LOC:BO1 5/32/6-B0 15/34/7 Archives Accession: 72C2386 Job NO.4"-326-87-06 RG 326 Atomic Energy Commission Oak Ridge Operations Office Research and Development Div. Corres. Files 1947-1963 Entry 033 Boxes 1-129 . 7- AE~UES O 1. TRANSFER - OF 4. CURRENT LOCATION OF RECORM aSF 136 ATTACHE0 Declassified Correspondence Files of the Research and Development SEPARATE SHEET(S) Divi slon . 1947-1 963 ATTACHED a 5- B. EST. VOLUME C. ARE RECORDS SUUECT TO PRIVACY ACT? (If I*& 0. SPECIFIC RESTRlCTlOW TO BE IMPOSE0 (Indud. urnfiution.nd , dL. umcy system nu" ard T.R. roluao and -0 cu. (1. cu. mtr. cite -;uta or ~OIen i auaoriru nrcb rr~Lrku0~) numbor for moct nernc notla and alas copy) 5 U.S.C. 552(bp6) authorizes the with- ' DOE-33s ' DOE-4P 5 DOE-46, DOE-48, DOE-51, DOE-52, holding of personnel and medical files and b* similar files the disclosure of which would 47 'eR* No* 64 (April ** 1982) (applicable pages attached) constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion DOE-1 324.2 RS/16,5. a. i P- .. -? . .. .. .-- .- ... ... _... .. I;, .. .. E .~ cf W a .. CL C c % 2 ..... L w- Cu- rdaJ aJ nmx cn c;? ... W7JOU cum ........ n m aC ma .. cfp: .- .. -_.... .. .. ........ .. .... * ..... NO11 'i; 31UlLlnY - ....... -7 ...'I - . -. t ... 4e 3ca .... .- - ..... ' ;" ; . UUh Lb .-. , u ram - ...- w aJ7 ........ <'< ' ... ..I -: ..... ~ .- . 1. .. .' . .- -. ~ ....... - .... d .. d .. : . c - -..- .. .. ... ...... .. .. .-... i-- d -_ ? INVE~~TORY 1 Budget/Acct./Finance 1 Budget - General Policy Jan-June 1950 2 Budget - General Policy July-Dec. 1950 3 Budget Change Requests .. 4. Estimates - 1949 :. .. .. .. ... :.. .:.. ..... qc 5 Revisions - 1950 'ci f 6 6000 Program 7 Cost Accounting 8 Plant & Equipment Data 9 Accounts - Facilitating Services 10 Operating Carbide Budget FY 1951 11 Operating Battelle Budget FY 51 and 52 12 Meeting or Budget - Chicago Dec. 1950 13 Person a1 Se rvi c e s. 14 Budget-Mound Lab 15 ORNL Budget, May 1950 16 ORNL Budget, Jan-April 1950 . 17 Monthly Cost - Budget Report FY 1950 18 Cost Estimates P&E (2) 19 4th Quarter Services Budget Schedule 1950 20 Budget Schedules FY 1952 21 Budget Schedules FY 1950 22 CKCC FY 1950 - Work For Others 23 Program Assumptions 1952 *: *: .. .. ..., . .:, ..... ,.._ .. * . _I .* . .*. ,? ; .A_ -? .., . .: ~ .. 1- .* -2- 4/ Box 418 (continued) 24 Budget Estimates 1952 a -25 Budget Estimates - Dayton 26 Budget AEC 11/30/50 27 Budget Estimate FY 1952 28 Program Letter Carbide, Carbon Chemicals 29 Bio & Medicine Budget Est. 30 Proposals for R&D Budget 1950 Comlmunications Mail & Corresp. I 31 Rad io 32 Microfilming Records 33 Diaries - Project History 34 Monthly Status Reports - Comnunic. R Records 35 Weekly Reports 36 Weekly Reports "A1 1red" 37 I' Hayd e R 'I 38 I' Ka s c ha n . 39 I' Ro t h I' 40 I' Ru c h I' 41 "Sel ak" -. 42 "Shi 11i ngl' I' Ve nde r Way den I' 3 43 44 Community P1 anni ng 45 Contracts 46 Policy & Procedure 5 -3- Box cw83 (continued) 47 Invitation Bid - Award (2) 48 €quipment & Suppl ies 49 P rocuremen t 50 Priorities/Expediting 51 Chemicals 52 Comput in g Mach ine ry 53 Instruments 54 Conferences 55 Instruments (4) 56 Delegation of Priorities Infor. & Publications 57 General Policy - Mound 58 Requests & Requisitions 59 Arti cl es 60 Mot ion Pict u res , S1 ides, Record ings 61 Still Photography 62 Technical Info. (5) 63 Distribution (2) 64 Isotopes Program - General Policy 65 Isotopes - Carbon 12 Legal - Trademark 66 Materials - General Policy 67 Gas & Fission Product 68 Allocation of Res. & Reactor Material .? .. ..I._r < _..1 . &.C .