ENCOURAGING DEMOCRATIC VALUES AND ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP AMONG YOUTH 2016/17 Jasmin Hasić, National Director Maida Omerćehajić, Project Coordinator This project is generously supported by the National ndo!ment "or Democracy and the Uni$ersity o" %araje$o %chool o" conomics and &usiness' >> PROJECT SUMMARY >> The year(long program seeks to train *+ aspiring young acti$ists, introducing them to democracy and human rights issues, encouraging them to employ critical thin)ing on sensiti$e topics, and building their communication, presentation, and research s)ills' The program includes a nine-day education and s)ills de$elopment training !ith a debate !or)shop, indi$idual research assignments on democracy(related issues, a group project resulting in "our ci$ic campaigns, a three-month period "or promoting the results o" the implemented ci$ic campaigns, and a closing ceremony with a final debate tournament' >> PARTICIPANTS >> The call "or applications !as open "rom October , until No$ember 6, -.16, !ith a total o" /6 recei$ed applications' The program was promoted through the follo!ing plat"orms: – Humanity in Action Bosnia and Her2ego$ina 3aceboo) page4 – ncouraging Democratic 5alues and 1cti$e Citi2enship among 6outh 3aceboo) page4 – $arious N7O and student web portals, Faceboo) pages and mailing lists4 – %tudent Fair organi2ed by Erasmus Student Net!or) (E%N) in Saraje$o4 – a public e$ent organi2ed to present the study and promotional $ideo about the "irst "our years o" the program' 1"ter care"ul re$ie! o" the applications, Humanity in 1ction &osnia and Her2ego$ina selected *+ participants coming "rom : di""erent cities and enrolled in *. di""erent "aculties;departments at 4 uni$ersities in the country' D51CA6 2.*,;*: participants with HIA BiH Sta"" during the project and financial management training in Neum in March 2.*: Name H me! "# Un$%e&'$!( Majda 1lagić &ihać Uni$ersity o" &ihać 3aculty o" Pedagogy 8Department o" nglish =anguage and =iterature9 =ejla &a>ić &ihać Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Philosophy 8Department o" Psychology9 12ra &eri>a %araje$o Uni$ersity o" %araje$o %chool o" conomics and &usiness &erina Ćatić %araje$o Uni$ersity o" %araje$o %chool o" conomics and &usiness <smar 3a2lić %araje$o Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Tra""ic and Communications Ni2ama Hubljar Donji 5a)uf Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Political %cience 8<nternational @elations and Diplomacy9 ma Jukić Aagreb, Croatia Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Political %cience 8<nternational @elations and Diplomacy9 Bejla Culeno$ić &ihać Uni$ersity o" &ihać 3aculty o" =a! Dino Majstoro$ić &ihać Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Political %cience 8<nternational @elations and Diplomacy9 mina Mu>ija Ca)anj Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Political %cience 8<nternational @elations and Diplomacy9 Tijana Nikić Modriča Uni$ersity o" &anja =uka 3aculty o" =a! 1mir Pečen)o$ić &ihać <nternational &urch Uni$ersity 8Department o" nglish =anguage and =iterature9 Dženeta Pitić %araje$o Uni$ersity o" %araje$o %chool o" conomics and &usiness 1lmir %arače$ić &ihać Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Philosophy 8Department o" %ociology9 Mir2a %rna %araje$o Uni$ersity o" %araje$o 3aculty o" Political %cience 8%ocial For)9 >> ACTIVITIES >> 1"ter the preparatory acti$ities and selection process !hich too) place in October and No$ember -.16, the educational program started in December -.*, !ith a nine-day education and s)ills de$elopment training ta)ing place in Saraje$o' Throughout the "ollo!ing three months, the participants !or)ed on the completion o" their indi$idual research assignment !ith three research mentors' <n March -.*:, the entire group met again "or the project and "inancial management training held in Neum, !here they also had the opportunity to present the results o" their research and discuss the analy2ed topics with their colleagues' A"ter splitting into four groups and de$eloping ci$ic campaign ideas at the training, the participants implemented their o!n projects "rom 1pril until June -.*:, and continued the media promotion o" their results throughout the summer' The group met in Saraje$o in September -.*: "or the closing ceremony o" the program and a "inal debate tournament' 1) Nine-+a( E+,-a!