VOL. 112 - NO. 39 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 3, 2008 $.30 A COPY BARACK OBAMA: Celebrating 10 Years of The Luckiest (and Least Impressive) Man in America by Paul Ibrahim October Italian Heritage Month We have all heard – a bit ballot petition and that of too much – about how sup- every other candidate for in Massachusetts posedly impressive Barack that seat. He managed to get Obama is. But even a cur- all four of them off of the bal- sory examination of his lot, and won the seat by background can only suggest eliminating his competi- that Obama is, in fact, re- tion. markably unremarkable. A few years later, Obama Now you might ask, how wanted to run for the U.S. can that be? After all, putting Senate seat that had just ideology aside, this guy has opened up. His main oppo- successfully fought his way nent, a Democratic candi- up to the U.S. Senate, on its date named Blair Hull, was own a remarkable achieve- well-known, well-financed ment for anyone! and comfortably ahead. It Not so much. was quite apparent that he Let us go back to the roots would take the Democratic of Obama’s political career. nomination for the senate When Alice Palmer, the Illi- seat. But soon, allegations nois state senator who pre- came out suggesting his in- ceded him, wanted to run for volvement in domestic the U.S. House of Represen- abuse, and his numbers tatives, she selected Barack plummeted, paving the way Obama as her intended suc- for Obama’s victory. cessor for her state senate Then came the general seat. election for the U.S. Senate. Palmer, however, lost her Illinois, being one of the congressional primary, and most liberal states in the The October Italian Heritage Month Committee celebrated the launch of Italian decided to run for re-election country, would usually make Heritage activities for the month of October at the Massachusetts State House, Grand for her state senate seat. inevitable the victory of the Stairway. Shown in Photo: At podium State Treasurer Tim Cahill in front of the Coro She was so well-known and Democratic nominee in any Dante Choral Ensemble, addresses the audience as Committee Members look on. popular in her district that major statewide election. From Left to Right: Kevin Caira, Educational Director, Dr. Carlo Cipollone, Italian there was absolutely no The Republicans, however, Consul General Liborio Stellino, Deputy Consul General, Luigi Munno, Judge Joseph doubt she would easily keep had managed to nominate a Ferrino (Ret.), John Christoforo and Lino Rullo. (Not shown in photo, Order Sons of her position. Obama, how- star by the name of Jack Italy in America, State President, Florence Ferullo Kane. ever, refused to give up his Ryan, who had a distant, but (Photo by Rosario Scabin) candidacy. Instead, he re- existent, shot at winning. sorted to Chicago-style poli- tics by challenging Palmer’s (Continued on Page 6) Mayor’s Column by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston The troublesome national economy and Regardless of ongoing instability, our uncertain financial markets have left great medical institutions continue to not News Briefs many of us here at home not only feeling only provide excellent care but also by Sal Giarratani the short-term pinch of tightening our attract international investments to personal budgets but also genuinely wor- conduct world renowned research. The ried about our long-term financial same goes for our colleges and universi- Is Sam Yoon Raising $$ futures. People are understandably won- ties. These institutions of higher educa- for Mayoral Run? dering about the local effects of the tion give Boston some of the best and Is City Councilor Sam Yoon happy with his national economic climate. Although the brightest minds, many of whom remain day job? Or is he trying to be the first Asian- current economy looks bleak, the City in the city to contribute to our workforce American mayor of Boston? constantly revises how we allocate fund- long after they have completed their Recently, Yoon had a $100.00-a-plate ing and structure the city’s budget so that schooling. fundraiser in California. The invite read: we are able to maintain some peace Furthermore, only 1-3% of Boston’s “Please join us for a cocktail reception to support of mind during uncertain times like financial services jobs are in the troubled Sam Yoon in his quest to become the first Asian these. While Boston is certainly affected investment banking sector. About half of American Mayor of Boston.” by everything that is happening nation- Boston’s financial job base stems from Spokesperson for Yoon, Curtis Ellis said, “He’s ally, we are fortunate to have a strong money management, a segment that concentrating on his job as councilor. Records financial foundation unlike many other provides set services in return for pre- show that last month, Yoon raised about $18 cities and towns across the country. arranged fees and is consequently more thousand with only three contributors from The City of Boston has long had the stable than investment banking. Despite Boston. unique position of benefitting from a well the credit crunch being felt by devel- Is he running? Only his hairdresser knows diversified economy. Unlike many cities opers, development continues to remain “Remember that hair coloring commercial? that rely heavily on one sector for eco- stable, an indication of the value of Hey, if it walks like a duck, looks like a nomic strength, we benefit from four well- Boston’s real estate market. Construc- duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a established sectors that help fuel our tion continues from Downtown Crossing duck.” economy. In addition to the financial to the Waterfront. Tourism remains high, Former City Councilor Michael McCormack services and tourism sectors, economies with four major hotels nearing comple- thinks Menino is “as unbeatable as you’ll find.” that are more prone to the adverse effects tion, and hundreds of housing units are of market turmoil, 25% of Boston’s job under construction for our growing popu- (Continued on Page 15) base is in the more “recession proof” industries of health care and education. (Continued on Page 12) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office will be open on Mondays and Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 3, 2008 S imple TIMES . by Girard A. Plante A peculiar ritual occurs sweater on over a flannel across New England as soon shirt. Get the work gloves, HADES as the first chill greets us at too, if you must. Grab that Readers are reminded the souls of the dead to the mother, Demeter, form the the door as we head outdoors well-worn metal or bamboo that the family tree of my- lower world in his chariot. most popular aspects of her to start another day. The rake out of the cellar or thology started with Chaos, Those who were reluctant to legend. It also explains why warm air of summer gone, garage and start gathering the yawning abyss which disembark were beaten off Demeter, the goddess of we realize a heavy coat or those leaves about the yard marked the beginning of all with his staff. Hades was agriculture, punished earth, wool sweater is in order. to make way for the snow things. Out of Chaos came considered to be the enemy causing it to remain unpro- This ritual is part innate that will surely fall sooner the Primeval Beings called of all life, heartless and ductive during a portion of and part common sense. than we care to think of that Night, Day, Upper Atmo- relentless in his assigned the year. Wear layers and be comfort- season. sphere, and Heavens. Then tasks, and hated, accord- Regarding the abduction of ably warm or cling to cotton Definitely do not waste came the Titans, those gi- ingly by gods and men. this goddess, I must remind button downs of summer money buying the blasted ant deities who were the In works of art this god our readers, who are also art fashion fare and shiver. leaf-blowers that spew forth forerunners of the gods. The was represented as resem- lovers, about the beautiful Most of us do not want to an awful mix of toxic gas Titans were overthrown and bling his brothers Zeus and Bernini statues that are close up the house to keep and noise. Be at peace with their power seized by the Poseidon, but with gloomy now standing in Rome’s autumn’s chill away. Activi- the lighter way of raking — Olympian gods (Zeus, his features, the key to the Borghese Gallery. Attention ties are centered on the devoid of air and noise brothers, his sisters, and gates of the lower world in is specifically directed indoors for the next few pollution. Instead, listen to seven of his children). Dur- his hand, and his watchful toward the one entitled “The months. Forget about a slow the natural noises of leaves ing recent issues we exam- dog Cerberus at his side. Rape of Prosperine” (the walk as the bitter head crunching under foot, falling ined the legends of Zeus, The most celebrated of Roman name for Perse- winds smack us back to re- from tree limbs, and scurry- chief and most powerful of the myths about Hades phone) which shows Pluto ality at every step of the way.
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