Chronological Table PART I CHINA BEFORE I OCTOBER 1949 II 22? - 22 1 B.C. Chou dynasty 221-207 B.C. Ch'in dynasty 206 B.C. - A.D. 220 Western and Eastern Han dynasty 618-906 T'ang dynasty 960- 12 79 Sung dynasty 1260-1368 Yuan (Mongol) dynasty 1368- 1644 Ming dynasty 1644- 19 II Ch'ing dynasty 1850-66 Taiping Rebellion 19 11 The Wu-ch'ang Rising 19 12 Republic of China proclaimed with Sun Yat­ sen as provisional President, with its capital at Nanking 1912- 16 Yuan Shih-k'ai President, capital at Peking 19 15 Twenty-One Demands by Japan 19 17 Military government organised in Canton 1919 May May Fourth Movement 1921 July First Congress of the C.C.P., Shanghai; Sun Vat-sen President in Canton 1922 May -July Second Party Congress, Canton 1923 June Third Party Congress, Canton; Sun Vat-sen as generalissimo 1924 January First Congress of the Reorganised K.M.T., Canton 1925 January Fourth C.C.P. Congress, Canton March Death of Sun Vat-sen in Peking May May Thirtieth Movement begins in Shanghai July Nationalist Government established, Canton CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE 145 1926 January Second K.M.T. Congress, Canton July The Northern Expedition begins under Chiang Kai-shek November The Nationalist Government moves to Wuhan 1927 April Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the C.C.P., Shanghai; Fifth C.C.P., Congress, Wuhan August N anchang Uprising, the birth of the Red Army; Mao Tse-tung's Autumn Harvest In­ surrection, Hunan 1928 January National Government formally proclaimed in Nanking April Chu Teh joins Mao Tse-tung at Ching­ kangshan July-­ Sixth C.C.P. Congress, Moscow September 1929 August Mao Tse-tung well established in Kiangsi 1930 June Wang Ming and the 'Bolsheviks' return to China October The Kiangsi Provincial Soviet Government established December The First K.M.T. offensive against Kiangsi (First Encirclement) 1931 January The 'Wang Ming line' introduced at Fourth Plenum of Sixth Central Committee September Japan invades Manchuria after the Mukden Incident December Mao Tse-tung becomes Chairman of National Soviet Government at J uichin 1932 April The Soviet Government declares war onJapan 1933 January C.C.P. headquarters moves to Juichin October The Fifth Encirclement campaign begins 1934 October The Long March begins (arrives in Shensi in October 1935) 1935 January Tsunyi Conference, Mao Tse-tung elected Chairman of the Politburo August The C.C.P. proclaims its United Front Policy against Japan 1936 December The Sian Mutiny, Chiang Kai-shek captured and released 1937 July The Sino-Japanese War begins 146 CHINA AND THE WORLD SINCE 1949 November The National Government decides to move to Chungking 1939 April-June K.M.T. and C.C.P. troops clash 1940 October More clashes between K.M.T. and C.C.P. troops 1941 April The Rectification Campaign begins in Yenan December The Pacific War breaks out 1945 May Seventh C.C.P. Congress, Yenan August End of Sino-Japanese War November General Marshall appointed Special Envoy to China 1946 July The K.M.T.-C.C.P. Civil War begins 1948 August North China People's Government established 1949 January The P.L.A. enters Peking April The P.L.A. enters Nanking August Manchuria People's Government established September People's Political Consultative Conference meets in Peking, adopts the Organic Law of the Central People's Government PART II THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA SINCE 1949 1949 October Proclamation by Mao Tse-tung of the foun­ dation of the P.R.C.; U.S.S.R. recognises the P.R.C. (followed by Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Mon­ golia, East Germany, North Korea, Yugo­ slavia; Albania in November) November K.M.T. National Government established in Taiwan December Burma and India recognise the P.R.C.; Mao Tse-tung visits the U.S.S.R. 1950 January Recognition by Pakistan, Great Britain, Ceylon, Norway, Denmark, Israel, Finland, Afghanistan, Sweden, Switzerland; also the P.R.C. recognises Ho Chi Minh's govern­ ment. February Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship signed in Moscow March Recognition by the Netherlands CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE 147 April Marriage Law promulgated Recognition by Indonesia June Agrarian Reform Law promulgated; beginning of Korean War October P.L.A. ordered to liberate Tibet; Chinese vol­ unteers enter the Korean War November Wu Hsiu-ch'uan arrives at U.N. for Security Council debate 1951 July-August Korean armistice talks at Kaesong August 'Three-Anti' campaign begins in the North­ east Region: against corruption, waste and bureaucracy among government employees September Japan Peace Treaty signed in San Francisco; the Treaty is denounced by U.S.S.R. and China October Korean cease-fire negotiations begin again at Panmunjon 1952 February 'Five-Anti' campaign launched: against brib­ ery, theft of State property, tax evasion, theft of State economic secrets and embezzlement August Chou En-Iai in Moscow for further