8 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. MARCH 9, 1913. doubtedly one of the best of Portland! Sanitary Fair held in Philadelphia in younger musicians. She bas sung so- 1S64 Madame De Hegermann-Linden-cron- e, prano solos in St. Mary's Cathedral then Mrs. Moulton, was asked choir, and recently gave a fine render- to sing for the President. After she ing of Rossini's "Inflammatos." She had finished "Robin Adair," Lincoln, also sang "With Verdure Clad." from holding her hand in a grip of iron, Haydn's "Creation." at that church at a said: "Music is not much in my lino, LHEVINNE sacred concert, when her piano accom- but when you sing you warble yourself JOSEF panist was Mrs. Edward Alder Beals, into a man's heart. I think I might by whom Miss Matschiner bas been pre- become a musician if I beard you often, sented in recital. but so far I only know two tunes." . " 'Hail Columblar " she asked. "You The Great Russian Pianist This letter, written know that, I am sure!" "Oh, yes, I by Alessandro Bonci. the eminent Ital- know that." he replied, "for I have to ian operatic and concert tenor, appeared stand up and take off my bat." "And recently in the New York Sun: "In the other one?" "The other one! Oh, and the reference to a letter that has appeared the other one is the one when I don't in the Evening Sun regarding an al- stand up!" S opera, "The leged habit of star singers to associate WOLF-FERRARI'- with mediocre singers and in which my Probably It was some one with a of tbe Madonna.," new name is mentioned, I beg to say that grievance against Oscar Hammersteln STEINWAY PIANO music in every sense of the word, will often money has been offered me by who spread the report that be was be sung at the Orpheum Theater March young American singers who were de- married again and was living with his 31. at 8 P. M, by tbe Chicago Grand "-S- sirous to appear in public with me. Of new wife in the Hamilton Apartments. Opera Company, opening the season of If " course I laughed and refused, in select. 420 Riverside Drive, says the New York J "The Steinway Pianos are an inspiration to grand opera under tne direction of An ing as companion Miss Martina Zatella Herald. Mr.- - Hammerstein is living (the only singer with whom I have been there, but be vigorously denied that a musical temperament, and delight an artist's dreas Dippel. and Portland manage so far associated and to whom the let- any Mrs. Hammerstein is entitled to ment of Lois Steers-Wyn- n Coman. The ter may allude) I have exclusively fol give that as her address. This was heart because of their affectionate and complete company will present Massenet's lowed this criterion merit. I believe after one afternoon newspaper had 1, 8 in helping poor girl (her real given pub- "Thais" April at P. M.; the second - 1 X l that a credence to the report and response to every varying mood." act of Offenbach's "Tales of Hoffman' name la Miss Z. E. Martin and she is lished it. daughter of a in a small and Humperdlnck's "Hansel and Gre-te- l" the minister When Mr. Hammerstein was asked Michigan village) in her struggle to concerning the truth of tbe story he J "The Steinway Piano is, in brief, a harmoni- April 2, at 2 P. M., and Donizetti's win In her own country the recognition wrote the following on his trusty type- "Lucia dl Lammermoor," on the even- to which she Is entitled, I have accom writer: ous creation of art so individual and sympa- ing of that day. The principals, who pllshed a noble action. "I was married in St. Paul's Syna- will sing:. Include Tetrazzlni, Mary Gar- "It seems to me that there is still I gogue by the Rev. Dr. Bigamy and a thetic that the artist often feels as if it possessed den, Carolina White. Marie Cavan and sufficient number of persons who be chorus of 45, delicately synonymous Charles Dalmores. The event Is certain lieve that I know something about the with my age. The pallbearers were a living personality of its ovrn. to be the. most Important musical event human voice and the art of singing. So Lady and Sir Henry Counsel-- and of International interest, ever at least I shall infer from what has Fee. 1 staged In the Pacific Northwest one been printed in hundreds of columns of "I haven't been feeling well lately; "The attainment of the highest ideals in of the rare opera chances of a life criticism during the past seven years. been rather sour. The doctor pre- time. To these people my opinion on this scribed doses of honey at noon. This cantilene and tone-colo- r, in