A Dovahzul Dictionary Dovahzul-English English-Dovahzul Third Edition www.thuum.org Dovahzul Dictionary Introduction This dictionary is the third compilation of the work done by the community at Thuum.org. It is the result of over a year’s worth of work expanding the lexicon of the Dragon Language found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, referred to as “Dovahzul” by its speakers. This expanded dictionary contains over 4,000 Dovahzul words and translations for over 5,000 English words. Words are listed according to part of speech and canonicity. Abbreviations adj. adjective adv. adverb c. canon conj. conjunction interj. interjection n. noun nc. non-canon pref. prefix prep. preposition sc. semi-canon suff. suffix v. verb Dovahzul-English aaksu v., sc. cough. Derived from "Aak" and A "Su", "guided air" (on the analogy of "Aakfus" - "Sneeze"). -aal suf., nc. forms an adjective (see aaktir v., sc. escort. From "Aak", "guide". The notes). Meaning "with" or "having" verb "to escort". See "Aakjor" for the noun. something. "Sulvekaal" (comfortable) literally aal v., c. may. means something "with comfort" or that "has aalkos adv., sc. maybe. Literally translated. comfort". aam v., c. serve. -aan / -laan suf., sc. present progressive aan adj., c. a/an. The articles "a"/"an" and suffix, see notes. E.g. Battle -> Battled. Grah -> "the" are rarely used in the Dragon Language. Grahlaan. He has battled dragons. -> Rok aand n., nc. duck. grahlaan dovahhe. aank n., nc. anxiety, stress, unease. -aht suf., nc. creates an noun from a verb, aankei adj., nc. anxious. "Aank" with the see notes. Creates a noun from a verb meaning suffix "-kei". "one or that which is [verb]. A defendee aanvorey adj., sc. another. A combination of (bildaht) is one who is defended (bildaan) or "Aan" and "Vorey". subject to defend (bild), a burden (Brudaht) is aar n., c. servant / slave. that which is carried or bared. aaran n., nc. larceny. aad v., nc. invade. aargron n., sc. bondage. A compound of "Aar" aadak n., nc. invasion. "Aad" with the suffix and "Gron", "slave-bind". "-ak". aariik n., sc. slaver. "Aar" with the suffix "- aadiik n., nc. invader. "Aad" with the suffix iik". "-iik", forms equivalent to "-er". aarthok adj., sc. capable. Related to "Aar", aadok n., sc. guide dog. Based on "Dok", "servant", and "tok", "able". "hound", and "Aak", "guide". aas adj., nc. agile, dexterous, acute, quick. aagis v., nc. erase. aasaar n., nc. agility. "Aas" with the suffix "- aagistok adj., nc. erasable. A compound of aar". "Aagis" and "Tok". aav v., c. join. aak v., c. guide. aavlaas v., sc. wed, wedding. A combination aakarn n., nc. guidance. Based on "Aak", "to of "Aav" (Join) and "Laas" (Life). Can be used guide". as the verb "to wed", or the noun "wedding". aakfus n., sc. sneeze. A compound of "Aak" aaz n., c. mercy. and "Fus", "guided force". Co-authored by aazaal adj., sc. merciful. "Aaz" with the suffix Numinex. "-aal", "with or having mercy". aakiis n., nc. acorn. aaznu adj., sc. merciless. "Aaz" with the suffix aakjor n., sc. escort. Lit. 'guide-person'. A "-nu". noun only. aazrii n., sc. pity. From "Aaz", "mercy", "Zii", "spirit", and "Rii", "essence". Dovahzul-English ag v., c. burn. ahkrop v., sc. crawl, creep, sneak. Derived agos v., nc. exist. from the words Aak, kro and Piin, based on agosend n., nc. existence. "Agos" with the Aecropian (Old English, lit. "to creep"). suffix "-end". ahkt v., nc. brace. ah n., c. hunter. ahkwaar n., nc. guitar. ahdinaak adj., nc. special, exceptional. ahlek n., nc. bottle, canteen. ahfahl v., nc. amend. From "Zifahl", "to ahlon v., nc. relate. mend". ahlond n., nc. relation / relations. "Ahlon" ahfiik n., nc. ocarina. Related to "Fifiik", with the suffix "-nd". "flute". ahlondein n., nc. relationship. "Ahlond" with ahfon v., nc. stare. the suffix "-ein". ahgil n., nc. clay. ahlont adj., nc. relative, related. ahgreld n., nc. impulse. ahloriiv v., nc. soothe. Related to "Lor", ahgriiv v., nc. boast, swagger, peacock. Also "thought". can be used as a noun. ahlzon n., nc. elephant. ahgrun n., nc. chasm. ahmiin n., nc. attention, awareness, ahgul adj., nc. permanent, immutable, alertness. A compound of "Ah" and "Miin", timeless, steadfast. "hunter eye". ahgulaar n., sc. thrall. Derived from "Ahgul" ahmiinaal adj., nc. attentive, aware, and "Aar", "permanent-servant", referring to alert. 