THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TOPOGRAPHY OF OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURATE AND COMPREHENSIVE TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS: ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORM A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS. BY G. A. COOKE, jffSQ. VOL. xn. CONTAINING BUCKINGHAMSHIRE AND OXFORDSHIRE. Hontron: Printed, by Assignment from the Executors of the late C, Cooke, FOR &UERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. r ^ CMlift TOPOGRAPHICAL •STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM. Containing an Account of its Situation, Minerals, Agriculture, Extent, Fisheries, Markets, Towns, Manufactures, Curiosities, Roads, Commerce, Antiquities, Natural History, Rivers, Fairs, , Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions, &c. To which is prefixed, A COPIOUS TRAVELLING GUIDE; Exhibiting, ^ The Direct and principal C7-oss Roads, Inns and Distance of Stages, Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Scats. Forming a COMPLETE COUNTY ITINERARY. Also, A LIST OF THE MARKETS AIJD FAIRS ; J?id an Index Table, Sliewing, atOne View, the Distances of all the Towns from London, and from each other. BY GEORGE ALEXA:NDER COOKE, Editor of the Universal System of Geography. Illustrated with A MAP OF THE COUNTY. HLonOon; Printed for C. COOKE, No. 17, Paternoster Row, by ErimYner «nd Co. Water Lane, Ileet treet, ~ And sold by all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom. o "^ s ^ inc/3 !: — AN ITINERARY OF ALL THE DIRECT AND PRIiNXIPAL CROSS ROADS IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Ill which are included the Stages, Inns, and Glntlemen's Seats. N. B. The first Column contains the Names of Places passed through ; the Figuret thatfollo-o shew the Distances from Place, to Place, Toum to Town, and Stages ; and in the last Qolutnn are the Names of Gentlemen's Seats and Inns. The right and'left of the Koads are distinguished by the letters R and L. JOURNEY FROM BRACKLEY TO UXBRIDGE, THROUGH BUCKINGHAM, WINSLOW, .YLESBURY, WENDOVEK, AND AMEKSHAM. 13 RACK LEY to Westbury 2^- 2^\A/: V/estbury, Benj. Vriet Vyilhcts, esq. and the Rev* Wm. Barnard. ShaUtone, G. Huddkston Furcfoy Jervois, esq. L Buckingham 7\ Stowe, 'Marquis if Bucking- hajn, L Cross the Ouse Ri- Inns LordCohhanh Arms, ver. White Hart. Padbury lOi Inn—White Hart. Haddington House, Hon, Vere Pouletf. Win SLOW [4^ At WirisloRy, W. Lowndes; esq. Whitchurch 20 Ovmg, R. Hopkins, esq. R m /ick C70SS the Thame River. Aylesbury C)A 3 Inns George, White Hart, Walton T. G. 251 ih the R of Walton Connnon, see Harticcllf Sir W, Lee, A 3 ITINERARY OF •(nt. Weston Turvllle, Mrs. Tum^ kins and John Edde, esq. Halton House, Sir John Dashuood King^ hart. vVexdover At Wendover, Lord Car- ringfon, L ^Near Ditto^ Lanford Lovell, esq. L Hampden-Iiouse, Lord Hamp- den, R Huzen-Jiehh Lodge^ T, Back- house, esq. L Great Missenden 4i 34i hm— White Hart. TheGreat Abbej/, Oldham Oldha?n, esq. L Peterley-house, Rev. Mr. Loi/d. The Little Abbey, Tho. Stan- hope Badcock, esq. Hyde- lodge, late Rev. John Hubbard. Little Missenden 21 36| Seat of Rev. Joseph Wells, L and W. Moore, esq. Shurdloes, Th(*. Drake Tyr- zchitt Drake, esq. R High-house, Mrs. Scrimshir'e. Colesh ill-housef Hon. T. Grenville. Amersham 2\ 391 In" — Crozcn. Parsonage.y Rev. Dr. Drake. Beele-housCy Kcndar Mason, esq. L Nezv-honse, Mrs. Sturt. The Vach, late James Grant, esq. L Chalfont/ St. 121- Inn.