28 P O ltor 42-090 WaimLiomata Phone (04)564-8578 lar(04)564-U578 Email: chess [email protected] rz New Zealand Stockists of the rvidest selection o1'rnoclcrn chess litcrature ur Australasia Chcss sets, boards. clocks, stationery and all pla_,-ing equipment Distributors olall lcading brands of chess computers and software. Send S A E lbr trochurc and catalogr-rc (state your interest) Chess PLASTICT CF{ESSMI:IN 'SIALINT()N' ST}'I-TI - CLTIB/TOTJRNAMENI' S'IANDAR]) 90mrn King, solid. erlra weighted. wide felt basc (ivory & black matt l-mrsh) $ 28 00 ()lliuial nragazine ol'thc New Zealantl Clhess Federation (Inc) 95nun King, solid, wcighted, 1Llt base (black & x.,ldte scni-gloss hiish) $ 18 50 98mm King solid, rvcighted, felt base (black & white malt firush) $ 24 50 l)lastic conlaincr uith clip tight lid for abovc sets $ 8 (X) FOLDING C}IESSBOARDS - CLIIB/TOI]RNAMENT STANDARD Yol 27 Nurnbcr.[ August 2001 480 x 480mm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $ 600 450 x 450 mm thick vinyl (dark brown and offwhite) $ 19 -t0 VIN YL C} II]J S S I]OARDS - C I,TIB/IOT] IINAMEN' I' S'I'AM)A Ii ] ) -b0 x 470 nlur roll-up rnat t1,pe, algcbraic syn'rbols at borders to assisl rrove recoglitiorr (green and u'hite) $ lt -50 440 x 440rnm solt vinll roll-up rnat t1pe, algcbraic symbols a[ borders to Assist nrove recognition (dark brou,l and otl-u,hite) $ t2 0() 440 r .140mni scnri-tlex and non-[olding, algclrraiu symbols as above (darh brurvn and o11'-r,r,hite) $ 12 00 cFlltss MovE I]MIiI{S (CLOCt<S) 'Tunricr' (ieman-trade popular rvind-np clLrh clock, brorm. plastric $ 80 00 "l\clusir,' Gcnlan-maclc as above, irr imiLation wood case $ 9U (X) '(ianrbit' I)elLrrc wood - largc f-ace $ I 29 (X) SAITEK digital gamc l-irncr $ 140 00 CI-UB AN I )'fOTIRNAMTINT ST'A'I'IONERY Bundlc of200 loosc scorc sheets, 80 rnoves antl diagram $ 7 ()() lJundle of 500 krose scorc shcels, 80 rnoves and diagratr $ I 5 00 Score pad- spiral-bound, -50 games, score sheets as above $ 3 50 Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any page. ,50 games of70 rnoves- rl,ith irrdex and diagram lbr pennanent record $ 7 ()0 Artl lux peel-and-stick symbols (400 pieces) plus 20 diagraru blocks g 8 (X) MA(}NETIC CtUTSS l9() x I50mrn (l5nim greelt & yellow xlLLzrres) flat disc pieces $ :18 ,50 270 x 200rrun (24mm green & 1,ellor,v squares) l1at disc pieces (NZ made) $ lq ttf t Slalding pockct set 125 x 125 nrm (I5mm b & u, squircs) g -5 ()0 Standing 325 x 325rnm (38rnrn squares, (r5mm Kirig) $ 24 r0 WIi ARE BUYIN(} C]}IESS 1-I'I'ERAT[IIIIi OIi ANY A(iE AND ANY CONDI']'ION TOP P]{ICES PAID Five year old Ned Will<inson-Dwight in action at the Pleasc oontact us rryith details tbr im offer Christchurch Inter-Schools