newsletter on intellectual freedom index to vols. 27-29, 1978-1980 indexed by Eli and Gail Liss Intellectual Freedom Committee American Library Association Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom (ISSN 0028-9485) is published bimonthly (Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.) by the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611. Additional copies of this index may be ordered by writing to: NIF Index 78-80, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Illinois 60611 . Price: $1 O each. ISBN 0-8389-6486-9. A Alliance to End Repression, 78-149; American Dental Association, 79-88 79-66 American Federation of Government AAP, see Association of American Allied Intelligence Services, 78-13 Employees, 78-143 Publishers Alpert, Paul E. (Justice), 78-18 American Federation of Teachers, 80- Aaron, Chloe, 78-9 Alston, Gilbert (Justice), 80-126 136 ABC, see American Broadcasting Alternatives, 79-18 American Friends Service Committee, Company Altman, Rev. Don, 79-60 79-95, 115 Abel, Harold, 78-9 Altman, Ross, 78-99 American Government: Comparing Abortion: an Historical Romance, The Alyx, 80-51 Political Experiences, 80-37 79-11 America! America!, 80-37 American Heritage Dictionary, 78-70; About Sex, 78-7, 144; 79-50, 70, 76-77 Americana, 79-49, 74, 141; 80-12, 29, 79-71-72, 92; 80-77 Abrams, Floyd, 78-37, 139; 79-94; 80- 52, 73-74, 127, 128 American Historical Association, 78-35; 48, 80 American Association of Advertising 79-8, 83; 80-53, 85 Abrams, Ruth (Justice), 78-142; 79-55 Agencies, 80-36 American Indian Movement, 79-115 Abzug, Bella, 80-23 American Association of National American Jewish Congress, 78-35; 79-88 Access Reports, 78-68; 79-4, 94; 80-15 Advertisers, 79-14 American Libraries, 80-29 ACLU, see American Civil Liberties American Association of School American Library Association, 78-5, 28, Union Administrators, 79-39 60, 67, 77, 85, 99, 107; 79-99, 101, "'Across-the-board' and 'bed' are dirty American Association of School 123-24, 127, 131; 80-1, 25, 26, 27, words," 79-71-72, 92 Librarians, 78-56; 79-39, 143 42,47,93-94, 121, 126 Acts of Love, 80-128 American Association of University Black Caucus, 78-26 Adam and Yves, 80-129 Professors, 79-13, 115; 80-86 Committee on Professional Ethics, Adam Bradford, Cowboy, 79-5 American Bar Association, 79-66-67; 80- 80-91 Adams, James, 80-128 82 Committee on Status of Women in Adams, James B., 79-66 Criminal Justice Section, 78-146 Librarianship, 79-21 Adelman, Neil H ., 80-130 American Booksellers Association, 78- Council, 78-26, 27-28, 42, 115; 79- Administrative Procedure Act, 78-14, 63 29, 54, 101, 125; 79-22, 35; 80-10, 33 21, 22, 41, 99, 124;80-25,27,95 Adolph Hitler, 79-146 American Broadcasting Company Executive Board, 78-26, 42, 46 Adrian, Rev. Ron, 78-144 (ABC), 78-16, 140; 79-98, 112: 80-57, Intellectual Freedom Committee, 78- Adrizzone, Edward, 79-5 58,62, 108, 129, 137 26, 27-28, 42, 46, 87, 96, 115-16, Adshead, Gladys, 79-5 American Civil Liberties Union, 78-7, 117, 129; 79-21, 39, 48, 74, 99, Adult Film Association of America, 78- 11, 23, 54, 59, 63, 77, 106, 121, 124, 124; 80-25, 27-28, 41, 91 18, 94; 80-15-16 . 