REBIRTH OF RAM SPORTS REVIEW OF THE YEAR COMMENTED ON BY VIC STEPHENS BY CHEZEK ON PAGE 2 NEW YORK, N. Y., MAY 7, 1948 Seniors and Frosh to Answer GYM TO ECHO TO MUSIC OF BAND New College Questionnaires AND THE SERE NADERS' TONIGHT Students to Voice Opinions on Vital Questions Acrobat Jack Hoist, 'Shaving Muggs' Songsters In First Poll Conducted in Jesuit Colleges Show of Strength To Perform for Dancers During Intermission Questionnaires will be distributed By ROTC Cadets The trumpets and trombones of the University Band will resound in lo the senior and freshman classes the gym tonight under Captain Hopf's swinging baton at the annual Band Monday morning asking them to Concert. Dancing will follow to the music of the Serenaders dance band, voice their opinions on some of the For MayJ9 and several special acts, including an acrobatic exhibition by Olmpic prize "important questions affecting oper- winner Jack Hoist, will complete the evening's entertainment. ation of the university." Invite All to Witness Among the pieces to be played by Divided into seven sections, the the bandsmen are the "Pilgrim's form given to seniors will contain "Demonstration Day" Chorus" from Wagner's opera "Tann- questions on the faculty, the courses, Parade, Awards Frosh Parents' Day hauser," the overture from the physical facilities, athletics, job 'Chocolate Soldier," and selections training and placement, and extra- The Fordham University ROTC Set for May 23 from "Blossom Time." The newly curricular activities, among others. will present its annual Demonstra- organized bugle corps for the first As far as is known an experiment tion Day on May 19 at Edwards Pa- Class of '51 to Present time in the history of the concerts of this nature lias never been at- rade, it was announced by Maj. T. C. will take an active part, rendering, tempted at a Jesuit university. Bunker, the public relations officer. Sacred Heart Altar among other marching melodies, The seniors will be asked to an-| The affair, consisting of a review As Gift to College "The Glory of the Trumpets" and swer 47 questions and the freshmen and parade, will last about two "Semper Fidelis." 14, and the results of the poll will hours. The exact starting time has Sunday afternoon, May 23, has The difficulties of putting on this be discussed with the Student Coun- not yet been decided, but it is ex- been set as the time for the reap- concert were voiced by Captain cil later in the month. pected to be about 1:00 p.m. The pearance . of Parent's Day, a tradi- Ernest Hopf, the director of the In a statement which will accom- student body, faculty, and visitors, tional Fordham activity which was band. "Since this is the first concert pany the questionnaires, Father are invited. absent from the campus last year. in six years," said the captain, "and Gannon states that "This is not a In addition to the review and pa- The Rev. Thomas C. Hughes, S.J., since the band is newly organized, 'public opinion poll' in the usual rade, there will be a demonstration Dean of Freshmen, has announced it is perhaps the most difficult con- sense. The title, 'What I Would Do by the Pershing Rifles. The Pershing that plans have been completed to cert we ever attempted to put on." Following the playing of the "Star for Fordham,' is significant. It is a FATHER GANNON Rifles is a new national society of receive about 500 parents and serious attempt to give you^, who are basic students, chartered here on friends of the class of '51. Spangled Banner" at the end of the May 6. The student commander of The parents will be received by concert, the Rev. Harold Mulqueen, our future alumni, a sense of part- S.J., the band's moderator, plans to nership iu building an jivui better the Pershing Rifles is Francis J. the Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S..T., and Cunnion, '50. The Freshman Drill the Freshman Faculty in Duane. Li- clear the floor for dancing by re- Fordham by outlining for you some Squad, under Philip Hoblon, '51, questing each spectator to take the of the practical problems that con- Banquet to Start brary at 3 o'clock. A tour of the will also parade separately. The East Campus at 3.30 will follow seat he was occupying and place it front the University, and seeking Fordham University Band will play and refreshments will be served in on the side. Within fifteen minutes your help in working out their so- Senior Week Fun for the marchers. after the concert's end, Father Mul- lution. The William Randolph Hearst queen. expects the Serenaders to "I have asked the seniors to co- Trophy will be presented to the start playing. During the intermis- operate with me in this survey be- Senior Ball in the Astor