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F . .:?§§..--n....,.c. 1; _ . _ __ _ n ___ __ W4. ._.._.. mm. .~/ . ;__ **_ 77* V &#39; &#39;.?&#39; This le section has been scanned into the FOIPA Document Processing System FDPS!prior to National Security Classication review. Please see the documents locat &#39; current classication action, if warranted. Direct ! -,.et 4 . inquires about the FDPS to RIDS Service Request Unit .33 ii W 5:51 File Number: W f . A Section &#39;2 5,-*2 Scrial s!Reviewed: &#39; __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _7 __ __ ____ " -2; FOIPA Requester: _. O t O f t _ I .-.. 3..- FOIPA Subject: _ WT -t: &#39;FOIPA Computer Number: 7 9 3 7 __ _ _ _ _ _ _&#39;:-, iv-:1 t i.&#39; 1&#39;:_1A , 4=re File Number: &#39; q __ Section . at .~.:»§Serial s!Reviewed: i.3 %¢ 92 #3 FOIPA Requester: A O - I p ,..-.=...1 FOIPA Subject: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ f WT ___ -3;. FOIPA Computer Number: _ _ __: ___ _ q _ O q _q _ V. &#39;5&#39;: &#39;=.f=.i ,- .-. File Number: ______ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ __ _ Section YL: ié Serial s!Reviewed: :92 FOIPA Requester: _ _q ; __ _ _ _ _q _ _ _ _ > 3J; , FOIPA Subject: q _ _ _ t .<: I3 FOIPA Computer Number: O -s THIS FORM IS TO BE MAINTAINED AS THE TOP SERIAL OF THE FILE, BUT NOT SERIALIZED. #2-1:; »~ i it 1;»:riscmmsn BY DocLab Rm! -If ;:;_;:.DATE; +. J-/_L5:_05, A ATTENTION "&#39;&#39;,J--..,_,_:_--=-» -92--&#39;.. - F; --T=-V--i -.-~._=,---_-_;=-"J-4-&#39;-1--W-_-s-.; _- __-7 , - ~- .__ *7 _;._,_,=,_,,__,____ ._. -/3 w Fo_|:m3. - _No..&#39;:.92_92 F-I -. ._D-I W "92 FD-ZDZ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVEST1 "-AT-ION K fsactnsszaiar or 5 THISCASE ORIGINATEDAT -am FRANCISCOCALIFORNIAC J A%L¬%;"""&#39;C;-C? /T /.15J &#39; I-ET-PORTIIMADEAT . DATE WHEN MADE PERIOD FIOR REPORT MADE BY -- I 92 " WHICH MQDE hm gA}~J"_FRANCISC0,ouzoc aue 271952 /L;-7,l§/52j | 1&#39;|&#39;r|.: connotes or can bJ 5_:{ESSICAmw meLUCY Jessica _§eman- &#39; WI gomillv,Mitford, Jessica Mrs.Robert uc _omil1y E&#39;ZiTreuhaf&#39;t Ivirjs.__.EsDeco?-Treuhaft on_d"" mm RITE SECURITY _ -~ G I , i. I i _ J55§.r<.d;_¬?9Y.i&#39;Z3;?i5f..*T5-5l&#39;924»MA_RY.5}?--&#39; SEAREVERSEFORH i SIDE REP<>R1"&#39; a....;.»..a. J11/11>:-*-~&#39;-*~ , zdz,,,,, , AM ~ea»~»i»»- . lea /m,/7 " " ,"" "" §3QqEllT=_I.§&#39;Q3_1@1IQHA:WT " &#39;-- 068/ _ PF, TB.EUt1iLFjT resides"at T30 59th 5t., Qakland, andis employedas Director, QEast BayChapter, CRC,700 21st 3t., Qakland,Calif. A nativeof England, QQTREUHAFTthe joined CPin January 191:1; SanatFrancisco, Calif. immediately . xafter receiving United States citizenship through naturalization. In &#39;l9l16-1:7was she employ&#39;ed_as Financial Director, CP, SanFrancisco County and; in19146 wasPresident ofthe TwinPeaks Club, CP, San FranciscoCounty. 