GAMES and PARTS PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1988 ICHARGE I Ordering Information 2 ®;;- Role·Playlng Games ~ 3 ~ ~ Fantasy and Science Fiction Games ~"' ~ 3 Mllltary Slmulatlons 4 ~' ~ ~ Strategy /Wargames ~ 5 ~. Miscellaneous Merchandise [tE ~ 7 ~ The General Magazine ~ 8 ~ ...._ Leisure Tlme/Famlly Games ~ 8 ~ General Interest Games w; 9 ~ Jigsaw Puzzles 9 XJ Sports Illustrated Games ~ 1 .,.1 9 w Software mic!'locomputel'I gomes 11 A Discontinued Parts List ~ 12 A Discontinued Software mic!'locomputel'I gomes 15 ~ How to Compute Shipping 16 Telephone Ordering/Customer Services 16 For• Credit Card Orders call Toll Free: 1·800·638·9292 Numbered clrcles represent wergame complexity rating on a scale of 1 to 10: 10 being the most complex. ---ROLE PLAYING GAMES--- HOW TO COMPUTE SHIPPING: THIS IS a complete listing of all current and discon­ GOOS OF GLORANTHA tinued games and their parts listed In group classlflca­ See the last page of this booklet. 1B.OO ~;;:: *&VlLOI BILL Books· Cults, Prosopaedla, tlons. Parts which are shaded do not come with the RUNEQUEST-A Game of Action, Imagination Priest Say . EA . 6.00 IN A RUSH? We can cut the red tape and handle your and Adventure WA...~ game, but are variants and/or accessories to the game. Calendar .. 4.00 (bjt: credit card purchase on a SPECIAL basis, with minimal Discontinued games and parts are listed on the last 15.00 delay. This IN HOUSE service will cost $1 .00 extra and Standerd RUNEQUEST . GRIFFIN ISLAND . ........ .... 18.00 pages of this booklet. Books: Rules, Spells EA. 6.00 guarantees that your order will be given priority. Sim­ Books: Players , GM , Scenario .. .EA . 6.00 JAMES BOND 007 4 multi-sided dice EA. 1.00 Complete AVALON HILL & VICTORY GAMES are avail­ ply ask for our "SPECIAL SERVICE". For an even Mapsheet 8.00 BASIC SET .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 14.95 able wherever good games are sold. Please check with faster service, we can send by Priority. These addi­ DELUXE RUNEQUEST 3B.OO LORDS OF CREATION-A Fantasy Role (Includes Thrilling Locations) your favorite games store before ordering direct. tional charges will be added to your charge slip. Ask Books: Players, Magic, Creatures, Playing Game about the past. present BOND ASSAULT GAME .............. 14.95 Gamemaster, Game Aids, for " SPECIAL SERVICE". and future !. ......... 12.00 SPECIALll Buy the JB 007 BASIC SET HOW TO ORDER: Using the enclosed postage-paid Players Notes EA. 6.00 Books: Rules, Foes . EA . 6.00 and get any Advenlure Module FREEi Order Envelope, list the specific item(s) and prlce(s) In THE AVALON HILL GAME COMPANY'S FULL Intro to Glorantha .. 5.00 to and 20 sided dice .. .. .. .... EA . 1.00 8-2 0 sided dice . EA 1.00 the spaces provided. If you are ordering an entire COLOR CATALOG featuring Strategy Wargames, GAMESMASTER SUPPLEMENTS Fantasy Europe Map . 8.00 SPECIALlll Buy LORDS OF CREATION game, Ignore the costs of the parts. If you do not have Science Fiction and Fantasy Games, Sports Games, and get any one LOC module below FREEi VILLAINS ........ ................ 15.95 an Order Envelope. a blank piece of paper will suffice. Leisure Time Games, and more. $1.00 RUNEQUEST PLAYERS SOX . .... 20.00 HORN OF ROLAND ......... .. .. .. .. I.OD FOR YOUR INFORMATION ... ... 9.95 In each case, please add up your order for a total cost Microcomputer Games .................. $1.00 Includes Players , Magic & Notes Books, Dice THE YETI SANCTION ...... .. .. .. I.DO GAMESMASTER PACK . 1.95 figure. (Please: no questions should be written on Victory Games . ......... ... ........... $1 .00 RUNEQUEST GAMEMASTERS OMEGAKRON . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .OD THRILLING LOCATIONS ... 9.95 orders to be processed.) All orders are subject to final BOX . 25 .00 CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? POWERS & PERILS-A Progressive Role sale. No merchandise can be shipped on a C.O.D. Includes Creatures, Intro. to Glorantha Books , ADVENTURE MODULES If you are movlf1') In the period for which you expect Playing Game for advanced basis, so you must pay In one of the following ways: Game Aids and Mapsheet NEWI SOLITAIRE ADVENTURE MODULE delivery of this merchandise, please specify an fantasy gamers . .. ......... 24.00 a) CREDIT CARD: give us your credit card number, ON HER MAJESTY'S alternate mailing address as we may have to delay ship­ RUNEQUEST SUPPLEMENTS & MODULES Books: Character Generation , Combat expiration date, and name of the cardholder, for SECRET SERVICE ............... 17.95 ments when items are temporarily out of stock. "E.'fll GLORANTHAN BESTIARY . 9.00 Magic, Creature/Encounter, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD, or VISA. "E.'fll APPLE LANE . 10.00 Human, Treasure , Mordara . EA . 5.00 NEWI ADVENTURE MODULE 6.95 No other credit cards are accepted. The order WE WILL PHOTOSTAT OUT OF PRINT PARTS AND "E.'fll SNAKEPIPE HOLLOW .. 10 .00 Character Record Pad . 