A- '> ; A - ' ‘■r - - V m m m k THU WEATHER. ■ ■ y ■ . RKF FBB8S RUN avRr a g b d a il y circulation Probably ahowon tonli^t and o r TUB BVBNINO HERALD Frltoy. Little dmnfe In tempem* for the month of Jane, 1920.' tore. 4,837 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS BIANCHESTER, CONN., THUR^*^:' .%a VOL. X U V ., NO. 255. Cluilfled AdTertisIng on Page 0 PAPAL VISITOR BAN ON UKES SO yiking Ship ef I m TRAIN BAMirTS DEFIES CUSTOM ARREST WIDOW DEATH STRIKES ZOO CAN SLEEP MEXCATHOUCS GETWHAE British Protestant, Received in IN H A L L M m S ASSAIANTOF Honolulu to'Close Road and WILL ABANDON Audience, Refuses to Kneel Open New One Because Pets : * Before Pope. Are Disturbed. < VAST TREASURE ' IN B M STATE Rome, July 29.— There was MURDER OF ^22 H A R T m O R L Honolulu, July 29.— Mid­ excitement among 'Vatican at­ night joy riders makes so much taches today when the Pope noise with their ukuleles, steel granted an audience to a Ridi New Bmnswick WomaB guitars and vocal organs along Billion Dollars in Building Stick Up Baggage Master of group of visitors and It was Two Men Who Abose Auto the road In front of the Kaplo- found that one member of the lanl Park Zoo at Waikiki that B. & Leap from Train audience was not kneeling. Jailed at Midniglit on the wild animals boused in the Gems and Works of Art The visitor, who^tated be Guest Taken to Hospital cages are unable to get a full was a British subject of the quota of sleep and as a result With Sack Containing Pay Protestant faith, declined to Warrant for Homicide; Where She Is — One have become cross and rest­ Involved; Labor Opposes kneel when It was suggested less. X < ' to him by an attache that It Notoriona Case Reopens. Such Is the complaint that Clergy in Fight. RoD of a Factory* was the proper thing to do. D M One Dying of Wreck has been made to city planning After ten centuries Lief Erlkson’s tidy craft, In replica, again braves The Pope appeared some­ officials by the zoo keepers, Ibe stormy western sea, seeking far lands. what surprised but made no Somerville, N, J„ July 29,— Mra. comment and continued to and as a result the present road Salisbury, Mass., July 29.— Frances Steven Hall was arrested At Untie City, July 29.— Miss Is to be closed and a new one Mexico City, July 29.— No less pass through the audience. N6w England’s first mall train The master of the chamb­ and locked in a prison cell In tha Eleanor Mulligan, 22 of Hartford, opened which will pass at con­ than 12,600 churches valued at two siderable distance from the robbery, which netted the robbers ers has opened an inquiry and middle of the night charged with was found staggering along the billion pesos ($1,000,000,000) will 4 Norsemen Repeating Voyage park animals. $66,000 and in which automobiles It Is announced -'’ mis­ the murder of her husband, Rev, street In Absecon early today and be abandoned Saturday at midnight took the place of fast boriei, was sion to papal audiences In the later Identified a dying man and by the Catholic priests of Mexico, Of Leif Erikson to N, America future will be more limited. Edward W, Hall, and bis choir staged here today with dataila rlv- Heretofore perions of all the body of another ,Tlctlms of a according to figures furnished to­ alllDg those of far West train hold­ singer, Mrs, Eleanor Mills, Septem­ day by Archbishop Mora Y Del Rio, faiths have been received In ber, 1922, traffic accident, as men who had ups in the frontier days, general audience by the Pope, 'ABRAHAM LINCOLN’ f the little ship. With liim are John- Just beyond the Salisbury sta­ Since September, 1922, when the attacked her. In many Instances the value of By MILTON BRONNBR when granted the permission bodies of Dr, Hall and Mrs, Mllla Miss Mulligan, her clothes torn, the phurcb properties is more in the ■en Molde, T. Thomassen, and tion, two armed men "covered" through the Vatican offices, Kriitian Anderaen. Baggage Master William M, Jord­ were found beneath the crab-apple and blood stained, her jaw broken paintings and precious stones they London, July 29.