531 TRADES DffiECTORY, 1911. CEM-CHE taw~ .Algernon Ltd. 203 Hornsey road N Old Charlton, Cemetery lane,Charlton,Kent Jefi'ery Willlam, 187 Uxbridge roa.d W Oampbell Curative Co. 28 Church road, Wilaon Veterinary Medicine Manufactur­ Plumstead (G. E. Ismay, supt.), Wick­ Keer Davie Fras. 174 Tollington park N Stoke Newington N ing Co. Ltd. 213 Btreatha.m High rdSW ham lane, Plumstead Kemp Robert, 94 Grove road, Hollowa.y N Candelot & Co.19 Grimston rd..Fulham SW • Putney (John Clements, keeper), Putney Lawrence Arthur G. 365 & 361 Wands- District Chemical Co. Limited, Factory rd. Common SW worth road SW North Woolwich E CEMENT MANUF ACTRS. Putney Vale (William Rouse, snperinten­ Michael Robt. 29 Allen rd. Stk.Nwngtn N Eno J. C.Ltd.25 Pomeroy st.New Orss BE Ashby William & Son Limited, Morden rlent). Roehampton vale, Putney BW Moore Jn.59 Church st. Stk.Newin.gton N Forster & Gregnry Limited, Lonesome wharf, Riverside & Tunnel avenue, South Metropolitan (Rev. W. 8. Mathews Murdoch Rt. 10 Lakeside rd. Plumstead. chemical works, Greyhound Lane, Btreat­ Greenwich SE B.A., LL.B. chaplain & chaplain to the Palmer Hy. 46 Abbeville rd. Clapham SW ham Oommon SW Associated Portland CementManufacturers Lambeth Board of Guardians; Rev.Walt. Pannell Geo. W.57 Nevill rd.Stk.NwngtnN Freeman William,20 Mimosa st. Fulhm SW (1900) Limited, Hollicks wharf, River­ Hobbs, N onconfocmist chaplain; .Alfred Pateman Mrs.Charlotte E.47 Balham hlSW Hulle Jacob,24 to 28 Lombard rd.BtrseaSW side, Gre€nwich SE M.ackness, supt.),High st.W.Norwood SE Peters Rd. 73 Larkhall lane, Clapham SW Lavergent Co. 66 Southampton street, ~all & Co. Croydon Limited, New Wands­ Streatham (Rev. John Henry Anderson Pickard & Co. 6 Lavender hill,Bttrsoo. SW Camberwell SE worth Goods station, Battersea. rise SW M.A. & Rev. Heneage Jebb M.A. chap­ Picken Mark Collie, 251 Balham High Yay & Baker Limited, Garden wharf, & Ea5t Dulwich BE lains; A. T. Bugg, superintendent), road, Balham SW Church rosd & 39 & 41 High street, Robinson Joseph & Co. Ltd. 10 Crooms Garra.tt lane,Summers town,Tootng BW Poulton Nathnl.30Falcon rd.Battersea SW Battersea SW hill & Brewery whf.Bridge st.GrnwchSE Wandsworth (William Hy. Snow, snpt.), Rattenbury Richard B. 5 Bt. Andrew's Mitrogen Limited, Hythe road, Willesden Stu-ka.-lite Syndicate (The), Brewery Magda.len rd. Wand.sworth Common BW pavement, Dunsmure rd.Stamford HI N Junction NW wharf, Bridge street & 10 Crooms hill, Woolwich (William Horner, snpt.), King's Richardson George, 213 St. John's hill, Oppenheimer, Son & Co. Ltd. 51 & 5:J Greenwich SE highway, Plnmstead Battersca SW Handforth road, Brix:ton SW Whiteway William & Co. Greenwich Rogers F. A. 5 Lancefield st. Queen's PkW Shewy Glue & Chemical Works Limited, wharf, Riverside, East Greenwich SE CERTIFICATED :BAILIFFS. Sandiford Wm.103 Railton rd.Herne Hl BE 34 Ceylon street, Ba.ttersea Park rd SW See Baililis-CertifiOQted. Sears Herbert William, 58 & 60 Plough Stott Howard & Co. Ltd. Bavenscourt road, Battersea SW works, Dalling road, Hammersmith W CEMENT MERCHANTS. CHAIR CANERS. Smith Geo. T. 299 High st. Lewisham BE Turpene Ltd. The Point, Point Pleasant, Bennett William, la, Blanmerle terrace, Smith Ri!ID.o.rd, 77 New road, Woolwich W a.ndsworth SW .!ddington Timber, Slate & Cement Co. Smith W.G.l13 Askew ·rd.Shpbrd.'l Bsh W Ltd. Cold Blow rd. Brocklehurst st. Bla.nmerle road, New Eltham Whifi'en Thomas, 22 to 28 Lombard road Sorrell Brothers, :i8 & 64 Chatsworth rd. Batterses SW New Cross SE & 109 Camberwell rd. Bradshaw Alfd. 18 Southville,S.Lmbth BW Brown John C. 60 Lintaine gro.W.Kens W Lower Clapton NE Camberwell SE. T.N. 19 New Cross Stringer Harry Wilfred, 75 Strand Green Eastwood & Co. Limited, 21 High st. Burritt Mrs.MaryAnn,46 Spray st. Woolwch Clare Robert, 75 Brook Hill rd. W oolwich road N CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Woolwich; Phoenix wharf, Norman road, Taylor & Son, 18 Crouch hl. FinsburyPk N Gre€nwich SE; 29 Doggett rd. Catford Cox Mrs. Emily, 48 Brooksby's walk, Marked thus 't are PharmBCeutica.l Homerton NE Tyson J. & Co. 185 Lewisham High rd BE BE; Invicta wharf, Point Pleasant, Wallis William L. 228 Crystal ·Palace rd. chemist a. Wandsworth SW; Glass yard, Woolwich Dunn Mrs. B. 30 Picton st. Camberwell SE Gable Mra. Ellen, 6 Renbold pl.GrnwchSE East Dnlwich BE Marked thus • are Dealers in Photogra.phio & Lea Bridge wharf, Lea. Bridge road, Willats George, 29 Water la. Brixton SW .Apparatus & Materiala. LowtJr Clapton NE. See advertisement Mann Jn.Wm.14 Maulevercr rd.BrixtonSW 'liall George T. Gipsy bill, Norwood SE Nash John, 30 Andover road., Holloway N •Abbott Alfd. A. 47 Peny hill,Oatford BE Neal Mrs. Elizabeth A. 1 Field's place, llkin Benjamin R. Brewery wharf, Bridge CHEMICAL APPARATUS Arnett Jas. & Co. 317 Lillie rd.Fulhm SW street, Greenwich SE Dorset road, South Lambeth SW Ashford & Co. 3 High 11t.. Clapham SW Sankey J. H. & Son Limited, Villas road, Nightingale Frank, 90 Hamilton road,West MANUFACTURERS. Atkin Johr• Albert Alban, 243 West End Plumstead; Woolwich Arsenal Goods Norwood SE Fu1ham Pottery & Choo.vin Filter Co. Ltd. lane, Kilburn NW station (S.E.Rly.), Woolwioh & Bankey's Partridge Harry,256 Sumner rd..Pckhm SE 210 New King's road, Fulham SW Atkin.son Leo & Co. 285 Brockley romd SE Pilgrim Tllos. 68 Brightfield rd. Lee SE wharf, Barge House rd. N. Woolwich E i*Atkinson J. G. 25 Westow hi. Norwd SE Smith Mrs . .A. 276 Sumne;r rd. Peckhm SiE •Bailey .Arthur & Harold, 64 High street, Tl'enchard Edwa.rd P. Albion & Ravens­ CHEMICAL bou.rne wharves, G-reenwich road SE Solloway Hobt. 4 Whateley rd. E.DlwchSJ<J Highgate N Watford J. 14 Ernest st. We. Norwood SE •Bailey John Harling, 61 Old Dover road, West Brothers, Loml>ard wharf, Lombard. LABORATORIES. Wilkins James, 3 Pitt street, Peckham SE Bla.ckheath SE road, Battersea. SW & L. N. W. R. Wooster :Mrs.M.63Westmacott st.CmbrwlSE Oxychloride& (1907) Limited, Kilmorie rd. Baker's Drug Stores, 16 Church street, Canterbury road, Kilburn Forest Hill SE Wiggins & Co. Chancellor's wharf, Chan­ Greenwich SE Techno-Chemioal Laboratories Limited Ball Wm. THus, 102 Falcon rd.Bttrsea SW cellors road, Hammersmith W CHAIR MAKER. (The), Fairlawn, Clarence road, Clap­ Banbury Rd. 186 Lavender hl.Battersea SW [.tM" Full lists of this trade in ham Park SW. Wellcome Physiological Research, ·Brook­ Rarha.m Joseph,72 Emmanuel rd.Rlhm SW Unitec:l Kingdom, see Cabinet tBarlow F.R.224 Oo'ldharbour la.Brixtn SW CEMETERIES, well hall, Brockwell Park, Herne H1 BE &Furniture Trades Directory.] •Bamard