Competition NZ Chess NZ Chess l 3 NewZealand Chess STOPPRESS Official journal of the New Zealand Chess Fecl- The Soull-r lslancl tcarn has taken llrc 1,,r, I rrr llrc New Zealand Chess eration (Inc published Australasian ), lrrlcrr.rct Challcngc witlr rr rrr , ,, r , r Volume27 Number 4 August2OOl in Feb,ruary, April, June, August, October, De- the North Is[Lrrc] iLricl South Australiir cember The gamc sc()trs urc CONTENTS Editgrral correspondence, copy and Nor-th Sotrth advertising lsland Island lA45 | inquiries should be 1.d4 N16 2.llg5 Nc4 3.Bh,l c5 4.13 5.tr,. l 95 4. Island sent to gxh4 6.c3 llh6 7.Kll cxd4 S.exd4 North Championships NewZealand Chess Nc6 9.NR e5 I0.Ncl cxd4 I 1.Nd5 Ile3+ 7. World Youth Championship c/-P OBox1627 12.Nxe3 dxe3+ l3.l(xcl ()b6+ l,{.\614 a6 Tatpo,2730 15.b3 d6 16.c3 llc6 lT.ttct 0{)1) 18.(]h5 (15 19.c5 l{hgS 20.h3 I{g3r ]| K12 ttxcl 8. Queensland Chess Holiday Opinions expressed in articles, letters and other 22.Rxc3 Qxc14- 23.11"3 l{gli 24 exhT l{s6 10. Wanganui contributions are those ofthe authors. Letters 25.Bcl Ql1- 16.Rt3 Qg5 t7.Rg I Nrc5 Schools 28.QhB+ on chess topics are welcome; limit 150 words RgS 29.Qf6 Nxfl 30.{1x13 d4 I I . t{cil 11. and marked "for publication.,' RdS 32.Qe,l 1ft8 33.T113 Rd7 j4.Re I Council Corner Qdfl 35.Qf4+ Ka7 36.Be4 d3 lT.ltct I t(ati 38.Rd2 f5 39.8f'3 Rc14 13 Overseas News EDITORIAL 40.ee5 eh6 -l l.t( I Editor, Graeme Trass Bd7 42.{).e7 tlc6 .l3.Uxc(r Qxc6 44 Kg I {Jl16 45.QeS+ (lb6 Overseas news editor, Peter Stuart Ka7 46.Qc5 47.Qe ..t tttts 19. Christchurch School Results 48.Qf2 f4 49.P.ctl Qc3 50.Klt Kh6 5 t (.)r I rr5 SUBSCRIPTIONS 52.Rd2 Rtl6 5-1.a3 Kh,5 54 (l(il ll 20 Correspondence Chess 55.QxR 56.gxl3 iLJ 57 I Subscription payments should be sent to QxI3+ hrrr{ trt 58.Kc1 Kci 0-1 22 Maruia Open The Treasurer, NZCF Sor-rth Australia SoLrth lsllrrrl 24 More Island Games P O Box 216 - llt-[ | North l.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 l.d-l Shortland Street cxrl4.l.Nril-l ;r(r \ It,ll g6 6.c4Bg7 Auckland 7.Nb3 ilcT [i.0 0 Nl6 9.Nc3 0-0 l0.Be3 cl6 1 l.l{c I Nhtl7 t., (.)( , ho 13.f,l ReS l4.Rlill llhT l5.Nd2 tt;rr.ti ANNUAL SIIBSCRIPTION RATES l6.M QbS 17.a3 Bb6 J ii.g1 c5 t9 cr lJ New Zealand, $20 00. 95 20.Bxf4 Nh5 l1.Ile3 Bg7 J2.et2 llr Australia, South Pacific, $US12 00 airmail. 23 Bc2 Lxg5 24.Bxh5 gxb5 25.l3xg5 Nc5 EastAsia, N Americ4 $US15.00 airmail 26.Qg3 Ro6 27.Ne2 RfIi 28.Rfl Ng4 Europe, $USl17.50 aimail, $12.50 economy. 