TERRESTRIALNATIVE MAMMALS OF WESTERNAUSTRALIA On a number of occasionswe have been asked what D as y ce r cus u ist ica ud q-Mul Aara are the marsupialsof W.A. or what is the scientiflcname Anlechinusfla.t,ipes Matdo given to a palticular animal whosecommon name only A n t ec h i nus ap i ca I i s-Dlbbler rs known. Antechinusr osemondae-Little Red Antechinus As a guide,the following list of62 speciesof marsupials A nteclt itus mqcdonneIlens is-Red-eared Antechi nus and 59 speciesof othersis publishedbelow. Antechinus ? b ilar n i-Halney' s Antechinus Antec h in us mqculatrJ-Pismv Antechinus N ingaui r idei-Ride's Nirfaui - MARSUPALIA Ningauirinealvi Ealev's-KimNinsaui Ptaiigole*fuilissima beiiey Planigale Macropodidae Plani gale tenuirostris-Narrow-nosed Planigate Megaleia rufa Red Kangaroo Smi nt hopsis mu rina-Common Dulnart Macropus robustus-Etro Smin t hop[is longicaudat.t-Long-tailed Dunnart M acr opus fu Ii g inos,s-Western Grey Kangaroo Sminthops is cras sicaudat a-F at-tailed Dunnart Macrcpus antilo nus Antilope Kangaroo S-nint hopsi s froggal//- Larapinla Macropu"^agi /rs Sandy Wallaby Stnintllopsirgranuli,oer -Whire-railed Dunnart Macrcpus rirra Brush Wallaby Sninthopsis hir t ipes-Hairy -footed Dunnart M acro ptrs eugenii-T ammar Sminthopsiso oldea-^f r oughton's Dunnart Set oni x brac ltyuru s-Quokka A ntec h inomys lanrger-Wuhl-Wuhl On y ch oga I ea Lng uife r a-Kar r abul M.yr nte c o b ius fasc ialrls-N umbat Ony c hogalea Iunq ta-W \rrur.g Notoryctidae Lagorchest es conspic i Ilat us,Spectacied Hare-Wallaby Notorlctes /ops- Mars up ial Lagorches t es /ri,rrllls-Western Hare-Wallaby ry2lr Mole Lagost tophus fas ci a/rJ-Banded Hare-Wallaby Petrogalepenicillata Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby RODENTIA Petrcgale roths clti ldi-Rothsch ild's Rock-Wallaby Petrcgale brachyotr-Short-eared Rock-Wallabv Muridae Pera.lotcas conci nq Little Rock-Wallaby RattusJ scipes-Southern Buslt Rat Bet I ongia penici I lq ta-Woilie Rat t us i Il osissimus-Long-haired Rat Bettongia lesueur Boodie Rattus tunneyi Tunney's Rat Potorous tri.lactflus Gilbert's Potoroo H yd romys chrlsogast er-W ater Rat P ot otous p laty ops-Broad-faced Potoroo M eserub r iomls m acrrfrlJ-Golden-backed Tree-Rat Mesembriomysgouldi-Black-footed Tree-Rat Phalangeridae Coniluruspenicillatrs Brush-tailed Tree-Rat Tricltosuruslli/pecala-Brush Possum Leporillus cordltor'-Stick-nest Rat Tr icltosttr us arnhemen,s is-Northern Brush possum Leporillus apicalis White{ipped Stick-rest Rat Wyulda squami caudara-Scaly-tailed Possum N ot omys mi t cheIIi i,Mitchell's Hopping-Mouse Petauridae Notomys alexis-Spinifex Hopping-Mouse Nol omys Hopping-Mouse Pseudo peregrtn fuscus-Dusky che irus &J,-Ring-tail Possum N oI omys megalot i s-Big-eared Hopping Mouse Pet ropseudesdarl/-Rock-haunting Ring-Tail Not omys Iong i cqudara.r-Long-tailed Hopping-Mouse Petaurus bret i ceps-Sugar Glider Zyzomys argurus Common Rock-Rat Burrarnyidae Zyzomys woodwardil-Woodward's Rock-Rat Pseudomys rest i-Forrest's Mouse Cert:artetuscon cin nct,W esternPigmy Possurn for Pseudomysdel icatu lus-Little Native-Mouse Tarsipedidae Pseudontyshermannsburgensis-Sandy Mouse Tars i pes sp encerae-Honey Possum Pseudomysalbo(inereu\. A.hy-gre) Mouse Pseudomysoccidentalis -Western Mou.e Vombatidae Pseudomyspraeconrs Shark Bay Mouse Lasiorhinus latifrons-Hairy-nosed Wonrbat Pseudomysgouldii-Gould's Native-Mouse Pseudomysshortridger'-Shortridge's Native-Mouse Peramelidae Pseudomysdesertor-Brown Desert Mouse Isoodon obe;ulus Quenda Pseuclomysnanus-Western Chestnut Native-Mouse Isoodo n macrourus-Brindled Bandicoot Pseudomys sp. Isoodon quratus-Golden Bandicoot Melomys ? cervinipes Mosaic-tailed Rat PerameIes bougainti I le-Marl Perameleseremiana-Deserl Bandicoot Chaeropttsecqudatus-Pig-footed Bandicoot CHIROPTERA Mqcrctis lagotis Dalgyte Magadermatidae