A. P. & Son, 115a, Stoke ABNBY PARK CEMETERY CO. LTD • N ewington road N L!ndsey William, 191 Southampton street, (Arthur Clark, sec. & registrar; )Ienry CHEMISTRY-TEACHER OF. •Bames & Marsh, 79 Park rd. DulwichSE J. Hollowa.y, sstlt. sec.), Stoke Newing­ Camberwell SE Barron's Drug Stores, 158 Trafalgar road, ton N; cemeteries, Abney Park N; See Teach~r of Chemistry. Greenwich SE Chingford Monnt; Hendon park, Mill CHALK MERCHANTS. •Bartlet Alexander, 345 Woolwich road, Hill NW & Greenford pa.rk, Greenford, Nash & Miller, Vicarage wharf, Vicarage Charlton, Kent Middlesex. Telephone No. 178 Dalston road, Battersea SW-T N 385 Ilattersea CHEMISTS. Bartlett George Frederick Hand.el, 143 Ea.ttersea. (St. Mary's) (William Ernest High street, Battersea SW & :18 & 236 Bishop, supt.), Battersea Rise SW CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Battersea Park road SW Eromley Hill (John Warner, supt.), Chemists-Analytical. •Barton F. 36 Qlttenham rd.Up.Hollwy N Southend, Oatford BE Btreatham (Waiter Gardner, sec.), 5 Bate Henry, 125 South Lambeth road SW Ca.mberwell (Charles Willia.m Tagg, town Gleneldon rood, Streatham SW Cannon M.25 Stormont rd.La.vender ihl SW Griffi.ths .Arthur Bower F.R.B.Edin., F.C.B. Bateman Thomas Henry & Co. 609 Finch- clerk; Douglas James Robins on, supt. Woolwich Chamber of Commerce (Incor­ 78 Stock:well Park l"Oad SW ley road., Hampstead NW & registrar), Forest Hill road, East porated) (F. G. Goodman, sec.), 36 Batterham Alfred James, 16 Fonthill rd. Plumstead Common road Ha.yworth Willia.m Prince .A.I.C. 119 Dulwich SE Clapton common NE Finsbury Park N Deptford Borough (Albert Wait, supt.), Paul Jsmes Hugh B.Sc., F.I.C. 11 Glen­ •Rayley L. 91 Dresden rd.Hornsey Rise N Ilrockley road, Brockley SE CHAMOIS LEATHER MNFR. luce road, Blackheath SE tBeasley Fredk. 106 High st. Clapham SW Fulha.m (Alfred Oasselton, supt.), Fulham Castle Joseph Arth.7 .Arthur st.PeckhmSE Terry E., F.C.S., F.R.M.B. 374 Brixton Beck Albt. Neve,60 High st.Stk.Nwngtn N Pa.lace rd SW & Munster rd.Falham SW. road SW Bedells Ltd. 78 Chatsworth rd.L.Claptn NE Greenwich Borough (John N. Sha.rma.n, CHANDLERS' SHOPS. Beech Thomas, 156 Stockwell road SW snpt.), Well Hall road, Woolwich Chemi onsulting. •Bellamy Thos.100 Cricklewood brdwy NW Greenwich Royal Naval (John Williams, See Shopkeepers. OBennett Wm.Geo. Thos. 21 Catford hl SE rnpt..), Woolwich row, Greenwich SE Pilley John James Ph.D., F.C.S. 167 Cam­ 'f-Bessell J. W. 13 Bellevue road, Upper Hammersmith Borough Council, Macs-ra­ CHARCOAL MANUFCTRS. berwell grove SE Tooting SW vine ga.rdens, Fulham SW Bimmons William Hcrbert B.S.Lond. 53 Beva.n A. 269 West End la. Kilburn NW Hampstead (William AleJLander Cochrane, Latham J. B. & Co. Flaxrnan works, Northwold roa.d, Stoke Newingt<Jn N Eastlake road, Ca.mberw-ell SE Bishop William Middlebrook, 146 South­ supt.; Rev. James M. Willoughby D. D. ampton street, Camberwell SE & Rev. J. Sylvester Ponlton, chaplains), CHEESEMONGERS. •Boob8 Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd.97-99 Fortune Groon rnad, Kilburn NW Hommopathio. & 338 Streatham High road SW; 1 The Highgate, Fee London Cemetery Co A bbott Alfred, 136 Rye lane, Peckha.m SiE Butcher, Cnrnow & Co.
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