29.RxE+ QxfB 30.R11 rleS 31.h3 h6 32.hxg4 Rest of world, $US20.00 airmail, The Can{erbury Chess Club (lnc) invlles entries for the 2001 $US15.00 hxg5 33.ttf5 h4 34.Qh2 Rxc4 35.Nxe4 economy Qxe4 0-1 NZ National Ghess Congress Back issues available - send for details Dates 28th December 2001 - 1lth January 2002 ADVERTISiNG RATES Full page, $NZ$45.00 Venue Millenium Hotel, 14 Cathedral Square, Christchurch Half-page or ful1 column, $N222 50 Ilalf column, NZ $12 00 ('oyer Photo COPYDEADLINE Iiive old l{ed ltr'illein,ytn-l)t,r j:lrr For Further Enquiries and Tournament Programmes Contact: October issue, Tue October 23 .year li.ortt St. (ieorge',s School seltiu,q lrr.: rtltltrtrttrtl Homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve com/ a Clris Wrigtrt (VicePresident, Cartertury Chess Club krc) homepages/nzchess probleru l Tel: (03) 3518-659 Email. [email protected] Email to editor: [email protected] nz NZ Chess NZ Chess $ 5 North Island Championship 2001 _ Ilamitlorr 25. f g*tr 26. $xb3 flxf3 27. Ee3 E xf2+ 27. h6 25. Wd7 29. e4 e5 30. gf5 llt l ItIt,,tt llrtnnetl. flc2 [ecS This ZS. €S3 fxb229. flcl a5 30. a4 b5 31. axb5 fle8 31. [d7 gc8 32. flcd2 tre5 33. ad8 s 9. d6 10. , a4 3?- 33. 3a. 33. g,h5 34. g'h6 35. bxc6 held 95 Sg3 eJ lbrtT I t. tt.r 1fi 12. al $a5 Sxd4 Ed3 Af2+ Sg4 96 flxc6 Sxc6 Paul [xb5 0.1 looks very good for White. The move played 9th wins Q for R + B but leaves Black with all the chances. Dunn,A -Vital,H 33. 6 g,xaS 34. flxd8+ flxd8 35. flxdS+ (C45 Scotch Game) SxdS 36. g'f3 trd6 37. gc3 Ed4 38. fl3 Ag5 1. e4 e5 2. fiI3 fic6 3. d4 exd4 4. 2*xd4 Qc5 39. a4 3\d2 40. gc2 1[a5 41. €h3 c4 42.f4 c3 5.4e3 gf6 6.c3 frge7 7. $c4 0-0 8.0-0 43.fxe5 Hd244.gb3c245.gc4 flt2$.e6 $xd4 9. cxd4 d6 10. fic3 S96 11. f4 €h8 fxe647.gxe6+9h748.9c6 12. fs gtf6 13. g/d2 h614. ER fla5 15. Ad3 48. gc4 Ab4 49. e5 ga3 50. gd3+ gh8 Spain,G_Dunn,A frac6 16. $c2 .lba 17. e5 dxe5 18. dxe5 51. g,a3 fifl -+ $xe5 19. f6 Afs 20. [xf5 Sxf5 21. fxgT+ 4t.f gt,t49.e5ga350.ge4+ghS 0-1 $xg7 22. Sxf5 flad8 23. gcl flgE 24. 1[e4 More games page 24 fs 25. Af3 Hd3 26. $xh6 Sd4+ n. &hl fl xf3 28. gxf3 ffd3 29. 1[e3 g/h4 30. gfl North Island Rapid Championship finished on 5.5 for 3rd . !61 Giles, efforts = to fle5 31. gh7 32. 33. ge2 f4 The Nofih Island Rapid Championship followed keep contact with the leaders were derailedin Edl Ad4 frg6 34. 1fc3 fle8 35. fld7+ Sh6 36. immediatelyafterthemaintournamenton Rounds 3 and 4 by losses to Henrv Vital and trf7 fle3 Maciej Wojnar 37. Qg7+ €)hs 33. Af6 1-0 Saturday 14ft July. The field of 40 players jointly won by G.es, B - v*ar, '#:Tff3:irffi;"rr$fruff;:ffiJ"r*, and Maciej rr (D52 Cambridge Springs D) field. The honours were finally shared between 5 points. Another QGD, 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. 4. top seed Leonard Mcl-aren and second seed noteworthy performance in this Crrade was that frc3 Af6 Qgs ffbd7 5. c6 6. e3 7.
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