FEDERAL EGISTER 1934 VOLUME 11 ^Af/TEO ^ NUMBER 69 Washington, Tuesday, April 9, 1946 Regulations TITLE 16—COMMERCIAL PRACTICES CONTENTS Chapter I—Federal Trade Commission REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE (Docket No. 5155] Agriculture D epartment: Page Food imports; restrictions on Chapter XI—Production and Marketing Part 3—Digest of Cease and D esist Orders certain foods (WFO 63-10) _ 3731 Administration (War Food Distribution Alien P roperty Custodian : Orders) FERRO ENAMEL CORP. ET AL. Vesting orders, etc.: [WFO 63-10] § 3.7 Aiding, assisting and abetting Costs and expenses incurred in unfair or unlawful act or practice: § 3.27 certain court actions : Part 1596—F ood Imports (d) Combining or conspiring—to en­ Illinois_____________ ____ 3760 Iow^JSTorth Dakota, Minne- « RESTRICTIONS ON IMPORTS OF CERTAIN FOODS hance, maintain or unify prices. I. In connection with the offering for sale, sale sota, Wisconsin, and Pursuant to the authority vested in me and distribution of “frit” in commerce, Ohio_________________ 3761 by the provisions of § 1596.1 (d) of War and on the part of the corporate respond­ New York(2 documents)__ 3758, ents Ferro Enamel Corporation, Pemco 3763 Pood Order No. 63, as amended (9 F.R. North Dakota and Minne­ 13280, 14877; 10 F.R. 103, 8950, 10419), Corporation, The O. Hommel Company, Chicago Vitreous Enamel Product Co., sota ________________ 3758 Appendix A to the said order is hereby and Ingram-Richardson Mfg. Co. of In­ Liebrecht, Martha____ _____ 3760 amended by deleting therefrom the fol­ diana, Inc., their respective officers, etc., , Lindner, Alwin_____________ 3756 lowing item: and among other things, as in order set Magdeburger Feuerversiche­ forth entering into, continuing, coop­ rungs-Gesellschaft___ _ 3756 erating in, or carrying out any planned Mair, Elizabeths___________ 3756 Commerce import Governing Metzner, Anna_____________ 3757 Food Class No. common course of action, understanding, date agreement, combination, or conspiracy Mitteleuropaeisches Reise- between and among any two or more buero, G. m. b. H_______ 3757 Cassia, cassia buds and 1533.000,1633.100, Do. [Nov. Moser, Heinz_______________ 3763 cassia vera, ground 1550.070. 13, Ì944]. of said respondents or between any one and unground. or more of said respondents and others Musolf, H_____________ 3764 not parties hereto, to: Nakamura, Nabuo^_________ 3764 (1). Fix or maintain prices, discounts, Storm, Hermann J_________ 3755 This amendment shall become effective or terms and conditions of sale for “frit,” Civilian P roduction Administra­ at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., April 8,4946. With or adhere to or promise to adhere to tion: respect to violations, rights accrued, lia­ prices, discounts, or terms and conditions Apparel, feminine wear(L-85) _ 3735 bilities incurred, or appeals taken under of sale so fixed or established; (2) sell Children’s outer wear (L-85, the said War Food Order No. 63 (includ­ "frit” at prices calculated or determined Sch. V )_____________ 3739 pursuant to or in accordance with any Neckwear (L-85, Sch. IV)___ 3738 ing Appendix A to the said order), as plan or system of equalizing freight with Women’s, misses’, and junior amended, prior to the effective time of competitors which results in identical misses’ : this amendment, all provisions of the said delivered prices at any given destination Blouses (L-85, Sch. H )___ 3737 War Food Order No. 63 (including Ap­ by respondents quoting or selling at such Coats, toppers, suits, jack- pendix A to the said order), as amended, destination, or which prevents purchas­ ets, skirts, slacks, over­ in effect prior to the effective time of this ers from finding any advantage in price alls, coveralls, playsuits in dealing with one or more of respond­ and shorts (L-85, Sch. amendment shall be deemed to continue ents as against any of the other re­ I ll) ----------------------- 3738 in full force and effect for the purpose of spondents; or quote or sell “frit” pur­ Dresses (L-85, Sch. I)_____ 3735 sustaining any proper suit, action, or any suant to or in accordance with any other Ethyl fluid (L-355) ___________ 3741 other proceeding with regard to any such plan or system which has the aforesaid Looms, operation for cotton violation, right, liability, or appeal. results; (3) establish or maintain any broad woven fabric produc­ classification of customers, or any meth­ tion (L-99)______________ 3742 (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9577, 10 od or formula for classifying customers, Economic S tabilization, Office of : P.R. 8087; WFO 63, as amended, 8 F.R. Rationing; allocation of halibut- 3753 13280, 14877, 10 F.R. 103, 8950, 10419) used or to be used in determining pricds, discounts, or terms and conditions of F ederal Communications Commis­ Issued this 5th day of April 1946. sion: sale to customers; (4) exchange, directly Hearings, etc.: Acting Assistant Administrator or through Stevenson, Jordan & Harri­ Courier-Post 'Publishing Co. [seal] g . T. Peyton, son, Inc., respondent management cor­ (KHMO)______________ 3753 IP- R. Doc. 