Plant Health Clinic 2019 Summary Report The Plant Health Clinic received 3321 plant samples for calendar year 2019. Horticultural samples continue to follow the trend of recent years by comprising the largest percentage of samples received. The largest category of samples in 2019 was for the category Trees/shrubs (51.3%) with 1702 samples, followed by Turf (18.1%), with 600 samples, Fruit/nut (10.9%), with 363 samples, Vegetables (8.9%), with 296 samples, Perennials (4.9%), Field Crops (2.6%), Annuals 1.0%), the remaining 2.3% divided among weed samples, forage, herb, houseplants, and unknown. Plant Health Samples submitted 3321 Annuals 38 Field Crop 85 Forage 18 Fruit/Nut 363 Herb 8 House Plant 13 Other 20 Perennials 163 Tree/Shrub 1702 Turf 600 Unknown 5 Vegetables 296 Weed 8 District Plant Health Samples Submitted Out of State 14 Delta 685 Ouachita 1358 Ozark 1262 Plant Health Total 3321 Month Plant Health Samples Submitted January 44 Week 2 8 Week 3 19 Week 4 7 Week 5 10 February 63 Week 5 1 Week 6 19 Week 7 13 Week 8 9 Week 9 21 March 132 Week 10 18 Week 11 24 Week 12 37 Week 13 51 Week 9 2 April 284 Week 14 57 Week 15 43 Week 16 26 Week 17 90 Week 18 68 May 455 Week 18 43 Week 19 102 Week 20 94 Week 21 122 Week 22 94 June 597 Week 23 149 Week 24 150 Week 25 153 Week 26 145 July 499 Week 27 85 Week 28 97 Week 29 96 Week 30 133 Week 31 88 August 514 Week 31 33 Week 32 150 Week 33 92 Week 34 133 Week 35 106 September 375 Week 36 92 Week 37 99 Week 38 81 Week 39 76 Week 40 27 October 253 Week 40 41 Week 41 48 Week 42 50 Week 43 72 Week 44 42 November 61 Week 44 6 Week 45 19 Week 46 11 Week 47 12 Week 48 13 December 42 Week 49 14 Week 50 20 Week 51 7 Week 52 1 Plant Health Total 3321 County Plant Health County Plant Health Samples Samples Submitted Submitted Arkansas 64 Ashley 4 Baxter 105 Benton 164 Boone 46 BRADLEY 17 Carroll 39 CHICOT 19 CLARK 55 Clay 60 Cleburne 18 Cleveland 1 Columbia 11 Conway 10 CRAIGHEAD 127 CRAWFORD 37 Crittenden 15 Cross 17 Dallas 1 Desha 1 Drew 5 Faulkner 120 Franklin 6 Fulton 6 Garland 330 Grant 16 Greene 28 Hempstead 5 Hot Spring 36 Howard 18 Independence 26 Izard 12 Jackson 33 Jefferson 28 JOHNSON 16 Lafayette 2 Lawrence 10 Lee 14 Lincoln 12 Little River 21 Logan 21 LONOKE 41 Madison 4 Marion 10 MILLER 71 MISSISSIPPI 18 Monroe 14 Montgomery 8 Nevada 3 Newton 14 Ouachita 8 Out of State 14 Perry 18 PHILLIPS 34 Pike 12 Poinsett 6 Polk 12 Pope 59 Prairie 14 Pulaski 470 RANDOLPH 4 SALINE 236 Searcy 4 Sebastian 71 SEVIER 4 Sharp 6 St. Francis 11 Stone 4 Union 3 VAN BUREN 7 WASHINGTON 452 WHITE 99 Woodruff 7 Yell 5 Plant Health Total 3321 Pests 1 - Anthracnose, Colletotrichum acutatum Confirmed: 1 1 - Anthracnose, Colletotrichum fragariae Confirmed: 1 2 - Anthracnose, Colletotrichum orbiculare Confirmed: 2 1 - Azalea anthracnose, Colletotrichum azaleae Confirmed: 1 17 - Anthracnose, Discula quercina Confirmed: 15 Suspected: 2 1 - Dogwood anthracnose, Discula destructiva Confirmed: 1 10 - Anthracnose, Elsinoe sp./spp. Confirmed: 8 Suspected: 2 1 - Anthracnose, Gloeosporium sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 3 - Anthracnose, Gnomonia caryae Confirmed: 3 2 - Anthracnose, Colletotrichum graminicola Confirmed: 2 1 - Spot anthracnose, Sphaceloma sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 2 - Anthracnose fruit rot, Colletotrichum sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 Suspected: 1 2 - Botrytis blight, Botrytis sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 Suspected: 1 1 - Phomopsis blight, Phomopsis sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 12 - Brown rot, Monilia sp./spp. Confirmed: 12 2 - Brown patch, Rhizoctonia sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 25 - Fire blight, Erwinia amylovora Confirmed: 23 Suspected: 2 7 - Gummy stem blight, Didymella sp./spp. Confirmed: 