O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans c v A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 13, ISSUE 630 November 7-13, 2009 $1.25 G. Demos Patriarch Bartholomew, Runs for President Obama Meet Congress In At The White House Eastern L.I. By Theodore Kalmoukos lems, about the symposium that we The National Herald Staff Writer had in New Orleans. He is not sure yet if he is going to the [climate Former Prosecutor On BOSTON - President Barak Obama change] summit in Copenhagen. made a promise to His All Holiness He told me that he discussed these Madoff Case In His Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew issues with chancellor Merkel [of to mention the reopening of the Germany] this morning. I wished First Campaign Theological School of Halki when him success…in the reform of the he meets with Turkish Prime Minis- medical and health system that he By Angelike Contis ter Ertogan. Obama made that is trying to do.” The National Herald Staff Writer promise during a 35-minute meet- The Patriarch also pointed out ing at the White House on Tuesday that “we also spoke about our is- NEW YORK - George Demos is a morning, November 2. sues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate name that the more than 650,000 The National Herald has learned and about human rights. He told us inhabitants of New York’s First Con- that the meeting took place in a that he is expecting in December gressional District in Eastern Long very warm and cordial atmosphere our Prime Minister of Turkey and Island will soon get to know very and that the two leaders also talked he will bring up these issues as he well. It may also be the name of the about the Greek American commu- has done in past. As you know dur- first Greek Congressman ever from nity. Present at the meeting were ing his visit in Turkey the President New York. Archbishop Demetrios of America, put forth the issue at the Turkish “The district is winnable,” says Metropolitan of Chalcedon Athana- Parliament of the reopening of Hal- the 33-year-old Brookhaven attor- sios, Metropolitan of France Em- ki. The President said he will not ney, adding: “I wouldn’t have left manuel and Metropolitan of Korea stop speaking about these issues my job to run if it wasn’t.” Demos Ambrosios. which are issues of religious free- left his position as a prosecutor at Shortly after the presidential dom and human rights and for the U.S. Securities and Exchange meeting His All Holiness Patriarch which he cares for the entire Commission in order to focus on the Bartholomew told reporters that world.” November 2010 election. The life- “the President received us along During the more than half-hour long Republican points out that his with my brother hierarchs…with meeting, Ecumenical Patriarch district is 3:2 Republican. He is run- much politeness and goodness [he Bartholomew commended the ning for the seat of current Con- mentioned] our first meeting in President for his initiatives, urging gressman Tim Bishop, a Democrat WHITE HOUSE PHOTO Constantinople. He said that he is him to undertake an even more in- who won in 2003. The atmosphere at the White House was very warm and cordial when Patriarch Bartholomew met with pleased that we met again.” tensive campaign on behalf of eco- “I have always been fascinated President Obama. The two leaders discussed a number of issues, including the ecology. The Patriarch’s vis- The patriarch also said, “we by public service,” says the attorney. it to the United States began with the “Religion, Science and Environment” symposium in New Orleans. spoke about the ecological prob- Continued on page 4 He’d like, Demos says, “to have a positive impact on people’s lives and craft policies that make a differ- ence.” After graduating from Fordham Law School, Demos spent the last Maragos Elected Nassau Comptroller seven years prosecuting white collar crime. He worked on cases includ- By Angelike Contis Long Island’s Nassau County, which neighborhoods of Woodside, ing the $800 million A.I.G. fraud The National Herald Staff Writer is New York’s second richest county, Maspeth, Sunnyside, part of Asto- case and the highly publicized trials faced bankruptcy in the 1990s, and ria, and Long Island City. In the fi- of Bernard Madoff’s associates. He NEW YORK - George Maragos, 60, remains notorious for high taxes. nal weeks of the campaign, the De- also worked, while a student, at the was elected Nassau County Comp- As a candidate, Mr. Maragos mocrat Jimmy Van Brammer, who office of the District Attorney of Suf- troller, defeating Democratic in- promised to fight against tax in- took 70.4% of the vote, ran a nega- folk County. Before that, Demos cumbent Howard