

1-,,==--- - .. I,K~ngGames results] INVITATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS 100m<!fe<s- 1. James Sanford. SOulf1- Boys em Col. 10.32. 2, Jeff PhillIps. Tennessee. Teoms- Berkeley M), Johnson (Sccro~ 10.46.3.James Gilkes. John Carlos Track menlo) 34.Del Mar 26.Mission (Son Fran· Club. 10.50.4. Steve Williams. Athletic dsco) 72. Menlo·Atherton 21. South Son Attic. 10.52. Francisco 18. Gollleo {5an Francisco) 17. Women's 10i) - ,. Andrea Lynch Castro Volley and St. Mary's (Berkeley) SOunders. Northridge St.• 11.57stadium 16. record. 2. Jackie Pussey. Muhammad All 440 relay - 1. Berkeley 41.5, 2. South TC. Boy••.• Arizona St.• 11.87. San Francisco 42.3, 3. Skyline. Oakland 4. Frieda Cobbs. Berkeley TC. 12.10. 42.5. Womefl'S discus - 1. Meg Ritchie. Ar1· 100 meters - 1. Carl Montg'Omery ~Wlin~~O~~~.,5:~d~~'3:R?oc~{a4m~n~XS'U~ ~~~u~~~~~:r~~'fi~l; J ~~; i~:3n~y~'g~ 183-1. 4. Helene Connell. unot .• 181·1. (Norte Del RID. Sacramento) 11.7. 13.W~~L~I:~eB~b~.O~~fgr:-'l~~;}.IJ,U~~dCh~~lf)4: ~9.ji~~OL~~~:sc:~r;~~t,(~~~~~, Milburn.Shine. Army.Houston13.95.Striders. 13.89. 4. Mike Valley)toln View)4:21.8;4:21.8;3. Marlo4. SpringerSteve Samarlo(MOun· 400hurdles - 1. Andre Phillips. UCLA. (Leigh) 4:24.3. :~15!f~~V;;.~:Wo;;~tat;mK;.nSta':il d~~I)'~: li4~·2.JJ~s:~dr~r:netM{I~~?O~~~ Stripes. 49.9. 4. Mike Shine. Army. 50.3. Jose) 9:15.4; 3. Greg Long (Calaveras. 200- 1. James Gilkes. Carlos Te. 20.3 SOnAndreas) 9:19.5. ~~.I~~c70C~~.Jd;g~~;'1:~~P'F~~~tSd~~~e~t6')~3~9~'2~dD~~eJlaOr~n5~~: 21.~Striders. 20.9.1. Gordon Bonks. Stanto·rd. Mary's.lIamsan (Skyline.6erkeley) Oakland)14.1,; 3.14.29.Frank JJII. sta~~~~- ~c:rd: ~I~~~~n u~~~;~~r(lla~II:~:.lfl3-:-J~h~;~~e~~l,~~.'1.9; 2.Oak· Wes! Valley TC. 4:02.0. 3. Dan Alrldge. Sha! put - 1. Tim Sutro (Del Mar) 58- Sub-FourNW,4:03.2. TC, 4:02.4. 4. Dan Winger.' Club 3:;-4''4;.•; 2.J.. BeauScott NobbkoRcotf Rohovlt(Stagg. {WashingStoc'donl51-on. ~~Wg,~ukrrrfso~.'f-:'f'Bk~r:, ~~I~~~'P~W~: fA~Wr1~J5-4V2;4. ROdney Robinson m,fphla Pioneers. 7·2.3. Joe Radon. SOc- Discus - I. Br1JCeOWen (Sliver C""'k) rarnento St.. 7-2.4. Reynoldo Brown. SC 159·3; 2. Scott Rohovlt (WashIngton. Fre-· I~~tl?~~:-gmwansa. USe. 1:47.9.2. rant) 158-3,3. Jay Morler (De' Mar) 156- OUver Alves. Fairleigh Dlddnson. 1:48.7. High lump - 1. Ivan Morris <Johnson. 3. John Scho-er. Stanford. 1:48.7. 4. WI!- Sacramento) 6-4; 2. Paul Warren (Castro 1I"lJ6.-~g~n,U~~:.2:tl';""essee. 39.4sta- ~~."ey) 1>-4;3. Joe Hicks (North Salinas) dlum record. 2. Houston. 'YJ.7. 3. All rc. Long lump - 1, Ken Frazier (MIssion. «:I.J. 4. Japan. 40.3. Son Francisco) 23-10IJ .•; 2. Anthony Allen Women's 800 - 1. Robin Campbell. (Galileo. SOn Francisco) 22-)1.',,; 3. Eric Stanford TC. 2:03.2 stadium record. 