» S i i S ; ^3 U-J 'W 20 — M ANCH ESTER H ERALD , Thurs., Jan. 6, 1983 Delays looming John Davis Lodge, Mideast fight BUSINESS in Boyle caSe perfect diplomat in 7th day . p a g e 4 , Know private employment agency fees . p a g e 3 ... p a g e 7 You may even find that the agency helps negotiate a fee- As unemployment continues its terrible, relentless bursement of any fees that you paid. Applicant-paid fees — in which you, the applicant, splitting arrangement with the employer. climb, increasing numbers of men and women who assume full responsibility for the fee — account for Even before you start making the rounds of various ik sperately need a job are turning to private employ­ many of the remaining agency jobs. Fees can range employment agencies, investigate what laws apply to Clearing tonight Manchester, Corfn. ment agencies to seek work. , , , \ Y o u r from half of your first month’s salary to 5 percent or 10 agency fees in your state. Some states have laws that Especially now, during these tough times, it is vitally Friday, Jan. 7,-1983 percent — even 20 percent, in some cases — of your first monitor the fees and set, by law, the maximum amounts sunny Saturday important that you know precisely what — if anything — M o n e y ' s year’s gross pay. Usually the agency expects its fee the that can be charged. In others, employment agencies you are paying for if you look to an enployment agency — See page 2 Single copy 25c day you start your new job. Payment terms will be must file their fee structures with the government, Md to help find a job. W o r t h spelled out in the contract: TTie agency may accept in­ they are prohibited from changing them without first Most private agencies make their money from place­ Sylvia Porter stallment pa)nments (and perhaps grant discountis to notifying the appropriate state agency. The scale of f ^ ment fees — what they earn from successfully matching those who pay in full immediately) or help arrange for which you, the job seeker, might be liable w l l l ^ in­ employers with job candidates. In most job placements, financing at a bank or other financial institution. cluded In the sales agreement, and yours might m the agencies' fees are paid by the employer: The Better Note: If the agency charges you an additional fee for among the states that require the fee schedule to be Business Bureau estimates that about 75 percent of all helping you get a loan, you may be able to arrange a loan posted — visibly — in the office or reception area. employment job placements fall into this category. yourself more ecqnomically. Also, the agency fee is tax If you are ever asked to leave a deposit, find out exact­ The National Association of Personnel Consultants, • ly what it is for and when you will get It back. It does the professional trade organization that covers about 25 deductible. Other ways in which fees are paid include “ partial- happen that in some states agencies can legitim ately percent of all employment agencies (about 2,500), sur- a "fe e paid" job, you fail to report to work, or choose to paid fees" in which, before you accept the job, you and request a deposit for certain kinds of jobs. But insist on Coup possible veved its members in 1980 and found that employers leave after a week or so, or get fired for cause. You may your new employer agree that each of you will assume a its return if you are entitled to it. paid 86 percent of their dollar volume and 83 percent of then be obligated to pay the fee, or at least pay a penalty (Save money as you organize your budget with Sylvia the number of placement fees. Most placement firms service charge to the agency. specified portion of the fee. P orter’s Financial Almanac for 1983 — a functional and actually prefer that employers pay for the majority of Learn what your responsibilities are in these In "fee-reimbursed” jobs, you, the employee, pay the fee up front, but the employer agrees to pay you back informative desk calendar/handbook featuring Porter’s positions. situations by carefully studying your contract and after a certain period of tim e on the job. In a variation best budgeting tips and money-saving advice. Regularly Even though employer-paid, or "fe e paid, " jobs are asking questions before you sign. For example, most of this, “ partial-fee reimbursement,” your new $8.95, now just $4.95 to readers of this column. Send $4.95 most common, some conditions are attached to them. If agencies expect their full service charge even if you are in El Salvador plus $1 for mailing and handling to Financial Almanac in vou fail to meet the conditions, you might owe money. fired for cause, since they fulfilled their part of the deal. employer agrees to pay back a portion of