HERITAGE STATEMENT RH: London – 7 Burlington gaRdens and 1 and 2 oLd Burlington stReet decemBeR 2020 © Copyright 2020. All worldwide rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any other means whatsoever: i.e. photocopy, electronic, mechanical recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Any enquiries should be directed to: Montagu Evans 70 St Mary Axe Tower, London, EC3A 8BE Tel: +44 (0)20 7493 4002 All Ordnance Survey Plans are © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: 100007624 CONTENTS aPPENDICIES eXECUTIVe SUMMARY ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 5.0 SUMMARY oF tHe PRoPOSALs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 58 Summary of the Site RH London 01: PLANNING HISTORY SUMMARY Summary of the Proposals Design Aspirations 02: LIST ENTRY DESCRiPTIONS Pre-Application Consultation The Main Parts of the Proposals Summary Assessment 03: PHASING PLANS 6.0 ASSESSMENT oF tHe PRoPOSALs ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62 04: PLANS FRom 2006 aLteRATIONS BY 1.0 INTRODUCTION ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Principle of Development aBeRcRomBie & FITCH, 06/02448/LBc Overview of the Heritage Considerations Assessment of the Proposals on Heritage Assets The Proposals Heritage and Other Public Benefits 05: PLANS FRom 2005 Pre-Application Consultation aLteRATIONS TO no. 2 oLd BuRLINGTON STREET, Purpose and Structure of this Report 7.0 CONCLUSION ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 86 05/07572/FuLL AND 05/07575/LBc Public Benefits 06: PLANS FRom 2011 aLteRATIONS TO cREATE FLAT AT 2.0 LEGISLATION AND PLANNING PoLicY ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Summary of Planning History NOS. 1 AND 2 oLd BuRLINGTON STREET Legislation AND no. 7 BuRLINGTON GARDENS, Development Plan 11/08866/FuLL AND 12/01477/LBc Material Considerations Other Material Considerations Emerging Policy Relevant Case Law 3.0 HISTORICAL deVeLoPMENT ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Historical Development of the Site 4.0 STATEMENT oF SIGNIFICANCE �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 No. 7 Burlington Gardens (Uxbridge House), Grade II* No. 2 Old Burlington Street, Grade II Mayfair Conservation Area Other Heritage Assets 2 ©montagu Evans LLP 2020 3 In 1855, No. 7 Burlington Gardens, including No. 1 Old Burlington Street, In order to meet this challenge, the Applicant has engaged an experienced was purchased by the Bank of England. It was subject to alterations which project team including Foster and Partners who are well-known for eXECUTIVe included building over the remaining open space to the rear with a new delivering projects of the highest quality. Montagu Evans has assisted range to Savile Row in 1875-78. The Bank architect responsible for this work throughout the design development stage, providing listed building and other alterations was Philip Charles Hardwick (1822-1892). Hardwick’s consultancy services. Detailed research set out in this report has SUMMARY extension completed the built form on the Site which exists today. been undertaken to identify areas of sensitivity and opportunities for enhancement which has been supplemented by detailed fabric surveys The history of No. 2 Old Burlington Street, Grade II, is linked to No. 7 completed by Hutton + Rostron. Montagu Evans has been instructed by RH London Gallery Limited (hereby Burlington Gardens, although it was an entirely separate residential referred to as ‘the Applicant) to provide listed building consultancy services dwelling until it was acquired by the Bank of England in 1876. It was first built The integration of a sympathetic alterations together with striking new and produce this Heritage Statement in support of proposals for the in the mid-late 18th century but has been much altered. additions will ensure need to strike the balance of being mindful of the redevelopment of 7 Burlington Gardens and 1 and 2 Old Burlington Street, SUMMARY oF tHe PRoPOSALs sensitivities of the listed building , while providing an exciting future Mayfair, W1S (the ‘Site’). The Site lies within the administrative boundary of delivered by a world-renowned architectural practice. The Applicant has identified the Site for its flagship gallery in the United Westminster city Council (the “Council”). The principal parts of the proposed development comprise: Kingdom because of its location in the heart of Mayfair, which is a renowned The proposals are subject to applications for Full Planning Permission and • The partial reinstatement of floorspace