AM STATIONS -FM .STATIONS WART '970 WHOM 1480 WLIS MEG WNW 930 WPAT 930 WFUV 90.7 WAAT7-FM _94.7 WNEC-FM ...97.1 WMGMF711 :100.3 WBNIE 1380 ON THE RADIO 770 %YMCA . 570 WNEW 1130 WOR 910 WQX11 1580 W11051-511 : 82.3 W1Z-111 915 wma-ni -983 WBSTM "Ma' THIS WEEK WCHS 880 wvmj 420 11E2ECC 931 WOR.17.1 .98.7 wGHF 101.9 WQR11411 .98.3 WEVD 1330 WINS 1010 WMGM 1050 WHIR 1430 WOV _1280 WWBL 1800 WHYC.771 ...93.9 WPOE 96.7 WAN' 99.5 W1'DE.111 -'-'TODAY, SUNDAY, APRIL 8 10:30-WNBCChildren's Program 1:00-WNBCQuiz Kids WAICANews: Love Songs WQXRTwilight Concert: Algerd WMCANews; Echoes of Big Time WONInformation Please:Clifton WORRecorded Music woRCanary Pet Show WNYCDavid Randolph Concert Brazis. Tenor WMGMCalvary Baptist Church Fadman. Franklin P. Adams, John WJZHampton Institute Choir WJZDr. William Ward AyerTalk WINSNews and Recorded Music 5:45-WCBSEd Morgan. Comments WNEWNews: Recorded Music Kiernan and Guests WCBSChurch of the Air: Elder WCBSNew York Philharmonic- WNEWClassical Music: Benny WEVDIrish Hour WJZNews Reports Stephen L. Richards. Speaker Symphony: Dimitri Mitropoulos, Goodman. Narrator EVENING WQXRThe New York Times News WCBSJo Stafford. Tony Martin WNYCMr. and Mrs. Opera: Miguel Conductor and Pianist WQXRThe New York Times News6:00-WNBCThe Big ShowTallulah 8:09-WQXRThe Opera House WMCANews; Dance Music Sandoval. Guest WMCANews: Music Bankhead, Fred Allen,Portland8:30-WNBCTheatre Guild on the Air: i WNEWShakespeare Excerpts. With WNYCNew Recordings; Edward 05-WQXRChristlan Science Lecture Hoffa, JimmyDurante, Rudy WNEWNews; Music 3:15-WCBSLarry Lesueur. Comments Vallee. Vivian Blaine. Jane Mor- This Side of Paradise. With Rich- Jose Ferrer and Margaret Webster 11:35 A. 3f.-12 3L4nvitationto Learning:(3-7:30The Big Show: Tallulah Bankhead, Fred WMGMThe Baptist Hour Tatnafl Canby, Comments 3:25-WINSBaseball: Yankees vs gan, John Crosby, William Mar- ard Widmark and Nina Foch WINSSt. Paul's Mission House Allen, Portland Hoffa, Jimmy Durante, Rudy 10:45-WORYour Hymnal WMGMAmerlcan-Jewish Caravan Houston, at Houston. Texas WORAffaus of Peter Salem WEVDWorld Theatre Cohen,Frederic 11:00-WORNews Reports of Stars; Moishe Oysher, Jean 3:30-WNBCDavid Lawrence. Comments shall and others. WCBSRed Skelton Show WQXRThe New York Times Newt! Morton,"Nibelungenlied"Walter Lyman BrysonWCBS. Vallee, Vivian Blaine, John CrosbyWNBC. WJZBrunch With Kelvin Keech Carroll, Guests WORRoy Rogers Show WMCAMental Hospital Guild Show10:05-WNXRRecord Premieres WNEWHollywood Review WJZDr. Billy Graham WJZDrew Pearson, Comments 12:30-1Tho Eternal Light: "Call of the Torah"7-7::10Jack Benny, Comedy; OthersWCBS. WCBSSalt Lake City Tabernacle WCBSDesi Arnaz Show WCBSCharlie Wild. Private From Brooklyn State Hospital - 10:15-WJZLatin American Music Choir and Organ WQXRThe New York Times News3:45-WNBCNews Reports DetectiveSketch WNYCAnton Ravinsky, Pianist 10:30-WNBCVoices and Events WIVBC. 