your fee after care of the Manchester Herald, 4400 Johnson Drive, • Fee paid " means that the employer parts with the Others, though, make allowances for this possibility. a present period. In other than “ fee paid” jobs, you are entitled to pur­ Fairway, Kan. 66205. Make checks payable to Universal “ military alert” in a radio broadcast entire fee and you pay nothing if you fulfill the con­ Generally, when you lose a job through no fault of your SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPI) sue any of these options with a prospective employeb. Press Syndicate.) from San Salvador at about 11 p.m. local 7 tract's conditions. Suppose, though, that after accepting own, most agency contracts provide fc. partial reim­ — A provincial army commander in northern El Salvador rose in rebellion time (10 p.m. E ST) Thursday. “ I consider Minister of Defense Jose against the U.S.-backed government Guillermo Garcia a traitor to the prin­ today and said his troops were “ ready ciples of the Oct. 15 (1979) coup” by Bethlehem shutdown for anything.” Col. Sigifredo Ochoa declared his 1,000 moderate U.S.-backed officers, Ochoa declared on commercial radio late crack U.S.-bquipped soldiers in rebellion in a commercial radio broadcast late Thursday. Thursday and demanded the resignation Garcia is the onlj^ minister to remain of Defense Minister Jose Guillermo from the junta that took power in the Mill dying, so is city 1979 coup seen as the starting point of El Garica. X But Ochoa, the commander of the Salvador’s civil war in which some 36,000 northern Cabanas province who had been people have died. LACKAWANNA. N Y (UPIl - Bethlehem Steel mill that sprawls life. Where am I going to go?,” says After his declarati&n, Ochoa returned ordered to take a diplomatic post in The Indian.s named it Lackawanna, along the shores of Lake Erie, just a Les Vilagy, who owns Molnar’s bar to the Cabanas capital of Sensuntepeque Uruguay, denied his actions were part of meaning ‘fork in the river. " But the spit south of Buffalo. on the corner of Steelawanna and to meet with his forces and confer with a coup. street names tell what the city is But "the plant” — the lifeblood of Bethelehm Streets. The military rebellion came amid a his senior officers. really all about — Bethlehem. Lackawana for most of the century His business has sagged with the bloody civil war betWeen the U.S.- In San Salvador, the m ilitary hjgh Steelawanna. Lehigh. Mill. — is dying and some residents fear town’s economy and sometimes only I LACKAWANNA command went into an allnight meeting backed government and leftist guerrillas Lackawanna is home of "the that means the death of Lackawana brings in $30 to $40 a day. that has claimed an estimated 35,000 and could not be contacted by telephone. plant." as residents commonly refer as well. " I f I was younger, then it might be UPI photo In Washington, the State Department a different story," he said, rubbing lives in three years. to t he huge, 2'z-m ile-long, "Fm 59. I've lived here all of my had no immediate comment on the ap­ his white-haired brusheut. “ I ’d FIRE RAGES AT TEXACO TANK FARM IN NEWARK, N.J. As Ochoa sealed off northern Cabanas province, the Salvadoran high command parent coup bid. probably get out.” . blast killed one, hurt 12, and was heard 70 miles away O choa, commander of Cabanas met in San Salvador but refused to com­ .... Province in northern El Salvador, said Bethlehem announced last week ment on the situation. he made made the decision after steel-making operations would end There were no immediate moves by Hot winfer chills receiving word he would be transferred at “ the plant” by the end of 1983, 'It's like somebody dropped an A-bomb' government troops against the rebel of­ HOME OF CAIHEK BAKER to a post in South America, he said in his resulting in the loss of 7,300 jobs and ficer, who was reported meeting with his leaving a skeleton staff of about 1,- troops and general staff today at his radio broadcast. W estern military observers said 500 to man the firm ’s galvanizing headquarters in Sesuntepeque, the Thursday Garcia had shaken up “ about Kero-Sun's market dperation. capital of Cabanas province. J 20 percent” of the Salvadoran officer For a facility that at one time “ We consider that it is a punishment corps in a power struggle that ended KF,N'T — Blaming a weak weather has been very warm,” he employed 22,5()0 workers, the im­ Blast rips gas tank farm when they send us into diplomatic exile favoring allies of extreme rightist economy and unseasonably warm said "P la y that against a backdrop pending loss threatens to sound the as military attache, and as such have ig- weather.
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