United·* States* Naval Amphibious Training Base VOVL. 3-NO. 25 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA * '* - 4 AUGUST 1944 Coast Guard Celebrates 154th Anniversary LI. Comdr. Fenlon EIGHTH ND COMMANDANT VISITS BASE Varied Program Assumes New Here Marks Duties Here Occasion A keen observer, precisely effi­ l'n keeping with the extensive cient and genial in manner might I program of newspaper and radio best sum up the personality of the representation of the nation-wide USNATB new Executive Officer, celebration of the United States Lt. Comdr. Perry M. Fenton, USNR. He replaces Comdr. J. G. Coast Guard's 154th Anniver­ Farnsworth, USNR, who has been sary being ce:~brated during the assigned to sea duty after 16 week of 31 July through 5 August, months at this Ease. the local celebration at the Coast Guard unit is presenting an en­ tire day's program today. On 4 August 1790, Pres. George Washington signed a bill which created the first armed force of the United States <>f America­ The Reven u e Cutter Service, which later (in 1915) became the United States Coast Guard. A great many more jobs than those envisioned in the continentlll Icongress bill have been assigned to the Coast Guard since the day Alexander Hamilton saw his wish for a sea-going Tevenue collect­ ing agency come into being. The celebration at the local Coast Guard unit began at 1000 t oday with an inspection by Capt. C. Gulbranson, Comm.anding Of­ ficer of the U. S. Amphibious Training Base here, and Senior Naval Officer in this section. He inspected recently completed facili­ LT. COMDR. FENTON, ties of the Captain of the Port, accompanied by Lt. Comdr. John New Executive Officer L. Wilhelm, Captain of the Port. Comdr E. B. Smith, USCG Lt. Comdr. Fenton was welcom­ District Engineer Officer, has ac­ ed aboard recently by the Base R ear Admiral A. C. Bennett, USN, Conimanda.nt, Eighth Naval cepted an invitation and was Commanding Officer, Capt. C. Gul­ District, N ew Orleans, recently visited Capt. C. Gulbranson, USN, among other visiting officials branson, USN, and until he as­ Base CO. R,ear Admiral B ennett and Capt. Gulbranson were present at a special event when sumed his new duties on Thursday, roommates for four years at the U. S. Naval Academ11, w here both SPARS were r e s c u e d in a had been making acquaintances were graduated in the class of 1912, and have been friends throu.gh "breeches buoy" demonstration. with officers and men and famil­ the years during which both have been continuousl11 in the Naval J Following this event SPARS iarizing himself with the various ser:vice. joined with Coast Guardsmen in activities of this Command. Boat Model Display COMMANDS DIVISION a capsized boat drill demonstration. Naval Academy Graduate This part of the program was The Executive Officer is a vet­ A mode'l boat exhibition will be Maj. Gen. William H. H. Mor­ under the direction <>f the execu­ eran of sea experiences and prior ris, Jr., Commanding General of tive officer and veteran surfman to coming here completed more conducted at the Indian Rive USO the XVII1 Corps, Fort DuPont, Li. (jg) C. S. Culpepper, and was than a year of convoy duty in the Club for a week beginning 11 Del., when he visited the USN­ one of the highlights of the day's Atlantic. A graduate of the Naval August. This event will mark the ATB recently, has been named activities. Academy in 1922, he served as anniversary of Fulton's building Commanding General of the Tenth Pulling boat races were held at ensign and junior lieutenant on of the first steamboat. Armored Division, Camp Gordon, 1200 in the Indian river channel. surface and underseas craft be­ Al'J servicemen who have model Ga. He succeeds Maj. Gen. Paul At 1300 a special barbecued fore retiring from the Naval serv­ craft are urged to put them on W. Newgarden, killed recently in luncheon was served to invited ice to become associated with the display. Prizes will be awarded for an ·Army plane crash near Chat- Iguests and all hands, followed by (Continued on Page 4) the best models. tanooga, Tenn. (Continued on Page 3) PAGE TWO THE MOCK-UP 4 AUGUST 1944 TIERONG United States Naval Amphibious AROUND THE BASE THE MOCK-UP- Training Base, Fort Pierce, Fla. VOLUME 3 4 AUGUST, 1944 Another plaque was hung on the Army and Navy Officers Club THE MOCK-UP, the publication walls this week with the addition of the U. S. Naval Amphibious of the 11th Beach Battalion's con. Training Base, Fort Pierce, Fla., tribution to the gallery of plaques now decorating the bulkheads. The is published Friday of each week plaque, with a picture of an LCM and is distributed without charge and the name of the activity paint­ to the personnel of all activities. I' ed on