46-5797; Piled, Apr. 8, 1946; poration, Harry L. Moody, respondent Middle West Broadcasting Co., 11:00 a. m.] (Continued on next page) In c ___________________ 3753 3731 3732 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, April 9, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE O ff ic e o f P rice A dministration— Pa®e A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents Continued. published in this issue. Documents carried Adjustments and pricing or­ in the Cumulative Supplement by uncodified ders—Continued. tabulation only are not included within the Utah Radic Products Divi­ purview of this list. sion __________________ 3765 Title 16—Commercial P ractices : Page Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Victor Electric Products, Inc_ 3766 Chapter I—Federal Trade Com­ and days following legal holidays, by the Walters Mfg. Co___l________ 3768 mission : Division of the Federal Register, the National Alaska, refined beet and cane Part 3—Digest of cease and Archives, pursuant to the authority contained granulated sugar (RMPR desist orders___________ 3731 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Title 30—Mineral R esources: 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.O., 288, Am. 11)_____________ 3752 Containers, Western wooden ag­ Chapter VI—Solid Fuels Admin­ ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the istration for War: Administrative Committee, approved by the ricultural (RMPR 186, Am. Part 602—General orders and President. Distribution is made only by the 14) ________ _________ ___ 3751 Superintendent of Documents, Government directives (3 documents) _ 3734, Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Cotton textiles (SO 131, Am. 3735 The regulatory material appearing herein is 17);__________- __________ 3744 Title 32—N ational D efense : keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Doors, Douglas fir (MPR 44, Chapter XVHI—Office of Eco­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Am. 1)__________________ 3750 nomic Stabilization : to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Part 4005—Rationing______ 3753 am ended June 19, 1937. Fuses, plug (RMPR 136, Order The F ederal R eg iste r will be furnished by 598)____________________ 3767 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Goods, new consumer durable per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ director thereof, or any agency or clear­ (MPR 194, Am. i to Order ing house, price and discount lists or vance. The charge for individual copies A-3)____ _______________ 3766 (minimum 15<?) varies in proportion to the other records showing current prices, size of the,issue. Remit check or money Lumber, Western pine and as­ discounts, terms, and conditions of sale order, made payable to the Superintendent sociated species (RMPR 94, for the purpose or with the effect of re­ of Documents, directly to the Government Am. 4)_________________ 3749 straining competition in the offering for Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Machines, parts and industrial sale or sale of “frit”; (5) adhere or prom­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ ise to adhere, to filed or published prices, tion of material appearing in the F ederal equipment (RMPR 136, Am. R eg iste r . 32) __________ __________ 375j. discounts, or terms and conditions of sale Meats, variety, and .edible by­ for “frit” pending the filing or publica­ products at wholesale (MPR tion of changes in such prices, discounts, 398, Am. 14)_____________ 3749 or terms and conditions of sale; (6) file NOTICE with'Stevenson, Jordan & Harrison, Inc., Poles and piling, Eastern (MPR Harry L. Moody, or any agency, copies 1945 Supplement 559, Am. 4)_____________ 3752 of invoices and orders covering sales of Pork cuts and certain sausage “frit” and showing the details of such Book 1 of the 1945 Supplement to products (MPR 336, Am. * transactions in a manner used or useful the Code of Federal Regulations 33) ____________________ 3746 in ascertaining whether respondents may be obtained from the Superin­ Regional and district office or­ have adhered to filed or published prices, tendent of Documents, Government ders. See also Adjustments. discounts, or terms and conditions of Printing Office, at $3 per copy. This Building and construction ma­ sale; (7) fix or determine the amount of book contains Titles 1 through 9, and terials: credit which will be extended to any pur­ chaser; or exchange, directly or through includes, in Title 3, Presidential doc­ Clay and Jackson Coun­ ties, Mo., and Johnson Stevenson, Jordan & Harrison, Inc., uments in full text together with Harry L. Moody, or any agency or clear­ appropriate reference tables. and Wyandotte Coun- ing house, credit information, with the ties, Kans_____ — — 3777 purpose or effect of fixing or determin­ A limited sales stock of the 1944 Raleigh, N. C., district----- 3779 Supplement is still available as ing the credit allowed any customer, or Community ceiling prices, list the terms upon which credit may be al­ previously announced.
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