'Ahmiin' with -aal suffix, literally "with the Conjuration spells. Pronounced as: AH-gul- or having hunters' eyes". AAR. ahmik n., c. service. ahgulom n., nc. permanence, timelessness, ahmil v., sc. hire, employ. Based on "Ahmik", immutability. From "Ahgul" with the suffix "- "service". om". ahmilaht n., sc. worker, employee. "Ahmil" ahk adv., nc. also. Pronounced with more of a with the suffix "-aht", "someone who is German "ch" than a hard "k". Can also be used hired/employed". casually as "hey", "eh", "oh". ahmiliik n., sc. employer, boss. Ahmil with ahkan v., nc. rip, tear. the suffix "-iik.". ahkol n., nc. charcoal. ahmin v., sc. notice. From "Mindok", "to ahkoraav v., sc. exhibit. From "Koraav", "to know". see". ahminaal adj., sc. noticeable. Ahmin + aal, ahkoruun n., sc. exhibition. having notice. ahkril adv., sc. bravely. Modified from ahmul n., c. husband. "Ahkrin" and "Kril". ahmun n., sc. groom. Related to "Ahmul", ahkrin n., c. courage. "husband". ahkrol v., nc. abrade, shave, scrape. Based on ahnaar n., nc. torture, torturer. Can be used as the words Ahkrop and Ahraan. both a noun and verb. Dovahzul-English ahnak n., nc. agony. ahvakaar n., nc. abomination. From ahnok interj., nc. hello, hi. "Ahvakiid", "abominable". ahpaan n., nc. bag. ahvakiid adj., nc. abominable. Inspired from ahqor v., nc. chant. Also can be used as a noun. Swedish (avskyvärd) and Norwegian ahraan n., c. wound. (avskyelig). ahraandon n., sc. bandage. Lit. "wound- ahvaruz n., nc. adultery. Inspired from the cover". Old English word "æwbryce". ahreyn v., nc. appreciate. ahvos v., sc. harvest. ahrk conj., c. and. ahvus n., nc. plant. Can also be used as a verb, ahrol n., c. hill. 'to plant". ahrolsedovah n., c. whiterun. The Dragon ahvusnaak n., sc. herbivore. A combination of name for Whiterun, meaning "Hill of the "plant" and "eat". Dragons". ahwald v., nc. prevail. Comes from the Proto ahrot v., sc. argue. A compound of "Ahraan" Indo-European word meaning Prevail. and "Rot", "wounding words". ahzaal v., sc. cease. Derived from "Unahzaal", ahrsun n., nc. vassal, liegeman . "ceaseless". ahst prep., c. at. ahzid adj., c. bitter. ahstaad adv., sc. somewhere. A compound of ahzidhes adj., sc. bittersweet. Literally, "Ahst" and "Staad", literally "at a place". "bitter-sweet". ahstaadvoz adv., sc. elsewhere. From ahzur n., nc. lemon. "Ahstaad" and "Voz", "somewhere-else". akban v., nc. consume. ahstiid adv., sc. sometime. A compound of akir adj., nc. aggressive, hostile, threatening. "Ahst" and "Tiid", literally "at a time". akor n., nc. stern, rear. Referring to the stern ahstiir n., nc. situation, circumstance. From of a ship, rather than the adjective meaning the Icelandic for "situation," "aðstæður.". "serious". ahstiroz n., nc. controversy. Related to akorah n., nc. secunda. "Ahstiir", "situation". akriim n., nc. capital. aht- pref., nc. arch-. akros v., nc. vary, differ. ahtamun n., sc. amateur, novice. Related to al n., c. destroyer. "Mun", "man". Can also be an adjective. ald v., sc. destroy. A modification of "Al". ahtiid v., c. wear, erode, weather. To wear aldak n., sc. destruction. A combination of with time. "Ald" and the suffix "-ak". ahtiv adj., nc. separate. Not the verb "to aldin adj., nc. razor, sharp, jagged. separate". aldol v., sc. raze. A portamenteau of "Al", ahtlahzey n., sc. archmage. "Lahzey" prefixed "Du", and "Yol". with "aht-". alikvol v., nc. retreat, withdraw. ahtokoron n., sc. archenemy, alnahn n., nc. darling, dear, babe. Term of archnemesis. From "Hokoron". endearment. Informal (slang) rather than Dovahzul-English formal. arokon n., nc. trouble. alok v., c. arise, rise. aros v., nc. arrive. alok-dilon n., c. necromancy. A phrase that arosend n., nc. arrival. "Aros" with the suffix means "arising-dead". "-end", "the act of arriving". alu'um v., nc. redeem. arov n., nc. herb. alu'umend n., nc. redemption. "Alu'um" aroviil adj., nc. herbal. "Arov" with the suffix with the suffix "-end". "-iil", meaning "of, like, or pertaining to herbs". alun adv., c. ever. arum n., nc. root. aluntidiil adj., sc. futuristic. An alteration of arx v., nc. harm, damage. "Aluntiid" with the suffix "-iil", "of or asamit prep., nc. along. From the Icelandic pertaining to the future". word for "along", "ásamt.". aluntiid n., sc. future. Composed by the words asnir v., nc. hurry, rush. Alun and Tiid, it literally means ever-time, ath n., nc. despair, gloom. Derived from Old referring to whenever, after the now. Norse "aethra". alzah n., nc. ounce. athaal adj., nc. desperate. Ath + aal, with am n., c. lion. despair. amativ adv., c. onward. athend n., nc. desperation. Ath + end, the act amokriin n., sc. griffin, griffon, of despairing. gryphon. compund of 'Am' and 'Okriim'; lit. atruk pron., sc. something. Derived from “lion eagle―. "Aan" and "Truk", literally "a thing". amriis n., nc. silt. atum prep., sc. below. Based on "Tum", anahlrii pron., sc. someone, "down". somebody. Derived from "Aan" and "Nahlrii", aus v., c. suffer. literally "a being" (on the analogy of "Atruk", ausiik n., sc. sufferer. "Something") . austan n., nc. theater. andag n., nc. antler. Based off of "Andel", ausul n., sc. hell. Literally, "suffer eternity". "branch". avlak v., nc. snore. andel n., nc. branch. avodal v., nc. absolve, annul, uncurse. andiiv n., nc. victim. avodalend n., nc. absolution. "Avodal" with angar n., nc. tower. the suffix "-end". anhiim n., nc. citadel, keep, bastion. (Derived avok prep., nc.
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