N~ws ~inc(' 1940 Pointe DPW • ConstructIon of a curb cut on Kerby Road 10 front of Kerby School I~ OK'd by the Farms CIty Council. The cut was proposed by the school dIstrict 10 response to pressure from chiefs: Please parents concerned about traffic con- gestIOnat the comer of Beaupre and Kerby Page 11A • Grosse Po1Otestate Rep. Andrew pass the salt! RIchner IS looking at legislatIon to counter a tax commIssion report By Brad Lindberg declanng that commurutIes WIth resl- Staff Wnter dent-only parks have to pay property A mIsduected shipment of tax on the land That ruling dIrectly road salt last week tnggered Park D P W direc- affects the Pointes, whIch all m81n- the latest edIhon of an all- tor Bob Vande- tam reSIdents-only lake front parks for-one arrangement among f'ab" 3A the Grosse Po1Otes' depart- putte called Tom ments of pubhc works • Grosse Po1OteShores pubhc safe- "You scratch my back, I'll Whitcher, head of ty officers, WIth a helpmg hand from Even though the GrOS8CPointe Farms Winteriest hal been post- scratch yours," explamed Grosse Pomte Woods, caphlred four poned many times in the past due to wanner weather, the ninth Bob Vandeputte, a supeTVl- the Grosse Pointe ,i Juvemles from DetrOIt who had bro- aDDual event 'his year looks to be shaping up very cool. sor m the Grosse POInte Woods department ken 1Otoa home In the Shores Page Park DPW. "It works out 3A better that way" of public service. • AuthontIes are closing 10 on a Weather looking good "Absolutely," agreed , In I female suspect last Fnday's Frank Schulte, Vandeputte's Whitcher is a for- f attempt to run over a Grosse Pointe counterpart In the CIty of mer Marine who Wpods pubhc safety officer. The incl-. Grosse POInte. :1 dent marked the first tIme 10 a for Fartns Winterfest Teamwork locked m last values teamwork. decade that a Woodsofficer had to fire By Jim Stlck10rd week when one of the Park's hIS weapon Page 3A. for the sleIgh's runners to be used Staff Wnter not, It WIllhave wheels" If salt supphers mistakenly Please pass the II A year-end canvas of local bUSI- It looks lIke thIs year's mnth annu- delivered a 103-ton ship- ness leaders and propnetors indIcates al Grosse Po1Ote Farms Wmterfest In addItIOn to the new attractIons, ment to the City salt, asked Van- the hohday season was kind to the will have something that was mIssing the festIval WIllfeature an Ice fishIng "'We used a lot of It, too," deputte. local economy Page 12A from the past couple of festIvals _ contest Last year, Huhn SaId, they s81d Schulte The City p81d • The mIddle school study task weather appropnate for the occaSIon actually caught a fish, so there's great for the wmdfall and helped "Being neighbor- force returned to the Grosse POlOte. Last year's festIval kept getting hope for this year as well In additIon, reImburse the Park for Its Boud of EducatIon at its Monday, delayed because of warm weather there WIllbe Ice skat10g racf'S, a hock- shortage "The CIty and ly, I said yes," Jan 8, meetmg to priontIze Its 150 The year before, first It was tuo cold, ey puck shoot1Ogcontest and Ice dIv. Park work pretty close recommendatIons Page 9A .hen there were problems with the 10g and Ice rescue demonstratIOns by together," S81dSchulte Whitcher said. weather wanmng up suddenly, affect- Advanced Aquatics out of St ClaIr In the meanhme, the Park • Grosse Po1OteSouth's basketball Shores . team won both of its games last week, mg ice thIckness and caus10g the can- needed salt to battle slick streets dunng one of the defeatIng Notre Dame 57-52 in a non- cellahon of the festIval. ThIs year It "We WIllalso have our chilI cook.off demand," S81dJoe Wojtonik, league contest and beat10g UtIca Ford looks hke the weather WIll be just contest," Huhn said "It's plOven pop- coldest WInters on record. Vandeputte called Tom a spokesman from Morton's II 44-35 for its second straIght VIctory nght ular In the past But thIS year, WIth- headquarters m ChIcago 10 the Macomb Area Conference Red ThIS year's festIval, saId Farms out much advertIsmg, I've already WhItcher, head of the Grosse Pointe Woods department of Although WOJtomk saId DlVlsion Page 9B parks and recreatIOn dIrector DIck heard from a numoer of people That's demand for salt IS hIgh thIs Huhn, starts at noon on Saturday, unusual. I thmk all the snow has public seTVlce.WhItcher is a • Grosse Po1OteNorth also got the former Manne who values WInter, "It's noth1Ogwe can't new year started right WIth a 38-34 Jan. 20, and ends at 3 p m Itfeatures something to do