C;_: ,~.~ I-I U ..... U C) 'U -;) ) I (.~ f:"""" .. I : I ,·1 'i -,1 ;.., .: () ;',1 U.l , ,': ~? ~ ) , j ,·r (1) ,) "I i:JJ : ~~:'-1 ,~~ : ~.; r r"\ tQ ',·1 'J\. 0 -:;:~\H ~. START: STOP: 3.3 milliseconds 1.8 milliseconds The new Ampex TM-4 digital tape handler beats start result: tape life is quadrupled. The TM-4 operates at 75, .,'-,- ~' ' times of previous medium speed transports by 2.7 60 or 37112 ips. And has a bit packing density of 200 to milliseconds. Stop times by 3.2 milliseconds. And the 556 bpi.The reliabilityofthis newtape~ransport has been tape travels only .162" to .203" to reach 75 ips. Only proven with exhaustive pre-testing. (It requires mini- .030" to .100" to come to a complete stop. New vac­ mum maintenance. And it's easily accessible from the uum chambers assure that these start/stop times re­ rear.) With thesefeatures, the TM-4 isdestined to b~come main stable. Even under the most rigorous the standard by which all other medium;, programs. The TM-4 is also easier, gentler speed tape handlers are judged. That's why "-~ \ on your tape. Anew tape guiding system, it bears the name Ampex. Write for specifi­ 1 uniform tape tension and speed limits on cations. Ampex Corp., Computer Products the servo system prevent tape abuse. The Co., 934 Charter St., Redwood City, Calif. CIRCLE 1 ON READER CARD ( NEW: 'DDP-19, THE FASTEST MEDIUM-SIZED COMPUTER FOR REAL-TIME ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS!! This new, high-speed DDP-19 (Digital Data Processor) is a single address,parallel,binary, 19-bit computer with a magnetic core storage of 4096 to 8192 words! DDP-19's fully buffered input p~rmits continuous intake of data! DDP-19's up to 16 pro­ gram addressable input/output channels (operable in both busy or interrupt mode) allow ~synchronous connection to any existing system! DDP-19's extremely flexible analog input/output units-permit immediate tie-in to any real­ ...... time man-machine simulation! DDP-19's modular construction using 3C's customer-proven S-PAC digital modules provides ample room for expansion! Compiler, assembler, and sub­ routines are available! DDP-19 HIGH-SPEED CHARACTERISTICS Memory cycle time 5 microseconds Add: successive opera­ tions with instruction and operand address lO microseconds each Average multiply 36 microseconds Divide .. ~ 57 microseconds Input·output ...... 200 KC word transfer rate VERSATILE (It outperforms any com· puter in its price range!) HIGH-SPEED (It handles complex on­ line data reduction fast­ er than any comparable machine!) ECONOMICAL (It replaces expensive, custom-built systems and large scale com­ puters!) A few applications of this .• _"_ .•. use as a control .. " use for r!!al·time • ". use in real- time versatile, high-speed DDP-19 computer for the pre· data acquisition and simulation problems in­ computer include" . " cision tracking of high­ the prt;lsentation of VOlving analog and ] speed targets . " • scaled and (!igitally dig ita I equipment and \ filtered results • • " sub systems "-. • For more comprehensive DDP·19 informa· tion, please call or write to: \ SYSTEMS DIVISION ) o COMPUTER CONTROL COMPANY, INC. EASTERN PLANT: 983 CONCORD STREET/FRAMINGHAM/MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN PLANT: 2251 BARRY AVENUE/LOS ANGELES 64/CALIFORNIA CIRCLE 4 ON READER CARD March 1962 ·~ -I The efficiency with which a given ED P system is oper- ated can do more to ~ake an installation payoff than any other single factor. With this in mind, Honeywell has developed software that; combined with the advanced capabilities of .tI\," Honeywell hardware, yields maximum operating effi- ciency. Honeywell software is all-encompassing, and in- cludes: .1) Source languages - the p~oblem -oriented, and machine-oriented symbolic languages in which the programmer writes his pro~ gram; • 2) Processors - the asso- ciated compilers and assembly systems that translate, compile, and assemble the programs ~, written in source languages I into the form ·required by ....,f" the computer; and I .3) Computer Optimization Package (COP) ~ a broad class of programming aids (' / \ ( , designed to increase the '-.. day-to-day efficiency of the computer. 2 DRTRMRTION A TRAFFIC COP any way the integr~ty of the punched cards or magnetic tape AT EVERY CORNER program. Thus, the Derail data files. Source languages and their Technique is a powerful tool in the 4. Report generators supply associated processors facilitate the minimization, location, and Honeywell system users with job of coding an application for correction of program errors. routines for the arrangement of computer processing. They also 3. Test data routines aid in the reports according to parameters 0 reduce the number of clerical handling and distribution of test data supplied by the programmer. coding errors and, in most according to programmer-supplied 5. Utility and service programs cases, they signal errors made in parameters and permit the test data provide for the manipulation of the use of source language. Beyond to be combined with the program data tapes, including the this, however, it is desirable to have