Weitzman on No- creases and to put the county’s tive campaign disputing Maragos’ studied political science at Colum- vember 3 by a slim margin. Accord- deficit and spending in check. place of residence. In turn, Mara- bia University, where he was the ing to the official results from Nas- The close election victory gos’ ads questioned Van Brammer’s president of the College Republi- sau County's 1142 poll stations, Mr. gained by Mr. Maragos, with a dif- association with the Association of cans. Demos says he was hooked on Maragos, a Republican, gained ference of just 576 votes (before Community Organizations for Re- politics early; he has attended the 115,473 votes to Mr. Weitzman's the absentee ballot tally), helped form Now (Acorn). national Republican convention 114,897. brighten the climate following the George Maragos is the founder since he was only 15. Mr. Maragos said of his victory: heavy election loss sustained by his and president of SDS Financial If elected, Demos says he’d aim “I thank the Greek community and son Angelo, 24, who was running Technologies, a finance and trading to be on the House Financial Ser- all of the voters who entrusted me for a seat on the New York City services company. He will be Nas- vices Committee, which he thinks from the bottom of my heart. I as- Council. sau’s first comptroller of Greek ori- would make the most of his SEC ex- sure them that the battle didn’t end The younger Mr. Maragos, who gin. He observed the election re- perience. Sitting in the room, yesterday, but it is entering a new ran as a Republican in heavily De- sults on the evening of November 3 TNH/COSTAS BEJ Demos says, examining clever CEOs stage and intensifying. Working to- mocratic district, gained only 3,725 at the Nassau County Republican The Maragos family at a polling station on a day that included both for eight hour stretches, taught the gether, we will realize the goals of votes, accounting for 24 percent of Party headquarters along with New the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Seen from l. to r. Panagi- lawyer with sharp eyes, slick-d back our campaign.” the vote. The 26th election district otis Maragos, Angela Maragos, George Maragos, and Angelo Mara- hair and an undeniable confidence The prosperous community of in New York includes the Queens Continued on page 4 gos. George Maragos won his election; Angelo did not. about the importance of “listening, sizing people up judging their char- acter.” District One is a community made up of primarily white collar commuters, notes Demos. The pop- Chicago Philanthropist Eleni Bousis to be Honored How to Save ulation also includes a minority of very wealthy Hamptons residents By John P. Psiharis Distinction Award, succeeding pre- has, they too can interact and pro- ly, how lucky she is to be alive.” Her Your Family & and some farmers. In the mix is a Special to the National Herald decessors Jack George and Verne duce in the societies they live in. relationship with Maria Zela con- Greek community of perhaps 5- Carson. Nearly one thousand peo- Society sees disability as a threat, tinues through today. “She is one of CHICAGO - Eleni Bousis of Chica- ple are expected in attendance to and something to fear. Yet these my dear friends.” Community Continued on page 6 go has helped to raise millions of celebrate the organization’s fifty children view humanity as pre- In addition to Little City, Mrs. dollars for worthy organizations in years of achievement and success. cious, kind and loving.” Bousis has supported causes across Chicago and abroad throughout a Little City is situated on a 56- The genesis of Mrs. Bousis’ ef- the globe. She and longtime friend History Today lifetime devoted to philanthropy. acre campus in Palatine, Illinois. forts on behalf of the disabled goes Irene Dorkofigis, founded the Fron- She will be honored November 7, There, more than 400 children and back to her childhood. “I was tida “Care” Center in Pendeli, a By Steve Frangos 2009, for years of dedication and adults with developmental and in- touched by a handicapped child suburb of Athens, Greece. Accord- The National Herald Staff Writer Celebrating tireless support of the Little City tellectual disabilities reside in the when I was hospitalized while visit- ing to Mrs. Bousis, The center pro- Foundation during the organiza- community. “Little City has created ing Greece as a young girl. I learned vides shelter and assistance to CHICAGO - Make the time to write Elia Kazan’s tion’s Golden 50th Anniversary a positive environment for their from this beautiful girl, the joy and women, children and families im- down your family’s history.
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