CROYDON TRANSIT REVITALIZATION INVESTMENT DISTRICT Bristol Township, Bucks County PA A Plan for 2010 & Beyond PENN ONI MSOCIATES INC. 2501 BATH ROAD 1 BRISTOL, PA 19007 1 PHONE: 215·785·0500 JUNE 18, 2009 P ~IIINONJ ASSO CIATES IN C. C:ONS ULTt,.,. Iif'lGI""!! I!~ s BRIS0901 June 12, 2009 BRISTOL TOWNSHIP COUNCil Bristol Township Administration Building 2500 Bath Road Bristol, PA 19007 Re: Croydon Transit Revitalization Investment District (TRIO) - Final Planning Study "A Plan for 2010 and Beyond" Attn: Jeffrey Bartlett, Township Managing Director It is with great pleasure that we submit this document for Council's approval and acceptance before forwarding onto the PA Department of Community and Economic Development as satisfaction of the TRID/LUPTAP Grant for this phase of development of the TRID program and Transit-Oriented Development to revitalization the Croydon Section of Bristol Township, in an area in proximity to the SEPTA Croydon Station and its new construction. We believe that it satisfies the Grant conditions; containing: the Market Analysis, Value Capture, establishment of a viable TRID Boundary, and the Draft Agreement to effect the TRIO area and program. In addition, it is in conformance with the original Requ est for Proposals, and has been reviewed by the Key Stakeholders working group, and other key agencies having a say on TRID, including SEPTA, the Bucks TMA, the BCRDA, Bucks County, DVRPC, area legislators, and members of the public through their input at various stages. We (Pennoni Asso ciates Inc., and Economic Development Associates) look forward to an opportunity to assist in subsequent phases of implementation of this cha llenging and worthy undertaking for the citizens/residents of Croydon and the Township in a program that ca n induce additional mass transit SEPTA ridership, and tax revenues from future development and red evelopment as revitalization occurs over time. Very truly yours, j :'rcl~ A, ASLA Joseph Luste, P.P., Ph .D. Project Project Planner cc: Bucks County Commissione(s & Planning Com miss ion SEPTA/Amtrak Bristol Township SC hool District Redevelopment Authority of Bucks County Bucks Co unty Tra nsportation Manageme nt Association Delaware Valley Regional Planning COrTImlss lon Area legislators OneDrexel!,laza • JOOI Mdrkellt,eel • r~" l a(Jelpllla . PA 19104 ·1897 - re i 2 15 . 222- 3000 • Fa,"5. 222 · 35a8 www.pennOfli corn 2501 BATH ROAD I BRISTOL. PA 19007 1 PHONE: 215-785-0500 JUNE 18, 2009 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Croydon TRID Study and Report was made possible by d grant from the Pen nsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, Go verno r's Center for local Government Se rvices via the LUPTAP Progrom for such studies., and by match ing funding f rom Bristol Township, Bu cks County, PA. This Repo rt has been prepared by the Consultant Team of Pennonl Associates In c" and Economic Development Associates, as a sub­ consultant responsible for Market and Va lue Capture Analysis, primarily. It also Is based In port on the Draf t Future Vision Plan, KEY STAKEHOLDERS The following agencies and organizations have greatly cantrlbuted either solely ar as part af the key stakeholders committee, and as represented: Bristol Township: Delaware Vallev Regional Planning Commission Tina DavIs, Council RIchard Bickel, Director, Planning Division Undo Torllnf, Cou ncil Joseph Ho cker Rick Pluto, Council Kelly Rossite r John Monahan, Council Don Mobley, Council Department of Community and Economic Development jeffrey Barlett, Managing Director Ronald Bednar, Community Planning Glenn M, Kucher, Director 0/ Building, Toni Crawford-Major Planning and Zoning, Project Point~ of· Contact St. Thomas Aquinas Church Bucks County, PA Father Larry Crehan Sandra Miller, County Commissioners Richard G. Brohler, Jr. Senior Tronsportatlon Planner, Croydon TRIO Community Task Force Planning Commission Rfchard Heierling Matt Walters, Planning Commission Steve Rubin Mark Slakoper Bucks County TMA William Rickett, Executive Director Jacobs · Edwa rd & Kelcey EngIneers Steve No ll, Assistant Director Ja y Roth Cindy Peta, AdminIstrative Assistant Congressman Patrick Murphy's Office Redevelopment Authority of Bucks County Phil Lorenzon Robert White, Executive Director Jeffrey Darwek, Assistant Director State Senator Robert Tomlin son's Office AI Sutter Southeast Pennsylliania Tronsit AuthorIty (SEP TA ) Byron Com an Director of Strategic Planning and AnalYSis State Representative Anthony Mer/lo's Office Finance and Planning Bryan Allen Alex Flemmirlg, Senior Long Range Planner EconomlJ!ll£evelopment Eva n Stone, RLA, AS LA, Project Manager ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOC, PENNONI ... SSOCIATES INC . Joseph Luste, P.P., Ph.D ., Project Plan ner Phillip Rowan, Principa l CON$ULTlN~ fNCl INEf!I?S CROYDON TRANSIT REVITALIZATION