being tested. This eliminates the following functions: comparing, additional aids to automate the need for a separate, or operator- positioning, locating, sampling, diagnostic, operating, and controlled setup of test data for correcting, copying, or editing. maintenance functions associated programs in the debugging state. with programs and their use. The 4. Monitor routines add to the BATCH PROCESSING: package of programmed operating efficient use of Honeywell systems aids which Honeywell supplies to A BUSINESS-LIKE APPROACH by providing the following functions: TO SOFTWARE its equipment users is called "COP" Automatic loading of object a. Batch Processing is a concept which (Computer Optimization Package). programs either from a tape file or a relates to the mode in which COP includes all software . card file. Automatic error cor- b. programs are processed in a given components other than source rection using pre-coded ortho- compilation, assembly, checkout, or languages and their associated correction routines which are also production run. Operationally, processors. The main function of used with the object programs for programs are handled in batches in COP is to exact the highest possible correction of read errors that occur the same way that data is grouped level of efficiency from the com- in the processing of tape data. in a typical business operation, such puter, and it does this in the c. Restart provisions which facilitate as sales analysis or a payroll run. following ways: the setting of restart points within Because the processing of programs 1. Program-tape maintenance and each program so that processing is automatic and sequential, manual updating routines provide a high can be repeated without having to or console-operator-controlled setup speed and efficient means of adding go back to the beginning of the time between programs is reduced new programs to an existing file, program. d. Operator-machine to a minimum. Batch Processing processing corrections to existing communication to keep the operator programs, deleting programs which informed of the progress of the run also provides facilities for proceed- ing from one program to the next are no longer in use, and rearrang- and permit his control instruction to ing, if necessary, the sequence of be entered and acted upon with a programin the file with negligible programs on a program tape. These minimum of delay and re-working. operator intervention in the event of any kind of interruption in updating programs batch-process e. Coordination of the simultaneous processing such as a programming input data which may consist of any running of independent programs. hang-up during checkout. mixture of new programs, or requests This relates to Parallel Processing for the deletion and rearranging of in the Honeywell 800 and Simul- The gains in efficiency due to the existing programs. taneous Peripheral Processing in Batch Processing concept increase 2. Program diagnostic routines the Honeywell 400. rapidly as the number of programs assist the programmer in checking being batched rises. With as few as his work by providing for the 10 programs batched in one check- LIBRARY OF STANDARD ROU- out operation, efficiency gains of automatic dumping of information TINES GROWS AS YOU GROW from core storage and from tape. 5 to 1· are easily realized. The Honeywell library of standard One of the most powerful features routines, though part of COP, of Honeywell's approach to GOOD SOFTWARE MAKES warrants special mention. It is program diagnosis and checkout, GOOD HARDWARE BETTER - available to all users of Honeywell a unique "Derail Technique" AND VICE VERSA EDP systems and provides for the provides dynamic dumps at any Honeywell software is designed to following kinds of recurring data point in a program without capitalize on, and complement the processing functions: requiring the program to be advanced capabilities of Honeywell changed from its final or 1. Sort/Merge Generators for hardware. Each extends the power production form. This way, any Honeywell computers ~se the of the other. The resulting gain in desired areas of core memory or Honeywell-developed Cascade (N-l) efficiency means far more productive magnetic records can be dumped and polyphase sorting techniques. processing per shift, and therefore automatically at programmer- The superior performance of these more computing per dollar. specified points in the execution of techniques over conventional sort For more information on Honeywell the program. Parameters which methods is well established through software, including COP, contact pinpoint the requested information extensive field use. your nearby Honeywell EDP office are entered independently of the 2. Automatic library facilities or write to Honeywell EDP, program being tested. include an extensive collection of Wellesley Hills 81, Mass. In The diagnostic information is scientific subroutines. Additions Canada, Honeywell Controls printed in anyof these programmer- . are being made regularly to further Limited, Toronto 17, Ontario.
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