— Somewhara in but it has been customary to tree on the Phillips farm in New Replica of Veaael. on of Beverly and Harry Babcock expect the gueste to conform was taken to a hospital, PLAY HERE TONIGHT contain than in the buildings them­ tha atormy waters of tba north At­ Brunswick, hundreds of official and Their boat is a replica of the one of Newburyport, Ih the baggage to the Catbollc custome and A friend. Miss Margaret Tulley, selves, the archbishop said. lantic, four hardy Norseman, haz­ private Invastlgatora have worked also of Hartford, was summoned, Leif Erikson used, and Is named section of a Boston ft Maine rail­ kneel during the audience. Archbishop Del Rio pointed out arding their lives lit a Viking boat, after him, road coach. on tho case, The arrest early last and explained that she and Eleanor night came as an emphatic official that one modest building in Pas- are repeating a drama of a thou­ Norway gave the voyagers a '''Get the money and get It bad been out riding with two men Frank McGlp, Famona Act­ cuaro, in tlie state of Michoacan, declaration that the new Investiga­ last night. She left the party at ringing "send-off" as they began quick'! " shouted the leading band­ contained a Titian portrait of Christ sand years ago, their journey from the famous port it to his confederate. INDICTS NORRIS ON tion has aolved what has been de­ Rnidnlght, she said. The drama la that of the voyage scribed as "the most baffling crime Drought in Dead, Dying descending from the cross, embel­ of Bergen, As the latter reached (or a mall or, in Title Role— Part lished with life-sized llgurei. In of Leif Eriksen and his three com­ The harbor was dressed In the pouch, Baggagemaiter Jordon of the century," As Miss Tulley was talklhg to Two Warrants. detectives In the hospital, the In­ 1914 experts of the British Museum panions of Greenland and on to national colors, and massed bands took bis life in his hands and leap­ offered 1,000,000 pounds sterling thundered out the national hymn. ed through the open door o( the MURDJ_CHARGE The arrest was made at midnight jured man and his dead companion North America, In Mrs, Hall’s home at New Drum- were carried In, Their car had for the painting, he said. The repetition of It la to cele­ July 1, the picturesque vessel ar­ train, which was traveling at 30 rived at Thorshaven In the Danish wick on two warrants, I collided with a truck. President Carranza favored the brate the Sesqul-Oentennial Expo­ miles an hour. He notified police. acceptance of the offer but Indians Meanwhile, the two bandits, Grand Jury Brings Formal At 1,30 tills morning eommit- "Why those ere the men," the "Abraham Lincoln’’ the famous sition at Philadelphia, girl exclaimed and later Miss Mulll of Michoaenk revolted against the Captain T, Folgero Is the pilot of (Continued on Page S.) with the loot under their arms, menti were signed for her Imme­ gan corroborated the Identifica­ John Drlnkwater play with Frank painting’s removal and ths offer jumped off the train at Cronin’s AcensaHon Against the diate Imprisonment in the Somer­ tion. MeOlyn In the title role, will be was rejected, crossing at a spot where they had ville jail. At 2,80 o’clock ihe wai Thrown from Car played tonight at the Chautauqua Mix Ounce Emerald concealed an automobile under an In a cell, Mrs, Carpenter, her er/usln, spent the early morning Miss Mulligan told police that tent which Is pitched on the Armo­ A six-ounce emerald in the crown KNEW RUM THEY GEORGE TBE GREEK Improvised signal In the woods,. In Fort Worth Pastor. of a painting In an Oaxaca church this ear they escaped. with her. after taking Miss Tuliey home the ry grounds. two men drove her to Absecon. The has been vnliiod at 2,000,000 pesos, Upon receipt of news of tho dar­ Captain John J, Lamb, of the man who later was killed got out. This drama Is one of the great­ the nrch!)lshop said. ing hold-up, the post office depart­ Fort W orth, Tox„ July 2D,— New Jersey state police, tcoempan- est characterization plays ever SOLD WOULD KILL SEEKS m COVER led by two detectives, rang the bell leaving her alone with the other, General Manta Ana sought to ment at Washington snnouneed a Rev, J, Frank Norrii, nationally who assaulted her, she said. Then written and produced. It has not seize and sell the emerald to finance $2,000 reward for the capture of of the Hall home shortly before 12 they threw her from the car which played outside of New York and tils first war in the first half of the the bandits. known fundamentallit olergyman o’clock, Mrs, Hall was asleep but was driven away at breakneck Philadelphia before going on the nineteenth century but Indian T^assengers knew nothing of the and pastor of the First Baptist appeared in a few minutei. Chautauqua circuit and Manchester gpeed. worshippers kept it hidden until Police Search for Men Told EnfflNhod in Mellett Evi­ hold-up until the train reached church of Fort Worth, was Indicted "1 suspect that you gentlemen The girl's Injuries, aside from people are fortunate in getting this the advent of Porflrio Dloz as presi­ here.
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