7:30-8Phil Harris-Alice Faye ShowWNBC. WMCANews; Records of Tomorrow1:05-WQXRMelodies of Old Vienna WJZNews Reports WMCANews; Music WINSLutheran Layman's League WONHeartbeat in the News 1-2American-Jewish Caravan of Stars: 3foishe WMGMChristlan Reform Church 1:15-WORShow Shop: Walter Preston 00-WNBCThe FalconSketch WNYCOscar Grand, Folk Songs WNEWNews; Recorded Music WJZGeorge E. Sokolsky. Comments 7:30-8Amos 'n' Andy, ComedyWCBS. WINSSinging Battle Royal WMCAQuentin Reynolds, Comments WJZOld-Fashioned Revival Hour WINSRecorded Music 8:45-WMGM,Pro BasketballNBA Finals; WCBSThe Chorallers; Floyd Sher. Oysher, Jean Carroll, GuestsWMGM. WQXRThe New York Times News1:30-WNBCAmerican Forum: Should WCBSDollar-a:-Minute Show Knickerbocaers vs. Rochester man, Tenor 7:45-8"Report on Economic Affairs," Leon H. We Abolish the RFC? Sen. James WQXRThe New York Times News WINSSoldiers for Christ Hour /:30-2Aznerican Forum: "Should We Abolish KeyserlingWMCA. 11:05-WQXREthical Culture Society WMCANews: Swing Music - 6:05-WQXRString Quartet WEVDLeague For Industrial Kern; Wendell Berge, Guests WQXRThe New York Times News6:15-WJZNews Reports Democracy:Social ProgressMrs. , IVNEWNews: Design for Living the RFC?" Senator James Kern, Wendel/ 11:15-WOKBrunch--Dorothy and Dick WJZNational Vespers: 'Rev. Dr. Rebecca Simonson, Paul R. Porter WEVDU. S. Bond Show 8-8:30Edgar Bergen-Cherlie McCarthy Wil- WJZFrank and Ernest Talk John S. Bonne11 4:05-WQXRThe Sunday Symphony 6:30-WORNick CarterSketch BergeWNBC. liam Holden, atiestWCRS. 11:30-WNBCNews Reports 4:30-WNBCThe SaintPlay WJZMystery FileQuiz (Recording) 10:45-WONBill Lang Show WMCAInside Israel: Bartley Crum WORMartin KaneSketch WCBSOur Miss BrooksComedy. 9:00-WORSylvan Levin Opera Concert: WJZSunday Sports Review 2:55Basebati: Dodgers vs. AtlantaWMOM:8:30-9:30Theatre auild: "This Side of Para- WJZThe Christian in Action: WQXRMusical Talent In Our With Eve Arden Dorothy MacNeil, Soprano; Leslie WEVDIn Old New York: Johnny Mary Synon, Guest Schools: Morey Mit and Nene del WCBSRate Your MateJoey Chabay, Tenor. 3:25Yankees vs. HoustonWINS. dise,"with Richard Widmark and Nina WCBSNews Reports Rosario. pianists; Murray Adler, Adams WMCAAve Marla Drama Kane 5:30-6The Greatest Story Ever Told: "Story of WMGMCalvary Baptist Church WNYCJean Hoerner, Pianist WNYCGil Farrando, Tenor WJZWalter Mitchell, Comments 11:00-WNBCRobert Trout. Comments FochWNBC. WNEWNews; Bing Crosby Songs Violinist WNEWNews: Jazz Goes to College WMGMNews; Recorded Music WOBSMeet Corliss ArcherSketch WONNews; Sports and Weather 1:45-WEICARecorded Music 6:45-WNYCWeather and News With Janet Waldo. Others WJZNews Reports Ilatthew"WJZ. 8:45Pro Basketball Play-off: Knickerbockers11:35-WCBSInvitation to Learning: WNYCWeather; News 5:00-WNBCPhil Regan Show 7:00-WORThe Hidden TruthPlay WMCANews; Recorded Music 5:30-5:45"Your &ri and 'Universal vs. Rochester RoyalsWMGM. NiebelungenlledWalter Cohen. 2:00-WNBCCatholic Hour: Rev. Joseph WORThe Shadow WNYCOklahoma Symphony; Victor WCBSNews; Recorded Music Military Frederic Morton. Lyman Bryson Manton; Providence Diocese Choir WJZMasters Golf Finals, from WJZSammy Kaye's Serenade WMCANews: Music Training"Dr. James B. Conant, Edward R.10-10:30Information Please: John Lund, and 11:45-WNBCCitizens of the World WCBSJack Benny Show Allesandro, Conductor WMGMNewsrcel Theatre Cornelia Otis Skinner, GuestsWOR. WOROnly HumanSidney Fields Augusta, Ga. WMCANews; Recorded Music WINSBaltimore Gospel Theatre WINSBethel Gospel Program WJZThis Week