Map Packet for the 2005 State Land Classification

Map Packet for the 2005 State Land Classification

Franklin 228 Franklin 109 Franklin 231A - Madawaska Tract Franklin 225 Essex 401 Essex 427 & 436 Essex Franklin 409 & 418 232 & 242 Essex 404, 420, 428 Cole Island North River Mountains Silviculture Area Sand Pond Sheepshead Mountain & Signal Buoy Silviculture Area Islands Essex Essex 417 412 & 424 Warren 181, Washington 70 Washington 73 & 74 Warren 184 Warren 176, Washington 2005 Classification Proposals 1 Mile 53.3, 53.4,L o6c7ator Essex County 1:450,000 Recent Fee Purchase Adirondack Recent Fee Purchase Park Agency Reclassification January 2005 Twiin Hiillll W FF ((661fftt)) Trraiinorr Hiillll Payne Hiillll 87 Tollll Gatte Hiillll ((838fftt)) Peach Bllow Hiillll 9N Ho isi ng to n Bk Hoiisiingtton Schooll Westtporrtt Smiitth Hiillll Lake ((1085fftt)) Champlain Hoiisiingtton Mttn ((1470fftt)) W e s t p o r t Harrperr Mttn ((1733fftt)) Bk y c a t S E S S E X Camp Dudlley The Piinnaclle Cole Island Moorre Mttn ((1841fftt)) W FF Sttockwellll Mttn (1332ft) Nortth Pond (1332ft) Mud Pond Mud Pond Two Top Mttn ((1609fftt)) M u lle n Bk Balld Peak ((2054fftt)) Barttlletttt Pond Cook Mttn T ((1536fftt)) Bllack Ash Swamp N O Quiinn Mttn M o r i a h B ((1339fftt)) M ar tle R tt B E k Sulllliivan2 2Hiillll ((841fftt)) V Grover Hills Grover Hills Cheney Mttn Walltton Mttn ((1364fftt)) 2005 Classification Proposals 1 Mile Locator 1:72,000 Recent Fee Purchase Land Classification Primitive (PR) Pending Class (PC) Hamlet Wild Forest (WF) Open Water Adirondack Park Agency Other Private Intensive Use (IU) Stream Wilderness (WL) Historic (HS) January 2005 Intermittent Stream Canoe Area (CA) State Administrative (SA) Burdiick Crossiing 9N Bullwagga Mttn Portters Marsh C r o w n P o i n t W FF Whiitte Churrch Facttorryviilllle Crrown Poiintt Crrown Poiintt Centterr P Sheepshead Island utn am Cr Sugarr Hiillll Brreeds Hiillll Lake Miillllerr Mttn Champlain E S S E X Miillller Marsh Signal Buoy Island Buck Mttn Miine Hiillll Phellps Rocks Buck Mounttaiin Pond V k B Keeney Mttn t E n Gr a R M T i c o n d e r o g a O N T Sttrreett Road Lead Hiillll Fi r ((1296fftt)) ve m ile C 74 Chilson Bk 22 Fortt Tiiconderoga Postt Offffiice 74 W FF 2005 Classification Proposals 1 Mile Locator 1:72,000 Recent Fee Purchase Land Classification Primitive (PR) Pending Class (PC) Hamlet Wild Forest (WF) Open Water Adirondack Park Agency Other Private Intensive Use (IU) Stream Wilderness (WL) Historic (HS) January 2005 Intermittent Stream Canoe Area (CA) State Administrative (SA) Foresttdalle B l a c k B r o o k F r a n k l i n C L I N T O N Cooper Kiillll Pond Morrgan Mttn ((3458fftt)) Wiinch Mttn Haselltton ((2677fftt)) W FF S t A r m a n d Lake Sttevens Nortth Polle W FF II U Esttherr Mttn Wiillmiingtton ((4239fftt)) Marrblle Mttn Balldwiin Hiillll ((2753fftt)) Quakerr Mttn (1552ft) Lookoutt Mttn (1552ft) ((4085fftt)) Bassetttt Mttn ((1972fftt)) W i l m i n g t o n 86 Whiittefface Mttn ((4886fftt)) E S S E X W FF II U Liittttlle Whiittefface Mttn Essex # 401 Ebenezerr Mttn Wiinch Mttn Hiiccock Mttn ((1972fftt)) ((1939fftt)) W FF W LL Piine Mttn ((2097fftt)) Upperr Jay J a y Warren Pond Marsh Pond Sttewarrtt Mttn ((3616fftt)) 9N W LL