—Pheasant. The Stone- Giles's Street house, late Charles Mol- End loy, esq. The Rectory, Rev. Morgan Jones, ItOADS IN BUCKINCHARfsninr. 7 Newland Park. Sir H, 'i\ Gott, hart. L Gorrlfuuh, Lieut.-Coionel Siiiilh, h At Chalfoiit Turnpike, Geo, Devon, esq. R. P. S. Burrel, esq. L ChalfontjSt.Peter It 4 1|: Fnn— Gw/Aauwf/. TIte Vi- caragr-'kou.se, Rev. Dr., Chalmers. At Gold-kiU, a Scat of Hoh. Frisbr/, esq. R. The Grunge, T, Hussei/, esq. R Orchard Farm, The. Ludbi/j esq. R Chalfont-honse and' Lodge^ Thomas Hibhert, esq. L 0(4k End, — MatikcKS, esq. Red Hill 3| \7\ Inn — Hare and Hounds: Round Coppice, Carrier 'Thompson, esq. R See Hill Barn, — Vietherlei/,. esq. L Denham-house, B.Wat/, esq. L Dcnham Court, — Thompson j e>:q. L 0x BRIDGE inn— White Horse. Hare- field Lodge, Mrs. Parker. Belmont-house, T. Harriff,- esq. Sccempleif-housef T, Clark, esq. JOt/RNEY FROM HIGH WYCOMBE TO UXBRIDGE, THROUGH liEACONSFIELD. IIlGIlWYCOMBEtO Wycombe Marsh H 1| Inn- Red Lion. Loudwater 2| Hotspui' Heatli ^\\lmi'-^King\ Head^ —— ITINERARY OF THE Gregorys, Mrs. Burke, L HuH Barn, — Wood, esq. 11 BzACOXbriELD l\. 5\ [nns Bull, Saracens Head, White Hart. Wilton. Fork, James Du Pre, esq. L Gerard's Cross Inn WhiteHart Bulslrode, Duke of Fort land. Tailing End. T. G. 1| Denham Place Denham Place, B. Way, esq. L Dtnliam Court, — Huare, esq. L Con ley, — Hlllyer, esq. R Belmont, 1. Ha>'ris, esq. Cross the Coin Ri zer. UxBniDGE 13| [nn White Horse. A Scat of the JMarchioness of Rockingham and — Free- man, esq. L JOURNEY FROM HENLEY UPON THAMES TO CHENIES, THROUGH GREAT MARLOW, HIGH WYCOMBE, AND AMERSHAM. Henley to Mile End ol Medincnham Great Marlow Rf»ADS IN BUCKlUGnAVSHIRE. Handy Cross 3 High Wycombe Amersham Chenies —— 10 ITINERARY OF THE Slierrington 2 3 Cross the Rive)- Ouse. Newport Pag- NiLL [nns Sergeant, Suan. Broughton Wavendon 2^ nl\\VaTendon-house, Hugh Hoarc, esq. I WUCURN 15 Inns George, Goaf. Wo- I burn Abbe I/, D. of Bedford JOURXEY FROM BICESTER TO AYLESBURY. Bicester to BlackThorn Heath Wotton Ujiderziood, Earl Temple, R Ham Green 8i VVaddeston 111 Seat of IV. Pigott, esq. L -A-YLESBURY 161 Inns Geor^ie, White Hart. JOURNEY FROM MAIDENHEAD TO COLNBROOK. iSlAIDEXHEAD to Cross the liiver Thames. Maidenhead Inn King^sArms. The Hu- Biidt^e ins of Cliefden, belonging to the Earl of Inchiquin, L. Hedsor. Lord Boston, L. Braywick Lodge, Tho- mas Slack, esq. R. Can- non-hill, — Law, esq. R Monkey Inland, Toicnley Ward, esq. R Nearly opposite is Water Oatelei/, — Huddtstone, esq. Fil- bert, j\[ajor-Gen. Irving. Tuplozo, 1 — Let/ton, esq. 2 P. Grenscll, esq. 3 Gen. —— KOADS I] BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. 