Tove Skutnabb-Kangas Page 1 2/11/2021 Bibliography on multilingualism, multilingual and Indigenous/ tribal/minority/minoritised (ITM) education; linguistic human rights; endangered languages, their maintenance and revitalisation; linguistic genocide and crimes against humanity in education; linguistic imperialism and the subtractive spread of English; and the relationship between linguistic diversity and biodiversity. And the state of the world, and our future. Last updated in February 2021. This private bibliography (7,325 entries, 447 pages in Times Roman 12; over 1,384,500 bytes, over 184,000 words), contains most of the references I (Tove Skutnabb-Kangas) have used (or intend to use) in what I have published since 1972. There may be errors (and certainly moving to Mac did garble references in Kurdish, Greek, Russian, etc). I have hopefully deleted most of the doubles (there may still be some). If an article says “In XX (ed)” and page numbers, the book itself will be found under the editor’s name. Since I have done the latest alphabetisations automatically, everything is not always in completely right order (an example: if something with several authors has “and” or “&” between the authors, the order can be wrong). I hope my Big Bib may be useful for some people, both students and (other) colleagues. My own publications are also here in alphabetical order, but for more recent ones check my web page, www.tove-skutnabb- kangas.org, “all publications”, “publications since 2000”, and “publications in press”, which are updated more often. For (my husband) Robert Phillipson’s publications, check his webpage, www.cbs.dk/en/staff/rpibc. Robert’s and mine are not always in the right order – it would take too much time to reorganise them properly… All websites here were up-to-date when I put them in but I do not check them afterwards except when I need them myself. – Comments, corrections and additions are very welcome! Aaltonen, Hanna-Leena (2001). Opetusta vai kasvatusta. Maahanmuuttajien oman äidinkielen opettajien pedagogiikka [Teaching or Nurtuting – Pedagogy of Immigrant Pupils’ Mother Tongue Teachers]. Helsingin kaupungin opetusviraston julkaisusarja B8:2001. Helsinki: Helsingin kaupungin opetusvirasto. Aapola, Sinikka & Kangas, Ilka (1994). Väistelyä ja vastarintaa. Tarinoita naisten selviytymisestä. [Withdrawal and resistance. Stories about women managing] Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Aarseth, Bjørn (2007). Forsøk med reindriftsfag i skolen[Experimenting with reindeer knowledge as a school subject]. In Lund, Svein, Boine, Elfrid & Johansen, Siri Broch (eds) (2007). Sámi skuvlahistorjá 2 / Samisk skolehistorie 2 [Saami school history]. Karasjok: Davvi Girji, 46-63. [email protected], in English at http://www.davvi.no/site/index.php?l=eng&s=01 or direct at http://skuvla.info where the book can be read in Norwegian and Saami. Abadzi, Helen (2006). Efficient Learning for the Poor. Insights from the Fontier of Cognitive Neuroscience. Directions in Development. Washington: World Bank. Abbi, Anvita (Ed.) (1986). Studies in bilingualism. Delhi: Bahri Publications. Abdoolcader, Levane (1989). Sydney Voices: a Survey of Languages Other Than English in Catholic Schools. Sydney: Catholic Education Office. Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. 2003. ‘The history of language policy in Africa with reference 1 to language choice in education.’ In Ouane, Adama (ed.). Towards a multilingual culture of education. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Education, 181-199. Abdussalam, Ahmad Shehu (1998). Human Language Rights: An Islamic Perspective. In Benson, Grundy & Skutnabb-Kangas (eds). Language Rights. Special volume, Language Sciences 20:1, 55-62. Abele, Robert (2014). The Norms of Justice, International Law, and the Duty to Protect. In Lendman, Stephen (ed.). Flashpoint in Ukraine. How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III. Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press, 200-214. Abélès, Marc (1999). Multiculturalism and multilingualism in the European institutions. In European Cultural Foundation. Which languages for Europe? Report of the conference held at Oegstgeest, the Netherlands, 8-11 October 1998. Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation, 111-118. Abou, Sélim (1989). Fondements des politiques linguistiques, in Pupier & Woehrling (Eds), 21-34. Abramovitz, Janet N. (1998). Sustaining the World’s Forests. In State of the World 1998, 21-40. Abu-Saad, Ismael (2005). Re-telling the History: The Indigenous Palestinian Bedouin in Israel. Alternative. An International Journal of Indigenous Scholarship 1: 1, 26-48. Abu-saud, Mahmoud (1983). Concept of Islam, Indianapolis: American Trust Publications. Abugre, Charles (2008). Behind most mass violence lurk economic interests. Development Dialogue 50, December 2008. Thematic volume Revisiting the heart of darkness – Explorations into genocide and other forms of mass violence. 