92.f She has also beenia paid official of such CPfront organizations as the _ "v- California Labor School, and the Joint Anti II gFascist Refu ee Committee, In 92_ &#39;&#39;&#39;>92%.9h7he <3 16th A D transferredClub, : CP of AlamedaCPCounty, membershipwherefromshe held Francisco herTREUHAFT the positionSan of J Countyto Educational Director in19h8. 5heremained activein CP affairs asa mem _ berof variousCP clubsin Alameda County until 1950, when shedropped it,,3 n -1.; mostoi herCP activitiesto accept a full--time positionas Executive I ii;/,5 &#39;5, Secretaryattended oiWest theEast the Bay -Oakland SectionChapter, CRO.However, Convention, CP, Decemberin Alameda County, 1950, shein92 in and $9 L09/51%,~ #1-_January _&#39; 1951 attended both.sessions ofthe CPRegional Conventionsfor 2 11" .5; :3 EAlameda Contraand CostaCounties, whereshe gavea report to the CP q&#39;_g!§~"&#39; 2-._~; - delegates concerningactivities theof CBC.In herpresent positionas 6} * Director, East Bay Chapter, CRO, shehas been reported in attendance at &#39; numerous ExecutiveBoard and Chapter meetings of that organization. In " "19li6 TREUHAFTis reported to have stated that "The ultimate goal of the I I ;__"form ofParty will begovernment." the overthrow ofhas monopoly TBEUHAFT appeared capita&#39;Li&#39;smasa speaker theat various democratic and C _ . rag ix/" A &#39; &#39;1!&#39;e1&#39;etadCopySent"&#39;. E. ___ |-gag M on];i "i_]I,;,1&#39;,; 1c,13o&#39;.-.;%-2Lu: :15 ______ tterT. erFOIPAReque§~§ Datedta I "o_1.-*;-.;~1~. ass"__ 77 7 K V s- - V E V E-- - 7 V ._ , e i =5-V -V Q . :;g92e:§gED&#39;:D cu; n: ~ no NOT wR|&#39;|&#39;Em "rues:spaces ... , . .- __ &#39; _ - _ , K ii comesor nusanon? "hm; i 1*Ci E" M20 1 3|..-K it ghai - &#39;- may N 2 -, - i _5 &#39; - Q-» -92 i B.-veal&#39; ??-2?T03! REG-!in I- £ &#39;~4 .i ,~ ~"~""*"4@i rs» 11" I 1I -.5.- I . *. , h - San Francisco 00-211160!~*~** - "-a.._, 7&#39;_ ?&#39;~< ~ .9 _ _ _ , . &#39;r__.,,§"; v &#39;7 . M. -. .6. -.! . PROPERTYx OFFBI» Thisconfidential agencyreportand itscontents to arewhich loaned Ioaned. toyou by_the FBI&#39;and arenot tobe distributedoatside&#39; ll// of 1 -92! 6 *6 K &#39;92 er 100-211180 and GPfront group meetings and has appeared on the speakers platform with prominent OPfunctionaries. TREUHAFT attended GP Club Leadership Institute in 19h8 and was in regular attendance at the Marxist Institute , e OP school, in 191.19-SO. Descriptive data set out; r I &#39;.p-it... ¬ V.-::._ _,_...__ I : 5 - . i A sr 100-21ABo _ TABLE GbNIT§_192_{_T§_OF Page I . BACKGROUND 1 A; B11?.THDATA B. CITIZENSHIP DATA c. EDUCATION D. MARITAL STATUS F. ca1Au;92:AL RECORD G. EMPLOETAEENT H. RESIDENCES II. CONNECTIONSWITH TIECOMMUNIST PARTYAID RELATED GROUPS h A. ]192TFORMATION.CONCEl?.NING ADMISSION TO - THE RETIOLUTIONARY GROUP h B. HISTORY OF ACTIVITY IN; ATTENDANCEAT MEETINGS OF,AND POSITIONSHELD IN THE SUBVERSIVE MOVEEAIINTWITH WHICH THE SUBJECT IS IDENTIFIED h III. REVOLUTIONARY STATEMENTS BY SUBJECT SHOWDIG ADVOCACY OFTHE OVERTHROWOF 511-IEGOVERNMENT BY FORCE on vxomucm » 15 A. STATEMENTS MADE 15 B. STATEMENTS MADE BY THE SUBJECT SHOWING ADHERENCE TO THE IPRINCIPT.