11 Hall ; and 4 Eaid of In- chiquin, L Hunterscomhcy Sir W, Younge, R Bj^ittle, — Simmonds, esq. L Salt Hill 41 Inn — Windmill. Seat of Earl Grosvenor. Si. Leonard-fiill, Gen. Har- court, II. Sophia Farm, G. Birch, esq. R. Cran- bourn Lodge, Duke of Gloucester, R. Windsor CasHe, Eton College, R. Stoke-house,JohnPen7i, esq. L BayUsy Sir G.Womhcell^ esq. Slough, P. O. Inn Crozvn Tetsworth Water Langley Broom Langley Park, Sir R. Bale- son Hervey, esq. L Dition Bark, Lord Beaulieu. Colnbrook \\ 9\ Inns George, White Hart. Rich lings, John Sullivan, esq. L JOURNEY FROM STONY STRATFORD TO DUNSTxVBLE, through fenny stratford and brickhill. Stony Strat- ford to Thornton-hall, T. Sheppard, esq. R. Woolterton, T. Harrison, esq. L Shenley Inn Seat oftheRev. H.Knapps, R Fenny Stratford Brickhill Inns George, White Lion. Duvscomhe Place, Phillip Duncomhe Pauncefort, esq. R Battle&dcn-house,SirGregory Page Turner, hart, L —— 12 ITlNERAny, &c. Hocklitfe. T. G. 6 jl5 Hocklijfe Lodge, Richard Gilpin, esq. 11 Dunstable ^f|19| Inns Bull, Crozcn, Sugar- ' fo<if. I I JOURNEY FROM BUCKINGHAM TO BEDFORD, THROUGH STONEY STRATFORD AND NEWPORT PAGNELL. Buckingham to Stowe, Marq. ofBuckingham Penshanger n Cross the River Ouse. Stone Y Strat- Inns Bull, Cock. ford Wolverton Stanton Bridge Newport Pag- Inns Serjeanty Sopim, nell Cross the River Ouse, Chichely Astwood Stagsden Bromham Bridge Cross the River Ouse. Bedford ; A CORRECT LIST OF THE FAIRS IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Ainer&ham—Whit Monday, Lcivenden- -Tnesday before Sop. 10; sheep. Easter a shew fair. Aylesburi/—Jan. 18, Satur- Utile Brkkliitt -May 12, day before Pahn Sunday Oct. 29 ; cattle. May 8, June 14, Sept. 25, MarLow—May 1, 2, 3, hor- Oct. 12; cattle, ixc. ses, cattle, '&c. Oct. 29, Beaconsfield—Febi'uary 1 3, cheese, hops, and butter. .Jloiy Thursday ; horses, Newport Pogne.l—Feb. 22, G0\v5 and bheep. Aprir22, June22,Aug. 29 Mucki)igham~Moiu\^y se'n- Oct. 22, Dec. 22, cattle. nigiit after tl»e Epiphany. 0«/7irj/— EasterMond. June Match 7, (if Leap Year. 29, Oct. 21. cattle. March 6), May 0, Whit- Risborough —May 6 ; cat- Tiiursday, Juiy 10, Sept. tle, 4, Oct. 2, .^aL after Oki Sloiv—A v.eekly cattle IMichael. statute and cat- market. tle. Nov. 8; cattle. Sloni/ Stratford—Aug. 2, Burnhiun—Feb. 25, Ma\ Friday before Oct. 10, 1; horses, cattle, sheep, luring servants. Nov. and liogs, October 2 12, cattle. ; horses, cattle, hogs, and St. Feta-s Cfialfont^Sep. hiring servants. 4 ; pedlary. Cheshcan—April 21, July Wendover—May 12, Oct, 22, Sept. 28; cattle. 2 ; cattle. Colnbrook—April 5, May 3 Winsunc—March 20, Holy horses, cattci, and sheep Thursday, August 21, H.ton Ash Wednesday September. 22 cattle. — , ; horses and cattle. First and Second Thurs- Fenny Stratford—April 19. days after Old St. Mi- July Id, October 10, chael, October 10 ; hi- Nov. 28 ; cattle. ring servants. Hanslop Holy Thursday IVoobarn May Nov. — ; — 4, cattle. 12; horses, cows, and Iver—July 10 ; cattle sheep sheep, and hogs, Wijcomb—Monday before Ivenhoe—May G, October New Michaelmas ; hi- 17; C0W6; sheep, hogs. ring servants. B A LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS Tiiat liave been Published in Illustration of Uic Topography and Antiquities - 9f t'^e County of ISiic^ingijam. " Magna Britannia ;" beini; a concise Top-'^iiipir.- cal Account of the several Counties of Great Britain/' bv the Rev. D. Lysons, A. M. F. R.S. F A. and L.S. and Samuel Lysons, Esq. F. R. S. and F. A. S. Vol. I, " The Beauties of England and Wales," b)' MesST^.
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