G.C.E (O.L) Examination 2017 Performance of Candidates Curriculum Assessment & Evaluation Teaching Learning N E T S Research and Development Branch National Evaluation and Testing Service Department of Examinations G.C.E.(O.L.) Examinations 2010 - 2017 Performance of School Candidates (1st Attempt) by Year Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 No. Sat (5 or More subjects) 271644 270032 268995 264772 257322 273224 286251 296812 Number 164527 164191 174160 176534 177612 189428 200208 216815 Qualified for (A.L.) % 60.57 60.80 64.74 66.67 69.02 69.33 69.94 73.05 Number 3057 3908 4509 5737 5271 6102 8224 9960 Obtained 9 "A" passes % 1.13 1.45 1.68 2.17 2.05 2.23 2.87 3.36 Failed in All Subjects Number 14411 12795 11100 9444 8147 8698 8900 7308 (Appeared for 6 or more Subjects) % 5.31 4.74 4.13 3.57 3.17 3.18 3.11 2.46 - 1 - G.C.E.(O.L) Examinations 2010 - 2017 Percentage of School Candidates (1st Attempt) Qualified for G.C.E.(A.L) by Year 80 69.33 69.94 73.05 64.74 66.67 69.02 60.57 60.80 60 40 Percentage 20 0 G.C.E.(O.L) Examinations 2010 - 2017 st 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Percentage of School Candidates (1 Attempt) Year Failed in All Subjects by Year 10 9 8 7 5.31 6 4.74 5 4.13 3.18 3.11 4 3.57 3.17 Percentage 3 2.46 2 1 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year - 2 - G.C.E.(O.L.) Examination - 2017 Performance of Candidates School Candidates All School Candidates Private Candidates All Candidates (1st Attempt) Description Number % Number % Number % Number % No. Sat 297008 376496 61299 437795 No. Sat (5 or More subjects) 296812 99.93 312464 82.99 13960 22.77 326424 74.56 Qualified for (A.L.) 216815 73.05 221956 71.03 6897 49.41 228853 70.11 Obtained 9 "A" passes 9960 3.36 9962 3.19 190 1.36 10152 3.11 Failed in All Subjects (Appeared for 6 or more 7308 2.46 7612 2.44 569 4.08 8181 2.51 Subjects) - 3 - G.C.E. (O.L) Examinations 2016 - 2017 Performance of School Candidates (1st Attempt) by Province arranged in Descending Order of Qualified Percentage 2016 2017 Failed in All Failed in All Number Qualified for Subjects Number Qualified for Subjects Province Sat for 5 or G.C.E.(A/L) (Appeared for 6 Province Sat for 5 or G.C.E.(A/L) (Appeared for 6 more or more Subjects) more or more Subjects) subjects subjects No. % No. % No. % No. % 1 Southern 34,994 26,828 76.66 650 1.86 1 Southern 36,225 28,768 79.41 447 1.23 2 Western 75,414 54,994 72.92 2,263 3.00 2 North Western 34,752 25,926 74.60 624 1.80 3 Sabaragamuwa 25,589 18,117 70.80 876 3.42 3 Western 78,708 58,704 74.58 2,093 2.66 4 North Western 33,833 23,896 70.63 784 2.32 4 Sabaragamuwa 26,945 20,028 74.33 727 2.70 5 Central 37,665 25,932 68.85 1,225 3.25 5 Central 38,977 27,838 71.42 918 2.36 6 Uva 18,558 12,630 68.06 682 3.67 6 North Central 19,455 13,625 70.03 628 3.23 7 North Central 19,041 12,632 66.34 764 4.01 7 Uva 19,471 13,573 69.71 500 2.57 8 Eastern 23,744 14,617 61.56 877 3.69 8 Eastern 24,280 16,452 67.76 748 3.08 9 Northern 17,413 10,562 60.66 779 4.47 9 Northern 17,999 11,901 66.12 623 3.46 All Island 286,251 200,208 69.94 8,900 3.11 All Island 296,812 216,815 73.05 7,308 2.46 - 4 - G.C.E. (O.L) Examinations 2012 - 2017 Performance of School Candidates (1st Attempt) by Province 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Number Qualified for Number Qualified for Number Qualified for Number Qualified for Number Qualified for Number Qualified for Province Sat for 5 G.C.E.(A/L) Sat for 5 G.C.E.(A/L) Sat for 5 G.C.E.(A/L) Sat for 5 G.C.E.(A/L) Sat for 5 G.C.E.(A/L) Sat for 5 G.C.E.