2. Wrlqht (Armllo. Fairfield) 21·9'1;. Ruth Coktwefl, Sub-Four. 2:08.2. 3. Mog· Triple jump - 1. Ken Frozler (Mission. ~e Keyes. Col Poty-SLO, 2:~_3_ 4, Molly Son Francisco) SQ'h tTlesnotlonol sopho· W~~;~·lt5~OS":~'.2j6~OMerrlll. Ae J:;';~uf~a~s~;~I~~.~~~~~l~~~~~~J~~ Group AA. 15:30.6 (, mer Icon record; O~d Bailey (Berkeley) 41-7; 3, Greg Marshall record 15:33.8by Merrill. 1979)2. Brenda (Mt. Pleasant) 4~4" •. ~t~~~e'1~~t,;~';,~~i61~~2Ls~'e ~\~ erioo~rt5"O',I~.B~;'~~Ro~~~ (~';Ie~:g~~:~i ~=~:S~!;~~d relay-l,AII TC.44.J ~~ Er~~~re~~~~n(I~~:ti~~lo' stadium record. 2. Northridge St.• 44.6. 3. Warren Joques (DerMar) U-o. Berkeley Te. 47.1. 4. Bakersfield St.• Girls .(J.6. Teams- Be11<.eley72, Independ~nce24. A~tf~~W~~~~~~:5S.~.~~~rX~f:~~:}o~~~e~~~r)~~ro~X?t~~~~cf~~~'~~ Alf1letlcsWest.8:50.6. 3. Jim Shankel. Cal 19. San Mateo 12. Menlo·Ather!on and Poly-SLO. 8:51.2.4. Doug Brown. Athie!· Redwood (Larkspur). les Wes!. 8:59.0. 440 relay - 1. Berkeley 46.6, 2. San S8(1·yardrelay -1. SOUthernCol. 1:21.86 Mateo 50.4; 3. Indepenm,nce 51.0. stodkrm record. 2. Tennessee, 1:22.02. 3. 100-1, Sharon Wore (Berkel~y) 10.8; 2. H~~~J~'~:~~ia4,; ~aC;I~?ls1.~'r:~~5·~C. '. ~~~~~ (~WI~1(?i.rkeley) 11.2, 3. Sheila 33:28.8 ~todlum record. 2. Fron Shorter, Mile - 1.Shelly NIeto (Merced) 5:08.2; doShartTC.••.28:.).1.4.TC,-28:S2.4.J. John3. RickMoreno.Rolas. CaminoColora- 2.HarperKerry (Prospect)Brogan (Los5:l4.9.Altos) 5:14.4, 3.Amy Real Te. 29;13.8. 1-mile - 1. Kerry Brogan (Los Altos) Women's 400 - 1. Robin Campbell. 10:50..4;2. DIone Gong (Lowe-II. Son Fran- Slonford TC. 52.35sJadlum record. 2. Ro· cisco) 10:52.9; 3. Liz Stranglo (Mission ~I!h'.B£Ylao/i:~~3Tii.5Vk ?;·/~~rt~~ Sano'm~ltfh~~lta Sanders (Berkeley) N~h~~~eB1Itl·cfr':,;. USe. 4626 2. Rich 1~~~;}ot~~yB~~~~VI~Wl".;I."J! l~'~~r~ ~Jic~7~~on~74?~6l'4~~~ ~gll~o~~~:Cr~~r~t :::o~r~n~~sb~S~reley 3:58_'; 2. Club NW. 47.65. Merced 4:03.7,3. Castro Valley 4;03.8. o.~~~e K~~~.~~3~s~n~~·26rtU;i~~t,~~~rrl~OO~)m/;~r~~~a(6~~~o~ .3. Steve Krleder. Army. 252-8. 4. Gory (Washington, Fremont); 3. Gina Brown Bruner, Stanford. 203-6. (Independence) 36-6'1.•• 5.000 - 1, Solomon Chobor. Fairleigh Discus - 1, Loura OeSnoo (Washing· DIckinson. 13:SO.2stodlumrecord.2. Tom ton, Fremont) 139·3; 2. Wendy Fortner WysockI. Silvc-r State. 13:54.0.3. Mark (Liberty Union. BrentwoOd) l1.s.o;3.Joan Spllisbury. Shorter TC. 14:1J.8. 4. Mark Dobrzynski (Leland) 110-7. Conyer. HumL,oldt Sf.. 14: 16.4. High lump - 1. Lisa Greenfield (Red- 3:~~~~ 2.e~~~Ih;;"I~~jl:~~~~~~~:t~~?OjM~~lo-~~~:rt~~)1s-l;6j, ~alh~~ehbaK ~1P. flnbhL more (Johnson. Sacramento) 5-2. Women's shot put - 1. Glnzla Petrouc- Long lump - 1. Robyne Johnson (Ber- ~~i/~~'l~~e~q~~~n~l.t~~~~~~~~Oh~c; t1: ~~~r)lJ?5t:7;3~'S~eerl,~~I;a~~~~sb(~e-~~:! 