■-/ WEDNESDAY. IfAT tl. INB i^ r W S N T Y Mattrl|9Btpr lEuptting I|(raUi _ ..... The W m ^ w Average Daily Net Press Run street; Harold Wells, 108 Avon- NormW Danielson, 62 Seaman Cir­ Leaders of Intermediate Girl Miaa Tina DePumpo of Birch For Hm Month of May, 1950 street and Mlaa Edna RoberU of Hospital Notes dale road; David Brown, 13 Drive cle; Mrs. Ella Sturtevant, 8 Kerry Showare today: felgheet taomar* Scout troops are requested to G, Sliver Lane Homes; Robert atreet; Frederick Stone, 880 Main Beautiful New Simtex Spun Rayon ' fAbiDUlTown notify Mrs. Herman Petersen, Goodwin street spent the Memorial ature near 72; toolght etcoHag Day week end In Washington, D. HUI, Jr., 72 Lynesa atreet; Mra. street; Barbara Smith, 21 Gorman 9,924 . - '^ , / : ■■! I II ■ 3>1238, Of the part their troops PutieNts Tw iny................ ISt Solid Color end neeler: EHday falri highest C. They flew down Friday after­ Mae WiHlama, 343 Parker street; place; Baby aon Jedrzlewski, Mr. aad Mn. Crtch W. Hen* of will take in the play day on June Admitted Monday: Kenneth Milton Whitten, 618 Main atreet; Rockville. Member of the AnSlt UJmtrtatFr lEnmittg ibralb teenpemtum 71. ftS OenUr atroat bav* ratumed 10. noon and returned by train last Ferguson, 60S Parker street; Mra. Barean of Cliwilatlone night. Mra. Florence Sullivan, Wllllman- Discharged today; Mra. Cyn­ Mmuheater^A City of Village Charm froaa a trip by air to C9ilcaga Edno Monroe, S89 Lydall street; tie. thia Kanehl, 44 Wells street; Wil­ Miss Marll>Ti Welles, daughter wbara they attended the conven- Mrs. Susan Lovell, 31 Stone street. liam Remmey, 20 Nathan road; Table Cloths Uon of the National Bestaurarit of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G. Members of the W h e n 's Mis­ Admitted Tuesday; William Discharged Monday; Nancy sionary Society of Emluiucl Luth­ Craft, 236 Main street; Mrs. Rose Bruno Sienda, 410 North Main (CbwaUed AdvwtMng on Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1950 (EIGHTEEN PAGES^ PRICE FOUR CENTS AaaoeUUon. Mr. Heaae ta well Welles of Talcottvllle. Is among Dailey, Hartford; James Collier, street. known in the reaUurant bualneaa the 36 young women to graduate eran church will IrtVe at one Hartford; Alexander Berggren, Selble, 14 Oakland street; Mrs. VOL. LXIX, NO. 205 hartac been with the Yamoua from the Nursery Training School o'clock tomorrow to visit the Bolton; Mrs. Elds Salmond, 73 Theresa Qarrlty and son. East Births Monday; A daughter to and Napkins Monlaa^ Oyater Houae of Hartford of Boston Friday at the Parish Lutheran Home for the Aged at Campfleid road; Mra. Adeline Fel­ Hartford; James Brand, 136 Green Mr. and Mrs. James Duke, 67 for 18 yeara. and la vice president House. Old South church. Middletown. lows, 137 Henry street; Mrs. Mary road; Mra. Marla Sinnamon, 71 Wadsworth street; a daughter to Stranded on River Rocke of the company. McPartland, 34 G, Garden drive; Hemlock atreet; Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Duffany, Leb­ An Important meeting of the St. The daughter born May 26 In Emil Dickinson, 35 Bigelow street; Nowak, 707 Hartford road; Mrs. anon. 5 2 X 5 2 St. Francis hospital to Mr. and Inez Haddock, 85 Fairflcid street. — $2.98 Jap Reds Order Truman Asks Billion Bridget's strawberry festival com­ Mrs. Jeanette Vennart, 152 Cooper Births today; A daughter to Mr. mittee will be held this evening at Mrs. Ronald Nightingale of Wad­ Hill street; Mrs. Elisabeth Hum­ Discharged Tuesday; William and Mrs. James Shaw, 87 Edison 7:30 in the basement of the dell road has been named Annette phries, 46 Birch street; Mra. Mary Daily, Hartford; Mrs. Ann Boris, road: a son to Mr. and Mra. church. All members are reqtiested Rae. The baby la their first Child. Delaney, 15 Waddell road; Roland 116 Walker atreet; Mrs. Florence Charles Carson, 52 Wells atreet. 5 2 X 7 0 Mrs. Nightingale waa the former TELEVISION to be pre.scnt If possible. Wilson, South Windsor; Mrs. Thel Robbins and daughter, 25 West- — $3.98 A General Strike Mias Dorothy McCann of Wether- ma Patterson, Hartford; Emile mlniater road; Mrs. Nettie Hepton A son was born Tuesday, May Carry on Arms SPECIAL Cub Pack No. 27, sponsored by ell street. Turgeon, Rockville. and daughter, Rockville; Diana 30 to Mr, and Mrs. Martin Kelder- St. Mary's church Is planning to Admitted today; EMwln McCon­ Ferrante, 51 Falknor drive; F. llng of South Coventry at Hart­ The committee from the Second 6 0 X 8 0 hold a food sale at J. W. Hale nell, North Coventry; Mrs. Mar­ William Montie, 38 Bigelow atreet; ford hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Keid- — $4.98 As Tension Rises Congregational Merry-Weda, will Thun., Fri., Sal. store beginning at nine o'clock to­ guerite Carter, 17 Lockwood June Stetson, Eaat Hartford; Mrs. erltng are well known locally. have a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock morrow morning. at the home of Mr. and Mra. E. V. Aid Program Abroad Famous make TV Table Coughlin. 