the orchestral effects young American singer might prove has probably given rise to the rumor The last concert of the present season interesting. Miss Martin has a serious that i was on my honeymoon. called for in the modern school of composition of the Portland Symphony Orchestra musical foundation. She has an exceed "There are too few marriages in this wish will take place at the Heilig Theater lngly sweet voice, which she uses with country. The Incoming President, Mr. and the perfect response to every and Sunday afternoon, March 30, under the a taste and a skill quite unusual tor Wilson, will win Indelible fame if be direction of George E. Jeffery. The debutante, and she fully deserved the were to urge Congress to pass a law thought of the artist are made possible on the symphony Is the Beethoven "Symphony unanimous enthusiasm with which she making it incumbent upon banks to In D Major, No. 2," and the overture was received. She has brain and will recognize marriage certificates as legal Steinway, and onljr on the Steinway." (change from former announcement) is power and it is not hard to predict for assets. As matters stand now one can Mendelssohn's "Fingal's Cave." A big her the most brilliant future. borrow money on call or gall, on gas, feature, of the second half will be the "I regret to say that my opinion is wind, water or smoke, but marriage STEINWAY PIANOS SOLD ON MODERATE Grieg "Peer Gynt" suite, the four num- so different from that of the anony- certificates have no rating. ' Probably bers being "Morning Mood," "Ase's mous ' 'concertgoer who wrote the married men are as much bereated as TERMS Tod," "Anitra's Dance" and "In the letter for a purpose that I am not able their wives. When you are short and Hall of the Mountain King." For the to understand. However, he can rest go before the president of your bank strings there will be Catalinl's "A assured that the disagreement will not to discount your marriage certificate Sera" and Filippucci's Plzzacati, "Sere-Bad- e hurt a bit neither. Miss Martin nor he calls the porter to discount your Lointaine." Other numbers are myself." exit. Wesly's "Suite Printalnlere" and Coleri- "Musically speaking, marriage bells dge-Taylor's "Danse Nigre," from his Miss Edith Rosslyn Collals, the new are out of tune in this country. I African suite. soprano soloist at the White Temple, make an affirmative denial to this re- JOSEF LHEVINNE came to Portland from Honolulu, where ported marriage. Is the fact that I am The singers who will appear on thi she has been head of the voice depart- getting wrinkles proof positive that J Appears in Concert, Heilig Theater programme of the St. Patrick's day ment of Oahu College and soprano solo- am married T" concert under the auspices of the An- ist of the Central Union Church. Miss Sunday Afternoon cient Order of Hibernians, at the Ma- Collals has a dramatic voice of good At the second concert of the Port- sonic Temple Auditorium, March 17. 4 power and sweetness, with every tone land Oratorio Society, "The Redemp- are Mrs. Elfrieda Heller Weinstein, true and of brilliant quality. Combined tion" (Gounod) will be given March 18 March 16th 3 o'Clock Mrs. Lena Harwas Ruckert, Miss Nona with this, she has a "Messa dl voce1 at Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Kelly. (half-voice- ), of tender tone color, which Lawler, Miss Dagmar Inez Miss J. A. Finley directing, and should be STEEES-WYN- N Irene Flynn, John Claire Monteith, A. is rarely heard in a big voice such as an event of interest. The chorus is Direction: LOIS C0MAN" B. Cain. Stuart McGuire and Anthony she has. Miss Collals has also been doing good work at rehearsals and will Campbell. A soprano solo with harp soDrano soloist of St. Stephens Church, be well prepared for the rendition of accompaniment, and a harp duet by Colorado Springs; Twenty-third-aven- the oratorio, which is one of the best Miss Cella Cunningham and Miss Helen Presbyterian Church, Denver; col., ana of Gounod's beautiful works. Mr. Fin- Clemons will be additional attractions. Grand-avenu- e Methodist cnurcn, mu ley has the confidence of his chorus Miss Marie Chapman, a young violinist, waukee. Wis. At this morning's service and is able to arouse in them an en- will also be heard, and the Knights of of the White Temple, Miss Collais will over which keeps fine sing the recitative and aria. "I win thusiasm he Columbus Glee Club, Luclen E. Becker, (Costa).
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