3.00 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY .... envelope provides spaces for you to write In this MAGAZINE ARTICLES: Specify issues and page num­ "E.'fll LAND OF NINJA . 16.00 PERILOUS LANDS . .. 20.00 DR . NO ...... ................... 1.95 Information.• bers on separate sheet or order envelope, include Books : Players, GM .............. EA . 6.00 This Is a generic RPG world with 3 large GOLOFINGER .............. 7.95 b) TOLL FREE PHONE: Normal Operating Hours: $1 .00 per page - $5.00 minimum per photostatic Players Aid Set (Nlhon Map , books for Power and Perils or any GOLOFINGER II: THE MAN M·F 8:30 AM·S:OO PM; Sat. 10:00 AM·2:00 PM order. Postage rates apply. "The Avalon Hiil General Char. sheet , ship plan) 5.00 other FAP syslem. WITH THE MIDAS TOUCH ........ .. 7.95 (ESn. The Avalon Hill Game Company will accept and Company Index" will assist you in finding out what LIVE AND LET DIE ...... .......... 8.95 MONSTER COLISEUM 16.00 SPECIALll Buy POWERS & PERILS or THE MAN WITH THE charges against the above three credit cards on has been available In the past. Books : Monster, Coliseum EA . 6 00 PERILOUS LANDS and gel one of the a phone-In order. This call is FREE. Call : Player Aid Set (Game Sheets Bk .• GOLDEN GUN ..... .. ............ .. 7.95 POSTAGE COUPONS: Subscribers to The General following modules FREEi 1-800-638-9292, Operator #1. This TOLL FREE Tracks, Rangestick, Map) . 6.00 DCTOPUSSY . ..... .... ... .... 7.95 receive FREE in each Issue a postage coupon good BOOK OF TABLES . .. .. ........ 10.00 number Is provided for your credit card purchases A VIEW TO A Kill .. .. .. .. ..... .. 7.95 for $1 .00 toward the postage required with every mail HUMAN/NON·HUMAN ADVENTURE TOWER OF THE DEAD ............... 10.00 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE ...... ... .. 7.15 only.• We are sorry, but our operators cannot sup­ MODULES ...... .............. EA. 10.00 order for game purchases only. YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE II/ ply you with other Information . There is a $7.50 VIKINGS .... 21.00 BACK OF BEYOND ......... .. 7.15 minimum for phone orders. THE ELITE CLUB: Members earn 10% discount FOR Books: Players. GM . Scenario c) CHECK OR MONEY ORDER: USA residents: LIFE on mall order purchases of any of The Avalon Hill Digest .. EA . 6.00 007 ACTION EPISODES please send us a check or money order for the total Game Company's, Vlctory Games or Microcomputer Adventure Sheets Book . 4.00 (Complete game tor children) MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN , . 7.15 amount plus 10% postage. For example, If your Games products. Includes games, play-by-mail equip­ Mapsheet 3.00 total order comes to $6.25, your postage would be ment, magazines, parts . .. you get a 10% discount $.63, so your payment would be $6.88 total. See on every1hing·we sell! -FANTASY and SCIENCE FICTION GAMES­ postage charges printed elsewhere on this form for YOU BECOME A MEMBER BY making a one-time $90 foreign postage costs. Do not send cash money; DOWN WITH THE KING @ 11 .DO THE DUEL (Dunt llloduil) @ 14.00 minimum purchase by mall. (Store purchases do not &VlLOl lllLL Rules .............. .. .. 5.00 Mapboard 11•x1s• .. 6.00 we cannot be responsible for loss of cash In transit. * Set of Ouel cards .. ........ .. .. .. 2.00 qualify.) Be sure to enclose a check or money-order Se! of Playing Aid Cards . ......... .. 3.00 Please retain your canceled check or money order plus 10% to cover postage (or postage coupons you "~\ MERCHANT OF VENUS @ TBA Event Cards . .. ..... 4.00 Set ot Treachery cards ............ 2.00 Mapboard B.00 stub until your order has been received. get as a subscriber to THE GENERAL). We are not Record Pad ...... .... .. 2.50 Die Cut Leader Counters . ...... 3.00 Counters (2) . .. EA. 3.00 Counters .. .. ......... .. 3.00 FILL OUT ORDER ENVELOPE: Be sure to include responsible for cash lost In transit. Rules ........................ 5.00 SPICE HARVEST (Dull lllM1il) @ 10.00 Rules ........... ... .......... .. 2.00 your name and shipping address, including apartment WHAT YOU GET: when you receive your $90 order, Reference Cards Set . .. 3.00 DRAGONHUNT 11.00 @ Die Cut Spice Counters . ......... number and zip code In all appropriate places. Use an you will receive an ELITE CLUB Coupon Ticket which Ship Cards Set ..... 3.00 Mapboard ..... ... .. 8.00 3.00 Set of Share/Vote Cards ........... 2.00 Indelible ball-point pen. allows you, for Ille, to make an annual one-time pur­ Deed Cards Set . .........• 3.00 Rules ............... 5.00 Play Money ....... ............ Set of Access/Harvest Cards . .•... 2.00 chase of as many products as desired by mail. This 3.00 Player Counter Sheel ............. .. 3.00 HOW WE SHIP: We normally ship within 4-7 days of Pawns (6) .............. .... .. 1.00 Sets of Planet cards ..... ........ 2.00 Coupon Ticket gives you 10% off on the cost of the Miscellaneous Counler Sheet 3.00 receipt of your order, however this will vary depending entire purchase. (Ellte Club discount purchases are Set of Playing Cards .
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