520 Bus bit resolution, 1 DI, 2 DO Convertor http://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/8 RS232/RS485 000cd/napdos/7000/manual/75 I-7520 Bus Convertor RS232/RS485, Variable 20.pdf baudrate: 300-115Kbaud/s, optical isolation http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/vie Multifunctional I/O DAQ module, w/p/lang/en/nid/14132 - PCI interface National DAQ Card NI- - 16 analog inputs, 16bit resolution, 250Ks/s 34 Instrument PCI 6221 http://www.ni.com/datasheet/ - 2 analog outputs, 16 bit, s pdf/en/ds-15 - 24 Digital I/O - 2 Counter/timer, 32 bit PXI reconfigurable I/O DAQ - 8 analog inputs, independent sampling rates up to 200 kHz, 16-bit resolution, ±10 V http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/vie - 8 analog outputs, independent update rates Reconfigurab National w/p/lang/en/nid/202009 up to 1 MHz, 16-bit resolution, ±10 V 35 le I/O DAQ Instrument - 96 digital lines configurable as inputs, PXI - 7833R s http://www.ni.com/pdf/manual outputs, counters, or custom logic at rates up s/370489d.pdf to 40 MHz - Virtex-II 3M gate FPGA programmable with the LabVIEW FPGA Module DAQ NI PCI- DAQ for image acquisition, moncochrome and National http://www.ni.com/pdf/manual color (PAL, NTSC), Labview compatible, PCI 36 1405 Instrument s/373687b.pdf s interface SC.

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