Detailed Estimates of Expenditure

Detailed Estimates of Expenditure

3000 - 3003 S j a r t r c j ^oobsSoob& u ©ocss&sort^ (;»oo4u - III) DETAILED ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE (VOLUME III) (Major Heads: 2202 - 2205) 2001 - 2002 - III VOLUME - III TABLE OF CONTENTS 733030^ ABSTRACT BY MAJOR HEADS Page Nos 2202 General Education 1 - 87 3so5.^ Ss'ca 2203 Technical Education 88 - 106 CXft.ero 5aoi)r!^b'w' aixtsSKcJ ?3es5rf^b 2204 Sports & Youth Services 107 - 128 i d 5t>:^ 2205 Art & Culture 129 - 162 S^ca, i d s i ) ^ sLewfS) 4202 Capital Outlay on Education, Sports, Art & Culture 163 - 174 VOLUME -3 s^csSi Tlati#^ rtftC33E^^J ABSTRACT SHOWING EXPENDITURE BY MAJOR HEADS (Rs. in lakhs) 1999-00 Accounts ZizSisf 2000-01 Budget 2000-01 Revised tizS if 2001-02 Budget Heads Of Account cdjsctiiS aififajS o3JaCaj5 oi® cai3c^ oiefwjS Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;TO53JSatf S «3 r{* B. SOCIAL SERVICES oa»7^QoeS ssaoAeS ^vS i. expenditure met from REVENUE 2202 S^Cfd GENERAL EDUCATION 48759. 31 238987.52 53889.74 293380.88 52982.73 293813.88 68380. 42 277509. 48 2203 330$ 9^ StfC9 TECHNICAL EDUCATION 772.08 4774.92 1106.00 4692.22 1031.00 4492. 26 1260.0) 5093.53 2204 i fd Slva() aSxiSiZA^ sports and youth services 1257.70 1936.05 1135.74 2200.21 1138.66 2139.17 1135. 74 2139.10 2205 ^ 0 S4>A ART & CULTURE 1318.22 2284.62 929.00 2463.05 1156. 39 2508.71 1005.00 2807. 94 XA3Si5& Total B-l 52107.31 247983.11 57060.48 302736. 36 56308. 78 302954. 02 71781.16 287550. 05 ;oaSlJd($^ S&j(oe» V)^tSS&Kf ll capital Account of Social SStlj^ Sarvlces 4202 MG9, d m . ^ 0 Sl)2() CAPPTAL OUTLAY ON EDUCATION, •i ’ ^ sSjetxs txx^sit^ sports, a rt and culture 607.68 817.15 304.00 200.00 339.00 200.00 273.00 817.15 200.00 339.00 200.00 273.00 eustom Total II 607.68 304.00 TSdOTi^ 5i>MrtCir(^ lll Loans And Advances M v i, tfe3 si)aS> loans fo r education, sports, 6202 •i ^ JSOT^S TOaSjFrfUSSjrt'Prt ART & CULTURE Total 3 248800. 26 302936. 36 56647. 78 303154. 02 72054.16 CWSSSSm TOTAL - Voluma III K 714.99 57364.48 287550. 05 +cSj&CU($f^] grand t o t a l (p l a n +non-plan) 301515.25 360300.84 359801.80 359604. 21 -I- VOL S^cdi EXPENDtTURE (Rs. in lakhs) 2202 GENERAL EDUCATION t^^l999-00Accounts wz^is^zooo-oi Budget ed0s^^2000-01 Revised ^254.^2001-2002 Budget ri6aOS wT Mccouni cdafw^ ciSjacw^e^d Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V 34530.68 119674.70 38003.73 134189.01 37938. 98 134144. 59 47012.97 136577. 00 01 Elementary Education S c 33) V 9269.06 83799.64 9641.04 89237.47 9059.19 88623.17 12677.32 95685. 46 02 7?^odO S^ca Secondary Education g c 5® V 2443.94 33344.75 1783.00 60243.15 1733. 00 61344.47 2014. 00 35713. 08 03 sSj^ ewi^ University & Higher Education S^ca g, c 5® V 164.79 321.90 329.76 311.53 323.60 311. 53 328.62 336.62 04 Adult Education S c 2® V 161.35 1313.36 480.21 1223.83 475.96 1215. 84 498.01 1271.21 05 ?P3353 Language Development S c V 2189.49 533.17 3652.00 8175.89 3452.00 8174.28 5849.50 7926.11 80 7335S»r^ General S c r> Total 2202 V 487S9.31 238987.52 53889. 74 293380.88 52982. 73 293813.88 68380. 42 277509. 48 s c siister*» TOTAL 5® V+g C 48759.31 238987.52 53889.74 293380.88 52982.73 293813.88 68380. 42 277509. 48 [aiiaCw^J+alafwjSf^d] GRAND TOTAL (PLAN+NON-PLAN) 287746.83 347270.62 346796.61 345889. 90 -1- VOL III SJoSi EXPENDITURE (o^tiU3Ti«s*€)) (Rs. in lakhs) 2202 A^ca GENERAL EDUCATION «i^l999-00Accounts w?:SiJ‘2000-01 Budget 2303^^2000-01 Revised ^^4^2001-2002 Budget 1 l63cis Of Account cd0Cz6?3C^d drafajS a3j3ir»^S ai®<rt4?5 Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 Elementary Education 052 Machinery and Equipment 194,74 135.00 135.00 300.00 053 (isSra^cl Maintenance of Buildings 122.87 275.00 275.00 654. 64 101 ?i?©ro Government Primary Schools 1207.64 300.00 300. 