Government of Bihar Panchavati Rai Deoartment Notification Memo No. : 6Pa./Bi.P a.N:.-oJ l2o2 t L.7.7. 1 5... tp.p,. P atna. Datedt.?.9. t . 98./2021 Whereas, the tenurc of the Panchayats and (iram Katachahries constilutcd by General Elcctions in thc year 2016 cxpired in June 20211 And due to COVID-I9 Pandemic the election of thc said bodies could noi bc conducted in time and advisory committees are constituted in place ol dissolved panchayats and Gram kachahries in thc light of relcvant provisions of the Bihar Panchayat Rai Ac(. 2006 as amendcd b] the Bihar Panchayat Rai (Amcndmcnt) Act.202I (Bihar Act 17. 202I) And whereas, that il is necessary to reconstitutc the said Panchayats and Gram Katachahries under the provisions of Articlc 243L of the ConstitutiQn of lndia and undcr Section - 14, 39, 66 and 92 ofrhe Bihar Panchayat Rai Act. 20061 Now. thereforc. in cxercise of thc powcrs conferred undcr Scction-l24 of the Bihar Panchayat Rai Act. 2006, the Go,r'emor of Bihar, on the recommendation of thc State tilcction Commission. Bihar, Patna, is pleased hcrcby to {ix the dates ofpoll in first stagc' second stagc. third stage, lburth stage, fifth stage, sixth stage. seventh stage. eighth stage' ninth stage. tcnth stage and eleven stagc thc datcs, 2409.2021,29092021,08 10 2021' 20.l0.2021. 24.10.2021,03.11.2021. 15.11.2021. 11 2021' 08 122021 and 12.12.2021 ibr electing the Mukhiyas and Members of the Gram Panchayats, Members ol- and lhe Panchayat Samitis and Mcmbcrs of thc Zila Parishad. Gmm Katachahry Sarpanches Panchcs. for territorial constitucncics in accordancc with District wise and Block wisc hcrcwith schedulcs mentioned in Column-ll and Columnlll of Schcdules-l to 11 unncx6d in and requires that the voters will elect Of'lice bcarers ol'Panchaya/Gram Katachahry Panchayal accordancc with thc provisions of the Bihar Panchayat Raj Act 2006 and Bihar l,lcction Rulcs. 2006 madc thereundcr' By thc order of the Covemojg!Bihar +_--;a5:;, --'-- AddirionalPhGf Secrcfary to thc Corcmment 1 Q8"12021 Memo No.: 6PalBi.P a.Ni.'o3l2o2l I .? p' Patna' Dated: ?2 Bihar' Patna Copy lbrwarded to the otliccr in-chargc. c-Gazelte Cell' Iinancc Dept ' (iazette' tbr publication in next extraordinary issuc of thc Bihar S1lug -.-..-.--,/>1 / AddirionalfE-rcf Secdtarl to the Govcmmcnt ? 03. Memo No.: 6Pa,tsi.P n.Ni.-o3l2o2l I ..27-l{...ty.x Patrla'Datedt ? l 'l2o2l ---- (lhief Ministcr' Cofy hrwardcd to Chief Secretary' Bihar/Principal Sccrctary to the and gihaV Aia'itionat Chief Sccretary/Prin;ipal Sccretary/Secretary ol all Departmcnts Commissioners/All District Magistrate cum f f""i. the DcpanmcnrAll biuisional oiui,"t-"i"ii gi"",io. oificcrs (Panchayat)/Au Deputy Devclopment C-ommissioners/All iji'l.ti""i n"pr,y I)irectors. Panchayar Rai/AIi Sub- Divisional oflrcers/All District 'Ol-ilccrs/All l'anchayat pancf,ayut nai Block Devclopmcnt omcers/AIl Iixecutive Ollicers' state Illection i"ritVaii iiir"iprls, Panchayat Raj Training lnstitule/ Secretary' Commission. Bihar. Patna tbr information ffi_>,t.-.''_-_,- ?-__ >r,1. v Additional Chicl Secrctary to the Covcmmcnl t \ted'on2071\p.ntrr.yd Norr'( on 207rcot ffineaute.t Gram Panchayat & cram Katachahry c ene. rl Eleclion,2O2l\!7 Districtwise Name of Blocks for Pollino inn the 1sts Phase I I t IV Dawath 24.09.2021 (Ftidavl 1 Rohtas (Sasaram) Sanihauli 24.09.202'l (Ftidavl 2 Kaimur (Bhabhua) Kudra 24.09.2021 (Fndav\ Belaoanki 24.O9.2O2'l (Ftidav\ Gaya Khiiarsarai 24.O9.2O21 (Ftidav\ 4 Nawada GovindDur 24.09.202'l (Ftidav\ Aurangabad Auranqabad 24.09.2021 (F(idaY) Jehanabad 6 Kako 24.09.2021 (Ftidayl Sonebhadra-Banshi 7 Arwal Suryapur 24.09.202'l (F(idav). I Munger Tarapur 24.09.2021 (Ftidavl Jamui 9 Sikandara 24.09.2021 (Ftidav) '10 Banka Dhoraiya 24.09.2021 (Ftiday) District 