SECTION ONE RED SECTION ONE VOLUME tXIV, NO. 12. BED jfANK, N. J;/TH0RSD4Y, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941. PAGES 1 TO 16 20 Firemen Hurt At Edwin J. Kennedy, Cornerstone Laying Is Home Nursings Atomey, Admitted Course To Open At County Election $25,000 Lincroft Fire To New Jersey Bar Set For September 28 "Y" Wednesday Sworn in Yesterday—• Red Cross Branch Board Working On Four Barns Burned Sunday, 20 Pigs Member District New Methodist Church Will Be to Establish Courses • Killed, Hay and Grain Destroyed of Columbia Bar Dedicated Sunday, December 21 in Firtt Aid 1943 Registration A Ore causing damage of $25,000 With fitting ceremonies, In which The large paneled Window in the The Bed Bank branch, Red Cross, water on the fire until after 9 o'clock Edwin J. Kennedy of Peters place, Bishop Ernest G. Richardson of center background la constructed In and resulting in injury to a score of Red Bank, was sworn in as an at- will open Its course in home nursing volunteer firemen broke out early Sunday night. They left a, charged Philadelphia will take a leading cylindrical form with frosted vari- line at the scene and two firemen re- torney-at-law, solicitor of the court at the "Y" house on Riverside avenue Newberry Store's Signatures Required Sunday afternoon on the Brookdale part, the cornerstone of the new colored glass. The church officials Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Daisy mained all night. The fire smoldered of chancery of this state and admit- Methodist church on the former J. are hoping to have this temporary farm estate of Mrs. Geraldine L. ted to practice before the United Lister Gruneau Is Instructor. of Voters Under Thompson at Lincroft and burned to all day Monday, and blazed up again Lester Eisner property on upper window replaced later by tho first first Birthday Monday night. States district court at Trenton yes- Broad street will be laid Sunday, of several memorial ones of pennant Tho class, which Includes training the ground four barns and a corn terday in proceedings which began In various types of home nursing, will crib, killed 20 pigs and destroyed 60 SandwicheB and coffee were pre- September 28, at 8 p, m. The new ent stained glass. Law Passed Last pared for the firemen Sunday night at 9:30 a. m. and continued through- church and fellowship hall will rep- be conducted from 2 to 4 o'clock. The tons of hay, BOO bushels of rye grain On either side of the altar rails course of study and instruction will In Red Bank and many farm implements, includ- by members of the Ladies' auxiliary out the balance of the day. Mr. Ken-resent an expenditure of approxi- are doors, one leading Into tho pas- Month at Trenton of the Lincroft company, under the nedy was one of' 95 attorneys ad- mately $115,000. take 15 weeks, in order to give those ing a grata reaper, hay loader and tor's study and fellowship ball and taking the course a thorough Insight four farm wagons, supervision of Mrs.- Bessie Thompson. mitted as a result of successfully The bishop, who will preside at the other to the vestibule and exit Company Celebrating passing the rigid bar examinations into the subject. Anyone Interested Ambulances from Mlddletown the annual New Jersey Methodist The sanctuary and chapel are so may take the course after register- Yeoman work /on the part of sev- township, Red Bank and Fair Haven last April. eral hundred firemen who responded conference opening October 8 at As- arranged that they can be combined ing at the Red Bank-branch offices 30th Anniversary With Three Registration were on the scene. The damage to bury Park, will also officiate at the Into one large auditorium. The on Broad and Mechanic streets. to the alarm saved the near-by homes the buildings was partially covered of Eugena Carroll and Matthew dedicatory services ^tentatively set chapel will be furnished with con- Mrs, Stanley O. Wilklns receives Store-Widr oale by insurance, as was the loss of hay for Sunday, December 21. vertible seats, making It possible to Mullin, Sr., which were in the path and grain. registrations each Tuesday afternoon Days in 1941, 1942 of the wind-swept flames. The Lin- Pictured on page 2 of this section arrange them to face the pulpit In from 1 to 4 o'clock at the branch the sanctuary on special occasions. After a year of successful business croft flre company, which was on the are the chancels of the main sanc- offices. Mrs, Samuel W. Hausman Is In Red Bank, the J. J. Newberry scene before farm employees could tuary, which will seat 33S persons, The attractive chancel and pulpit securing various articles of equip- company's modern store on Broad roll out the farm's flre hose, played and the chapel with a seating ca- will be the first sight to greet the Machinery for the registration of Woman's Club ment needed for the