-ES OF MARXISM- _ _LENINISM OR OTHERREVOLUTIONARY DOCTRINES ESPOUSED BY IHE CIDMEJRJNIST PARTY 16 Iv. ALL omma ACTIVITIES OF mm smmcw ]192iDICAT1192IG FURTHEBANCE op" THE meow OF THE 01» AND RELATED snows . &#39; 17 A. s1-moans .1 /1&#39;] B. vmnmes ¢ c. PERTINENT oomcws BETWEEN THE susazcmmn &#39;18 IEADERS or THE PARTY D» ATTENDANCE AT TRAINING SCHOOIS OF THE CP 19 19 .1- _ 92| _ fa-..f*"r Q __ SF 100-211480 TABLE commaOF Continued! Pgge V. MISCELLANEOUS 20 VI. DESCRIPTIVE DATA 23 l J .-1 -11.. 92 *_-.. it 14 92._ v so 100--2lh0 oa*ra11s= ca I! 0ELfj5734 B02!5 - _, b 2 I. §1§KGROU192IQ MD A. BIRTH DATA &#39; Petition for Naturalization No,75206 maintainedby the Clerk of the United States District Court, San Francisco, reflected the subject was born September 11, 1917, at Morton, Marsh, England. &#39; _ t In March19113 | D r knownr 119 8. bilit Y " fur-t7 0"; nished informationreflectingJESSICA that was ROMILLYNovember born fU/ 9,[ 1917, at Glos, England, the daughter of Lord Redesdalea - It is noted that birth dates and birthplacee in the preceding two paragraphs do not agree, B. CITIZENSHIPSTATUS _ Gertificate of Arrival No. it-3l&289 reflectedthat JESSICA LUCY ROMILLYentered the Port of New York on March 2, 1939 on board the .U,! SS AURANIA» - Petition for Naturalization No. 75206 maintained by the Clerk of the United $tatesDistrict Court, San Francisco,reflected that the subject was admitted to United States citizenship in that court on Janu- cry 3; 19-ll-lo . - Co EDUCATION "92 . _ another governmentalfurnished agency, in- 92&#39; J fromformation toreflecting 1933 193b,receiving that,TREUHAFT diploma attendedDecember thea Sorbonne, inParis, France, 193b,/7 L! _ In March 191:3,records ofthe StrayerCollege, 13thand F356., NW, Washington,D. Ga,reflected subjectthe attendedthat school, study-T U! ing shorthand and typing from 5eptember15, 19112to February 26, 191131» 92 1!. naarra stratus 92 . In Septemberl9hl1,Sfurnished I _ reflectinginformation. 92 M] that ROBERT__-___. TREIII-Ila§&#39;,T_andthe subject were married on June21, 19b3, at Guerneville, Oalifornieu Q &#39; alum _ I _ _ >- f_.- " &#39; - b &#39;7 er 100-2lh8O __ bl C &#39;- 92 _ 9292ki?D stated that However, these individuals the "San Francisco were married Examiner" several dated months December previous h, to 19b3,L ! that date in Washington, 3- GoIhiS article also stated that the subject A was formerly married to EShKDH?HILLY, author-nephew of WINSTON CHURCHILL.
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