10 Block 12 Gram Panchayat E Gram Katachahry General Election, 202'l\.1-../ffi ""n..u,"', Distdctwise Nameme of Block3 for Pollinq inn the 2nd Phase i, 'i,.i, i ;, , lt t 'l Patna Palioani 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 2 Buxar Raiour 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) Rohtas 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) J Rohtas (Sasaram) Nauhatta 29.09.2021 (Wed nesdav) Tharthari 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) 4 Nalanda Girivak 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) Kaimur (Bhabhua) Durqawati 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) Bhojpur (Ara) 6 Piro 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) Tekari 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 7 Gaya Guraru 29.09 -2021 (Wednesdav) Nawada I Kauwakol 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) Aurangabad I Nabinaoar 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) 10 Jehanabad Ghoshi 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 11 Arwal Arwal 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) '12 Saran Manihi 29.O9.2021 (Wednesday) 13 Siwan Siwan Sadar 29.o9.2021 (Wednesday) 14 Gopalganj ViiaviDUr 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) Vaishali Haiiour 29.09.2021 (Wed nesdav) Marwan 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 16 Muzaffarpur Sariaya 29.O5.2021 (Wednesdav) Madhuban 29.o9.2021 (Wednesdav) East Chamaparan 17 (Motihari) Phenhara 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) Tetariva 29.O9.2021 (Wednesday) West Champaran 18 Chanpatia (Bettiah) 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) Choraut 29.O9.2O2'l (Wednesdav) 19 Sitamarhi Nanpur 29.O9.2021 (Wednesday) Benipur 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 20 Darbhanga Alinaoar 29.09.2021 (Wednesday) Schedulo-2 Gram Panchayai & Gram Katachahry General Election, 2021 Di3trictwise Name of Blocks for Pollinq inn the 2nd Pha3g I t Pandol 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 21 Madhubani Rahika 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) Taiour 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) 22 Samastipur Pusa 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) SamastiDUr 29.O9.202 1 (Wednesdav) 23 Supaul Pratapqani 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 24 Saharsa Kahra 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) 25 Madhepura MadheDUra 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 26 Purnia Banmankhi 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) Kursela 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) Kaithar (Wednesdav) 27 Katihar 29.09.2021 Hasanoani 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) Dankhora 29.09.2021 (Wednesday) 28 Araria Bharoama 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 29 Begusarai BhaqwanDur 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 30 Khagaria Parbatta, (Zila Parishad Member T.C No. 17& '18) 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 31 Munger Tetiabamber 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 32 Jamui E. Alioani 29.O9.2021 (Wednesdav) Bhagalpur Jaqdishpur 29.09.2021 (Wednesdav) 34 Banka Banka 29.09.2021 (Wednesday) District 34 Block4S Schedule-3 Gram Panchayat & Gram KatachahryI\gB9ltElll,vglElqlslg9uvll.