Owen Pond Cllementts Pond N o r t h E l b a The Cobblle Mttn ((2103fftt)) W FF W FF Senttiinell Mttn ((3858fftt)) Kiillburrn Mttn W FF ((3881fftt)) K e e n e 2005 Classification Proposals 1 Mile Locator 1:72,000 Recent Fee Purchase Land Classification Primitive (PR) Pending Class (PC) Hamlet Wild Forest (WF) Open Water Adirondack Park Agency Other Private Intensive Use (IU) Stream Wilderness (WL) Historic (HS) January 2005 Intermittent Stream Canoe Area (CA) State Administrative (SA) C lif fo r d Red Rock B k Bllack Mttn Coall Diirrtt Hiillll ((2959fftt)) Bk ols ich N J a y Liittttlle Crrow Mttn Westton Mttn Eastt Hiillll Brrown Mttn 9N B k ((2113fftt)) s e Bk ne cad Jo as P R C P R Lostt Pond Keene Gul f Bk Gllenmore Essex # 404 Corrlliiss Mttn D Owlls Head a Jackson Hill rt Jackson Hill B k Chase Mttn Reclassification Essex # 420 ((3186fftt)) Walton Brook W F E l i z a b e t h t o w n 73 Parcel W F Hurricane Mtn Bearr Cubby k Hurricane Mtn B ((3678fftt)) n to W FF Lower Cascade Lake al W 9N Larramorre Mttn Cascade Mtn Cascade Mtn Baxtterr Mttn (4098ft) (4098ft) Bllueberrrry Mttn ((2428fftt)) W F Porrtterr Mttn E S S E X W F K e e n e Oak Hiillll Round Top ranch k B W LL B he r T te k r B o Liittttlle Meadows P w Tripod Mtn do Liittttlle Porrtterr Mttn Tripod Mtn ea ((3297fftt)) M P uth hel So ps B Sli k de Bk W FF k The Brrottherrs Keene Valllley e B Sprread Eaglle Mttn lid Reclassification ((2825fftt)) S Essex # 134 Grreen Mttn Bk Hopkiins Mttn s ((3960fftt)) n Biig Slliide Mttn h Jo W FF Essex # 428 West W LL Essex # 428 East PP R Roostterr Comb Snow Mttn Giiantt Mttn ((4627fftt)) N o r t h E l b a Hedgehog Mttn ((3389fftt)) Saiintt Huberrtts k B d e B R Hogback Sheelltter Lower Wolfjaw Mtn e r Lower Wolfjaw Mtn l Catthedrrall Rocbks O ((4173fftt)) sa Nubblle u A r B st Giiantt Washbowll Ea Diipper 2005 Classification Proposals 1 Mile Locator 1:72,000 Recent Fee Purchase Land Classification Primitive (PR) Pending Class (PC) Adirondack Recent Fee Purchase Hamlet Wild Forest (WF) Open Water Park Agency Reclassification Other Private Intensive Use (IU) Stream Wilderness (WL) Historic (HS) January 2005 Intermittent Stream Canoe Area (CA) State Administrative (SA) Soutth Boquett Mttn Brrookffiielld Churrch ((1230fftt)) Crratterrcllub C r ooked Bk 22 Ferrguson Mttn E s s e x ((1072fftt)) Whallllon Bay Schooll Whiippiie Mttn Whallllonsburrg Sprriig Mttn ((868fftt)) L e w i s Webb Royce Swamp Splliitt Rock Mttn Frrench Schooll ((997fftt)) B Phinney Hill e Phinney Hill a ((704fftt)) v e r B k E S S E X Essex # 418 Verify Status W FF Coon Mttn T (1014ft) Wadhams (1014ft) N O Rogers Pond Essex # 409 M t R Verify Status R ue q Aiingerr Hiillll u E o Barrtt Royce Hiillll B ((843fftt)) V Twiin Hiillll W((6e61sfftt))t p o r t Tollll Gatte Hiillll ((838fftt)) 9N H Lake o Westtporrtt is Champlain i n gton B k Smiitth Hiillll ((1085fftt)) 22 2005 Classification Proposals 1 Mile Locator 1:72,000 Recent Fee Purchase Land Classification Primitive (PR) Pending Class (PC) Hamlet Wild Forest (WF) Open Water Adirondack Park Agency Other Private Intensive Use (IU) Stream Wilderness (WL) Historic (HS) January 2005 Intermittent Stream Canoe Area (CA) State Administrative (SA) PP CC Dudlley Mttn N o r t h H u d s o n