EXPANDING BORDERS: COMMUNITIES AND IDENTITIES ROBEŽU PAPLAŠINĀŠANA: IDENTITĀTES UN KOPIENAS Proceedings of International Conference Riga, November 9 –12, 2005 Starptautiskās konferences ziņojumi Rīga, 2005. gada 9.–12. novembris LU Akadēmiskais apgāds UDK 316(063) Ex 510 Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities Proceedings of International Conference, Riga, November 9 –12, 2005 Rīga, Latvijas Universitāte, 2005. – 462 lpp. Riga, University of Latvia, 2005. – 462 p. International Conference organized by University of Latvia Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of Advanced Social and Political Research and Strategic Analysis Commission under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Latvia Editor in chief: Prof. Žaneta Ozoliņa Editorial Board: Prof. Žaneta Ozoliņa, Head, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia Assoc. prof. Andris Runcis, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia Assist. prof. Aija Zobena, Head, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Latvia Prof. Aleksander Surdej, Cracow University of Economics Dr. Lassi Heininen, University of Lapland Project Coordinators: Inga Kanasta and Ieva Zlemeta Editors: Ruta Puriņa, Katrīna Rikarde and Imants-Ainārs Mežaraups Lay-out: Jānis Misiņš Cover design: Ieva Tiltiņa All the papers published in the present volume have been reviewed. Not part of the volume may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. © Latvijas Universitāte, 2006 ISBN 9984-783-86-3 Saturs Contents Address by H. E. Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, President of Latvia. 7 1. Globalization and its Effect on Communities and Identities Henry A. Hubert Building Fences at Borders Or Improving the Quality of Life for the Desperate? . 14 Sandris Mūriņš, Mārtiņš Rancāns Location as Symbolic Capital in Agglomeration. 21 Iveta Reinholde What Latvian Public Administration has Learned from the World – Best Practice or…? . 35 Ivars Ijabs Global Civil Society: Some Problems of the Current Discourse. 48 Aivars Tabuns National Identity of the Russian Minority . 58 Vita Zelče, Inta Brikše Reconfiguration of Place and Space: A Case Study Related to Coverage of Regional Reforms in Latvia . 77 Ivo Rollis Europeanization of Internal Policies – the Case of National Administration in Latvia and Lessons for New Democratic Communities . 93 Harald Koht, Geir C.Tufte, Maria Wolmesjö, Lars Zanderin Borders Vanish, and What Happens?A Norm Perspective on Local Welfare Policy and Citizen Participation in Baltic and Nordic States. .111 Henrik Rye Møller The Democratic Development Process of the Former Communist Party in East Germany – a Role Model for Other Former Socialist Countries ? . .126 Lassi Heininen Scientific Assessment on Human Development in the Circumpolar North: Main Findings, Success Stories and Gaps in Knowledge for Comparative Studies . .131 Pārsla Eglīte Coping with Aging of the Population . .141 Deniss Hanovs Patērētāju kopiena un tās robežas Latvijā – everyone is invited? Consumer Community and its Margins in Latvia – Everyone is Invited? . .148 Anna Lubecka Cybergrrls and their Identity (Communication of Feminist Identity on Webpages – the Case of Poland . .163 Marika Kirch, Aksel Kirch About Forming European Identity in Estonia: Study Through the Method of Identity Structure Analysis . .173 Deniss Hanovs, Irina Vinnika Krievvalodīgie Latvijā: diasporas kultūras atmiņas saturs un veidošanas tehnoloģijas Russians and Russian – Speaking Population in Latvia: Diaspora and Technologies Cultural Memory. .185 Andris Runcis Ministri un to nozīme lēmumu pieņemšanā LR Ministru kabinetā . .209 2. Europea Neighbourhood Policy: New Chance for Democratic Communities Tigran Mkrtchyan The Prospects of ‘Physical’ Border-Spanning at the Neighbours of Europe (the Case of South Caucasus) and the Role of NATO in that Process. .218 Vasile Ciocan-Maior, Ioana Albu The Cross-Border Area of good Neighbourhood – “Integrated Filter “In Securing the Borders . .232 Martin Klatt Regional Cross-Border Cooperation and National Minorities in Border Regions – a Problem or an Opportunity? . .239 Katja Mirwaldt Building a Crossborder Community? Expectations and Pursuits of the Polish-German Euroregions . .248 Nataliya Markushina Regional Programs as the Tool of a Good-neighbourhood in a Context of Relations of Russia-EU . .259 Kristīne Rudzīte The role of NATO and EU in the Developing Security in the wider Black Sea region . .272 Ruslans Osipovs Formal and Non-Formal Instates in Russia: Institutional Approach . .283 Li Bennich-Björkman Between “Soft” Europeanization and National Cultural Legacies: Democratic Discourses and Political Elites in Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and the Czech Republic . .293 Laura Assmuth “We Used to Be so International”: Everyday Cross-Border Relations at the Estonian-Latvian-Russian Borderlands . .301 Mihails Rodins Political Elite’s Value-Attitudes and Legitimacy of Power in Russia in the Middle of 1990s . .312 Atis Lejiņš Russia’s Self-Imposed Calamities: The Case of Chechnya Today and Latvia in 1917 . .330 Žaneta Ozoliņa, Toms Rostoks Eastern and Western