\c}ll General Election,(@ Districtwise Nameme of Blocksoc for Pollinq inn the 3rd Phase t Naubalpur 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 1 Patna Bikram 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 2 Buxar Dumraon 08.10.2021 (Fridav) Rohtas (Sasaram) Karakat 08.10.202'l (Fridav) Silao (Fridav) 4 Nalanda 08.10.2021 Nagarnausa 08.'10.2021 (Fridav) 5 Kaimur (Bhabhua) Chainpur 08.10.2021 (Fridavl b Bhojpur (Ara) JaqdishDur 08.10.2021 (Fridav) Mohra 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 7 Gaya Atri 08.10.2021 (Fridav) Nimchak Bathani 08.'t0.2021 (Fridav) Nawada Raiauli 08.10.2021 (Fridav) Aurangabad Barun 08.10.202'l (Fridav) 10 Jehanabad Ratani Faridpur 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 11 Arwal Kurtha O8.1O.202'l (Ftiday\ 12 Saran Garkha 08.10.202'l (Fridav) 't3 Siwan Hussaingani 08.102021 (Fidav\ Hasanpura 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 14 Gopalganj Bhore 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 15 Vaishali Jandaha 08.10.2021 (Ftidav\ 16 Muzaffarpur Sakra 08.10.2021 (Fridav) Muraul 08.10.2021 (Fridav) East Chamaparan 17 Turkaulia 08.10.2021 (Fridav) (Motihari) Ghorasahan O8.1O 2021 lFrklav\ West Champaran 18 Narkatiaganj (Beftiah) 08.10.202'l (Fridav) Bokhra 19 Sitamarhi O8.1O.2O21 (Ftidav\ Bathnaha 08j0.2021 (Ftidav\ 20 Darbhanga Bahedi 08.10.2021 (Fridav) Phulparas 21 Madhubani 08.10.202'l (Fridav) Khutauna 08.'10.202'l (Fridav) y'"t Schedule-3 1"o Gram Panchayat & Gram Katachahry General Election, 2021 v Districtwise Name of Blocks for Poll in the 3rd Phase I t Ujiyarpur 08.10.2021 (Fndav) 22 Samastipur Dalsinqhsarai 08.'10.2021 (Fridav) 23 Supaul Chhatapur 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 24 Saharsa Patarghat 08.10.2021 (Fridav) Gamharia 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 25 Madhepura Ghailadh 08.10.2021 (Fridav) B.Kothi 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 26 Purnia Bhawanipur 08.10.2021 (Fridav) 27 Katihar Kodha 08.10.2021 (FridaY) 2A Araria Raniqani 08.'10.2021 (Fridav) 29 Lakhisarai Halsi 08.'10.2021 (Fridav) Birpur 08.10.2021 (Friday) 30 Begusarai Dandari 08.10.2021 (Friday) Gogri (zila Pa.ishad Member T.C No. 15) 08.10.2021 (Friday) 31 Khagaria Parbatta (zila Parishad Member T.C No. '15) 08.10.2021 (Friday) 32 Munger Sanqrampur 08.'10.2021 (Friday) Jamui 08.'10.2021 (Friday) 33 Jamui Giddhaur 08.10.2021 (Fridav) u Bhagalpur Sanhaula 08.10.2021 (Friday) 35 Banka Raiaun 08.10.2021 (Friday) District 35 Block 50 Schedule4 Gram PanchayatI -rrerr-rqr &u Gramvrarr Katachahry General Election, 202 Districtyvise Name of Blocks for Pollinqn in the 4th PhAS€ I t IV Dulhinbazar 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) 1 Patna Bihta 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) 2 Buxar Itarhi 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) Rohtas (Sasaram) Sasaram 20.1 0.2021 (Wednesdav) Tilothu 20.1O.2021 (Wednesdav) 4 Nalanda lslampur 20.1 0.2O2'l (Wednesdav) Rajgir 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) Kaimur (Bhabhua) Chand 20.1O.2021 (Wednesdav) 6 Bhoipur (Ara) Tarari 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) 7 Gaya Konch 20.1O,2021 (Wednesdav) Gurua 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) 8 Nawada Akabarpur 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) Aurangabad Rafigani 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) 10 Jehanabad Eqlasgani 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) 11 Arwal Kaler 20.1 0.2O2'l (Wednesdav) 't2 Saran Mashrak 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) Panapur 20.10.2021 (wednesdavl Guthni 20.1O.2021 Mednesdav) 't3 Siwan Mairwa 20. 1 O.202 1 (Wednesdav) Navtan 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) 14 Gopalganj (q!4iva 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) Panchdevri 20.1O.2021 (Wednesdav) 15 Vaishali Lalqani 29JO.2021 (Wednesdav) Chehrakala 20.1O.2021 (Wednesdav) '16 Muzaffarpur Mushhari 20.1O.2021 (Wednesdav) Bochahan 20.1O.2021 (Wednesdav) East Chamaparan 17 Kesaria 20.10.2021 (Wednesdav) (Motihari) Dhaka 20.
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