T h e K e l o w n a C o u r i e r Kelowna, rnilisli Colunil)ia, riiursdav. May P>. N U M liK R 79 Audited Paid Circulation V O L I M H 4 5 * .._ . * . ____ * -... t w i c e WEEKLY—MONDAY & T H U R S D A Y Why Traffic Disrupted 1949 Fruit C rop .wV- 4;', ; WORLD NEWS FLASHES ’V Vti P rospects Bright ( By CanaiUan PrcM ) Total of 121 Candidates to Contest A fter G ood Blossom 48 Seats in Legislature on June 15; A. K. Loyd, B.C. Tree Fruits’ President, Declines to Make Prediction—Exceptionally Heavy Crop of Five Running in Esquimalt Riding Cherries May Be Anticipated, While Apricots, Plums Will Be Heavy and Peaches and Apples, VICTORIA—A total of at least 121 candiclatcs will seek Good—“Anything Can Happen” Declares Fruit election to the 48 scats in the IJ.C. Legislature in the June 15 election. Nomination day is May 25. Official—Excellent Pollination Due to Warm Both the coalition administration of Liberals and progres­ Spell of Weather—Last Car of 1948 Fruit Crop sive Conservatives and the C.C.F. will contest every scat. Coali Leaves Valley tion Itas yet to name :l candidate in Delta, but the C.C.I*. lias a nominee for all the scats. iv.s<|uimalt constituency, with live candidates seeking elec­ Apple Pool Now Closed tion, holds the record for the number of nominees. E, V. Fin- laml will run as a Progressive Conservative in E.squimalt after s the last car of the 1948 fruit croj* loft the valley llic latter a controversy with Coalition forces. A part of last w.(-ok, fruit growers thwmghout the ( fkanagan scanned their hlossom-covereil trees, and once im>re li.ive been FOREST FIRE THREATS EASE IN B.C. assured that 1949 is definitely a "crop year.” i:i)MONT(>N—Blazes in the Lac La Biche area of nor­ Judging from the'blossom showing, an e.xeeptionally heavy thern Alberta today are iiosing the most serious fire threat to crop of elierries may be anticipated ; apricots, phims and jnunes the forests of the three prairie provinces with rains and cold will be “heavy,” w'hile pears, peaches and apples will he "good”. weather having eased the hazard in both Manitoba and Saskat­ But . and it’s a BIG hut . as A. K. Lin’d, president chewan. and general manager, B.C. Tree Fruits, Ltd., pointed out. "any­ An iini>rovc<l situation also is seen in B.C., witli the 25-acre thing” can happen between now and the end of June." In jKist blaze at Goat Lake, near Powell River, being the only major years there has always been a June "drop” after the fruit has forest fire in the West Coast province. , . formed, and in some instances, a fruit tree, heavilv-Iaden with the bridge and dumped a six-ton compressor in the river. The truck ' .1 1 .1 • 1 f .1, ...k: .1, The fires in the Lac La Biche area, 100 miles north of Ed­ Traffia is now flowing smoothly between Penticton and Kelowna me ouage y firmer part of the bridge but the trailer and blossoms, has been known to shed onc-third of the Innt wlmb after temporary repairs were made to the Okanagan River bridge which itself managed to re.ich a ........ .--------— -------- . monton, are described as threatening valuable black spruce and collapsed about ten days agOj although ten-ton load limits have been its load went down. Reason for the bridge collapsing was due to worn has formed on the trees jack pine timber stands. imposed on all heavy vehicles. ^ ■ _ pilings. , , i. • Apple blossom time is now over in the Valley, and this year, hun­ The scene at the bridge over the main highway presented this ap­ Traffic was re-routed over the Shingle ^Creek road, and the incon- venience brought many an oath from motorists. _____ _ dreds of outside visitors came to the Okanogan to witness the blossom SHANGHAI RIVER CORRIDOR STILL OPEN pearance when a heavy construction truck and trailer plunged through period. Due to the extremely warm spell of weather which started on May SHANGHAI—Shanghai’s Whangpoo River corridor to the COMING HERE 7, the brilliant sunshine brought the bees out of their hives, with the sea still remained open today but some points appeared with­ result pollination was excellent. in range of Coninumist small arms fire. The Reds were pressing Mr. Loyd declined to make any prediction on this year’s crop, other Council W ill Request C.P.R: to Moor than to say blossoms on majority of trees were excellent. their attack on the waterway through Poontung, the city’s back “Judging from the blossom showing, there is every indication of a door. But both the Shanghai garrison command and marine gcod crop in soft fruits and mediuni to good in apples,” he declared. sources said this afternoon the river still is in Nationalist hands. Last year's apple crop amounted to 6,250,000 boxes, and he expect­ Pioneer Stern-Wheeler in Kelovfna ed that the 1949 yield will run to about the same figure, or slightly RUSS RELENT ON NEW RESTRICTIONS higher. •jp 1 1 Orcliard City may be the resting place for the pioneer The B.