130, 148; 79-4, 10, 11, 13, 32, 34, 57, Intellectual Freedom Round Table, Agee, Philip, 80-48 58, 66, 86, 88, 110, 112, 114, 115, 78-28, 86, 113; 79-74, 99; 80-94 Aho, Jennifer, 80-138 131; 80-9, 10, 12, 15, 36, 39, 40, Junior Members Round Table, 79-41 Akers, Wayne, 78-93 57, 64, 77, 79, 83, 94, 97, 101, 122, Office of Intellectual Freedom, 78- Akron Beacon-Journal, 80-80 125, 136, 137, 140 46, 116, 133 Aksyonov, Vasily, 79-43 of Albuquerque, New Mexico, 80-135 Policy on Confidentiality of Library Alabama, 80-134 of Arizona, 79-27 Records, 78-116 Anniston, 80-137 of Arkansas, 79-104 American Lutheran Church, 80-7 Baldwin County, 80-81 of Colorado, 78-57; 80-38 American Medical Association, 79-88; Birmingham, 80-132-33 Hamden County, Massachusetts, 80-15, 16 Mobile, 79-93, 123, 131; 80-81 79-37 American Mischief, 80-51 Montgomery, 79-15, 138; 80-8 of Hampton Roads, Virginia, 78- American Nazi Party, 78-9, 35, 62, 66, Alabama Public Television Network, 118 77, 94, 121; 79-7-8, 14, 49; 80-7 80-134 of Illinois, 78-35, 44, 99; 79-8, 50; American Newspapers Editors' Freedom ALA Booklist, 79-38 80-138 of Information Committee, 80-86 Alaska: of Indiana, 79-64, 123; 80-35, 45 American Newspaper Publishers As­ Juneau, 80-60 of Iowa, 79-5; 80-22, 42 sociation, 78-16, 130; 79-42; 80-10, 21 Yakutat, 78-88 of Kentucky, 80-79 American Optometric Association, Albany Times-Union, 80-34 of Lubbock, Texas, 80-17 78-100 Albert, Leo, 80-93 of Maryland, 78-94 American Political Behavior, 80-37 Albert, Sheldon L., 78-42; 79-113 of Massachusetts, 78-64, 96; 79-51, American Political Science Association, Alberti, Charles R. (Justice), 80-84 60; 80-40 78-35; 79-8, 83; 80-53 Alberto, 80-130 of Minnesota, 78-31, 122; 79-22, 38 American Security Council Education Albuquerque Journal, 78-149; 80-33 of Nassau County, New York, 79-32 Foundation, 79-113 Alexander, Jim, 78-45 of New Jersey, 79-84 Americans for Democratic Action, 78- Al Hout, Shafik, 79-86 of New York, 79-129 23 Ali, Muhammad, 80-14 of North Carolina, 79-49; 80-36, 57, American Society, 80-37 Alibrando, Joyce, 79-111 124 American Society of Newspaper All-African People's Revolution Party, of Northern California, 78-44; 80-140 Editors, 78-29, 130; 79-58; 80-10, 70, 79-51 of Ohio, 80-32, 38, 51 103 All-Afrikan Liberation Committee, 80- of Oregon, 78-142 Americans United for Separation of 101 of Philadelphia, 78-19 Church and State, 78-11 Allain, Alex P., 79-74 of Pittsburgh, 7 8-17 American Telephone & Telegraph, see Allen, Chuck, 79-14 of South Jersey, 78-8 AT&T Allen, Donald, 79-108 of Vermont, 79-22, 37, 129; 80-29 "America Through American Eyes," Allen, James B., 78-25 of Virginia, 78-64 80-105 Allen, Jean, 80-13 of Washington, 78-144; 80-23 Amnesty International, 78-77; 80-43 Allen, Katherine Jo, 80-104 of West Tennessee, 79-15 Amonett, William B., 78-145 Allen Amendment, 78-85, 107 of Wisconsin, 78-118 Anaheim Secondary Teachers As­ Allentown Call, 78-34 American