l! '' \ A ' ' \ \ ■ 7, ■ Av ' The Weatl^ , . THURSy^Y, SEPTEMBER IS, ISM Average Daily Net Press Hon FereoMt el O. ». Weather BnroM PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Vor the Week Ended iHanclieat^r lEtt^ttus September 1, ISM ^ Olenr and very cold tonight wWi scattered fireet. Lew 40-46. tar- the list of floom Mother’s hastJeert 1 3 , 5 ^ day meetly eomiy. M fh 85-70. School Fair Set oomideted snd schedules of th^r WINOOW SHADES duties have been made up for dis­ Member ot the Audit A b o u t T o w n College Convocation By Bentley PTA tribution at the Room Mothers W A S H A IL E Eorena of ObeiSntlan Mancheater— A City o f Village Charm Tsa, which will 1)0 held the after­ IClM Carc4 Jacteton, daughter INTERSTATE Robert Murdock, president of the noon of ^ )t. 34. (aamuied Adveriuinc ea Pnga IS) PRICK SEVEN CENTS o t Mr. and M n. Nicholaa R. Jack- MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1963 Man, 40e Hacfcmatack St, haa en-.. Set Saturday Morning Bentley School PTA, opened the Human sense of smell can hard­ AQUA SHADES (EIGHTEEN PAGES) executive board meeting Tuesday VOL. LXXXn, NO. 293 t r r<med aa a freatanan at KeukS . ly detect the poignant perfume M q p Made to Order CoHege, Keuka Parte, N.Y. ' ------------ ^ \ night in the sdhobl library. Final of the burled truffle. Most French Formal academic ceremonies marking the official begin­ plans were made for the school truffle seekers himt with pigs, (n e a iO D With Your RoUers fair which will be held Sept. 28 on Hie Brlticb American CSub will ning of the Manchester Community College will be held Sat­ Italy dogs Isad the search. Sar­ Full Line of Custom have Its annual dance Saturday at urday at 10 a.m. with an inaugural convpcation in Bailey the school grounds. dinians use goats. State News Studeiits’ Sympathizers William Schaller reported that the olubhouae for membera and Auditorium of Manchester High School. VENETIAN BLINDS gueaU. caiarlle Varrlck’s orchea- Some 500 state and local tUg-*^'------------------------------------: Roundup j A tra wlU play for dancing from 9 nltaries, civic, and religious lead pan. to 1 am. A buffet wUl be monies, a reception will follow in E. A. JOHNSON served. Tlcketa may be obtained ers have been invited; and a gen­ the school cafeteria. Presiding at eral invitation to attend has gone at the bhib. the tables and pouring are Mrs. Demonstrate Again at out to the pulblic. William Belflore, Mrs. Edward PAINT CO. The keynote speaker will be The MAndieater Chapter of the Coltman, Mrs. Robert Heins and 723 Main S t; TeL MI 9-4501 Court Battles Sen. Thomas Dodd, who will dis­ Miss Catherine Putnam, all mem­ Hammond Organ Society held V / e l c O " - ' ■ eAeotion of officers at its meeting cuss "Ekhication and Democracy." bers of the Citizen’s i Advisory at Watkins Store Saturday. Jo­ Dr. Frederick W. Lowe Jr., dean Council. Loom on Rule of the college, will give an inau­ seph PuMcas of Newington was Arrangements lor the convoca­ Hearing on Cuba Trip gural address, after being for­ elected president for the 1963-64 tion are being made by the ad­ season. Harold Thoma. West Hart­ mally installed by Mrs. Allan visory council’s public relations To Fluoridate ford, was elected vice president; Bourn, chairman of the Manches­ committee, of which Mrs. Raymond ter Board of Education. B. Gowen Is chairman. DALLAS' Mi— Gladys H. Forster, Rockville, HARTFORD (AP) — The Also seated on the stage will be The ceremonies will be broadcast secretary; and Edward Lee, Man­ over WINF Radio, beginning at State Public Health Council is House Unit chester, treasurer. Mayor Francis Mahoney, who will ■ THRiPiElpnuriS bring greetings from the Town of 1:16 p.m! laying the groundwork for The American Legion Auxiliary Maiwhester; William Horowitz of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Morlarty BEAUTY regulations requiring fluori­ has ^ en invited to attend a Joint New Haven, chairman of the State will host some 200 guests at a dation of all water supplies in j Ejects Four installation of the East Hartford Board of Education, who will luncheon at their home, 75 Forest k h i t I American Legion Post and its represent the board; Matthew M. St., following the ceremonies. the state. Auxiliary Saturday at 8 p.m. at Morlarty, chairman of the Citi­ m R E C O R D * Until now, the decisions to .add St. John’s Church, Rector St., East zen's Advisory Council of the col­ fluorides to private or municipally- From Room SALON owned water supplies have been Hartford, and also to the same type lege (council members are largely ' t Z OF THE WEEK of event at the West Hartford post