October 1981 Vol. 7 No. 5 Commentary Commentary The AG Speaks Asst. AG-Army lasl graduation period. vides us with an extremely well-rounded It is rea lized that we arc all so busy with One of the th ings we don't recognize is program so that anyone who has potential o ur everyday tasks that we don't always have BUCKl:Yf CUARD MAGAZINE is an that being at fu ll strength is only a temporary should not be denied the opportunity to time to attend to everything we need to do. unofficial publication of the Adjutant Ohio National Guard Day condition. The turn over, particu larly in achieve either a commission or become However, the responsibility of iinding peo­ General's Department for thL' State o f lieutenants, is extremely high and today's qualified to become a non-commissiond of­ ple with the express idea that they will one Ohio and is published in coordina­ Elsewhere in this issue you w ill fi nd a your civilian occupation precludes wearing full slate of officers not withstanding the 25 ficer through NCO programs. day replace us is one we can't sh irk or min­ t ion with the Ohio National Guard percent overage authorization is not a posi­ The two serious problems that must be imize. We have the tools and faci lities to Association and the Ohio National Proclamation, signed by the Governor, de­ of the uniform. We are over 18,000 strong claring October 7, 1981 as Ohio National and I can assure you w e wi!I make an im­ tion w ith which to be comfortable. I can tell · overcome are th est': (1 ) We don't have a produce our future NCO's and officers. Guard's !%th Public Affairs Detach­ you with absolute assurance that most units good information program al Lhe troop level What we now need is the determination and ment. It is a bi-monthly offset publica­ Guard Day. Many other Governors have al­ pression upon our communities and our citi­ so signed proclamations and the President zens if we wear the uniform properly and that feel they are currently in guod shape, concerning the opportunities in participat­ the realization that we must aggressively ad­ tion w ith a printing run of 23,000 will nol be six months from now unless they ing in tomorrow's leadership. We can't wait dress this responsibility on a continuing ba­ copies. has been asked by many congressmen to proudly. It will give you an opportun ity to issue a similar proclamation. tel I the Guard story. If you go out in the even­ plan ahead. for Lhose new recruits w ho specifically want sis. Wheneverthe future is lefllo chance, Lhe Thus, it is incumbent on leadership to leadership positions to make themselves generation which has the responsibility of STATE OF OHIO - AG DEPT In the past, we have encouraged units to ing to eat orto a show, wear the unifrom with continually evaluate the members of the known. Most don't understand the system providing for that future is not accepting its Governor hold open houses, speak to local civic or­ your label. You will be surprised at the Guard for whom you have responsib ility, in and by the time they do, they may have lost responsibility. James A. Rhodes ganizations and otherw ise use the day to tell number of your friends and neighbors who order to fi nd those people who could be­ interest. (2) We are not doing a good job oi That is an indictment we can't afford. Adjvtant General the Guard story to the pub I ic and the part our wil I express their thanks for your service. come our future leadership. The combina­ going into the units and ferreting out those MG l a me~ C. Clem Guard members play in our national defense Each unit wi 11 be given an extra supply of Brig. Gen. James M . Abraham tion of SMP, Benning and State OCS pro- individuals who have leadership potential. Asst. AC, Army and service lo the state and local communi­ labels for our civilian supporters lo wear. Asst Adj. Cen . ~ Army BG James M. Abraham ty. We hope each un it continues such activi­ Ask your local TV commentators, mayors, Asst. AC, Air ties, properly publicized, this year. city council members, county commission­ BG Edward J. Power This year, however, we want to add a new ers, legislators and high school principals Public Affairs Ofticer gimmick to help make the public aware of and counselors to wear the Ohio National Letters ILT Victor Dubina what we are and who we are . We are asking Guard label also. It gives you one more op­ Asst. Pvblic Affairs Officer each Guard member in Ohio to wear