it, was presented to Capt. I C. Gulbranson, USN, Base CO. COMMANDING OFFICER CAPT. c. GULBRANSON, u. s. Navy The plaque was the work of Robert EXECUTIVE OFFICER LT. COMDR. PERRY M. FENTON, U.S.N.R. W. Mattern S2c of Camp Four. EDITORIAL ADVISOR LT. C. HERSCHEL SCHOOLElY, U.S.N.R. Commanding Officer of the 11th EDITOR LT. WALTER F. HEALY, U.S.N.R. Beach Battalion is Comdr. G. C. PHOTOGRAPHER LT. (JG) JACK B. FOSTER, U.S.N.R. Griffin, USNR. The Classifi­ CIRCULATION - R. D. FORCE, Slc and F. H. MESSER, Slc cation Center office is now located in quarters opposite Camp Four This paper is printed in the inter­ Ensign Joseph C. Tobin is the est of the personnel and will wel­ Classification Officer... S·ervice­ come all contributions and criti­ men of Polish descent on the Base cisms from members of the Basa. are invited to receive assistance United States Naval Amphibious in writing letters in Polish to their Trai1ting Base, Fort Pierce, Fla. friends. Mrs. Van Eaton at the Tenth Street USO will assist men The MOCK-UP receives Camp Newspaper Service mate!"'rnl. All corres­ who wish to write letters in the pondence, contributions and matters concerning this publication should language to their parents or be addressed to the MOCK-UP. PRO, USNATB, Fort Pierce, Florida. friends... In a ping pong match at All pictures are official U. S. Navy Photos unless otherwise designated. Tenth Street USO recently Lt. (jg) J . R. Sundine defeated Ho­ ward Vanden Brand, Slc, winning two out of three contests. Both Navy Scouts are excellent table tennis players... A score of men saw caricatures of themselves done by Artist Pol Van By JACK THALE, MIAMI HERALD . Geel at the Tenth Street USO last Sunday. This is a weekly fea­ Tough young Navy Scouts piled ashore along a white I Larry Adams, USNR, former 1 beach just as they will one day land in the Philippines or , \;l~f: :\jjj·jii :.,. :.:. :ti' ture at the club. Lt. Comdr. in Hirohito's homeland. They came slipping through the Ninth Beach Battalion CO, now I stationed at Oceanside, Cal., was surf riding low and quiet in all sizes and shapes of rubber ! an observer for last week's de­ attack boats, and they came yelling from landing craft ! monstrations. Medical officer newly come aboard is Lt. Aaron covered by the popping machine guns of the crews.- j r.->o.,,,.,.,"',.,,, G. Saidman, who reported from 1 duty at Bethesda, Md ... Also n~w From a temporary gallery only a few yards from j·]il l:HlJ.~l·:~ll!jJ:::.. ~:.i; on the Dispensary staff is Lt. Lee water's edge high ranking officers of the United States B. Snow, from Lido Beach, Long fleet, Army and Marine Corps, and military representatives Island, N. Y... Lt Joseph A. of other United Nations watched the rehearsal staged by Smaha is another recent newcomer the Naval Amphibious Training Base. They were seeing the on duty at the Dispensary. Lt. initial stage of a three-day invasion aimed at such simulat­ Twin additions to the pinuv parade Smaha served nearly two years in are Lee and L11n Wilde in military the Pacific area. ed objectives as "Banzai Bay," "Saki Point'' and other reefs versions of the sarong-called a +USNATB+ and rocks of obvious Japanese parentage. tierong. As Navy raiders, the highly-trained, rough and ready crews like those who scouted the beachhead are the forces Men To Get War Ballot which precede the actual D-Day landing. Their job is to Postcards Late In August slip in ahead of the actual invasion forces to probe out the enemy strong points, discover the disposition of his troops: This month every man eligible to chart the waters and ass('.-nble other helpful information. vote in the general election 7 No­ vember will receive an official post­ The landing forces are scheduled to finish the job card which wi, be used for applica­ under simulated bombardment from !'17arships and the cover tion for a war ballot. Postcards will of strafing planes. Rear Admiral F. W. Rockwell, Command­ be given out at camp musters. They er of Amphibious Training, Atlantic Fleet, who completed are to be sent to ~he Secretary of the occupation of the Aleutians and Capt. C. Gulbranson State of the man's state. USN, Base Commanding Officer, watched the Once the man votes the ballot elaborat~ will be certified and sent to the maneuvers. "A good job," he commented. "Experience state capital from whence it came. > and teamwork is the secret of success in this business." --------------------"'--------­ It will be a write-in ballot so that Pierce Memor"al H •t Lt men can vote in federal, state and ANNOUNCE BIRTHS 1 ospi a 1· · 1 1 1 t" A t kn IF you suspect a door trap.open thedoor (jg) Crowell is 0-in-C of Camp I oca ~ ec wn~.
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