SOAPS: “All My Children” returns online with much of its cast intact. | 6D FaithThe Paducah Sun | Friday,& April 25, Family2013 | paducahsun.com Section D Daughter’s organ donations bittersweet Jocelyn made a few good and bad choices in her life. And, let me be blunt, she made one re- ally stupid decision. But she also made at least one brilliant choice. Twice, in fact. Jocelyn marked Organ Do- nor on both her North Carolina driver’s learning permit and her provisional driver’s license. I re- jaletta Desmond member there was little discus- sion about it as she was fi lling proximately 18 people die every out the fi rst set of paperwork for day without a life-saving trans- the permit at 15 years of age. And plant. there was no discussion the day According to the Mayo Clinic she was happily, fi nally, getting website, one person donating her driver license only a couple organs can save or improve as of months before she turned many as 50 lives. It’s especially Photo courtesy of St. Thomas More Parish Father Ryan Harpole preaches the homily for the 2012 Christmas Mass at St. Thomas More Parish in 17. She just marked it matter of important to consider organ do- Paducah. Harpole, the associate pastor for the past two years, is leaving St. Thomas More to become factly and the red heart icon ap- nation if you belong to an eth- the associate pastor at the Newman Center of Murray State University, as of June. peared next to her beautiful face nic minority because, according when the license arrived in the to the Mayo Clinic, “minorities mail. including African Americans, It was simply understood in Asians and Pacifi c Islanders, our home. If something horrible Native Americans, and Hispan- Catholic diocese moving happened, we didn’t need this ics are more likely than whites to body and the accompanying ac- have certain chronic conditions cessories. We should leave them that affect the kidney, heart, for someone who did. We could lung, pancreas and liver. Certain save lives. blood types are more prevalent 16 priests later this year When we faced the terrible in ethnic minority populations. fact the day after Jocelyn at- Because matching blood type is tempted suicide and a machine necessary for transplants, the BY KATHLEEN FOX was breathing for her — the fact need for minority donor organs [email protected] that her brain was no longer liv- is especially high.” Sixteen religious offi cials in the ing and we had to let her go — The afternoon of Jocelyn’s Roman Catholic Church within the very fi rst thing my husband operation, the lead nurse on the the Purchase Region will call a said to the medical team was surgical team approached me in new parish home later this year. that we wanted something good the hallway and looked into my The Owensboro Diocese has to come out of it. We wanted to soul with her big blue eyes. “I completed its yearly evaluation of donate her organs and give life want you to know that I will treat religious offi cials and 16 leaders to others who, unlike her, were your child like she is my child,” have been given different pasto- fi ghting to stay here. she said. “I treat every person ral assignments. I can’t explain the incompre- like they are a member of my In Paducah, the Rev. Brandon hensible mix of heartache and own family.” Everyone from the Williams, the associate pastor at honor that choice provided. I doctors, to the nurses, to the peo- St. Stephen Cathedral in Owens- can’t explain the wrenching loss ple who handle the paperwork at boro, will join St. Thomas More our family felt, except to say that LifeShare of the Carolinas, treat- Parish as parochial vicar. Fa- it was a humble privilege to pro- ed us with great tenderness and ther Ryan Harpole, the associate vide hope and joy to a crowded respect. They treat you not with pastor for the past two years, is handful of other families. Joce- pity but with benevolence, as if leaving St. Thomas More to be- lyn saved other parents, siblings you are bequeathing a priceless Photo courtesy of St. Thomas More Parish come the associate pastor at the Father Ryan Harpole prepares for Mass with members of the and children from losing a loved gift — because you are. Newman Center of Murray State Knights of Columbus. Harpole, the associate pastor for the last two one. We had a chance to say good- University. Newman centers are years, is leaving St. Thomas More to become the associate pastor April is National Donate Life bye with Jocelyn in the operat- Catholic ministries at non-Cath- at the Newman Center of Murray State University, as of June. Month. In honor of Jocelyn and ing room and she left us peace- olic universities. others who donated organs in fully. It was clear to me in that Father Patrick Reynolds, pas- Initially, pastors are assigned a rotation, as well. the past year, I’m asking every- moment that she didn’t need the tor at St. Thomas More Parish, six-year term at a parish, which The United Methodist Church one to think about this if they shell she left behind. She didn’t said, “Many pastors have a feeling can be renewed at the bishop’s employs a similar system to Cath- haven’t already. I’m asking par- need her liver or kidneys. But when it might be good to move discretion. However, Reynolds olic priests without specifi c time ents to be role models, and to there were other people wait- on to another parish assignment stresses that assignments are parameters. According to the discuss it with their kids. I’m ing who did. And we knew how when you feel that you have left fl uid and dependent on many Rev. Gregory Waldrop of Foun- asking teens to mark their li- grateful their families would your mark on people’s hearts.” factors including health issues, tain Avenue United Methodist censes so that little red heart be to have potentially 20 more The assignments in the Owens- openings at other parishes, the Church, the average length of shows that they are a donor. I’m years with them. boro Diocese are evaluated on a necessity for further specialized time is four years but depends on asking everyone, even those who “It is very hard to put into yearly basis, and pastors who are training, or issues with the fi t of a many factors. “Sometimes a fresh fi nd the idea appalling, to recon- words what your family has reassigned will move in June. pastor and parish. word, fresh voice, fresh energy sider how you can affect dozens done for us,” wrote the man who According to Reynolds, tradi- “When you have challenged the is the right thing ... other times of other people when your time received Jocelyn’s liver. “You tionally an associate pastor will parishioners to take on and com- long-term, long standing faith here is done. have given the greatest gift of life have at least two different parish plete a special project, building work is a better fi t,” he said. Nearly 120,000 people in the to us. Your loved one will never experiences that can range two or program or new ministry, you re- The Rev. Sky McCracken, dis- U.S. are waiting for an organ, be forgotten by us.” three years. Following satisfac- alize it’s time for someone new to trict superintendent in Paducah including approximately 1,760 “I pray for your family every tory completion of both assign- come on board,” Reynolds said. for the United Methodist Church children. In comparison, just day for blessing me and I thank ments, the associate pastor will Pastors and leaders in other over 28,000 organ transplants be assigned to his own parish. faiths experience movement and Please see PRIESTS | 2Dwere performed in 2011. Ap- Please see ORGANS | 2D Ministering to mentally ill challenges country’s churches BY JOHN HILTON were unprepared for ministering thoughts,” Warren wrote. “In qualifi ed to help. are people just like anyone else McClatchy News Service to the mentally ill. spite of America’s best doctors, “It’s an educational curve and and most times, they feel differ- YORK, Pa. — The man came to “That’s tough as a church be- meds, counselors, and prayers I think it’s something that the ent from everyone else already Church of the Open Door in West cause you want to reach out to for healing, the torture of mental whole congregation needs to be and they just want to be accepted Manchester Township through all people,” Greenfi eld said. “We illness never subsided.” made aware of,” said Rose Al- as a person.” its prison outreach ministry. have a long way to go.” berghini, executive director of Alberghini had two more infor- With supportive family mem- How churches respond to their ‘At least there’s God’ the National Alliance on Men- mational sessions scheduled with bers in his corner, the man had a mentally ill congregants is gener- tal Health PA of York County. area churches. She could recall plan to succeed that included tak- ating discussion after the April 5 Many people with mental ill- “There’s a lot of fear involved speaking to just one church in her ing medication for mental health suicide by Matthew Warren, son ness are drawn to church for vari- because people don’t know what fi rst six years.
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