WIth It .. handle" some new attractIOns, IncludIng a teamwork VIctory over MarySVIlle to square Its There WIll be two categones in Please pass the salt, The salt bemg spread thIs MAC WhIte DIVISIonrecord at I-I. horse-drawn sled and two remdeer whIch chlh cookers can WIn, saId wmter on Grosse Pomte named Dancer and Prancer asked Vandeputte Page 9B. Huhn One Il>overall quality and the "BeIng neighborly, I S81d streets comes, most hkely, "ThIs Isn't a petting zoo kInd of second is most unusual. Those WIsh. from a mine m Fairport thing," Huhn s81d "ReIn~r are slot- yes," saId WhItcher The ing to enter the ChIlIcontest should be Woods had about 500 tons of Harbor, OhIo, on the shore of -1lIeh ammals, but the Jl.Ids should pren.gl.,tered by 4 P IlIon Thursdp.y, Lake Erie about 20 mJles ellJoy seemg one close up The sleigh salt on hand The supply WEEK AHEAD Jan 18 To regIster, call (313) 343. totaled five tImes the eMt of Cleveland can handle up to SIXpeople and WIll 2405. All cooks must be at the recre- "The mme goes as far go around PIer Park's new walkIng amount needed to cover the ation bwldmg 10 Pier Park by 11.45 city's streets. underground M the Seus Monday, Jan. 15 path. There should be enough snow a m on Saturday, Jan 20 Thwer is taIl,. said Wojtomk, The Grosse POlOte Woods CIty "If we can help withIn rea- son, we will," said Whitcher who has toured the -CounCll meets at 7.30 p.m. m the labynnth "It goes out under Woods Clty hall, 20025 Mack Plaza. LatelMtwe~,thePuk~ Up primary salt supplier, Lake Ene m a network of The meeting ISopen to the public Warm to a wine tasting catacombs." • Jon Janna and Thney Randazzo, WInes are more compatible WIth the Morton Salt, delivered enough inventory to fill the Salt ISmined by the "room The Grosse POInte Board of owners of Merchant's Fme Wme, will meals served 10 the wmter months." and tour method," he saId. EducatIon meets pubhcly at 8 p.m. In host an annual WInter Wme TastIng TastIng statIons WIll be set up Cltycoffers, with enough left over for the Park to repay "You create rooms WIth Grosse Pomte South High School's on Fnday, Jan 12, from 7 to 9 p.m at throughout the War Memonal Hot pillars of salt as supports," Wlck10gLIbrary. the Woods and City. the Grosse Pomte War Memorial, 32 and cold hors d'oeuvres WIll also be He said The rooms are Lakeshore 10 Grosse Pomte Farms offered PartICIpants must be 21 yeus "It all worked out for the best," said Vandeputte large, but smaller than a Tuesdav, Jan. 16 Between 60 to 80 wine varieties will of age or older football field. The Vilfage of Grosse POInte Shores be featured TIckets are sold 10 advance for $39 Morton Salt, whIch Isn't the company that sent the Following hIgh demand Board of Trustees meets at 7 p m. 10 "ThIs year's focus WIllbe on hardJ.er per person For more InformatIOn, call last WInter, Morton has befn the Shores municipal buildIng, 795 WInes," saId Randazzo. "Heavier (313) 881-7511 Park's road salt to the City, has redundant productlOn stockplhng salt from mUles Lakeshore. The public IS mVlted to throughout North Amenca. attend and delivery systems to help ensure n steady supply to A facJ!lty on a company- customers owned Island m the Thursday, Jan. 18 Bahamas harvests salt from Grosse Pomte Theatre presents Its "Our mInes are located seawater wmter productIOn of the comedy strategIcally throughout the "CommunicatIng Doors" at 8 pm at country to respond to See SALT, page 3A ~~II~~Eou;J.~, WW ~~nal'~ Fries Auditonum The show is per- formed Thursdays through Saturdays, endIng on Feb 3 Tickets are $14. For more mformation, call •• • (313) 881.4004. A spBClal pre-show buffet costIng Anca Vlasopolos $15 IS offered as well ReservatIons Home: CIty of Grosse are reqUIred two days in advance Pointe Call (313) 881-7511 Age: 52 Family: Husband, Anthony AmbrogIO,two daughters, Ohvia Vlnsopolos AlnbroglO, 0plnlon 6A 20, and Beatriz Rosa JImenez Ambrogio, 10 Obltuanes lOA Claim to taim: Author of Schools 13A "No Return Address A Memoir of BUSIness 16A Photo by 1,m Stlckford DIsplacement" Senlors 2B White elephant in City! Quote: "I feel I would Entertamment 78 have betrayed them Even those without a long memory won't forget this work of (her parents) If I dJ.dn't Autos 11B Inow art made by the Christopher Boettcher ramUy at 597 Rivard in the City of GrONe Pointe. The elephant, u tall u Iowaeom, do as much as I could Classl{led ads 138 wal quite authentic, what with a tl'UDk,tuaJu and coal-blaek eyes.
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