-.tX4b... ... ..,... I NVE NTOR Y Materi a1 s Act ini um Bismi th Bora1 Shielding Boron I1 5 Fuel El ement Components 6 P1 utoni um Chalk River Program 7 P1 utonium 8 P1 ati num 9 Product 43 Catalyst 10 Reactor Fuel Supply 11 Neptunium 12 Lithium . 13 Ionium 14 Graphite 15 Hafnium 16 Graphite for MTR . 17 7 Analysis - Tests 18 Requirements 19 UCLA F1 oronoids 20 Material Purchases 21 Waste Disp. Weekly Reports (1950) (2) 22 ANL Request 23 Fissionable Material - Brookhaven Request 24 Beryl 1ium .'. , - .. , i*r. ... ... .. .. "r .. .-..... .. -' 4 - #/ Box (continued) 69 Misc. Material 70 Exploration & Acquisition 71 Boron 72 . P-9 73 General Materi a1 s - 74 Heavy Water Accountabi 1 ity Report 47= P-9 ICRL Request - 76 P-9 KAPL . 77 Thorium 78 Thorium Requests 79 Thorium Requirements 80 Shipment to Chicago (2) 81 Biological' a2 Materials - Mound 83 Ecological Studies (2) 84 Geol ogi cal 85 Processing & Di sposal 86 Personnel 87 Hanford Metal Recovery 88 Disposal Gaseous 89 Dayton Waste Disposal -2- #2 Box (continued) 25 Beryllium Health Hazards 26 Beryllium Board Meetina" Minutes Beryl 1i um ( tieneral ) 527 28 Zirconium Requests (2) 29 Vanadi um 30 U235/U236 31 U234/U235 . - 32 Fissionable (General ) . 33 Berryllium Air Sampling June 1950 July 1950 August 1950 Sept. 1950 Oct. 1950 Nov. 1950 Dec. 1950 34 Uranium ~l'10y 35 Highly Enriched Uranium Isotopes 36 IJ-233 37 Uranium Irradiated From Chalk River 38 Tritium , - 39 Tantalium -. Raw Materi a1 s 640 41 Radium Sou rces 42 Transuranics 43 Titanium 44 MTA - Testing Accelerator 45 RALA z ._ -. :< . ........ .. .. .. -3- .. *2 Box 0 (continued) 46 Radium 47 Protactium 48 Post um Stoc kpi 1e 49 Pol oni um Equipment & Supplies 50 Surpl us/Sal vage 51 Requi rements 52 Loans % 53 Fissionable ORNL Requi rements 54 Fissionable UCRL 55 Fissionable ORNL Requests - CL-253 56 Fissionable ANL Special Quote for Fabrication of CP-3 at OR 57 Request for Enriched Uranium ORNL 2521 58 SF Acct. General 59 SF Acct. Jan-June 1950 60 SF Acct. July-Dec. 1950 I 61 SF Supplemental Manual . 62 Fissionabl e Request WAPD-1 c\ 63 Fissionable ORNL Special Basic Ouota (2) 64 Fissionable Basic Quota NEPA 65 Fissionable Basic Ouota Y-12 66 Fissionable Basic Quota K-25 67 Fissionable Material Request 68 Irradiation - Special Program General Policy - Hanford .,,! .,.- ".*"hI!d<h L -4- *2 Box dN (continued) 69 Irradiation HEW Request - Policy & Procedure 70 Irradiation Special General Pol icy 71 MH8S Tolerance Levels to Beryllium Standard 3/50 72 Surveys Protective C1 othi ng & Devices 7 73 74 Contamination & Decontam. of Wounds 75 Contamination & Decontam. of Trucks It Equ+pment - 76 Contamination & Decontam. of Containers * 77 Hazards 8 Control 78 Stock Contam. Problems 79 Filter Program 80 Dosimetry - Rsdiation Symposium . ..,* ’” \. ... .