at Home WCBSMeet Frank Sinatra: WNYCMasterwork Hour WNIRIVMusic You Want MurrowWCBS. AFTERNOON WMCANews; Music Hot Lips Page. Guest WEVDErrand of Mercy Drama WNEWMusic Until Midnight WMCANews; Recorded Music WINSUncle Win's Bible Hour WEVDYou're the Disk Jockey 12:00-WNBCTex and Jinx Show WIlYCBrooklyn Museum Concert WMGMToday's Sports 8:15-WJZLouella Parsons Show WQXRThe New York Times News MORNING WNYCMagic Land of Music WINSHeres to Veterans WOKRay Heatherton Show WNEWDisk Jockey Jury WNYCChamber Music Time WQXRThe New York Times News WEVDRichard Roffman, Critic WINSNews: Front-Page Drama 9:30-WORSunday Chapel , WJZNext Week in New York: Berl WMGMMusical Diary;Lillian WNEWArt Ford Show 7:05-WQXRFirst Performances 9:30-WNBCTales of the Texas Rangers11:07-wQXRThe World of Music 8:00-WNBCMornIng Prayer: News WNSWliews; Children's Playhouse W.1EThe Voice of ProPheer Bachrach, By Gardner Robbins WQXRThe New York Times News7:15-WMGMRecorded Music; News WORCommittee on the Present 11:15-WNBCNews Reports WORTravelLorraine Sherwood WMGMBible }lour WINSRecorded MUste WCBSPeople's Platform WQXRThe New York Times News WMGMSports Extra; News 7:30-WNBCPhil Harris-Alice Fay Danger; James P. Baxter, Presi- WJZThoughts in Passing WJZRadio Bible Class WNEWNews: Music WMCANews; Record Shop 2:05-WQXRClassics Concert 05-WQXRThe Concertiall WORNews Reports dent; Williams College, Guest WCBSElmo RoperTalk WCBSNews: Chariot Wheels WQXRBreakfast SymphonY WNYCMidday Symphony 2:15-WMGMRecorded Music 5:25-WNBCRobert Trout, Comments WJZAlbum of Familiar Music WMCANews; Breakfast at Eight 8:45-WORStarsasong WMGMRecorded Mush: WJZTed Mack Family Hour 11;30-WNBCNews: Art of Living; Dr. WJZRecorded Music 9:4S-WN8CMale Quartet WINSRecorded Music 2:30-WNBCOn the Line: Bob Considine5:30-WNBCMr, and Mrs. Blandings, WCBSAmos 'n Andy, Comedy WCBSHorace Heidt Show Norman Vincent Peale WNYCGumdrop Playhouse IVCESTrinity Choir WNEWVaudevllle Isn't Dead WOKRecorded Music With Cary Grant and Betsy Drake WINSBellerose Baptist C.,hurch NVMCACatholic Charities Appeal; WONWeather: Anthony Orchestra WINSLight and Life Hour 9:00-WNRCWorld News Round-UP WORTrue Detective Mysteries Rev. James P. McKeown, Friendly WNEWThe Living Bible WIZDr. Donald Sarnhouse 10:00-WNI3CNatIonal Radio litilPitt WQXRThe New York Times News WJZChristian Science Program WNEWNews; Recorded Music WJZPaul Neighbor Orchestra W011News Reports Er. Ralph W. Sock1VORNews 12:05-WQXRSymphonic Varieties WCBSThe Symphonette, With WJZThe Greatest Story Ever Told: WMGMThat They Might See Sons of St. Patrick Glee Club WCBSHenry Jerome Orchestra WMGMBrookdale Baptist Church Reports 12:30-WNBCEternal Light; The Call of Mishel Plastro; Joseph Fuchs, Story of Matthew 7:45-WORIncredible But True WNEWNews; Theatre Scrapbook: WINSHealing Waters WQXRThe New York Times News wCRsworld News Round-UP the Torah Violinist WCBSYour Son and Universal Gypsy Rose Lee. Joan Bishop, 8:05-WQXRBreakfast Symphony wMCANews: MUSIC 1VJZMessage of /srael: Rabbi Ariel WMCAReport on Economic Affairs 11:45-WNBCDance Music From Chicago Coldbure of Riehtnond. V. WOKNews Reports WNEWNews; Choral Musts Military TrainingDr.
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