INVESTMENT DISTRICT (TRID) Bristol Township, Bucks County, PA A PLAN FOR 2010 & BEYOND TABLE OF CONTENTS CROYDON TRANSIT REVITALIZATION INVESTMENT DISTRICT (TRIO) Bristol Township, Bucks County, PA A PLAN FOR 2010 & BEYOND June 18, 2009 Table of Contents Pages • Executive Summary 4-9 o Background o Partnerships o Project Description/Approach o TR IO Boundary Establishment o Deve lopment/redeve lopment Phases o Market Analysis o Economic Development Im pact & Value Capture Ana lys is o Financia l Ana lysis and Expenditure Plan o Infrastructure Analysis o Environmental Assessment o Transportation Analysis o Community Outreach o Consiste ncy with PA Ke ystone Prin ciples o School-age children ge neration of Transit-Oriented Development o Draft Agreement between SEPTA, Bristol Township, and School District o Future Directions, recommendations, impleme ntation strategies o Next Ste ps for Implementation o Summary • Chapter One - Market Analysis 10-11 o Boundaries of the proposed TRIO area, with all transit facilities within the boundaries o Map and description of existing land uses, property ava ilability, and current rea l estate conditions o Map and description of future land uses most li kely to succeed, by phases o Recommended mix of commercial, reside ntial and reta il o Opportunities for private secto r development o Revi sions to zon ing, 2008 Comprehensive Plan recommendations, land uses o Findings and next steps • Chapter Two- Economic Development & Value Capture Analysis 12-13.1 o Val ue Capture resources within the TRIO boundary o Fu nding sources for faci lities, services and development o Potentia l incremental tax revenue ga ins with a com prehensive analysis ofvarious real estate mix alte rn atives, by phases 1 o Fiscal effects on the Township tax base o Forecast job creation and income o Value of future development • Chapter Three - Financial Analysis and Expenditure Plan 14-17 o Shares of anticipated revenue o TR IO Management Entity (TME) program components o Fund ing elements, Marketing, Maintenance " Facades and Streetscapes, Utilities o Acquisition • Chapter Four - Environmental Assessment 18-19 o Current environment conditions o Environment concerns and potential capita l improvement needs o Publ ic infrastructure upgrades (sanitary and storm sewer, water, etc.) o Historic resources and eligibility for tax credits • Chapter Five - Transportation Analysis and Land Use Evaluation 20-22 o Impact of SEPTA rai l station improvements o Impact of suggested traffic/pedestrian improvements from the U.S. Route 13 Revita lization Plan of April, 2004. addressing vehicular and pedestrian safety o Walking and bicycle access o Future leve ls of transit service o Viability of current links of mu ltiple transit modes and ways to strengthen them o Ability of the transportation system to support anticipated land use development o Types of deve lopment that wi ll support the proposed transit system o Needed public infrastructure upgrades to support transit o Up-dated existing traffic and parking studies • Chapter Six - Community Outreach 23 o Stakeholder meetings o Community outreach sessions, resu lts o Community outreach surveys, resu lts • Chapter Seven - Consistency with PA's Keystone Principles 24-26 • Chapter Eight - Draft Agreement between SEPTA, 27-30.2 Bristol Township and School District • Chapter Nine - Future Directions 31-35 o Recommendations o Implementation strategies o Schedules and sequencing by phases 2 CROYDON TRANSIT REVITALIZATION INVESTMENT DISTRICT (TRIO) Bristol Township, Bucks County, PA A PLAN FOR 2010 & BEYOND APPENDIX Pages A. 2008 Comprehensive Plan 2-13 • Transportation Chapter • Future Land Uses Chapter • Economic Development Chapter B. Resident/Public Input Survey Summary 3 pgs. C. Economic Development & Value Capture Analysis 15+ • Research reports, charts, figures, tables and references 42 pgs. D. Previous Project-Related Reports 16-38+ • Landscapes/streetscapes • Recreation, historic, cultural • Utilities and storm water • Brownfields and hazardous waste sites • Zoning districts, uses • Traffic, transportation • Environmental Eval uation E. Pennsylvania Keystone Principles 39-42 F. Draft Future Vision plan Components 7 pgs. 3 CROYDON TRANSIT REVITALIZATION INVESTMENT DISTRICT (TRIO) Bristol Township, Bucks County, PA A PLAN FOR 2010 & BEYOND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREFACE - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background: Bristol Township, Bucks Co unty, has been awarded a PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Land Use Planning Technical Assistance Program Grant (LUPTAP) to stu dy the prospect of a Tra nsporta tion Revita lization Investment District [TRIO) In the neighborhood known as Croydon, along the SEPTA R7/AMTRAK Northeast Corridor rail line. The
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