6 Suspected: 1 1 - Alternaria leaf blight, Alternaria sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Leaf blight, Pseudocercospora vitis Confirmed: 1 2 - Septoria leaf blight, Septoria sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 1 - Dothistroma needle blight, Dothistroma sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Sirococcus needle blight, Sirococcus sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Stem blight, Fusarium sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Tip blight, Diplodia sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 21 - Spring dead spot, Ophiosphaerella sp./spp. Confirmed: 20 Suspected: 1 17 - Rhizosphaera needle cast, Rhizosphaera sp./spp. Confirmed: 13 Suspected: 4 1 - Tulip fire; Blight, Botrytis tulipae Confirmed: 1 2 - Oak twig blight, Coryneum kunzei Confirmed: 2 3 - Aerial stem blight, Phytophthora sp./spp. Confirmed: 3 1 - Bacterial blight, Pseudomonas syringae syringae Confirmed: 1 1 - Soybean bacterial blight, Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Confirmed: 1 1 - Cucurbit yellow vine disease, Serratia marcescens Suspected: 1 2 - Bacterial blight, Xanthomonas campestris Confirmed: 2 1 - Willow bacterial twig blight, Pseudomonas salciperda Confirmed: 1 2 - Bacterial leaf blight, Pseudomonas syringae Confirmed: 2 1 - Septoria leaf blotch, Septoria sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Hydrangea leaf blotch, Septoria hydrangeae Confirmed: 1 1 - Spot blotch, Cochliobolus sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 2 - Botrytis canker, Botrytis sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 1 - Canker, Hypoxylon sp./spp. Suspected: 1 3 - Maple canker, Stegonsporium sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 Suspected: 1 25 - Cypress canker, Seiridium cardinale Confirmed: 22 Suspected: 3 2 - Dieback; Canker, Coniothyrium sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 1 - Dieback; Canker, Diplodia sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 3 - Dieback; Canker, Seiridium sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 Suspected: 2 4 - Pestalotia dieback, Pestalotia sp./spp. Confirmed: 4 5 - Rose brown canker, Cryptosporella umbrina Confirmed: 4 Suspected: 1 14 - Bacterial canker, Clavibacter michiganensis michiganensis Confirmed: 14 9 - Bacterial canker, Pseudomonas syringae Confirmed: 7 Suspected: 2 14 - Bacterial canker, Pseudomonas syringae syringae Confirmed: 5 Suspected: 9 2 - Crown gall, Agrobacterium tumefaciens Confirmed: 1 Suspected: 1 4 - Oak leaf blister, Taphrina caerulescens Confirmed: 4 2 - Peach leaf curl, Taphrina deformans Confirmed: 2 1 - Camellia leaf gall, Exobasidium camelliae Confirmed: 1 1 - Avocado scab, Sphaceloma perseae Suspected: 1 1 - Double blossom (Rosette), Cercosporella rubi Confirmed: 1 1 - Soybean bacterial pustule, Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines Confirmed: 1 1 - Phomopsis gall, Phomopsis sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 11 - Cucurbit downy mildew, Pseudoperonospora cubensis Confirmed: 9 Suspected: 2 1 - Grape downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola Confirmed: 1 1 - Downy mildew, Plasmopara obducens Confirmed: 1 7 - Powdery mildew, Erysiphe sp./spp. Confirmed: 7 1 - Powdery mildew, Microsphaera sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 6 - Powdery mildew, Podosphaera sp./spp. Confirmed: 6 1 - Powdery mildew, Sphaerotheca sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Dutch elm disease, Ophiostoma ulmi Suspected: 1 1 - Fairy ring, Various fungi Suspected: 1 1 - Azalea leaf scorch, Septoria azalea Suspected: 1 1 - Oak decline, Complex of Biotic; Abiotic Factors Suspected: 1 1 - Wildfire, Pseudomonas syringae PV. tabaci Confirmed: 1 1 - Fusarium wilt, Fusarium oxysporum Confirmed: 1 19 - Verticillium