DOLENTIUM HOMINUM No. 76 – Year XXVI – No. 1, 2011 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) Proceedings of the XXV International Conference Organised by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers Caritas in Veritate Toward an Equitable and Human Health Care November 18-19, 2010 New Synod Hall Vatican City BISHOP ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI, Editor-in-Chief CORRESPONDENTS BISHOP JOSÉ L. REDRADO, O.H., Executive Editor REV.MATEO BAUTISTA, Bolivia MONSIGNOR JAMES CASSIDY, U.S.A. REV.RUDE DELGADO, Spain REV.RAMON FERRERO, Mozambique REV.BENOIT GOUDOTE, Ivory Coast PROFESSOR SALVINO LEONE, Italy REV.JORGE PALENCIA, Mexico EDITORIAL BOARD REV.GEORGE PEREIRA, India MRS.AN VERLINDE, Belgium REV.CIRO BENEDETTINI PROFESSOR ROBERT WALLEY, Canada DR.LILIANA BOLIS SR.AURELIA CUADRON REV.GIOVANNI D’ERCOLE, F.D.P. DR.MAYA EL-HACHEM REV.GIANFRANCO GRIECO REV.BONIFACIO HONINGS MONSIGNOR JESÚS IRIGOYEN EDITORIAL STAFF REV.JOSEPH JOBLIN REV.VITO MAGNO, R.C.I. DR.COLETTE CHALON DR.DINA NEROZZI-FRAJESE MRS.STEFANIA CASABIANCA DR.FRANCO PLACIDI DR.ANTONELLA FARINA REV.LUCIANO SANDRIN DR.MATTHEW FFORDE MONSIGNOR ITALO TADDEI DR.GUILLERMO QWISTGAARD Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) VATICAN CITY; Tel. 06-6988-3138, 06-6988-4720, 06-6988-4799, Fax: 06-6988-3139 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/hlthwork/index.htm Published three times a year. Subscription rate: 32 € postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR, Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Poste Italiane s.p.a. Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. In L. 27/02/2004 nº 46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Roma DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 76-2011 3 Contents 6 Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI 36 Towards Anthropocentric Health Care: to the Participants in the XXV International a Health Service with a Human Face Conference of the Pontifical Council for Prof. Enrico Garaci Health Care Workers 38 Pontifical Diplomacy and 8 Inaugural Prayer the Promotion of Health for All Sr. Marianna Caprio H.E. Msgr. Silvano M. Tomasi 43 Ethics and Access CARITAS IN VERITATE to Health-Care Technologies TOWARD AN EQUITABLE Dr. Reinaldo A. Garcia AND HUMAN HEALTH CARE 48 The Contribution of Catholic THURSDAY 18 NOVEMBER Health-Care Institutions to Improving the Conditions of Health of Peoples 10 Speech of Greetings and Opening Address Rev. Renato Salvatore, MI by H.E. Mons. Zygmunt Zimowski 58 The Vatican-CMMB Initiative: 12 Address of His Eminence Touching Lives, Bringing Health and Hope Card. Tarcisio Bertone Dr John F. Galbraith 61 The Cooperation of Various Government PROLUSION Ministries in Health Care Hon. Marek Jurek 15 Caritas in veritate: Good News of Integral Health Care H.Em. Card. Peter Kodwo Turkson FRIDAY 19 NOVEMBER 21 Euntes docete et curate infirmos (Mt 10, 7-8) 64 The Good Samaritan is the Greatest Justice The Urgency and Biblical Pertinence H.E. Msgr. Willem Eijk of the Mission for the Sick H.Em. Card. Gianfranco Ravasi 69 The World of the Future: Demographic Prospects and Health Needs 26 The Salus Animarum Prof. Massimo Petrini in Pastoral Care for the Sick H.Em. Card. Angelo Amato, SDB 77 Biomedical Technologies at the Service of Life 28 Access to Primary Health Care: Prof. Antonio G. Spagnolo Thirty-Two Years after Alma Ata what Advances have been Achieved 83 Health, the Safeguarding in the Continent of Africa? of the Creation and Justice Dr. Luis Gomes Sambo Dr. John M. Haas 33 The Mass Media 86 DREAM – Treating AIDS in Africa: and the Health of Citizens a Possible Challenge Dr. Mario Benotti Dr. Paola Germano 4 CARITAS IN VERITATE - TOWARD AN EQUITABLE AND HUMAN HEALTH CARE 91 Traditional Medicine 112 The Blessed Don Carlo Gnocchi: Dr. Emilio La Rosa Rodríguez a Heroic Figure of Charity of our Time Rev. Bonifacio Honings, OCD ROUND TABLE: 116 An Example of Heroic Charity of our Time: EQUITABLE AND HUMAN HEALTH CARE Sr. Marta Wiecka, a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul 94 1. Equitable and Human Health Care at Home Sr. Anna Brzek Prof. Mario Falconi 118 Welcoming: a New Paradigm 95 2. Equitable and Human Health Care of Humanisation in Hospices: The Taiwanese Experience Fra Pascual Piles Ferrando, OH Dr. W. Henry Chiang 122 The Contribution of Volunteers 97 3. Equitable and Human Health Care to the Humanization of Health: in Prison the Portuguese Reality Prof. Christoph von Ritter Dr. Manuel de Lemos 99 4. Equitable and Human Health 124 Health-Care Centers in Factories and Care for the Poor Prof. Stanislaw Szczepan Góźdź Sr.M.Benedicta,MC 127 A Challenge that has Just Begun 102 Health-Care Workers Faced Fra Mario Bonora with Certain Questions of a Deontological, Ethical and Legislative Character 131 Concluding Paper by Prof. Jean-Marie Le Méné Prof. Filippo Boscia 106 The