via a mezzanine structure in the shopping district with a strong historical character and quality of buildings. Listed Building Consent. former townhouse, currently comprising the double-height 19th century The Applicant aspires to raise the cultural profile of this important building, Banking Hall; The description of development for both applications is as follows: capitalising on its history, destination status and location. • The use of the Banking Hall as a restaurant with ancillary kitchen to the Partial change of use to facilitate the use of the buildings as The Applicant’s design galleries blur the lines between residential and north and within No. 2 Old Burlington Street; a ‘retail gallery’ and restaurant (Class E), replacement roof retail, indoors and outdoors and home and hospitality. Products are • The reinstatement of historic roof form to No. 7 Burlington Gardens; structure at 7 Burlington Gardens and a series of associated displayed for sale in ‘room’ settings, which provide an opportunity to • Alterations to improve appearance to rear of No. 1 Old Burlington external and internal works to reconfigure and refurbish the reflect and celebrate the original residential use of 7 Burlington Gardens. Street; fabric of the buildings. Products are only displayed (not stored) on site. Customer fulfilment is • The use of the banking hall extension roof as habitable outdoor dealt with via a separate, centralised facility or partner. SUMMARY oF tHe SITE floorspace; No. 7 Burlington Gardens, Grade II*, was originally built between 1721 and A critical part of the overall experience at an RH gallery is the provision of • Works to the interiors within No. 7 Burlington Gardens, No. 1 Old 1723 to the designs of the famous Italian architect Giacomo Leoni (1686- integrated hospitality and design services. Visitors are able to enjoy the Burlington Street and No. 2 Old Burlington Street; 1746). It was first known as Queensberry House. The original property was restaurant which is seamlessly integrated into the retail space and utilise • Two new lifts to improve accessibility within the Site; and seven bays wide to Burlington Gardens with a yard to the rear that was the dedicated design atelier services to customise furniture or furnishings • Renewal of mechanical and electrical services (‘M&E’) throughout the accessed from Old Burlington Street. or benefit from interior design advice. building. The property was enlarged to the present extent (10 bays) between 1785 The Site has largely been occupied by Abercrombie & Fitch since the early This report will consider the heritage considerations, which are whether the and 1789 to the design of John Vardy Jnr (1718-1765) and was henceforth 2000s and in that time the building has been altered to meet the needs of proposals will: known as Uxbridge House. At this time, an extension was made to Old what is, principally, a clothes retailer. • Preserve the special historical and architectural interest of the listed Burlington Street and the main entrance was relocated to this new elevation. buildings within the Site and nearby; and Having undertaken a comprehensive review of the property, the Applicant This part of the Site is the area now known as No. 1 Old Burlington Street. • Preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Mayfair believes that a number of alterations are required to meet their aims Conservation Area. and aspirations. These are to provide a high quality retail experience in a modern gallery suitable for the 21st century, while also seeking to enhance the heritage significance of the listed building. HeRitage statement | decemBeR 2020 4 PRe-aPPLICATION CONSULTATION Under paragraphs 193-194 of the NPPF, great weight should be given to When considered overall (i.e. these impacts are considered together in the the conservation of designated heritage assets even where the harm context of the listed building as a whole), we consider that the harm would The proposals have been subject to extensive pre-application would be less that substantial, and any harm should require a clear and not come close to removing the significance of the building altogether, or consultation. There have been approximately 10 meetings with the Council, convincing justification. From the Courts’ interpretation of Section 16(1) very much reducing the significance (see definition of substantial harm in six of which have been focussed design workshops with the conservation of the 1990 Act, considerable importance and weight should be given
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