Dasyuridae Macroclermagigas Ghost Bat D asyarus geollroii-Western Native Cat Vespertilionidae Dasyurushallucatus Northern Native Cat Nyctophi.btst imoriens is-Greate r Long-eared Bat Pltascogale tspoatqtq Wambenger Nyctophilusgeoffrol,i Lesser Long-eared Bat Phascogale calura Red-tailed Wambenger Nyctophilus arnhemensis-Arnhem Land Long-earedA N.vctophi I us arnltemens is- Arnhetn Land Long-eared Emballonuridae Bat Taphozousgeorgian&.r-Common Sheath{ailed Bat walkari Nvctophilus Taphozousflair.entis Yellow-bellied Sheath-tailed Nvctolhilusbilqx North QueenslandLorrg-eared Bat Bat M itliopt e ru s sc,4rei1ierslilBent-wing Bat Eptesicuspumilis Little Bat Pteropodidae Chalinolobusgouldil Gould's Wattled Bat Pteropuss(upuldtu.r-Red Flying Fox Chalinolobusr?or.io Chocolate Bat Prernputalett,t BIack Flling for Cltalinolobusnigrogriseus rogersl Hoary Bat Macroglossuslagoclilus North€rn Blossonl Bat Pipistrellus tasmaniensis Tasmanian Pipistrelle Pipistrcllus tenuis Timor Pipistrelle M y ot is adi.er sus-Large-footed Bat CARNIVORA Nycticeius greyii Little Broad-nosed Bat Rhinonicterus qLu'qntius Orange Horseshoe Bat Canidae Canis dingo Dingo Hipposideridae faniliaris Hipposiderosarer Dusky HorseshoeBat Otariidae H i pposi der os Jle,?o/l.r-Lesser Warty-nosed Horseshoe Neopltoca cinerea-Atstralian Sea Lion Bat Arclocepltusforsteri- New ZealarrdFur Seal Molossidae Taclarida eustalis-White-striped Bat MONOTREMATA Tadaridajobensis Nofihem Mastiff Bat T.tdarida loriqe Little Northern Scurrying Bat Tachyglossidae Tadarid a p lanicep s-Litlle FIat Bat Tachyglossus at uleatu s-Echidna PRESENTATIONTO NAVY PATROL BOATS At a brief informal function a1 the Department of Fisheriesand Wildlife Head Officeon February 14, 1977, four cooiesof a new bird book were handedover to the Navy. The presenlationwas made by the Secretary, Mr. H. B. Shugg, to the Commanding Olicer of the H.M.A.S. Attacl(, Lt. Jin Stapleton,and Radio Officer Bob O'Donnell. The gifts were tokens of the Depart- ment's appreciation of the assistancethat the Navy patrol vesselshave given to the Department in recent months. They consistedof four copiesof the Readers Digest recent publication Conplete Book of Auslralian Birds. One copy of each was given to the crews of the Conservatorof Wjldlife Mr Shugg presenting "Complete Lt Stapleton H.M.A.S. Attack, H.M.A.S. Assail. H.M.A.S. Adroit with a copy of Book of Australian Birds." and H.M.A.S. Adt'ence. In nrakingthe presentation,Mr. Shuggreferred to the strong connectjonsbetween the Navy and ornithologists Continuetl/tonr page 18 in yearspast. lt beganin the lTth canturywjth William Dampier and was highlightedin the voyageof the vessels (2) Coloniesof bats in cavesor trees. Locations of Discotery and Chatltam under George Vancouver. He such coloniesare very valuableitems of inform- was acconpanied by Archibald Menzies, whonr the ation. Also numbers of bats and the presence "to Admiralty instructed, an'Iong other things, give or absenceof young in the colony. attention to beasts, birds and fishes" and to keep a In any researchprogranme, the savings,in both time "showsiournal which todav-have rests in the B tish Museum and and noney, can be quite considerable when there is an Menzies to been an important figure in accumulationand record of sightingsand other reliable Australian ornithology. information availableto researchers. .[n receiving the presentation, Lt. Stapleton expressed With the acceleratedrate of growth and deyelopnert his appreciation of the co-operation between the two of the mining industry and agriculturein today's world. organizationsand felt sure that the crewsof the vessels time is of impo ance; it can be the difference between would make sood use of the books. the loss or preservationof an important habitat area. i L.
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