wilt, Verticillium sp./spp. Confirmed: 14 Suspected: 5 2 - Verticillium wilt, Verticillium albo-atrum Confirmed: 1 Suspected: 1 1 - Verticillium wilt, Verticillium dahliae Confirmed: 1 1 - Fusarium yellows, Fusarium oxysporum Suspected: 1 4 - Pythium root dysfunction, Pythium sp./spp. Confirmed: 3 Suspected: 1 1 - Pith necrosis, Pseudomonas corrugata Confirmed: 1 3 - Littleleaf disease, Phytophthora cinnamomi Suspected: 3 1 - Smooth patch, Aleurodiscus oakesii Confirmed: 1 8 - Cucurbit bacterial wilt, Erwinia tracheiphila Confirmed: 6 Suspected: 2 1 - Cladosporium mold, Cladosporium sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Fusarium basal rot, Fusarium sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Bitter rot, Greeneria uvicola Confirmed: 1 1 - Black rot, Xanthomonas campestris Confirmed: 1 6 - Charcoal rot, Macrophomina phaseolina Confirmed: 6 1 - Botrytis fruit rot, Botrytis sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Phytophthora fruit rot, Phytophthora cactorum Confirmed: 1 2 - Root rot, Ganoderma sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 1 - Rhizoctonia root rot, Rhizoctonia sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 10 - Root rot, Thielaviopsis sp./spp. Confirmed: 10 6 - Bacterial stem rot, Erwinia carotovora carotovora Confirmed: 4 Suspected: 2 1 - Choanephora wet rot, Choanephora sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 251 - Crown and root rot, Phytophthora sp./spp. Confirmed: 177 Suspected: 74 3 - Rhizoctonia crown and stem rot, Rhizoctonia sp./spp. Confirmed: 3 1 - Wood rot fungus, Ganoderma sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Wood rot fungus, Polyporus sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Bacterial soft rot, Erwinia sp./spp. Suspected: 1 1 - Hydrangea rust, Aecidium hydrangeae-panicuculatae Confirmed: 1 5 - Rust, Gymnosporangium sp./spp. Confirmed: 5 1 - Iris rust, Puccinia iridis Confirmed: 1 2 - Nyssa leaf rust, Aplopsora nyssae Confirmed: 2 1 - Aster rust; Pine needle rust, Coleosporium asterum Confirmed: 1 1 - Common corn rust, Puccinia sorghi Confirmed: 1 1 - Damping-off, Phytophthora sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Rhizoctonia damping off, Rhizoctonia sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 2 - Artillery fungus, Sphaerobolus stellatus Confirmed: 2 1 - Phomopsis seed decay, Phomopsis sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 12 - Cucurbit angular leaf spot, Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans Confirmed: 10 Suspected: 2 1 - Leaf spot, Xanthomonas campestris pv. cucurbitae Confirmed: 1 4 - Cotton angular leaf spot, Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearui Confirmed: 2 Suspected: 2 2 - Alternaria leaf spot, Alternaria sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 27 - Cercospora leaf spot, Cercospora sp./spp. Confirmed: 24 Suspected: 3 2 - Leaf spot and defoliation, Coniella sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 1 - Corynespora leaf spot, Corynespora cassiicola Confirmed: 1 6 - Mulberry leaf spot, Cercosporella mori Confirmed: 6 1 - Cryptocline leaf spot, Cryptocline betularum Confirmed: 1 1 - Leaf spot, Cercospora zinniae Confirmed: 1 7 - Fungal leaf spot, Cercospora hydrangeae Confirmed: 7 1 - Helminthosporium leaf spot, Drechslera sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Leaf spot, Didymosporina aceris Confirmed: 1 16 - Entomosporium leaf spot, Entomosporium sp./spp. Confirmed: 16 1 - Fusarium leaf spot, Fusarium sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 1 - Leaf spot, Marssonina sp./spp. Confirmed: 1 3 - Mycosphaerella leaf spot, Mycosphaerella sp./spp. Confirmed: 3 2 - Phoma leaf spot, Phoma sp./spp. Confirmed: 2 2 - Phomopsis leaf spot, Phomopsis sp./spp.
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