Latvian Foreign Policy After 1999: A Comparative Quantitative Approach . .341 Anda Bimbere Latvijas–Krievijas attiecību tiesiskie aspekti Legal Aspects of Latvia–Russia Relations . .362 3. Information Environment and its Impact on Communities and Indentities Melentyeva Mariya An Impact of Local Newspapers on Shaping of National Identity Russia, March – August 1917, Kharkov Province as a Case Study . .376 Jānis Krūmiņš Par mobilajām virtuālajām kopienām On Mobile Virtual Communities . .388 Valentyna Afanasyeva Religious Electoral Slogans in Contemporary Ukraine. .397 Baiba Sporāne Bibliotēkas informacionālās telpas un lietotājvides saskarsme Library Informational Environment and Users Environment Communication . .409 Miervaldis Mozers Latvian Media Identity and Diversity . .428 Daina Bāra EU Public Communication’s new strategy . .433 Baiba Holma Daži informācijas intelektuālās pieejamības aspekti globālās informācijas telpas kontekstā Some aspects of intellectual accessibility of information in the context of global information space. .440 Paola Attolino Democratization or Americanization? A Discourse Analysis of Press Reports on Bush’s, May 2005, Speech in Riga . .453 Address by H. E. Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, President of Latvia pp.7-11 Address by H. E. Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, President of Latvia at the International Conference Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities Riga, University of Latvia (Transcript) Mr. Chairman, Distinguished rector, Distinguished guests and participants of this conference, Welcome on behalf of the Republic and its President to this gathering. Great minds have decided to address the questions that seem to me at the moment of particular relevance. It has been only 18 months since Latvia has joined the European Union and is now functioning as a full partner among the other nine new members and the 15 older ones, who, of course, did not join all at once and the same time. We had so-called mushrooming growth of the Union, starting with the very first core of the Coal and Steel Agreement between France and Germany, long bitter enemies, who had fought out on a battlefield the contentious issues of both their physical borders and the borders of their influence within the continent of Europe. They were joined right from the start by four other countries and this original core has then kept expanding to the current 25 and as far as we can tell there are others waiting at the door to be admitted. A number of questions that Europe is facing now is how far can this process go, how far can we continue to expand and have we really developed an entity within the Union that is sufficiently homogeneous first of all to know how it can function in an efficient manner and that is also sufficiently homogeneous to give the feeling to each and every one of its inhabitants – no matter under which flag, under which national identity – can it give them all a sense of belonging to this common family of European nations, do they have at all a sense of being European and if so, what does it mean to be European. And I think, to understand what the questions are all about right now when we are in the process of reflection that has been forced upon us by the resounding “no” that the populations of France and the Netherlands have pronounced to the Constitutional Treaty, this theory of reflection that is now upon us has not only involved the heads of government or state, it has not only involved the bureaucrats in Brussels, but it should involve scholars, scientists, but most of fall, the population at large. International Conference 8 Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities We hear a lot these days about what Europe is about and what model it should follow. And I as President of that new member state get a lot of questions about where Latvia stands in terms of the model of Europe and what it envisages or would like to develop. And the questions are often put in a rather simplistically dichotomous way and they ask whether we are in favour of the social model of Europe or of the so called Liberal economy model. And just as we, when were asked whether we would rather join the European Union or NATO in the early years, I have to give the same answer, that this is not the choice that we would like to make, no more than a child at divorce is happy at being asked whether they love mummy or daddy better and with whom they would like to live; it is even worse than that – it is rather like being asked whether you would prefer your right or left arm being cut off. Can you live without it? We cannot. For a country like Latvia, with the history it has, we need the security of NATO and we need the potential of growth that the European Union offers to all of its members. And similarly to this false choice between different models. I sincerely rather think it is a matter of a multiple choice, test, where one can check off either A or B. It is one variant that we must be allowed to choose both and indeed to try and integrate the best aspects of the two models.
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