responsible for the establishment made locally. home, 18 Memorial Rd., West Hart­ of the college); and Fred A. The council, which operates WASHINGTON (AP) — ford, at 8:30 p.m. the same day. Ramey Jr., who will represent the NOW OPEN for BUSINESS at within the State Health Depart­ ment and is charged with setting Backers of .students who went faculty. Dr. WUliam H. Curtis. to Cuba in defiance of a gov­ The .Youth For Christ of the Manchester superintendent o ' public health policy for the state, "BE MY directed State Health Director Greater Hartford area will hold its schools, will act as master of cere­ 34 CHURCH ST., MANCHESTER ernment ban staged another first rally Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at monies. Franklin M. Foote yesterday to demonstration today at a draft the necessary regulations. the Batchelder ^hool, 757 New Kenneth Wood will preside at BABY” house hearing, and four were Britain Ave., Hartford. All teen­ They could be adopted by the the organ, and Mrs. June Yeomans A V r i’ONi A ri( Mr. Dallas Specializes in— council before the end of the year, forcibly ejected from the agers and their parents are wel­ Park will be soloist. A. For An by the come to attend. although they would not take ef­ room. Membera of the League of fect until sometime next year. Police carried two out bodily. Women Voters of Manchester who Prescription Permanent Waving — Appointment RONEHES The Polish National Alliance, MEANS Lamp, Razor and Style Hair Cutting It is certain that resistance to The demonstrations began when will act as ushers include Mrs. C‘ fluoridation in some areas will re-1 Philip A. Luce, 26. of New York, Group No. 1988, will meet Satur­ —Also Expert' Hair Coloring and SU- day at 77 Jlorth St. at 6:80 p.m. Fred Geyer, Mrs. Lawrence Hand- Call suit in court fights. A le.gal chal-i who wa.s in the witness chair, ley, Mrs. John Hyde. Mrs. Thomas ver Blending. lenge has already been promised made some remarks about Negro Miss Muriel E. Lambert, daugh­ Ottney, Mrs. Eugene Sztela and BRIOAN CV-ZOAIi c 6 4 3 -0 3 2 2 by the privately-owned New Ha­ voting in Louisiana and Virginia. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Mrs. Sedwlck Rawlings. ven Water Co. There was applause from spec­ Lambert, Hemlock Dr., Vernon, Members of the Manchester Gar­ for fuel oils, service, • Ample FREE Parking • Dr. Foote informed the council tators. left Sxmday for Temple Univer­ den Club In charge of the flower yesterday that he has iieen ad­ "Okay, throw them out,” sity, Philadelphia, pa., where she arrangements are Miss Millicent heating equipment vised by the state attorney-gen­ Chairman Edwin E. Willis, D-La., Jones, Mrs. George Johnson, Miss r»B eral that the council, under the said, and police moved in on the will be a freshman. Hours: 'Tues. thru Sat. — Thurs. till 9 — Closed Mon. Dubaldos Mark 5Srd Anniversary Ellen Buckley and Mrs. William phone 522*8151 broad powers given it to protect leaders of the applause. Tho Legion Auxiliary will have Eells. and preserve public health, would Another young man had been 170 PEARL STREA-r thrown out of the building earlier its first meeting of the fall season Mf. and Mrs. JtUius Dubaldo Mr. and Mrs. Dubaldo were After the convocation cere- be acting legally in adopting the HARTFORD. CONN. reg;ulations. for haranguing police in the cor­ Monday at 8 pm. at the legion 59 Irving S t were honored at a married Sept. 10, 1910, in Mag- Home. Mrs. Hany Sweet and Mrs. liano Sstoina, Italy. They have six That the council has decided to ridor outside the hearing room. Theodore Fairbanks will be co- surprise party Tuesday night in employ its authority in this way is There were two near-riots Thur.s- children: Anthony Dubaldo, Mrs. day, the first day of hearings by dhalimen of a hospitality eom- celebraUon of their 53rd wedding Prime Amadeo, Mre. Joseph Sar­ largely due to a Superior Court mltbee. ca.se that ended in July. the House Committee on Un- anniveraary. The , event, given by tor, Peter Dubaldo, Bruno Du­ * for that American Activities on illegal baldo and Victor Dubaldo, all of In that action, Judge Frank Co- the couple’s children, was at­ vello ruled that ordinances adopted travel to Cuba. St. Mary's Elpisoopal Senior tended by relatives and friends Manchester, 16 grandchildren and Buy Connecticut Luce was one of 58 students who Yoimg People’s FeHowship will be­ 2 gfreat-grandchlldren. (Herald by the city of New Haven and the who presented them with many town of Hamden ordering the New went to Cuba this summer a.s gin mis seaaon’s progrram with a gifU.
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