University of Vermont ScholarWorks @ UVM University of Vermont College of Medicine University Libraries Catalogs 1883 University of Vermont, College of Medicine Bulletin University of Vermont Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/dmlcatalog Part of the Medicine and Health Sciences Commons Recommended Citation University of Vermont, "University of Vermont, College of Medicine Bulletin" (1883). University of Vermont College of Medicine Catalogs. 37. https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/dmlcatalog/37 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Libraries at ScholarWorks @ UVM. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Vermont College of Medicine Catalogs by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ UVM. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .-··- ...... -. .•. ··- ·-···-··--···-··-···-······--·· -··--·--··--···-·, .. -..- .......... -... -.................. -... -.............. -..... ..............·- -·--····· ·····-··---.. •; I ~ ·. T::S::IR.T:IET::S: · ~tcdintl ~rpathnrttt I I I : . · - i For the Year 1883. ~ ·~r ·· . · .•.. _ .._ ... ,.. ................ --..-- .. --.--.···-······-· ·· .··········-···--·········-···.··· ·· ···· .. ··-···.·· -. ··--··.···.··········-·· ·-···-··- -··-··· -···.···.· BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 1883. :MATTHEW HENRY BUCKRAM, D. D., } PRESIDENT. His ExcELLENCY JOHN L. BARSTOW, Ex-0:~,-yrcus. GoVERNOR oF ·rHE STATE. ON THE PA.RT OF THE UNIVEUSITl' Ol' VERlliON'J'. :REv. HENRY PEARL HICKOK, Bmlington. HENRY LOOMIS, Bm·lington, LAWHENCE BARNES, Burlington, RoN. WORTI;[INGTON CURTIS SMITH, St. AJbans, RoN. HOMER NASH HIBBARD, A. M., Chicago, ill., RoN. GEORGE GRENVILLE BENEDICT, A. M., Bmlington, lioN. WILLIAM GOODHUE SHAW, A. lVI., Bmlington. CoL. LE GRAND B. CANNON, Burlington. .ON 'I'HE PART OF THE STATE A.GIUCUJ,TURH COf,J,EGE. HoN. PAUL DILLINGHAM, A.M., Waterbmy, 1877 HoN. CROSBY MILLER, Pomfret. } 1883 RoN. ROSWELL F~RNH.AM, A. M., Bradford, l um> HoN. LUKE POTTER POLAND, LL.D., St. Johnsbury, ( ~ HoN. JUSTUS DARTT, Weathersfield. J 188 0 HoN. JUSTIN-SMITH MORRILL, LL.D., Strafford, } RoN. ELIAKIM PERSONS \VALTON, A. M., l\1ontpelier, 1881 HENRY JANES, M.D., Waterbury. · 1887 HoN. GEORGE GRENVILLE BENEDICT, SEORF.TAHY. HENRY ORSON WHEELER, TuEARUHEH. THIRTIETH ANNUAL ANNOUNCEl\/IENT OF THE ·MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF '.rHE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT AND STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Burlington, Vermont, FOR THE YEAR 1883. BURLING'.rON : :J!'EEE :P:R:.ESS ASSOCIA,TJON. !88~. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. MATTHEW HENRY BUCKRAM, D. D., BuRLINGTON, VT., President . SAMUEL WHITE THAYER, A. M., M. D., LL. D., Burlington, Vt., Emeritus Professor of General and Special Anatomy; Consultin g Surgeon to Mary Fletcher Hospital; Dean of the Faculty. JOHN ORDRONAUX, M.D., LL.D., New York City, EmeritnR Profe ~so r of Medical Jurisprudence. WILLIAM DARLING, A. M ., M. D., F. R. C. S., New York City, Prof ssor of General and Special Anatomy. ALBERT FREEMAN A. KING, M. D., Washington, D. C., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women; Consulting Physician to Mary Fletcher HospitaL HENRY DWIGH'l' HOLTON, A. M., M. D. , Bmttleboro, Vt., Professor of Materia JHedica and Therapeutics ; Consulting Physician to Mary Fletcher HospitaL ,JAMES LAWRENCE LITTLE, M.D., New York City. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Sm gery ; Consul ting Surgeon to J\llary Fletcher HospitaL ABHBEL PARMELEE GRINNELL, M.D., Burlington,Vt., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine; .Attending Physiciftn to Mary Fletcher Hospital ; And Sec r ctr~r v of the Faculty. RUDOLPH AUGUST WITTHAUS, A. M. , M. D. , New York City, PJ·ofessor of Chemistry and Toxicology. J. HENRY JACKSON, M. D., Barre, Vt., l'rofetlsor of Physiology and Microscopic AnR,tomy. PROFESSORS ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. ROBERT WILLIAJ\'I TAYLOR, New York City. Profes or, of Diseases of the Skin. S'I'EPHEN MARTINDALE ROBERTs,·; A.'_~L, M. D., New York Uity , Prcfesso t· of Diseases of Children. ADRIAN THEODORE WOODWARD, l\'I. D. , Brandon, Vt. , l'1·ofessor of Surgical Diseases of Women; Consulting Physician to Mary Fletcller Hospital. D.Al\lJEL BENNETT ST. JOHN ROOSA, A. M., ~f. D. , LL.D. , New York City, Professor of Diseuses or the Eye and Ear. GEORGE lVIINOT GARLAND, lVI. D. , Boston, Muse., P rofessor of Thoracic:Dbease . WILLIAl\I JA.iVIES l\'IORTON, A.M., :iVI. D., New York City, Professor of Disea se~ of the Mind unrl NerYous S,rstl'm. RoN. EDWARD JOHN PHELPS, LL.D., Burlington, Vt. , (Kent Professor of Law In Yale College), Professor of Medical Juri ~p rud e nce. JOHN BROOKS WHEELER, A.M., ni. D., Instructor in Princi ples a nd Pructi.:e of Surgery, and As!iistnnt to the Chair ol Surgery. JACOB CHASE RUTHERFORD, M. D. , Demonstrator of Anatomy. J. B. EMERSON, M. D., Assiitant to the Cha ir of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. JO H. LINSLEY, lVI. D. , Curator of the Museum. FACULTY OF PRELIMINARY SESSION TO 1883. Prot. S. W. 