(19) TZZ _____T (11) EP 2 571 111 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: H01R 13/6471 (2011.01) H05K 1/02 (2006.01) 21.02.2018 Bulletin 2018/08 (21) Application number: 12250145.5 (22) Date of filing: 31.08.2012 (54) Connector Steckverbinder Connecteur (84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: Kondo, Hayato AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Yao-shi GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO Osaka 581-0071 (JP) PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: Beresford, Keith Denis Lewis (30) Priority: 13.09.2011 JP 2011199753 Beresford Crump LLP 16 High Holborn (43) Date of publication of application: London WC1V 6BX (GB) 20.03.2013 Bulletin 2013/12 (56) References cited: (60) Divisional application: EP-A1- 1 239 552 EP-A2- 2 053 703 16020425.1 / 3 157 106 WO-A1-2010/092934 WO-A2-02/101883 US-A1- 2009 221 165 (73) Proprietors: • Hosiden Corporation Yao-shi, Osaka 581-0071 (JP) • Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Tokyo 107-0052 (JP) Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 2 571 111 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 2 571 111 B1 2 Description terminal for control signaling or for other low-speed sig- naling in the third connector, the third connector has a [0001] The invention relates to connectors having a reduced size in comparison with a case where a ground plurality of terminals. terminal is separately provided between the fourth and [0002] Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 5 fifth signal terminals. 2010-287560 discloses a connector including a group of [0009] The connector may further include a first ground terminals arranged in a line. The terminal group has a terminal disposed at the same height position as that of plurality of pairs of differential signal terminals and thefifth and sixth signal terminals inthe body to be located ground terminals. The ground terminals are located be- in the region. tween the pairs of the differential signal terminals to pre- 10 [0010] The connector may further include at least one vent crosstalk between the pairs of differential signal ter- ofa seventh signal terminaland a second ground terminal minals. disposed in the body at the same height position as that [0003] WO2010/092934A1 describes a connector of the fourth signal terminal to be located in the region. having two rows of contact terminals, and discloses re- A frequency of a signal transmitted by the seventh signal ducing noise from clock signal contacts by placing the 15 terminal may be about one tenth or lower of a frequency clock signal contacts adjacent to ground contacts. of each signal transmitted by the fourth and fifth signal [0004] WO02/101883A2 discloses a connector in terminals. which terminals are grouped in threes in a triangular pat- [0011] According tothis aspect of the invention, at least tern to reduce the impedance through the connector, with one of the seventh signal terminal and the second ground each group of three terminals comprising a pair of differ- 20 terminal in addition to the sixth signal terminal is disposed ential signal terminals and a ground reference terminal. in the region between the fourth and fifth signal terminals. [0005] Crosstalk tends to occur in the above conven- As a frequency of a signal transmitted by the seventh tional connector between the pairs of the differential sig- signal terminal is about one tenth or lower of the frequen- nal terminals due to narrow pitches between the termi- cy of each signal transmitted by the fourth and fifth signal nals and/or increased transmission speed of high-fre- 25 terminals, the seventh signal terminal functions like a quency signals in the differential signal terminals. One ground terminal to a lesser degree but still serves as a possible solution to prevent such crosstalk is to provide pseudo-ground terminal between the fourth and fifth sig- ground terminals between the pairs of differential signal nal terminals.Therefore, crosstalk can be further reduced terminals. Unfortunately, the increase in the number of between the fourth and fifth signal terminals. Further, as ground terminals will result in upsizing of the connector. 30 the seventh signal terminal can be used as a terminal for control signaling or for other low-speed signaling in the Solution to Problem third connector, the third connector has a reduced size in comparison with a case where a ground terminal is [0006] In view of the above problem, the invention pro- additionally provided in the region between the fourth and vides a method of reducing crosstalk between signals 35 fifth signal terminals. routed through a connector, as defined in claim 1. [0012] The connector may be provided with may be [0007] In an embodiment of the invention, a connector provided with a plurality of sixth signal terminals disposed includes a body of insulating material; a fourth signal ter- in the above region. According to this aspect of the in- minal provided in the body; and fifth and sixth signal ter- vention, the increased distance between the fourth and minals arranged in a line along a first direction in the40 fifth signal terminals contributes to further reduction of body, at a height position that is different from that of the crosstalk between the fourth and fifth signal terminals. fourth signal terminal. The sixth signal terminal may be [0013] The connector may further include a third located in a region between the fourth signal terminal and ground terminal or an eighth signal terminal disposed in the fifth signal terminal in the first direction. A frequency the body at the same height position as that of the fifth of a signal transmitted by the sixth signal terminal may 45 and sixth signal terminals. The third connector may be be about one tenth or lower of a frequency of a signal provided with a pair of fourth signal terminals arranged transmitted by the fourth signal terminals. adjacent to each other in the first direction. The third [0008] According to this aspect of the invention, the ground terminal or the eighth signal terminal may be lo- sixth signal terminal is located in a region between the cated between the pair of fourth signal terminals in plane fourth and fifth signal terminals. As the frequency of a 50 position. A frequency of a signal transmitted by the eighth signal transmitted by the sixth signal terminal is about signal terminal may be about one tenth or lower of a fre- one tenth or lower of the frequency of a signal transmitted quency of each signal transmitted by the fourth and fifth by the fourth signal terminal, the sixth signal terminal signal terminals. functions like a ground terminal to a lesser degree but [0014] According to this aspect of the invention, im- still serves as a pseudo-ground terminal between the 55 pedance adjustment between the pair of fourth signal fourth and fifth signal terminals. Therefore, crosstalk can terminals can be performed by locating the third ground be reduced between the fourth and fifth signal terminals. terminal or the eighth signal terminal between the pair of Further, as the sixth signal terminal can be used as a fourth signal terminals in plane position. As the frequency 2 3 EP 2 571 111 B1 4 of a signal transmitted by the eighth signal terminal is ground terminal or a ninth signal terminal disposed in the about one tenth or lower of the frequency of each signal body at the same height position as that the fourth signal transmitted by the fourth and fifth signal terminals, the terminals to be located on an opposite side of the portion eighth signal terminal functions like a ground terminal to of the body from the fifth signal terminal and aligned with a lesser degree but still serves as a pseudo-ground ter- 5 the fifth signal terminal in a second direction that is per- minal located between the fourth signal terminals in plane pendicular to the first direction. A frequency of a signal position. transmitted by the ninth signal terminal may be about one [0015] The connector may further include a fourth tenth or lower of a frequency of each signal transmitted ground terminal or a ninth signal terminal disposed in the by the fourth and fifth signal terminals. body at the same height position as that the fourth signal 10 [0021] According to this aspect of the invention, im- terminals. The third connector may be provided with a pedance adjustment of the fifth signal terminal can be pair of fifth signal terminals arranged adjacent to each performed by locating the fourth ground terminal or the other in the first direction. The fourth ground terminal or ninth signal terminal in alignment with the fifth signal ter- the ninth signal terminal may be located between the pair minal in the second direction, with the portion of the body of fifth signal terminals in plane position. A frequency of 15 interposed therebetween. As the frequency of a signal a signal transmitted by the ninth signal terminal may be transmitted by the ninth signal terminal is about one tenth about one tenth or lower of a frequency of each signal or less of the frequency of each signal transmitted by the transmitted by the fourth and fifth signal terminals.
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