& Tree Fruits official sum­ BERLIN—Major-General George P. Hayes, deputy Unit­ med the situation up in this way: ed States military governor, announced today the Russians are lake .steamer. S.S. Sicamous. SEWER MAINS Cherries, very heavy; .apricots, modifying their new restrictions on truck traffic from west Following months of deliberation, due largely to the con­ LAKE LEVI heavy; plums and prunes, heavy; Germany to Berlin. troversial jioint as to who \vouId maintain the ancient stern­ ARE DELAYED (City of Kelowna Flcruresl Feet pears, good, except d’Anjous; pea­ He said the Soviet military administration informed him wheeler, Gity Council decided to ask the Canadian Pacific Rail­ Level this morning .......... 101.27 ches, good; McIntosh apples, some way to moor the ancient vessel in Kelowna. , Level on Monday ................100.85 light, others medium ‘to good; Jon­ freiight-laden trucks from west Germany, now halted by, the FOR AQUATie Increase ....... .42 athans, mediiun; early apples, Russians at Plelmstedt, on the inter-zonal frontier, will be al­ ' Final decision was not made until Tuesday morning. The Low this year (April 17) 99.17 Wealthies pnd Duchess, medium; lowed to proceed to Berlin without written permits from the previous evening, representatives of the Kelo\Vna Yacht Club Agreed minimum — 39.5 Newtowns, light; Delicious and Soviet Zone Economic Commission. ap])eared before council, and pressed the city to take action. Installation of Sewers' in Re­ iiH w Agreed maximum ......... 102.5 Winesaps, heavy. Following a discussion which lasted an hour and a half, City sidential Areas More Impor­ 1948 peak level (June 28) 104.82 New Sales Manager EISLER’S FUTURE STILL UNDECIDED Fathers reserved judgment until the following morning at tant, Says Keller Previous record high, 1928 104.5 Mr. Loyd revealed that the last LONDON—Home Secretary Ede said today he will decide which time they made a personal inspection of the site where car of the 1948 crop left the val- The Aquatic buildings will_ have “name band to appear m l^’v last week. There are no apples whether Communist Gerhart Eisler should be granted political the Yacht Club proposed to dock the vessel. Memor- storage in the valley. A total refuge or to be treated as a fugitive from U.S. justice. Eisler is .Majority of aldern,en tel. the boa, could be moored inside ________ _s. MANY DONORS of 12,560 cars were shipped from in Britain as a prisoner, awaiting hearing on a U.S. demand the .present break-water behind the A. J. Jones Boat Works “We regret to have to say this,” one of the few to be featured on the valley as a result of the 1948 he be returned as a fugitive. Ltd. At a special meeting held in the power house, City Coun­ said Alderman R. F. L. Keller at every West Coast television station. FAIL TO VISIT crop year, which is about 1,000 cil w ent on record 4-2 in favor .of asking the C.P.R. to moor Monday night’s City Couricil meet­ His well-known aggregation, inclu­ cars short of the previous year. LABOR PARTY CAN’T MIX WITH REDS ing. “Especially since the city pro­ ding the Dumont Twins and John­ Mr. Loyd also announced that J. the vessel in Kelowna. mised the Aquatic the sewer lines ny April, will , play to dancing, pat­ BLOOD CUNie B. Lander will join B. C. ’Tree LONDON—The Labor Party today banned all fellow-tra­ In making application for the would be in this year.” rons at the arena on June 6, King’s Fruits at the end of the week, and boat, it was clearly imderstood that Birthday holiday. will take over his duties of sales velling with Communists. The rule applies to more than 5,000,- He said his department had a Blood Clinic Will Remain____ CKX) party members as well as party officials and members of the Kelowna Yacht Club would KINSMEN WILL heavy schedule lined up for the manager effective June 1. Mr, Lan- he responsible for bringing the residential sections of the city, and Open in United Church Hall der succeeds Dave McNair, who parliament. pioneer lake steamer here, and that ATTEND PARLEY these, he 'thought, should get pre­ Until 9.30 p;m.
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