I I I \ Ii t . ,_ I:' ~. - 'It " .1-,·.. '. .: . 'j ,~. .. _ . " ~. '. " " '"\> ," t' ~. - ~ '... • " : '. ,( • ~ , o R G A N I ZED C RIM E a bibliography i· NCJRS I J f MAY 30 198!t I t !7 I ACQUJSITIO~' Compiled by: Lucie Daoust HCMP HQ Library uttawa December 1979 - I - TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL WORKS. .. 1 Organized Crime (General).......... ....... ....... 1 Organized Crime (Research) ....................... 26 . International Aspects............................ 30 Psychology Of Crime .........................·..... 35 CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS .... .......................... 36 Gangs (Hoodlums) ................................. 36 Mafia ........... C' •• " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 38 Secret SOcieties................................. 51 Underworld ...................... " ............ II • • • 52 ORGANIZED CRIME INVOLVEMENT ...... ................... 54 Aliens. .. 54. Arson............................................ 56 Business Inf'il tration. 57 Corruption Of Public Officials ..... .............. 60 f'encing. .. 63 Gambling. .. 65 Liquor Traff'ic................................... 84 Murder. .. 86 Narcotics, (i) General .................................... 8'1 (ii) Drugs..................................... 92 (iii) Narcotic Trafficking ..................... 9~ (iv) Narcoticd, Agents .... o •••••••••••••••••••• 100 (v) Narcotics, Control Of . ..................... 104 Prosti tution. .. 127 Racketeering, (i) General.................................... 137 (ii) Conspiracy ......... ,...................... 141 (iii) Conspiracy (Narcotics) ................... 146 (iv) Conspiracy (Racketeering) ................. 152 (v) Labor Racketeering .. ....................... 154 (vi) Extortion................................. 156 (vii) Rackets .................................. 159 Smuggling ......................................... 161 Theft. .. 162 Vice ...... o •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• 164 White-Collar Crime, (i) General ........................... ·......... 166 (ii) Computer Crime ......................._~" ... 169 (iii) Fraud .................................... ·. 173 (iv) Loansharking .............................. 176 (v) Unions (Teamsters)......................... 178 - II - ORGANIZED CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION . ...... 0 ••••• 182 Organized Crime And Law Enforcement ............. 182 Intelligence. .. 188 T ax a t i un ............. ~ ............................ olI .. .. .. .. .. .... 190 Combatting Organized Crime ..... ................. 191 Organized Crime - Law & Legislation ............. 195 Prosecuting Organized Crime ..................... 197 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED ......................... 201 G ENE R A L W 0 R K S ,. - 1 - Organized Crime (general) Anslinger, Harry J. & Will Oursler. The Protectors. New York, Farrar, Straus and Company, 1964. Ver: OCAB/p. 29. .,.. Arm, Walter. Payoff. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1951. Ver: OCAB/p. 29. Asbury, Herbert. The Great Illusion. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday and Co.~ 1950. Ver: OCAB/p. 29. Barnes, Harry E., & Negley K. Teeters. New Horizons In Cri­ minology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1959. Ver: OCAB/p. 29. Bell, Daniel. The End Of Ideology. New York, Free Press, 1960. Ver: OCAB/p. 29. Bender, ErIe. Tickets To Fortune. New York, Modern Age Books, 1938. Ver: OCAB/p. 29. Bequai, August. "Florida Organized Crime Institute". Secu­ rity Manago,f!1ent, Vol. 22, No.8, August 1978, p. 34. Ver: CJPI/1978/p. 308. Bergman, L., & Weir, D. "Revolution on ice". Rolling Stone, No. 221, September 9, 1976, p. 41. Ver: CIPL/Mar. 73-Feb. 78/p. 27S2 ,. Brean, Herbert. "World Crime - A Series". LifeiJanuary 11, 18, 25 and February 1, 1960. Ver: OCAB/p. 34. Brennan, Ray. The Stolen Years. Cleveland, 0., Pennington Press, 19~)9. Ver: OCAB/p. 29. Briggs, Harry D. 1iOrganized and unorganized crime". Police Chief, Vol. 44, No.9, September 1977, p. 44-46. Ver: Library holdings. British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney General. Co-ordinated Law Enforcement Unit. Organized Crime In British Colum­ bia: ,Second Findings, Report. Victoria, B.C., The Dept., 1975. Ver: HV/6809/.B7/B77/1975. - 2 - "British Columbia Attorney-General Releases Organized Crime Report". Crime Control Digest, Vol. 13, No. 25, June 25, 1979, p. 4, 5. Ver: CJPI/1979/p. 113. Buchanan, Jones M. "A Defense of Organized Crime", in The Economics of Crime and Punishment, ed. Simon Rothenbe'rg, Washington, D.C., American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1973. (p. 120-130) Ver: OCTFE/p. 8/No. 22. Buse, Renee. The Deadly Silence. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday Publishers, 1965. Ver: HV/6785/B96/1965. California, Special Crime Study Commission on Organized Crime, 1947-l9bO. Progress Reports: No.2, March 'i, lY49; No.3, Jan. 31, 1950. Final Report, Nov~ Ib, 1900. Sacranento, 1950. Ver: OCAB/p. 32. California, Special Crime Study Commission on Organized Crime, 1951. Final Report. May 11, 1953. Sacramento, 1953. Ver: OCAB/p. 32. California Assembly, Interim Committee on the Judicial System and Judicial Process. Final Report. Assembly Journal, May 2, 1949. Ver: OCAB/p. 32. Casey, Charles E. "Organized Crime: California's Problem And ,Approach". Police Chief, Vol. 44, No.9, Sept. 1977, p. 50-53. Ver: Library holdings. Chamber of Commerce of the United stater:;. Deskbook on Organl­ zed Crime. Washington, D.C., 1972. (p. 10, 11) Ver: OCTFE/p. 192/No. 6. Chamberlin, Henry B. "Some Observations Concerning Organized Crime". Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, January 1932. Ver: OCAB/p. 34. Charbonneau, Jean~Pierre. The Canadian Connection. Ottdwa, Ont., Optimum Pub. Co., 1976. Ver: HV/6453/.C2/C37/l976/E/CPC. Charbonneau, Jean-Pierre. La Fili~re Canadienne. Montr§al, Edition de l'Homme, 1975. Ver: HV/6453/.C2/C37/1975. - 3 - Cohen, A. K. II The Concept Of Criminal Organisation". The British Journal Of Criminologx, Vol. 17, No.2, April 1977, p. 97-111. Ver: CJPI/1978/p. 308. Collinson, Owen H. King Crime. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959. Ver: OCAB/p. 30. Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. Task Force ReE£Ft: Organized Crime. Washington, 1967. Ver: OCAB/p. 32. "Construction Site Crime Called Ol'ganized Conspiracy". Crime Control Di est, Vol. 11, No. 28, July 18, 1977, p. 2-3. Ver: CJPI 71977/p. 255, Cooper, Courtney Hiley. Designs in Scarlet. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1939. Ver: OCAB/p. 30. Cooper, Courtney Ri~ey. Herels To Crlme. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1939. Ver: OCAB/p. 30. Cosson, Jean. L'Etat Victime Du Crime Organise. (p. ~07-~S3) Ver: CO/p. 160. Council of state Governments, Governor's Conference. Procee­ dings, 43rd Annual_Meet~gg. Chicago, 1952. Ver: OCAB/p. 32. "Crime Council Report Names Organized Crime Members". Crime Control Di,~st, Vol. 11, No. 17, May 2, 1977, p. 4. Ver: CJPI ~977/p. 255. ,. "Crime Council Report Names Organized Crime Members". Secu­ rity Systems Di est, Vol. 8, No. 12, June 15, 1977, p. 6. Ver: CJPI/1977 7p. 255. Le Crime Organise. Ver: CO/po 161, No. 525001. Le Crime Organise 19~8-69. Ver: CO/po 161, No. 491101. "A Crime To Trespass?". New Society, Vol. 36, No. 711, 1976, p. 402. Ver: AOPS/Nov.-Dec. 1976/p. 398. "Criminal Intelligence". Training Key, No. 223, p. 1-5. Ver: CJPI/1976/p. 220. - 4 - "Criminal Justice Headlines". Corrections Digest, Vol. 7, No. 12, June 16, 1976, p. 8-9. Ver: CJPI/1976/p. 220. Crowther, Samuel. IIInvisible Government". Ladies Home Journal, February, April and May 1931. Ver: OCAB/p. 34. Dandurand, A. La Cle de llEnigme No. 71: Le Crime Organise. (p. 15-20). Ver: CO/~. 101, No. 194030. Danforth, Harold R., and James D. Horan. The D.A. IS MAn. New York, Crown Publisher, Inc., 1957. Ver: OCAB/p. 30. DeFranco, Edward J. Anatomy of a Scam: a case study of a planned bankruptcy by organized crime. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973. Ver: HV/6698/.Z9/.M874/D36/1973/CPC. Denis, Jerome. "Quand Ie ver rongeur slattaque aux commerces, tribunaux, syndicats et preposes a 1 I application de la loill. Surete du Quebec, Vol. 8, No.7, Juillet 1978, p. 10-lI. Ver: Library holdings. Deriabin, Peter, and Frank Gibney. The Secret World. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday Publishers, 1959. Ver: OCCAC/p. 317. Dirks, Raymond L., and Leonard Gross. The Great Wall Street Scandal. New York, McGrAw-Hill, 1974. Ver: OCTFE/p. 234. Doherty, Bill. Crime Reporter. New York, Exposition Press, 1964. Ver: OCAB/p. 30. Dolci, Danilo. The Outlaws of Partinico. London, Macgibbon and Kee, 1960. Ver: OCCAC/p. 317. Dolci, Danilo. To Feed The Hungry, An Inquiry In Palermo. London, Macgibbon and Kee, 1959. Ver: OCCAC/p. 317. Douglas, Cathleen H. IIMedia: Whol:ie Message". l'rial, May 1978, p. 26-32. Ver: OCTFE/p. 234. - 5 - Dulles, Allen W. The Craft of Intelligence. New York, Harper & Row, 1968. Ver: UB/270/D88/J963. Dulles, Allen W. The Secret Surrender. New York, Harper & Row, 1966. Ver: OCCAC/p. 317. Dunman, W.H. "Organized Crime Training: The Institute Approach". Police Chief, Vol. 42, No.8, 1975, p. 54-56. Ver: Library holdings. Dupiellet, L. "Le banditisme dans la criminalite d'aujourd'hui et de demain". Revue de la Police Nationale, Vol. 99, No.1, 1976, p. 5-18. Ver: AOPS/Sept.-Oct. 1977/p. 323. Eastman, George. "Further Consideration on Organized Crime". Police, Vol. 1, p. 47, 1965. Ver: OCAB/p. 34. Ellison, E. Jerome, and Frank W. Brock. The Run For Your Money. New York, Dodge, 1935. Ver: OCAB/p. 30. Etzioni, Amitai. Men and Organizations. Chicago, Rand McNally Inc., 1965. Ver: OCCAC/p. 318. Evans, M.S. & M. Moore. The Lawbreakers. New York, Arlington House, 1968. Ver: OCTFE/p.
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