his mil­ portunity to meet those members of your SFC Nancy Clevenger itary uniform to his place of civilian employ­ community who are so essential Lo our con­ Retirement Benefits both Army National Guard and Army Re­ whether help was in trans it and when in­ 196th P.A. Detachment Commander ment on October 7th if permitted by h is em­ tinued success . serve members. formed in the negative, I requested assist­ To The Editor Capt. Tom Chupka ployer. Most will, if you ask now. Each of Ohioans are proud of you, let them know You are correct in your assessment that ance through REACT on CB 9. I have recently joined th e O hio National Editor you w ill receive a letter and an Ohio Nation­ who you are. After all, the Militia marched federal benefits should be, and are equally Very q uickly local Emergency M ed ical SFC Nancy Clevenger al Guard Day label the first few days in Oc­ oul of Marietta in 1788 into the O hio Territo­ Guard. While talking to people in my unit available to members of both reserve com­ support, local police and State Highw<ly Pa­ Assistant Editors tober, reminding you of the event. This ry 15 years before Ohio became a stale. We and people in the Army Reserve; it was my ponents. Those benefits which are totally tro l support arrived . Cpt. Baker, from the Becky Haden should be worn on the uniform on October have a proud trad ition to uphold. understanding we had the same benefits. I funded by the State Legislature are only 121st CAM Sq. Rickenbacker, was re lieved Members o f 1%th P.A. 7th or on your civilian clothing in the event Have a happy OtJio National Guard Day. am most concerned with the rctiremPnt after available to our National Guard members. by the medical personnel and then the vic­ Detachment 20 years. These include payment for State Active Du­ tim was transported to Mt. Carmel East In Lhe June issue of the Buckeye Guard, ty and our Ohio National Guard College Hospita l. ONCA OFFICERS From the Asst. AG-Army there was an article on page 23 "RcsPrv e Re­ President Scholarship Program. In view of your re­ Captain Baker's prompt, selfless emergen­ tirement. " The article stated that after 20 cent enlistment in the Ohio National Guard, cy CPR actions enabled the patient to regain LT. COL. Raymond Trickier years of service "Th!' Army Reserve" could 1st Vice-Pres. Comm esponsibility we are enclosing a reprint of the "Benefits hearl movement and kept him in a living retire and draw their money. W hy wouldn't Section" from an earlier edition of our mag­ condition until the Emergency Medical sup­ COL. Robert Pettit this "benefit'' be the same for the men and 2nd Vice-Pres. azine. We have also enclosed a copy of the port arrived from Gahanna. Too often the women of the National Guard? original article which was the basis for our good people do isn't recognized and I don't COL. W illiam lngler I would greatly appr'eciatc your time and Secretary "Buckeye Guard" article. want thi~ to happen to th is fine Officer. Most tesls of readiness, train ing effective­ commanders determine what comes out of altention to this matter. I have since learned that the patient died COL. Roger F. Truax (Ret.) ness, etc. measure how good we are at the that particular unit as input into the various We apoligize for the error in ovr maga­ SGT CLIFFORD/. SEVIER zine and for any unnecessary concern it aboul 112 hour after admittance to Mt. Car­ Treasu rer time the evaluation is made. While this is of schools. The schools can only educate and l 19Jrrl lngr. <o Cinc111n,1ti, Ohio may have caused you. We appreciate your mel. This is unfortunate, but in no way les­ CAPT. M ichael Harold utmost importance in determining Lhe cur­ train what is being sent into them. bringing this to our attention so that we can sens the fine Good Sa maritan actions of Cap­ ONGEA OFFICERS rent status of our un its, I believe there is Let's move on to the otficer program. For a Dear Sergeant Sevier: make the necessary correction and also lain Baker. President another aspect that in the long run is even number of years now we have been short We have carefully reviewed the fast page clarify the point for you. Certainly, if you Sincerely yours . CSM Carl Bicanovsky more important. That of course is the quality lieutenants throughout the Ohio National article in the June issue of our Buckeye have a question, others do also. You have A. f.
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