60 years after the UN Convention, ed. Henning Melber with John Y. Jones. Uppsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, in cooperation with Networkers South North, 271-278. Acharya, Sushan (2009). Report on MLE Policy and Strategy. Bhaktapur, Nepal: MLE Programme, Inclusive Education Section, Department of Education. Acheson, Dean (1969). Present at the Creation. My Years at the State Department. London: Hamish Hamilton. Ada, Alma Flor (1987). A children’s literature-based whole language approach to creative reading and writing. Northvale, New Jersey: Santillana. Ada, Alma Flor (1988). The Pajaro Valley Experience: Working with Spanish-Speaking Parents to Develop Children’s Reading and Writing Skills Through the Use of Children’s Literature. In Skutnabb-Kangas & Cummins (eds), 223-238. Ada, Alma Flor & Campoy, F. Isabel (2004). Authors in the Classroom. A Transformative Education Process. Boston: Pearson Education. Ada, Alma Flor, Harris, Violet J. & Hopkins, Lee Bennett (1993). A chorus of cultures. Developing literacy through multicultural poetry. Poetry Anthology. Carmel, CA: Hampton-Brown Books. Adams, D. W. (1995). Education for extinction. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. Adams, Howard 1995. A Tortured People: The Politics of Colonization. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books. Adams, K. & Brink, D. (eds) (1990). Perspectives on Official English: The Campaign for English as the Official Language of the U.S.A.. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Adegbija, E. (2001). Saving Threatened Languages in Africa: A Case Study of Oko. In Fishman, Joshua, A. (ed.) (2001). Can Threatened Languages Be Saved? Reversing 2 Language Shift, Revisited: A 21st Century perspective. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, 284-308. Adelaar, Willem F.H. (1995). The endangered situation of the native languages in South America. Abstract of the paper presented at the International Symposium on Endangered Languages, November 18-20, 1995, University of Tokyo. Downloaded from <http://www.tooyoo.l.u-Tokyo.ac.jp/linguistics/newsletters/newslet1/html xx check, should it be . rather than / before html?xx Adler, Max K. (1977). Collective and individual bilingualism, aming and addressing: A sociolinguistic study. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. Adler, Max K. (1978). Naming and addressing: A sociolinguistic study. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. Adorno, T.W., Frenkel-Brunswik E., Levinson D.J. & Sanford, R.N. (1950). The Authoritarian Personality. New York: Harper. Affor (1983). Issues and resources. A handbook for teachers in the multicultural society. Birmingham: AFFOR. Afolayan, Abebisi (1976). The six-year primary project in Nigeria. In Bamgbose, Ayo (ed.) Mother Tongue Education: the West African Experience. Paris: UNESCO Press, 113-134. Afolayan, Abebisi (1978). Towards an Adequate Theory of Bilingual Education for Africa, in Alatis, James E. (ed.). International Dimensions of Bilingual Education. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. Afolayan, Abebisi (1984). The English Language in Nigerian Education as an Agent of Proper Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 5:1, 1-22. Africa, Hugh (1980). Language in education in a multilingual state: a case study of the role of English in the education system of Zambia, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto. Ager, Dennis, Muskens, George & Wright, Sue (1993). Language education for intercultural communication. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. Agnihotri, Rama K. (2007). Identity and Multilinguality: The Case of India. In Tsui, Amy B. M. & Tollefson, James W. (eds). Language Policy, Culture, and Identity in Asian Contexts. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 185-204. Agnihotri, Rama Kant (2009). Multilinguality and “a language”: Reflections on the 2005 National Curricular Framework, India. In Mohanty, Ajit, Minati Panda, Robert Phillipson and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (eds). Multilingual Education for Social Justice: Globalising the Local. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan, 268-277. Aguayo, David, Herman, Keith, Ojeda, Lizette & Flores, Lisa Y. (2011). Culture predicts Mexican Americans' college self-efficacy and college performance. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 4 (2): 79 DOI: 10.1037/a0022504 Ahearn, Laura M. (2010). Agency and language. In Jaspers, Jürgen, Östman, Jan-Ola & Verschueren, Jef (eds). Society and Language Use. Volume 7, Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 28-48. Ahlfors, Bengt (2011). Om jag var präst och andra historier. Helsingfors: Schildts. Ahlgren, Inger & Hyltenstam, Kenneth (eds) (1994). Bilingualism in Deaf Education, International Studies on Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf, Vol. 27, Hamburg: Signum. 3 Ahmadi, Qais S. (2017).
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