Council on Education, 80-123 sociation, 79-6 3 Anastaplo, George, 79-87 Freedom to Read Committee, 78-117, Bazelon, David L. (Justice), 79-32 Anderson, Aldon J. (Justice), 78-4, 66- 128; 79-94, 116; 80-21, 93 Bea, Frank, Richie and Joan, 80-52 67; 80-85 Intellectual Freedom Committee, 80- Beal Films, 80-100 Anderson, Burt, 79-6 93 Beardsley, Aubrey, 80-129 Anderson, Edward J., 79-36 Association of National Advertisers, Beasley, James E., 79-60 Anderson, Gordon M., 78-39, 58 78-143 Beattie, Charles, 78-119 Anderson, Jack, 78-92; 80-75, 125 Association for Supervision and Cur- Beatty, John, 78-101 Anderson, Ken, 80-38 riculum Development, 80-47, 121 Becker, Loftus E., 78-83-84, 105-107 Anderson, Maxwell, 79-59 AT&T, 78-140; 79-42, 52 Becker, Rudy (Justice), 79-113 Anderson, Ralph E., 79-39 Atkins, C. Clyde (Justice), 78-11-12 Bedgood, Lee, 79-36 Anderson, Vi, 80-38 Atlanta Airport, 79-140 Bednarova, Otto, 80-22 Andrews, Edward J., 80-51 Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, 79-82 Beebe, George, 79-19 Anello, Peter (Justice), 78-33 Atlanta Journal, 80-6 Beech,Joy,80-89, 131 Animal Farm, 79-111 Atlantic City Press, 78-65 Behind the Green Door, 78-16; 79- Animal Hat Shop, 79-5 Atlantic Monthly, 79-101 34; 80-55, 134 Anne Arundel County Fire Department, Atomic Energy Act, 79-46, 147 Beirn, Jerrold, 79-5 79-137 At the Head of the Tide, 78-58 Bel Ami, 79-14, 42 Anne Summe v. Warsaw Community Attwood, William, 79-19 Belknap, Michael R., 78-135-36, 148 School Board of Trustees, 80-65 Austin Peay State University, 80-9 Bell, Alan J., 78-40 Ann-Margret, 80-139 Authors League of America, 78-17-18, Bell, Ernest L., III, 78-13 Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai 110; 80-11 Bell, Griffin B., 78-11, 67, 122; 79-42, B'rith, 79-49, 88; 80-5, 76 Avara, Mary, 79-14, 42 43,53 Antioch College, 80-32, 38 Avon Books, 78-4 Bell, Howard E. (Justice), 79-80, 108 Apartment Three, 79-5 Bell, Norman 79-5 Aranyi, Lazio, 78-118 B Bell, Rev. Rodney, 80-97 Arbuckle, Robert, 80-12, 29, 73, 74, 89 Bell Jar, The, 78-119; 79-64; 80-40, 66 Are You Ready for Sex?, 79-14, 36; Bachelder, Rev. Horace, 80-40 Bellows, Carol, 79-67 80-7, 128 Bad Seed, The, 79-59 Belluso, Nick, 79-12 Are You There, God? It's Me, Bagdikian, Ben H., 79-97; 80-69 Belmont Tower Books, 79-138 Margaret, 80-77 Bagnal, Anne, 79-76-77 Below, Russell, 79-140 Argentina, 78-76 Bahodori, Tina, 80-101, 123 Bemis, Dorothy, 80-22, 42 Arizona: Bailey, Artie, 79-136 Benchley, Nathaniel, 79-5 Phoenix, 79-27; 80-108 Bailey, Charles, 80-103 Benchley, Peter, 78-56 Prescott, 80-6 Bailey, Robert A., 78-64 Benda, Vaclav, 80-22 Thatcher, 78-133, 137 Bailliao, Dallas, 79-93 Bendheim, Alice, 79-27 Arizona State University, 80-108 Baker, Augusta, 79-38 Bennett, Charles (Justice), 80-39 Arkansas: Baker, Betty, 79-5 Bennett Cerf's Book ofLaughs, 79-5 Little Rock, 79-104, 109; 80-14, 15 Baker, Eugene, 79-5 Benson, Paul (Justice), 80-56 Arkansas Association of College History Baker, Paul (Justice), 78-22 Berg, Raymond K.
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