1t..'On.Chino. SJ·7. ley) 18.31/,,;4. Angelo Phifer (lndepen-'I~~~.~~rJle~i~e~~lfg: dence) 18·1. 53..J. .3. Milan Tiff, unot .• 52.71/2. 4. Doug Gomff. Maccabi TC. 52-.()1/2. Women'S mile relay - 1. All TC. 3:46.5 j~~~;'fv~~~~·.23~r~~r~?~e~tod~~;S V~:~;a~hon - 1. Duncan .Macdon• ald. 1:07.42.2. Mitch Kingery. 1:08.49.3. ~~lr.3~~~~~ii~:·fi>u~~;.~~~~t~~6;~~~i Gyorey. 1:13.24.7. George Howe. 1:15.28. ~~?rtZ.1~~RgR~~~4fe:,;~r,~~~.2~.Hvd' COLLEGE·OPEN Men', moslers 100mIS, ·60)- Burt Lan• cosier (Phllodelphla Pioneers) 12.32; 2. tuwr.?r'il~::::gr)nS'3'l!') 12.62;3. Alphonse Men'smo'Stei"s 100m (60oller) - Payton fr~?~~~~aJ~Ji"~~~t~'Tl~~ppeltunat) Men':; masters 100m (40·SO) - Kenny Da ••••ls (unat) 11.56; AI Biancann! 11.91; Oon Parrish (unot) 12.01. J3~?nJIM~md~~,t(~~~:X)C1~~d:n8~~~il~ WE SELL Towns (Tenn) 14.2; Malcolm Dixon (Foo!hlll) 14.2. Women's 100m hurdles - 001 Jianhuo NEW BJ. GOODRICH (ufKJt 14.01; Brenda Calhoun (ASU) 14.34; YOfanda Arnold (Bakersfield Sf) 14.85. TIRES co~tZ;~i~ghT~~~~)N1eo:jr;(6~~~~1'W~~ son (Tennessee) 10.83; Ken Thomas (Son AND WE DO JoseSt.) JO.86; KenThomas{SanJoseSt.} 10.86. N~rt:,';1~~'s:~~.~~~':,~k-;ie~IJa~fB~:It 47.1 . RECAPPING B~~~'~t~~°;r.~:i1:-z~~~eH~~~~rd~~ne~ vada·Rena TC) 57.5; Dave Porath (Cal) Guaranteed HI·SpelHl 57·0. New Tire MII_ge At Men's pole youtt - Tim McDonald (Cal '!. The COlt ~:k Si-S),i'O: ~~~~'I...~~f~r;:I:tJSC()Bl~: 6'/4. - 6 HOUR SERVICE - O,~~~':O~I~~oio~~~l~~~11~(r~~r~~~~~ TC) 4:06, Joe Fabris (Cal Poly SLO) 4;06.2. Men's 880 reloy - Call :24.2; Tennessee 1:(.j'~~~~~~sro~l:X~1I:Yrc'~27B6rown Hegarty1704 Industrial& JordanWay (Northridge St.) 11.6; Lisa Hopkins (lng· Redwocd city (N~~~~ig~~;.~lJc~tt Reid (Long Beach 368-2427 Stute) 182-5; Greg McFe •••.eney (Long Beach 51.) 181·5; Steve Montgomery Rick(USC)auss179-7;(Stan)Dave17••..Porath3. (Cal) 179·5;.:,." t lewood Panthers) 11.6; Jeannette Bolden 440 relay-I, Berkeley 41.5; 2, South San Francisco 42.3;3, Sky• line, Oakland 42.5. 100 meters-I, Carl Montgom- " ery (South San FranCisco) 11.6;2, Ken Robinson (Berkeley) 11.6;3, Fred Willias (Norte Del Rio, Sac• ramento) 11.7. Mile-I, Pedro Reyes (Jesuit, Carmichael) 4:19.3;2, Larry Gui- ...•nee (Castro Valley) 4:21.8;3, Ma- , rio Springer (Mountain View) __ I 4:21.8; 4, Steve Samario (Leigh) l• t 4:24.3. 2-mile-l, Jesse Torres (lnde• 1- pendence) 9:13:4; 2, Jay Marden ~ (Mission San Jose) 9:15.4;3, Greg 3 Long (Calaveras, San Andreas) 1 9:19.5. ~- 120 HH-l, Henry Andrade _,I. (Johnson, Sacramento) 13.96; 2,• r. Don Ward (SI. Mary's, Berkeley) i). 14.11;3, Frank Williamson (Sky• line, Oakland) 14.29.

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