300 Woodland street, to NAPKINS c ea. Action in Reprisal for goV lC tS S lo W make arrangements for the- picnic 39 Model w «h 12»4” clear 1 . they give each summer for the chil­ U.S. Trial of 8Rioters! , m rr. view picture tube only Guaranteed by Good Houaekeeping! Six beautiful colors; Grey, AUTO GLASS dren at the Tolland County Home Says Delay Might Strike dark green, chartreuse, wine, maiae and flame. Make up your W ho Attacked Occii- T r U C K 1 F a t 11C Highballing Engineer Is In Vernon. Charges Red MIRRORS Gantner own seta with matching or contrasting napkins. Pre-laundered Switched Into Court Fatal Blow to Free $149.50 and guaranteed fast color. pation Troops at Me- w tx i* C l morial Day Rally; , In B erlin M ap World’s Peace Efforts; Network Ran* Sylacatiga, Ala.. June 1.—(A*) 90 day guaranteed ser\lee — A quick .getaway In a loco­ 14 Countries to Get Bathing Suits Beautiful Lustron Students Call Walkout i ------ motive while under arrest will and parte: 1 year picture "DENTAL PLATES RE- switch Engineer Jason McCul- tabe guarantee. PAmRD .WHILE YOU Action Held Retaliation Help; Portugal on List Tokyo. June l — (i‘P)— Open­ To Stale Dept. lom Into court here Monday. WAIT.. OLD. DENTAL The highballing railroader For Firnt Time; Qiina PLATES REMADE IN Flowered chintz, one piece, cotton ly defiant, Japan’s Communist For West Zone’s De^ Rayon Draperies faces charges of speeding, re­ NEW PLASne SAME Free Home Trial party today ordered a general tention of Red Youths; Senator Say* Anieraflia sisting arrest, and escaping To Receive 75 Million; D AT." LI pique, one piece, watermelon print— strike Saturday in reprisal for from police. The speeding 2 piece. Pass 1 Truck an Hour C.a«e Bared Moseow Urges Time Payments FAGAN the occupation’s rush trial of charge, said Mayor Ed How­ I Dielate of China Pol* ard. was (lied against McCol- DENTAL LAB. .98 pr. eight Japanese accused of Berlin, June I —(P) — So'vdet lom because he ran a Louis­ Washington, June 1.—</P) BENSON'S IllV i Oaater Ut. rbotw SS06 198 Trumbull at Aayhun eking and stoning Ameri- frontier guards slowed down ' Walter C. WakWian grabs a lifeline thrown from shore (right) as he and an unidentifled fellow llth- iey Baek in 1945 ville A Nashville passenger — Pro.sident 'Truman today Real cloth of non-woven fabric. Rich, lustrous satin finish. ermaii are rescued from Potomac river rocks at Washington. The men were trapped when water rose Furniture A AppHancea SfoM Pnwta, Pletuia PTaalBg Allyn Hotel Building n soldiers. The strike call Western truck traffic on the Ber­ train through Sylacauga at too asked Congress to provide Soft, graceful draping qualities. Sun-fast and Are resistant. J more than eight f*et In half an hour. They were pulled ashore after almost four hours on the rocks. fast a clip. VswaMan Blinds 2nd Floor—Hartford Fully hemmed and headed'with tie-backs. Width 74 in. to the promised to bring to a head lin highway today. Washington, Juno 1 -(A^—Sena­ $1,222,500,000 for a second 718 Main St., Tel. 3535 (A P Wlrephoto). _______________________ Police rushed to the next rumltoiu Tops pair. Length 90 in. Three beautiful patterns In all color com­ growing, tension betw«'en General While It appeared here that the tor Knowland (R., Calif.) sa)d to­ year of the arms aid program. binations. MacArthur's occupation and the slowdown might have been In re­ day that a "Red network" ran stop and placed Mc(?ullom un­ belligerent CommunisU. prisal for detention of four Eaat from the Communist Party to the der arrest. When they allowed He said delay in supplying Thle tension, fueled by recent German barges In Western Berlin Hails Privateer Incident magazine Amernsla and on Into the engineer to return to the the money might “ strike a Nylon laton elastic, one and two International Communist charges train "for Just a minute," Mc- canals, truck drivers at the Helm- Claim Russia Studied As First Red Air Victory the Stats Departmsnt. fatal blow at all our efforts to J , . ‘ ir , ,.11 piece; all Nylon, one piece. Colors that the Japanese Reds were too stedt checkpoint eaid Russian zone Knowland made the statement In Ciillom opened the throttle, Snaplock docile, erupted Memorial Day in a speech In the Senate. He ex­ the mayor said, and highballed create the kind of peace white, lime, black, aqua, red, green. guards told them the new restric- Berlin, June 1. The U.
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