Question of the Use of Psychiatric 135 Concluding Observations by Pharmaceuticals in Paediatrics H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski Dr. Barry L. Duncan The illustrations in this edition are taken from the book: Dove il cielo ha toccato la terra by P. Girolamo Salvatico Elledici - Editrice Velar, 2010 6 CARITAS IN VERITATE - TOWARD AN EQUITABLE AND HUMAN HEALTH CARE Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Participants in the XXV International Conference of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers To my Venerable Brother veritate. Toward an Equitable and Human Health Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, Care’ – is of special interest for the Christian com- President of the Pontifical Council for Health munity, where care for man is central because of Care Workers, his transcendent dignity and inalienable rights. Health is a precious good for the person and soci- With joy I wish to send my cordial greetings to ety which should be promoted, conserved and de- those taking part in the Twenty-fifth International fended, with an allocation of the necessary funds, Conference which well belongs to the year that resources and energies so that more people can en- celebrates the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the joy it. Unfortunately, the problem still remains to- creation of the dicastery, and offers a further rea- day of many populations of the world that do not son for thanking God for this valuable instrument have access to the necessary resources to satisfy of the apostolate of mercy. A grateful thought fundamental needs, particularly with regard to goes to all those who strive, in the various sectors health. It is necessary to work with greater com- of pastoral care in health, to live that diakonia of mitment at all levels so that the right to health is charity which is central to the mission of the made effective, fostering access to primary health Church. In this sense, I am happy to remember care. In our epoch we are witnessing, on the one Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini and Cardinal Javier hand, health care that runs the risk of being trans- Lozano Barragán who led this Pontifical Council formed into pharmacological, medical and surgical for Health Care Workers for twenty-five years, consumerism, almost becoming a cult of the body, and I address a special greeting to the current and, on the other, the difficulty that millions of president of the dicastery, Archbishop Zygmunt people have in gaining access to minimal condi- Zimowski, as well as to the Secretary, to the Un- tions of subsistence and to medical products that der-Secretary, to the Officials, to those who work are indispensable to their treatment. with it, to the speakers at this Conference, and to Also in the field of health – an integral part of all those present. the existence of each individual and of the com- The subject chosen for this year – ‘Caritas in mon good – it is important to install true distribu- tive justice that assures to everyone adequate care on the basis of objective needs. As a consequence, the world of health cannot avoid the moral rules that must govern it for it not to become inhuman. As I emphasised in the encyclical Caritas in veri- tate, the Catholic Church has always stressed the importance of distributive justice and social justice in the various sectors of human relationships (n. 35). Justice is promoted when one welcomes the life of the other and one takes responsibility for him, responding to his expectations, because in him one perceives the very face of the Son of God, who became man for us. The divine image im- pressed in our brother is the foundation of the most high dignity of every person and generates in everyone the need for respect, care and service. The link between justice and charity, from a Chris- tian point of view, is very close: ‘Charity goes be- DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 76-2011 7 yond justice, because to love is to give, to offer ficial techniques of procreation involving the de- what is “mine” to the other; but it never lacks jus- struction of embryos, or legalised euthanasia. tice, which prompts us to give the other what is Love for justice, the defence of life from its con- “his”, what is due to him by reason of his being or ception until its natural end, respect for the dignity his acting…If we love others with charity, then of every human being, should be supported and first of all we are just towards them. Not only is borne witness to, even when this is to go against justice not extraneous to charity, not only is it not the mainstream: fundamental ethical values are the an alternative or parallel path to charity: justice is shared heritage of universal morality and the basis inseparable from charity, and intrinsic to it.
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