00 300.00 102 ^■*e)n5f^d Assistance to Non - 2©dr{«'7l TJassai) Government Elementary Schools 16.45 0.55 250.00 adOeJDf^.CS 399.38 62.46 250.00 58. 75 250.00 56. 20 350. 00 64.46 104 •A Inspection 7.00 940.44 10.00 1436.26 10.00 1395. 85 10.00 1495. 35 107 «4 Teachers TrabTlng 109 <ac3|qir sSc^iS sSj^ Scholarships and Incentives ‘ 2408. S8 1420.00 1420. 00 1725. 00 191 Assistance to Local Bodies, «p <? TO3^rdC5S?3* Corporations Etc. 5i)0O33Ci)e^Ti*?rt AtdidOi) 24502.93 118536.57 30353. 73 132389.14 30000. 51 132389.14 33349. 03 133714. 67 789 e{?ii^ oiactajS Special Component Plan 1200. 00 1200.00 1200. 00 1500.00 796 rsozaji en)2iaiiaf»?S Tribal Sub-Plan 450.00 460.00 460.00 560. 00 -2- VOL 111 E)»€NPITURE (Rs. in lakhs) GENERAL EDUCATION t^l999^X)Aecounts t»idiJ‘2000-0l Budget 3!®s^;^2000-01 Revised wsJi?2001-2002 Budget Heads Of Account C£3J8CW?S R in Non-R€Bi Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan 1 2 ' 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 5322fr{^ 11.81 ^ . 0 0 29.86 4163.47 28.40 800 l9 Other Expenditure 4144.16 8668. M 647. 88 Total 01 i® V 34530.68 119674.70 38003.73 134189. 01 37938. 98 134144.59 47012. 97 136577. 00 02 Secondary Educatbn 001 Direction & Administration 8.53 894.30 2 ^ .0 0 894.63 145.00 849.49 285.00 981.01 2 ^ .7 8 20.00 232.50 20.00 217. 32 20.00 270. 23 101 •A Inspection 3.20 3.60 17.06 17. 06 105 aa Teachers Trauilng ... 16.72 106 sd^ Text Books 18.69 1032.56 40.00 1167. 81 40.00 1120.79 60.00 1227.33 107 <ao3g^r 53c^?S ScholarsWps 139.12 122.17 122.17 124. 69 108 Examinations 2.14 782.96 15.00 670.83 15.00 670. 83 15.00 705. 07 109 ?J*dro Government Secondary Schools 1773.68 7907.20 1285.00 11649.13 1425.00 11162.71 2355.00 13037. IB 110 TS^odO Assistance to Non-Government 3®dJl«?rt ?5aosai) Secondary Schools 522.88 9618.66 715.00 7775.50 515.00 7775. 50 1040.00 9807. 24 191 7io?3, Assistance to Local Bodies, <? <? ^f33§arcdc3i?3* siiJO'SacSs^rt*??^ Corporations, Etc., TJaosoSi 5093.72 62345.29 5566.04 65738. 51 5504.19 65738. 51 5954. 32 68537. 90 -3^ VOL sjcdi EXPENDITURE (o^d;9r{s*e) (Rs. in lakhs) 2202 7>3aiS3»^ GSEfCRAL EDUCATION t5^1999-00AcCOU1tS «aSiJ‘2000-01 Budget s30s^ ^ 2000-01 Revised wtiJ43‘200l-2002 Budget SfAn? nOaOS L/T MCCOUni alidCu;^ ccSJaCtajSf;^ 03j3ft!5?Sf;^d oi®f»;Sc^d Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 800 to Othw Expenditure 1846.22 822.17 1735.00 969. 33 1395.00 948.79 2948.00 978.09 <n Total 02 ^ V 9269.06 83799.64 9641.04 89237.47 9059.19 88623.17 12677. 32 95685. 46 03 University & Higher Education 001 ?ic3F«W 5lj^ Direction & Admirustration 31.40 284.29 75.00 248.76 75.00 239.09 80.00 269.72 102 Tiassai) Assist|nce to Universities 1336.00 8796. 61 470.00 11018. 89 520.00 12559. 70 540.00 11023.31 103 TiTOFO TOOctw Government Colleges and 73o73rt<si 5779.15 675.00 7245.58 9 Institutes 660.86 675.00 6778.16 750.00 7869. 24 104 Ti^ n S ^ ^5«iCcsjr^<?7i Assistance to Non-Government SSj^-* 7307<!>Sr1«?rt 7idbd(3ii Colleges and hstitutes 178.73 18135. 71 425.00 40988. 21 225.00 40988. 21 450.00 16268.20 107 ^)C3|Q)r ScholarsNps 13.08 20.23 20.00 82.97 20.00 82.97 30.00 82.16 112 ov)?^ ?io73rt^ Institutes of Higher Learning 98.28 76.50 23.00 50.00 123.00 92.50 26.00 78.40 789 (£)^fsdi ai®cw?S Special Component Plan 74.55 80.00 80.00 80.00 796 r\0a^3 ^c3f^ ewsJ oSjaCa^ Tribal Area Sub-Plan 9.75 15.00 15.00 15.00 -4- VOL ^(SSi EXPENDTTURE (Rs. in lakhs) 2202 GENERAL EDUCATION ^l^OOAccounts wrf&j*2000-01 Budget 3303^^2000-01 Revised 20sJi3‘2001-2002 Budget Hoads Of Account cdacajS olfiCSScSC^ ojJsfaS aSjsca^c^d cd/aea^ o ia fa fS f^ Ol0<r»53 Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 41.29 252.26 608.74 603. 84 43.00 122.05 800 ta Other Expenditure 33344.75 ry Total 03 5® V 2443.94 1783.00 60243.15 1733.00 61344.

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