(A/L) or more or more or more or more or more or more subjects subjects subjects subjects subjects subjects No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % 1 Western 70,871 48,923 69.03 71,357 49,521 69.40 68,093 49,003 71.96 73,017 53,062 72.67 75,414 54,994 72.92 78,708 58,704 74.58 2 Central 34,868 21,442 61.49 34,455 21,878 63.50 34,085 22,481 65.96 34,652 23,209 66.98 37,665 25,932 68.85 38,977 27,838 71.42 3 Southern 35,139 23,297 66.30 33,692 22,591 67.05 33,145 24,223 73.08 34,801 26,173 75.21 34,994 26,828 76.66 36,225 28,768 79.41 4 Northern 15,720 9,430 59.99 15,280 9,982 65.33 15,266 9,800 64.19 17,752 10,719 60.38 17,413 10,562 60.66 17,999 11,901 66.12 5 Eastern 20,701 12,875 62.20 20,525 13,430 65.43 20,164 13,451 66.71 21,693 13,784 63.54 23,744 14,617 61.56 24,280 16,452 67.76 6 North Western 30,924 20,659 66.81 30,775 21,209 68.92 29,734 20,938 70.42 31,733 22,104 69.66 33,833 23,896 70.63 34,752 25,926 74.60 7 North Central 16,768 10,128 60.40 16,726 10,548 63.06 16,304 10,638 65.25 16,560 11,030 66.61 19,041 12,632 66.34 19,455 13,625 70.03 8 Uva 19,012 11,336 59.63 18,003 11,419 63.43 17,065 11,061 64.82 18,231 12,005 65.85 18,558 12,630 68.06 19,471 13,573 69.71 9 Sabaragamuwa 24,992 16,070 64.30 23,959 15,956 66.60 23,466 16,017 68.26 24,785 17,342 69.97 25,589 18,117 70.80 26,945 20,028 74.33 All island 268,995 174,160 64.74 264,772 176,534 66.67 257,322 177,612 69.02 273,224 189,428 69.33 286,251 200,208 69.94 296,812 216,815 73.05 - 5 - G.C.E. (O.L) Examinations 2016 - 2017 Performance of School Candidates (1st Attempt) by District Arranged in Descending Order of Qualified Percentage 2016 2017 Failed in All Failed in All Number Number Qualified for Subjects Qualified for Subjects District Sat for 5 District Sat for 5 G.C.E. (A/L) (Appeared for 6 or G.C.E. (A/L) (Appeared for 6 or or more or more more Subjects) more Subjects) subjects subjects No. % No. % No. % No. % 1 Matara 11,438 8,950 78.25 197 1.72 1 Hambantota 8,913 7,136 80.06 112 1.26 2 Colombo 31,933 24,382 76.35 854 2.67 2 Matara 11,772 9,421 80.03 136 1.16 3 Hambantota 8,779 6,701 76.33 165 1.88 3 Galle 15,540 12,211 78.58 199 1.28 4 Galle 14,777 11,177 75.64 288 1.95 4 Colombo 33,231 26,018 78.29 693 2.09 5 Kurunegala 23,242 17,046 73.34 499 2.15 5 Kurunegala 24,146 18,538 76.77 419 1.74 6 Kandy 20,197 14,632 72.45 590 2.92 6 Kegalle 12,083 9,113 75.42 309 2.56 7 Kegalle 11,624 8,382 72.11 386 3.32 7 Kandy 20,986 15,520 73.95 500 2.38 8 Gampaha 27,719 19,556 70.55 962 3.47 8 Ratnapura 14,862 10,915 73.44 418 2.81 9 Kalutara 15,762 11,056 70.14 447 2.84 9 Kalutara 16,946 12,264 72.37 494 2.92 10 Ratnapura 13,965 9,735 69.71 490 3.51 10 Ampara 10,160 7,318 72.03 228 2.24 11 Badulla 12,254 8,482 69.22 406 3.31 11 Gampaha 28,531 20,422 71.58 906 3.18 12 Matale 7,109 4,911 69.08 246 3.46 12 Mannar 1,751 1,251 71.44 26 1.48 13 Ampara 9,814 6,600 67.25 241 2.46 13 Badulla 12,761 9,068 71.06 282 2.21 14 Anuradhapura 13,209 8,844 66.95 526 3.98 14 Anuradhapura 13,435 9,486 70.61 453 3.37 15 Monaragala 6,304 4,148 65.80 276 4.38 15 Matale 7,312 5,154 70.49 204 2.79 16 Vavuniya 2,540 1,660 65.35 69 2.72 16 Puttalam 10,606 7,388 69.66 205 1.93 17 Polonnaruwa 5,832 3,788 64.95 238 4.08 17 Polonnaruwa 6,020 4,139 68.75 175 2.91 18 Puttalam 10,591 6,850 64.68 285 2.69 18 Vavuniya 2,704 1,853 68.53 47 1.74 19 Mannar 1,715 1,090 63.56 21 1.22 19 Jaffna 9,176 6,219 67.77 339 3.69 20 Jaffna 9,433 5,847 61.98 440 4.66 20 Monaragala 6,710 4,505 67.14 218 3.25 21 Nuwara Eliya 10,359 6,389 61.68 389 3.76 21 Nuwara Eliya 10,679 7,164 67.08 214 2.00 22 Batticaloa 8,098 4,708 58.14 345 4.26 22 Batticaloa 8,055 5,276 65.50 249 3.09 23 Mullaitivu 1,620 927 57.22 79 4.88 23 Trincomalee 6,065 3,858 63.61 271 4.47 24 Trincomalee 5,832 3,309 56.74 291 4.99 24 Mullaitivu 1,884 1,158 61.46 84 4.46 25 Kilinochchi 2,105 1,038 49.31 170 8.08 25 Kilinochchi 2,484 1,420 57.17 127 5.11 All Island 286,251 200,208 69.94 8,900 3.11 All Island 296,812 216,815 73.05 7,308 2.46 - 6 - G.C.E.
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