Fordham University ROTC Rifle sions Bob Billmeyer, '49, the Mas- cause they have been here long Team, for placing third in the First ter of Ceremonies, will introduce enough to form some definite over- Will Climax Activities Army Area Match, The team will the special performers. all opinions. And because we are also receive the award for second Featured among these intermis- also interested in what kind of an place in the First Army Intercol- sion acts will be the professional impression Fordham makes on the The Class Banquet on Monday, legiate Matches, and medals for in- June 7, will launch the activities of acrobatic team of Jack Hoist and new student, I am inviting the fresh- dividual members. Milady. Mr. Hoist has twice won the men to give me their reactions in a Senior Week and the Senior Ball on The following awards will be pre- prize for performances on the dou- special list of questions. the following Friday evening will sented to outstanding members of ble horizontal bars at the Olympic "The Student Council has been climax the week's events. the various Military Science Classes: Games and will go to London in July a wrist watch presented by the Mil- as a judge of the gymnastic contests very helpful in suggesting the types The Marbje Room of Keating Hall itary Order of Foreign Wars of the of questions that would be interest- in the coming Games. He has also will be the site of the banquet, U.S., N. Y. Commandery; the Gun worked as a stunt man for Johnny ing to students as well as of con- Hill Post, No. 271, of the Veterans structive help to the University au- which will begin at 7.00 p.m. Tickets Weissmuller in the "Tarzan" pic- are priced at $4. On the following of Foreign Wars, will also present thorities. When the returns have a watch; medals awarded by the Re- tures. Included in his twenty-minute been tabulated, I plan to discuss evening, June 8, graduation exer- serve Officers Association, Bronx (Continued on page 5) them with the Council members, so cises will be conducted in the gym, Chapter, by the R.O.A., Queens FATHER HUGHES that, through them, you may all ob- commencing at 8.00 p.m. The Rev. Chapter; by the R.O.A., 160th Group tain a better insight into the Uni- Robert I. Gannon, S.J., president of of Queens, and by the Coast Artil- Keating Hall at 4.00. They will then versity's, long-range plans as well as lery Corps Association. proceed to the gymnasium where Socialists to Hold its immediate difficulties. (Continued on page 8) Keith Sattler, freshman vice presi- dent, will deliver an address of wel- "For the responsibility of building come to be followed by the Prize Talk on Marriage a greater Fordham is one in which Council Committee Presents Debate and Solemn Benediction. both students and alumni share. It The Rev. Theodore Farley, S.J., Dance To Be Featured is my hope that in your later years Freshman Councillor, will celebrate this experience may give you a more Draft of New Constitution the Benediction, and the Rev. F. P. After Symposium intimate understanding of our com- Rowley, S.J., Dean of Discipline, and mon problems and objectives." the Rev. John J. O'Connor, S.J., At a meeting last Monday eve- Charles Burger, '49, chairman of In a move to establish an annual In conformity with Father Gan- the Athletic Committee, reported freshman religion teacher, will act non's request The RAM is printing ning of the Student Council, the as deacon and sub-deacon respec- affair, the Junior and Senior Sodali- group considered the adoption of a that the projected softball league (Continued on page 3) that was to have been composed of tively. The Glee Club under the di- ties will offer a Symposium on Fam- new constitution, and student aid in rection of Mr. Joslyn will conduct building a new football stadium on teams from all the classes in the col- ily Life next Friday evening, May was not practicable at this the Benediction music. campus, as well as plans for a giant lege, After Benediction, the ROTC col- 14, the Rev. Philip Hurley, S.J., softball tournament of all the classes (Continued on page 8) moderator of the Senior Sodality, Sophomores Take and sections in the College. (Continued on page 5) has announced. Four speakers are Presiding at the meeting was '48 Prize Debate Council President Martin Devine. scheduled to treat different aspects The draft of the new constitution Scholar Discusses Loew's Paradise To Hold' of family life, after which a dance George Fisher, '50, and Joseph was the main talking point of the Ram, NYU Quiz Tonight will be held in the Marble Room Maloney, '50, of the affirmative, evening's proceed- Greek Philosophy in Keating Hall.
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