- +,*,+..a by; .e*. I INVENTORY' BOX=% 8 1 Med., Health & Safety 10-9 Cardwell 2 Med., Health & Safety 10-9 Special Cases (Jan & Feb) 3 Med., Health & Safety 10-9 Special Cases (Mar & Apr) 4 Med., Health & Safety 10-9 Special Cases (May) 5 (Charged Out) Summary - Medical Research 1943-1946 6 MH&S - 21 Health Physics 1950 7 MH&S - 20-3 Water supply 1950 8 Oak Ridge Disaster Plan 1-1950 9 MH&S - 16-4 Disaster Preparedness 1949 * 10 Oak Ridge Civil Defense Program 9-48 11 Defense Plan 12 Materials Irrand - Other than HEW 13 Materials Irrand - Special Other Reg. ORNL, CR, HEW 14 Materials Irrand - Special Hanford Reg. ORNL, 120-139 15 Folder I -- Materials Irrand Special - Hanford Reg. ORNL, Reg. 109-119 Folder I1 - Materials Irrand Special - Hanford Reg. ORNL, Reg. 109-119 16 Materials - Irrand - Special Hanford - Reg. ORNL - Reg. 13-108 17 Materials - HEW slugs as source SR-90 . 18 Medicine, Health & Safety - General Policy 19 Materials Irrand - X-Slugs for BNL 20 Materials Irrand - X-Slugs for ANL 21 Materials - J Slugs for Chalk River 22 Materials - Irrand Uranium other than Slugs 23 Materials - July-Dec - Irradiated - Special at,,ORNL 1 24 Materials - Jan-June - Irradiated - Special at ORNL .l -2- *a Box (Continued) 25 Military Research and Application - 1 General Policy 26 Transporation 3-6 Routing and Shipping 27 Security & Intelligence Visits - December 5-1 28 Security & Intelligence Visits - November 51 29 Security & Intelligence Visits - October 51 30 Security & Intelligence Visits - September 51 31 Security & Intelligence Visits - August 51 32 Security & Intel igence Visits - July 51 . 33 Security Intel igence Visits - June 50 . 34 Security & Intel igence Visits - May 50 35 Security & Intel igence Visits - April 50 5-1 36 Security & Intelligence Visits - March 5C 37 Security & Intelligence Visits - Jan. & Feb. 38 Security & Intelligence Visits to Foreign Countries -39 Security & Intelligence Clearance-- - Reports 4-1 Security & Intelligence Investigation & Clearance 4-1 Security & Intelligence Disposal 2-5 . 42 Security & Intelligence Use & Release of . 2-10 43 Security & Intel1 i gence 2-4 Transmi ssi on Recei pt 44 Security & Intelligence 2-3 Inventory & Accountability 45 Security & Intel1 igence 2-1 C1 assification, Downgrading & Declassification 46 Security & Intelligence 2 - Commlunication and Records 47 Security & Intelligence 1950-1 Policy & Procedures - Jan-June 48 Security & Intelligence 1950-1 Policy & Procedures - July- Dec. '.-. .: -3- Box*& (cont inued) 49 Security & Intelligence 1 - Security Practices 50 Reactor Safety 51 Organization & Management - 4-Charts - NEPA 52 Organization & Management - 1-Policy & Procedure NEPA 53 NEPA-ANP - Organization & Management General Pol icy 54 Military Research & Application NEPA & Committee Meeting Minutes 55 Materials 9 - Accountability & Control NEPA 56 Materials NEPA - 7-Analyses & Test - . 57 Materials NEPA - 3-Distribution 58 Information I4 Publication NEPA - 15 - Distribution 59 Information R Publication NEPA - 13 - Technical Information 60 Contracts NEPA - 1 Policy & Procedures 61 BA&F - 3 62 Research & Development (General ) Redox 63 Research & Development (General ) Redox Solution 64 Research & Development (General j Pu rex 65 Research & Development 21-4 . 66 Research & Development (General ) Y-12 Area. 67 Research & Development (General ) UF6 68 Research & Development (General ) Thermonuclear *- 69 Research & Development (General ) ORNL 70 Research '& Development (General ) Mound Laboratory 71 Research & Devel opment (General ) Geol ogi cal 72 Folder I - Research A Development (General ) Dissolver Operations Folder 11- Research It Development (General ) Dissolver Operations I..
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