course, assisted street starting today Is celebrating Monmouth county's 90,000 voters un- two lines of water on the Carroll and pacity of 160. eye of those entering the tiala edi- by Mrs. David Mountford. Its first birthday in Red Bank and Mullin bouses, keeping these frame The interior view of the sanctuary fice which faces Broad street. The der .the new election laws was set iti •-• Mrs; Ralph O. Wlllguss, branch tho 30th anniversary of the nation- motion this week. Instructions to structures from catching lire, al- Plans Annual shows a modern church pulpit on chapel, located on the front end of chairman, stated that much of the wide company with a store-wide sale. though trees surrounding both build- the right of the platform. In the the new church building, faces north municipal clerks and district boards equipment for the course has been A large display advertisement In to- of election were Issued by the Mon- ings caught on fire as did a high center is an altar table with a spe- and will be used for weddings, fu- loaned by Miss Martha Hanson of day's issue of The Register lists the hedge between the burning barn and Fall Luncheon cially designed cross. Located on the nerals and prayer services. mouth County Board of Election!?, of the Red Bank Public Health Nursing many bargains, u the Carroll house. .. left Is a lectern from which the which William F. Lefferson Is chair- Rev. Kenneth R. Perlnchlef is the association. Officials at the "Y" man, and Frank E. Price secretary. scriptures are read.. energetic and able pastor. Daniel Riordan of Scobeyvllle, a Executive Board have given the use of the "Y" hoUBe The permanent registration must member of the Atlantic township flre to the branch, and members of the be completed before the primary elec- company, injured his ankle while Gives Shower for Mrs. itaff of Monmouth County Organiza- tion In 1943. The new law becomes climbing over a fence near, the, burn- tion for Social Service have assisted effective July 1 of that year and re- ing barn, and was taken to River- Russell Wheeler by sending their nurses as instruc- vlew hospital for treatment. Others County Society To Hold quires, among other things, the sig- tors. natures of all registered voters at who were overcome by smoke and Red Bank Woman's «lub will hold Mrs. Wlllguss ttated that branch the time of registration and at the removed to the hospital were Gerard ita annual fall luncheon Thursday, officials are working to make this time of voting. Domldlon of the Lincroft company, September 25. Plans for the lunch- home nursing course, and other sim- and James Eolg and James Van- 46th Annual Exhibit Adopted by the legislature last eon were discussed at an executive ilar courses, a community project. month, the purpose of the! new law is Raalte of Red Bank. Robert Mason board meeting Friday morning at Later this fall, classes will be estab- and Paul Grillon of Headden's Cor- to prevent Illegal registration and the clubhouse. Mrs, Marcus Higgin- lished In First Aid training. Home voting, and the voter, when once reg- ner were treated at the icene. The botham, luncheon chairman, will an- nursing classes will also be estab- motor of the Atlantic township flre Flower Show To Be Held At Bowes' istered, will be registered for 20 nounce further details. lished at Eatontown Red Cross rooms years. truck was badly damaged on the way and at Holmdel. to the flre when a frost valve blew Reports were given by Mrs. Don- • EDWIN J. KENNEDY The law provide* that county out, permitting the water to drain off ald Needham, representing the even- Estate Wednesday and Thursday boards of election must hold thr«e Ing group, who Invited members to Mr. Kennedy already Is a member the motor. The engine stopped in -* registration days In 1941 and 1942 to front of Lincroft Inn. attend the opening meeting and of the bar of the District of Colum- A large number of entries have National Head Of be ready for the 1943 primaries. The . • The flre Is thought to have been flower show of the group Monday bia, and for several years prior to been received for the 46th annual Monmouth county board has selected caused by spontaneous combustion night of next week. Mrs. Leon de his return to New Jersey to seek ad- Supper And Dance days upon which tha district boards la ReusslUe, Sr., reported that the flower, fruit and. vegetable exhibi- and to have started in one of the mission to the New Jersey bar was tion of the Monmouth County Hor- Rainbow Veterans ordinarily sit and estimates that a several pens, which altogether housed American home department will associated with the Department of saving of about tr>,000 will be thus ef- meet Friday, September 26, at the the Interior, the Comptroller Gen- ticultural society to be held Wednes- S3 pigs.
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