$ # a#+ Sk$//' De%elo0men! T&a$#$#1 in Sa&aje% D16 1: INTROD#CTION TO D MOCRAC6 Democratic Political Culture and Political Education - Pro"essor Lamija Tano$ić, Ph'D' Pro"essor Tano$ić shared her $ast experience in !or)ing !ith youth, both in &iH and abroad, and tal)ed about challenges young people "ace today !hen trying to communicate !ith uni$ersity sta"" in order to achie$e their goals and create changes' 1t the end o" the lecture, Pro"essor Tano$ić engaged in a discussion !ith the participants, !here they shared their vie!s on the current situation in the high education system in BiH. <dentity: Basic Concepts and the Impact o" Social Factors ( =amija LandEo Ms =andEo conducted a !or)shop on identity, starting !ith a discussion on di""erent perceptions o" identity and an interacti$e game !here participants expressed their opinion about ho! di""erent aspects and )inds o" identity define themsel$es' They proceeded to discuss the importance o" indi$idual identity !ithin a group, and concluded the session !ith an eGercise !here they !ere assigned di""erent labels and had to step into a speci"ic role based on the reactions o" others, without kno!ing what their label says' %tructural Economic Challenges in Post(Con"lict BiH - Damir Šaljić Mr Šaljić tal)ed about the basics o" the economic system in &iH, describing the di""iculties caused by the di$ision o" the decision ma)ing process bet!een the di""erent le$els o" go$ernment' He analy2ed ne! economic trends and the monetary system o" &iH, as !ell as se$eral other issues such as unemployment 8especially among youth), in"lation, taGes and potential economic reforms in the country' Current Challenges o" Democracy in BiH ( Assistant Pro"essor Midhat I2mirlija, Ph'D' During his lecture about the challenges the democratic system "aces in todayHs society, Pro"essor <2mirlija discussed the $ery definition o" democracy !ith the participants, philosophical concepts !hich "orm the basis o" democracy, as !ell as the human rights protection mechanisms expressed in constitutions and la!s' 3inally, he defined the "our main elements o" consociational democracy (coalitions, veto po!er, proportional and parity representation, and group authonomy) through their materiali2ation in the BiH constitution, and discussed the pros and cons o" this system' D16 2: ACTI5<SMI %tudent Acti$ism0 Experience and Practices - Armela Ramić 1t the beginning o" the session, Ms Ramić spo)e about her experience as a member o" the #ni$ersity o" Saraje$o Association o" =a! Students, and later a co("ounder o" the Saraje$o branch o" the uropean =a! StudentsH Association' She discussed se$eral challenges "aced by todayHs students and di$ided the students into three groups !ho !or)ed on separate practical !ritten assignments0 starting a debate club at their "aculty, request "or an internship position, and reJuest for financial support o" an initiati$e' 1cti$ism in Bosnia and Her2ego$ina - Marijana Mar)otić Ms Mar)otić led the "ello!s through the process o" managing a project cycle, !ith emphasis on creating the log"rame matrix, team management and hierarchy, defining project objecti$es and the importance o" youth acti$ism in smaller local communities' The participants "ormed "i$e groups, all o" !hich !or)ed on their separate moc)(project ideas, !hich they later presented to the rest o" the group' 6outh, Social Mo$ements and Socially Engaged Art - <$ana Kešić Through a highly interacti$e three-hour !or)shop, Ms Cešić introduced the participants to the history and types o" social mo$ements since the ,.Hs until today' The !or)shop !as dedicated to arti$ism ( socially engaged art as a "orm o" public action and ad$ocating "or a change' The participants too) an acti$e citi2enship Jui2 and !or)ed on recogni2ing the types and structure o" social mo$ements through a case study' 1t the end o" the session, the participants had the opportunity to create their o!n art ( photographs and short $ideos illustrating the social mo$ement from the analy2ed case study' D16 3: KNOF YO#R RI7HT% Ci$il Disobedience and Mobili2ation o" Youth in a Community - Dar)o Br)an Mr &r)an analy2ed the history o" ci$il acti$ism and tal)ed about some o" the most important "igures o" social mo$ements' He shared his o!n experiences and emphasi2ed the importance o" ci$il acti$ism and ga$e ad$ice on strategies that can be used as tools o" acti$ism' Human Rights and the State - Maida Omerćehajić The !or)shop started !ith screening a short mo$ie about the history o" human rights, "ollo!ed by a discussion about elements o" a state and ho! di""erent types o" states and political systems approach human rights' 1"ter the interacti$e lecture, the participants !ere di$ided into "our groups, !here they created a set o" eight rules "or each o" their o!n imaginary countries based on what they ha$e learned' Media Acti$ism and Social Net!or)s - &oris Čo$ić Mr Čo$ić, a radio journalist and acti$ist, tal)ed about using social media net!or)s as acti$ism tools' He also screened se$eral $ideos "rom eFM production, !hich ser$ed as eGamples o" addressing current social and political issues in social media by modi"ying current $iral trends 8e'g' a $ideo o" children at a ruined local playground a"ter the -.*/ "loods in &iH dancing to Pharrell FilliamsH MHappyN, used to start an initiati$e to rene! it and was later
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