Sino-Soviet agreements October Liu Shao-ch'i to Moscow (stays three months); Land Reform completed November State Planning Commission established, headed by Kao Kang December First Five-Year Plan (1953-7) announced 1953 February C.C.P. decides to implement Mutual Aid as the first step towards collectivisation March Death ofStalin: Chou En-lai leads delegation to funeral July Korean armistice agreement signed December C.C.P. decides to develop Agricultural Pro­ ducers' Co-operatives; elections to the Nati­ onal People's Congress largely completed; first indication of a major power struggle in the C.C.P. (involving Kao Kang, Jao Shu­ shih and others) 1954 February Fourth Plenum of the Seventh Central Com­ mittee 148 CHINA AND THE WORLD SINCE 1949 April Geneva Conference, attended by Chou En-lai May Fall of Dienbienphu June Sino-American bilateral talks begin in Geneva; Chou En-lai visits India, Burma and meets Ho Chi Minh at the Sino-Vietnamese border July Geneva agreement on Indo-China; Chou En­ lai to E. Germany, Poland, U.S.S.R. and Mongolia August Chou's foreign policy report stresses the lib­ eration of Taiwan September Offshore Chin-men (Quemoy) Island shelled by P.L.A. artillery; SEATO Treaty signed in Manila; First Session of the First National People's Congress in Peking; Khrushchev, Bulganin and others arrive in Peking for National Day October Series of New Sino-Soviet agreements signed; Prime Minister Nehru of India visits China December Prime Minister U Nu of Burma visits China; U.S. - Taiwan Mutual Defence Treaty sig­ ned 1955 January Diplomatic relations established with Yugo­ slavia and Afghanistan (recognition in 1950) March Expulsion of Kao Kang and J ao Shu-shih announced April Bandung Conference of Asian and African States; P.R.C. treaty with Indonesia on the position of the Chinese in Indonesia May Prime Minister Ali Sastromidjojo of Indonesia visits China July Mao Tse-tung's report on agricultural co­ operativisation to party secretaries in Peking August Diplomatic relations with Nepal October Sixth Plenum and 'the high tide of socialisation in rural areas' (to April 1956) 1956 February Twentieth Party Congress of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. April Mao Tse-tung speaks on 'The Ten Great Relationships' CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE 149 May Diplomatic relations with Egypt; 'Hundred Flowers Policy' announced July - August Diplomatic relations with Syria and Yemen September Eighth National Congress of the C.C.P. (the Seventh was held 1945); First Plenum, Pek­ ing; President Sukarno of Indonesia visits China October P.R.C. supports U.S.S.R. in protest to Britain and France over Suez; also supports Soviet policy in Hungary November-­ Chou En-lai visits N. Vietnam, Cambodia, December India, Burma, Pakistan; Second Plenum, Peking 1957 January Chou En-lai visits the U.S.S.R., Poland, Hun­ gary, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Ceylon (returns to Peking in early February) February Mao Tse-tung's speech 'On the Correct Handl­ ing of Contradictions Among the People' April Rectification Campaign begins against bureaucracy, sectarianism and subjectivism; President Voroshilov of the U.S.S.R. visits China May Three weeks of free expression by intellectuals June Anti-rightist campaigns begin July President Ho Chi Minh ofVietnam visits China September Third Plenum, Peking: First Five-Year Plan fulfilled October Sputnik launched; Sino-Soviet nuclear sharing agreement November Mao Tse-tung visits Moscow 1958 January­ Conferences at Hangchow, Nanning (J anuary) March and Chengtu (March): Mao Tse-tung pre­ pares for the Great Leap Forward April First Commune in Honan formed May Fourth Plenum, Peking; Second session of the Eighth Party Congress and Fifth Plenum, Peking; the Strategy of the Great Leap Forward. The new party organ Hung-ch'i (Red Flag) introduced. July Khrushchev in Peking 150 CHINA AND THE WORLD SINCE 1949 Diplomatic relations with Cambodia August Enlarged Politburo meeting off Peitaiho; bom­ bardment of Chin-men (Quemoy) Diplomatic relations with Iraq September P.R.C. recognises 'Provisional' government of Algeria Diplomatic relations with Morocco November Sixth Plenum, Wuchang, following the Cheng­ chow and Wuchang Conferences. National Conference on Overseas Chinese Af­ fairs, Canton December Mao Tse-tung resigns. as Chairman of the P.R.C. Diplomatic relations with Sudan 1959 January Chou En-lai at Twenty-first Congress of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. March Tibetan revolt April Seventh Plenum, Shanghai; Second National People's Congress elects Liu Shao-ch'i as Chairman of the People's Republic July Lushan Politburo conference-P'eng Teh­ huai's criticisms August Eighth Plenum, Lushan-fall of P'eng Teh­ huai and his 'anti-party' clique September Chou En-Iai and Nehru letters on Sino-Indian borders published. Khrushchev meets Pre­ sident Eisenhower at Camp David.
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