'l'HAYER, ::\f. D. LLD. , IWILLIAllr BROWN LU)!D, A. 11r., 11 1. u., Consultlug Smgeon to Mary Fletcher Attending Surgeon to Mary Fletcher Hospital; Hospital ; Instructor in Materia Medica and Tbera- 1 nstmctor In Anatomy. I pen tics. Prof. A. P . GRINNELL, )1. D. , ANllREW JAUKSON WILLARD, Allf.,MD., . ·t . Tl . p. ·t· . f M u· Supermtendent of Mary Fletcher Hospital; 1 nst1uc 01 1n l COtY anr1 1ac we 0 ' e 1- Instructor In Chemistry and 'l'oxlcology. c 1n e. Prof. J. HENRY JACKSON, 1\f. D., illRAM HAYDEN A'l'W A.'l'ER, A.M., M.D. , Instructor in Physiology and Mlc r os~:oplc Anatomy. Attending Physician to Mary Fletcher Hospital; JOHN BROOKS WHEELER, A.M., 111. D., Instructor ln Principles and Practice or Ins~uctor ln Obstetrics and Diseases of Surgery, ancl Assistant to the Chair Women and Children. of Surgery. ANNUAL ANNOUN CEMENT. ~ 1 99 3 -t;- In this, their Thirtieth Cil:cular and Catalogue, the Facul­ ty of the Medical D epartment of the University of Vermont are gratified in announcing the continuation of the success and advance which has ever attended the In titution under their charge. The Class of 1882 >vas the largest that has assembled within the walls of the College-numbering one hundred and ninety Matriculants. THE COLLEGE BUILDING, Situated upon high ground, and facing the College Green, is o£ brick, well ventilated, and, as recently remodeled, af­ fords greater facilities and comforts to the yearly increasing class or students than are usually found in institutions not located in the large cities. By the liberality of the citizens of Burlington, the faculty h ave been enabled not only to greatly increase the size of their L ectme R oom and Amphitheatre,-each having a seat­ ing capacity of two hundred and tifty,- but also to erect an important addition, in which are the n e>Y Dissecting Room and L aboratory of Practical Chemistry, each of which is com­ modious and thoroughly appointed. · A large Museum, containing a great number of carefully arranged specimens, Anatomical and P athological, both wet and dry, is open to the students d uring the session. PLAN OF I NSTRUCTION. Th8 plan of instruction adopted by this Institution con­ sists of a complete co urse of schola tic L ectures, by able P rofessors in the seven branches of Medical Science, viz : Anatomy, Physiology, Ohemi .. try, Materia Medica, Surgery, Obstetrics, and the Theory a nd Practice of Medicine. In the practical branches there is also given clinical instruction, for which exceptional facilities are offered by the Mary F letcAer H ospital, tbe commodious amphitheatre of which Institution has been erected solely with a view to affording a dditional advantages to students of this College. 'l'HE U "lVERSI'l'Y OF VERMO:N'l'. In order to render the course of instruction as thorough as possible, the Faculty have elected a number of gentlemen to lecture upon special subjects. Such parts of the regula.r eourse as are uot Laught iu detail by the regular Professors will thus receive special attention by gentlemen who are ac­ knowledged authorities in then· respective specialties; each one giving a short and practical course of lectures. This plan, which was adopted for the first time about six years ago, has been highly appreciated by the students, since it enabled them to attain a more exact knowledge of impor­ tant subjects than they could have received from the general lecture courses. The Faculty announce the continuance of Profe ors Rob­ ert W. Taylor, Stephen lYI. RobeTts, A. T. Woodward, D. B. St. John Roosa, G. M . Garland, William J. Morton, and Hon. Edward J. Pbelps, as instructors in their respective branches. The Faculty wish to call attention to the fact that these lectures on special subjects are delivered during the regular session, without extra expense, and not in the preliminary term, as is the custom in most Colleges. GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE COURSE OF LECTURES. GENERAL, DESCRIPTIVE & SURGICAL ANATOMY. PnoF. WILLIAM DARLING. As a teacher in this department, Prof. Darling has no su­ pel-ior·, as those who have listened to his lectures, in both the Universities of Vermont aud New York, can testify. His lectures will be illustrated by demonstrations upon the cad­ aver, as well as by plates and diagrams. For the acquire­ ment, ther:efore, of a thorough and practical knowle Jge of Anatomy, this Institution offers the student superior aclvan ­ tages. OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. PnoF. A. F. A. KING. Prof. Ring holds the same Ohair in the Columbian Univer­ sity, at Washington, D. 0., and is one of the attending physi­ cians to Providence Hospital in that City. 6 llfEDICAL DEPARTMEN'l' OF This course will comprise a series of Lectmes on the Sci­ ence and Practice of Midwifery, together with additional lectures on Gym-ecology. The lectures on Obstetrics will be illustrated by an elaborate collection of life-siz:ed diagrams, together with natural preparations and jJapie?' mache models, exhibiting the anatomy and physiology of rep1·oduction in all its stages.
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