Dudlley Pond Owll Patte Pond Johnson Pond Long Sue Piidgeon Hiillll Kumph Pond Cedar Briidge Pond Snake Pond Hill No 8 Schoffiielld Pond Fleming Mtn Hill No 8 Furrnace Mttn Liittttlle Canada Fleming Mtn C r o w n P o i n t Raiillrroad Hiillll Balld Patte Peaked Hiillll Bennetttt Hiillll W FF Knob Pond Knob Mttn Carey Marsh Peaked Hiillll Pond Ingalllls Marsh Liittttlle Knob Mttn Fllemiings Pond W FF W FF W FF Essex # 424 Martin Pond Narrrrows Mttn W FF Martin Pond Woodchuck Hiillll Parradox W FF Gooseberrrry Hiillll ((1237fftt)) W FF W F Paradox Lake W F Skiiffff Mttn II U W F Eaglle Lake W F Arnolld Pond Snake Pond Severrance Essex # 412 Ferrnetttte Mttn 74 (1737ft) E S S E X Otttter Pond (1737ft) Suckerr Holle Hiillll Ragged Mttn Owlls Head Pyramiid Lake (1254ft) S c h r o o n Bear Pond (1254ft) Bearr Mttn ((1657fftt)) Bearr Pond Mttn PotttteGrr oMottnseneck Pond W FF Burrntt Hiillll Rock Pond Mttn Sugarr Hiillll ((1442fftt)) ((1667fftt)) ((1157fftt)) Wiillson Hiillll Honey Pond ((1514fftt)) Crane Pond Rock Pond Peaked Hiillll Heartt Pond Burge Pond Pine Hill Pllank Brriidge Hiillll Allder Pond Pine Hill ((1954fftt)) Anttwiine Hiillll Liillypad Pond Meadow Hiillll Nortth Pond ((1522fftt)) Oxshoe Pond T i c o n d e r o g a Biig Cllearr Pond Mttn Carrey Hiillll Goose Pond II U W F Crab Pond W F Wiillcox Pond Cllear Pond Goose Pond Hiillll Glliidden Marsh (1582ft) (1582ft) Trreadway Mttn W LL Mud Pond Puttnam Pond Gullll Pond Grriizzlle Ocean Mttn Smiitth and Lelland Hiillll ((1842fftt)) Harriison Marsh Desollatte Hiillll Deviills Washdiish ((1716fftt)) Pharroah Mttn Griizzlle Ocean Beaverr Meadow Hiillll ((2556fftt)) ((1216fftt)) Thunderrbolltt Mttn ((1865fftt)) Beaver Meadow Marsh Specttaclle Pond Berrymiillll Pond Coffffee Pond Pharoah Lake Wollff Pond 2005 Classification Proposals 1 Mile Locator 1:72,000 Recent Fee Purchase Land Classification Primitive (PR) Pending Class (PC) Hamlet Wild Forest (WF) Open Water Adirondack Park Agency Other Private Intensive Use (IU) Stream Wilderness (WL) Historic (HS) January 2005 Intermittent Stream Canoe Area (CA) State Administrative (SA) N e w c o m b Sttiillllwatter Lestter Fllow Kays Hiillll N o r t h H u d s o n W LL k B r e k c a h w r e d n a V Hewiitttt Pond Mttn Bllack Pond Mud Pond Ellm Hiillll ((2366fftt)) St ony Po nd Moose Pond Cllub Buck Mttn Bk Aiiden Laiir Biissellll Pond ((2202fftt)) Hewiitttt Pond S c h r o o n Balfour Lake Camp Duck Pond Ballffourr Mttn Balfour Lake Camp ((2405fftt)) Essex # 417 PP CC E S S E X Barnes Pond Howe Marsh Ballffour Lake Camp Che-na-wah Grassy Pond M i n e r v a Rankiin Pond Mttn W FF Sttiillllwatter ((2265fftt)) Camp Baco 28N Liittttlle Rankiin Pond Centter Pond Hottwatter Pond Rankiin Pond Crrusherr Hiillll Lostt Pond Mttn Sttony Pond ((2171fftt)) Grreen Mttn ((2796fftt)) Balldfface Mttn Twenttyniintth Pond ((2046fftt)) Lostt Pond Liittttlle Sherman Pond Bullllhead Pond r Biig Sherman Pond C B r o e r e e a D s R i v e r Kellllogg Mttn Roper Pond P R Piine Mttn Fa P R ((2129fftt)) lls ((2103fftt)) Veniison Mttn Bk ((2290fftt)) Forrks Mttn ((1990fftt)) W F Snyderr Hiillll Harrrriis Riifftt Mttn W F ((2125fftt)) H ud Callahan Pond M so J IIriishttown n H A

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