E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2015 No. 160 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Fortenberry Johnson, E. B. McHenry indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Foster Johnson, Sam McKinley called to order by the Speaker. Foxx Jolly McMorris f f Frankel (FL) Jones Rodgers Franks (AZ) Jordan McNerney PRAYER CALL OF THE HOUSE Frelinghuysen Joyce McSally Monsignor Donn Heiar, St. John Fudge Kaptur Meadows Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Gabbard Katko Meehan Vianney Catholic Church, Janesville, Gallego Keating Meng Wisconsin, offered the following pray- to clause 7 of rule XX, I move a call of Garamendi Kelly (IL) Messer er: the House. Garrett Kelly (MS) Mica Lord God, You know our needs. You The SPEAKER. Under clause 7(b) of Gibbs Kelly (PA) Miller (FL) rule XX, the Chair confers recognition Gibson Kennedy Miller (MI) have entrusted to us a great nation Gohmert Kildee Moolenaar founded on life and liberty. We stand for that purpose. Goodlatte Kilmer Mooney (WV) before You, ready to fulfill a mission A call of the House was ordered. Gosar Kind Moore that will give glory to Your name and The call was taken by electronic de- Gowdy King (IA) Moulton vice, and the following Members re- Graham King (NY) Mullin ensure the dignity of all humanity. We Granger Kinzinger (IL) Mulvaney plead for Your wisdom. sponded to their names: Graves (GA) Kirkpatrick Murphy (FL) Give us the courage to open our eyes [Roll No. 580] Graves (LA) Kline Murphy (PA) to see. Give us the fortitude to endure Graves (MO) Knight Nadler ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—421 Grayson Kuster Napolitano when the demands of our office seem Abraham Burgess Cuellar Green, Al Labrador Neal overwhelming. Bless us with prudence Adams Bustos Culberson Green, Gene LaHood Neugebauer when all pathways seem troublesome. Aderholt Butterfield Curbelo (FL) Griffith LaMalfa Newhouse Help us to discern and seek the com- Aguilar Byrne Davis (CA) Grijalva Lamborn Noem Allen Calvert Davis, Danny Grothman Lance Nolan mon good when comfort and expedience Amash Capps Davis, Rodney Guinta Langevin Norcross tempt and beckon. Ashford Capuano DeFazio Guthrie Larsen (WA) Nugent Challenge our minds and steady our Babin Ca´ rdenas DeGette Gutie´rrez Larson (CT) Nunes hand and remind us that all good Barletta Carney Delaney Hahn Latta O’Rourke Barr Carson (IN) DeLauro Hanna Lawrence Olson things come from You. Transform our Barton Carter (GA) DelBene Hardy Lee Palazzo lives, and we will remember that life, Bass Carter (TX) Denham Harper Levin Pallone liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is Beatty Cartwright Dent Harris Lewis Palmer Becerra Castor (FL) DeSantis Hartzler Lieu, Ted Pascrell the greatest work we will perform on Benishek Castro (TX) DeSaulnier Hastings Lipinski Paulsen behalf of all people. Bera Chabot DesJarlais Heck (NV) LoBiondo Pearce Amen. Beyer Chaffetz Deutch Heck (WA) Loebsack Pelosi Bilirakis Chu, Judy Diaz-Balart Hensarling Lofgren Perlmutter f Bishop (GA) Cicilline Dingell Herrera Beutler Long Perry THE JOURNAL Bishop (MI) Clark (MA) Doggett Hice, Jody B. Loudermilk Peters Bishop (UT) Clawson (FL) Dold Higgins Love Peterson The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Black Clay Donovan Hill Lowenthal Pingree ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Blackburn Cleaver Doyle, Michael Himes Lowey Pittenger Blum Clyburn F. Holding Lucas Pitts ceedings and announces to the House Blumenauer Coffman Duckworth Honda Luetkemeyer Pocan his approval thereof. Boehner Cohen Duffy Hoyer Lujan Grisham Poe (TX) Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Bonamici Cole Duncan (SC) Hudson (NM) Poliquin nal stands approved. Bost Collins (GA) Duncan (TN) Huelskamp Luja´ n, Ben Ray Polis Boustany Collins (NY) Ellison Huffman (NM) Pompeo f Boyle, Brendan Comstock Ellmers (NC) Huizenga (MI) Lummis Posey F. Conaway Emmer (MN) Hultgren Lynch Price (NC) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brady (PA) Connolly Engel Hunter MacArthur Price, Tom The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Brady (TX) Conyers Eshoo Hurd (TX) Marchant Quigley from Ohio (Mr. CHABOT) come forward Brat Cook Esty Hurt (VA) Marino Rangel Bridenstine Cooper Farenthold Israel Massie Ratcliffe and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- Brooks (AL) Costa Farr Issa Matsui Reed legiance. Brooks (IN) Costello (PA) Fincher Jackson Lee McCarthy Reichert Mr. CHABOT led the Pledge of Alle- Brown (FL) Courtney Fitzpatrick Jeffries McCaul Renacci giance as follows: Brownley (CA) Cramer Fleischmann Jenkins (KS) McClintock Ribble Buchanan Crawford Fleming Jenkins (WV) McCollum Rice (NY) I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Buck Crenshaw Flores Johnson (GA) McDermott Rice (SC) United States of America, and to the Repub- Bucshon Crowley Forbes Johnson (OH) McGovern Richmond b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7335 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:31 Oct 29, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.000 H29OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2015 Rigell Sewell (AL) Vargas Well, you know, on November 1st, But I am just as grateful to Ms. Roby Sherman Veasey you’re not going to have a job. When PELOSI, Mr. HOYER, Mr. CLYBURN, and Roe (TN) Shimkus Vela Rogers (AL) Shuster Vela´ zquez was the last time you didn’t have a Mr. BECERRA and others for all of the Rogers (KY) Simpson Visclosky job? work that we have done together. Over Rohrabacher Sinema Wagner I thought about it and thought about these last 5 years, we have done an Rokita Sires Walberg Ros-Lehtinen Slaughter it and thought about it. I thought, awful lot of work together. There was Walden well, I had to be 8 or 9 years old be- Roskam Smith (MO) Walker probably more work done across the Ross Smith (NE) Walorski cause I was throwing newspapers back aisle over the last 5 years than in the Rothfus Smith (NJ) Walters, Mimi then and working in my dad’s bar. As a 25 years that I have served in this in- Rouzer Smith (TX) Walz Roybal-Allard Smith (WA) matter of fact, I used to work from 5 stitution. Wasserman a.m. on Saturday morning until 2 p.m. Royce Speier Schultz Now, as much as I enjoy working Ruiz Stefanik Waters, Maxine for $2. Not $2 an hour. $2. with all of you, some of you still could Ruppersberger Stewart Watson Coleman I never thought about growing up as Rush Stivers learn to dress better. You know who Weber (TX) Russell Stutzman the easy way or the hard way. It was you are. I saw one of the culprits, one Webster (FL) Ryan (OH) Swalwell (CA) just the Cincinnati way. Our city takes Welch of the usual suspects who shows up Ryan (WI) Takai Wenstrup its name from the great Roman general here once in a while without a tie. This Salmon Takano Cincinnatus, a farmer who answered Sa´ nchez, Linda Thompson (CA) Westerman morning he didn’t look dressed very T. Thompson (MS) Westmoreland the call of his nation to lead and then well, but he did have a tie on. Whitfield Sanchez, Loretta Thompson (PA) surrendered his power to go back to his I am grateful to the people who work Sanford Thornberry Williams plow. Wilson (SC) in this institution every day, whether Scalise Tiberi For me, it wasn’t a farm. It was a Schakowsky Tipton Wittman it is the Reading Clerks or—you know, Schiff Titus Womack small business. And it wasn’t so much there are a lot of people, thousands of Woodall Schrader Tonko a calling as it was a mission—a mission people, who allow us to do our jobs and Schweikert Torres Yarmuth to strive for a smaller, less costly, and to help make this institution what it Scott (VA) Trott Yoder more accountable Federal Government Scott, Austin Tsongas Yoho is. Whether it is the people you see here in Washington. Scott, David Turner Young (IA) here today or the people in the CAO’s Young (IN) How did we do? Here are some facts. Sensenbrenner Upton office or the Capitol Police or legisla- Serrano Valadao Zeldin For the first time in nearly 20 years, Sessions Van Hollen Zinke we have made some real entitlement tive counsel, there really are thousands NOT VOTING—14 reforms, saving trillions of dollars over of people who really do allow us to do our job. Amodei Hinojosa Payne the long term. Clarke (NY) Maloney, Rooney (FL) We have protected 99 percent of the I am grateful to my staff. Now, you Cummings Carolyn Sarbanes American people from an increase in all know I am a big believer in staff. Edwards Maloney, Sean Wilson (FL) None of us can be what we are without Fattah Meeks Young (AK) their taxes. We are on track to save taxpayers $2.1 trillion over the next 10 a good staff, and I certainly would b 0934 years, the most significant spending re- never have gotten to this job without having built a great team. So I really The SPEAKER pro tempore. On this ductions in modern times. We have am grateful to my staff. As they like to rollcall, 421 Members have recorded banned earmarks altogether. Sorry. say to each other, once you are part of their presence. We have protected this institution. Boehnerland, you are always a part of A quorum is present.
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