The Weather \ Servinsr'the State ~ ~ Weather "'" ~ ....a7 clHoU .. University of Iowa "7. H""" tb~ ..... 0..... r... *'e WHk811 Campus and fair ........7 deafb witll .. IWe .....e .. ie_pen- Iowa City at \un. Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents lowo City, Iowa, friday, September 2, 1955 • Would-Be Rescuers Rescued Silver Denies '. Heiress K·new .. Argentina Grants -Peron khwarlzes pklLADELPHIA (A')-Herman R. Silver, tather of Mrs. Doris Jean Silver Oestreicher, told the district attorney Thursday that Dictatorial Police Powers as far as he knew none of his [amJly was acquainted with the people in whose apartment his attractive daughter died Aug. 24. Rush Week Schedule~ New Drive Breaking silence for the first ., . Ume since the strange death of his 22-year-old daughter n i n e days ago, Silver visited wi th Dlst. Set by Greek Groups To Deslroy Atty. Samuel Dash, and pledted his cooperation In unraveling the Fraternity and sorority rush- - - -----------­ mystery surrounding Mrs. Oest­ Inll at thc State Unlveulty of t tlon Weck epl. 1~. Orientation reicher's sudden death. Iowa wlll be,ln next week, with for all olher new stud nls will more Ihan 400 women and 300 His Enemies Earlier Thursday, D ash had be,in S.pt. 19. men expected to participate. live announced that Mrs. Oestreich­ Week', HI,blJ,hts 8UEN06 AIRS!: (N) - Con­ Ho~, er, tood chain heiress and Phila­ Prospective ~mbers for sur. SociI hlghll,hts of Orientation ,resa Thursday rutht gave Presi­ them, dephia socialite, died as a result 19 social fr ternltles wl11 reels­ Week. which includes t t. or­ ter for Rush Week at 9 a.m. Sept. dent Juan D. Peron dictatorial or an i1le~al operation. Ientation 5 "ions and p rtles. Police powers to carry on hll 'Unable To Tell' 8, while sorority ru hln, will will be the Fir -t Nighter party open wit h a me tine tor all new clmpalgn to "annihilate and "We are unable to tell at- this Sept. 15 at 8 p,m. In [OWl Me­ ru h c.s at 1 p.m. Sept. 10 In crush" his enemies. time whether it was a criminal morial Union and PI y Nilht at I It (lecllred I talc of .cl,e in abortion ," Dash said. Macbride Auditorium. the Fi Idhou Sept. 16 at 7:30 Ike Calls To ToW' FraternlUes p.m. Buenos Aires within hours atter A veil of olliclal secrecy had Foliowlnll a Ru h W ek orlen­ R ,Istration for the fatl emes­ Peron demanded the emergenc), shrouded the probe ot the death taUon meetlne lit 8 a.m. Sept. 9, powers a part or his ,eI-tough of the 22-year-old socialite who ter will It rt Sept. 19, with the fr ternlty rush el wUl tour SUI open In, day de5i nnled as re,cls­ policy. died suddenly Aug. 24. She WlS r S6 Strategy fr tcrnit! ". Rush We k partl Juan D. Peron trallon day tor 11 new student The all-Peronj,ta Senate ac­ expecting a child, Dash said. will clos at tne traternities Sept. Pofi('c Pou;crs She mad e headlines two In liberal art . cl Imed the eta bill Into 1a • 12, and pi deinl ceremonl s will after the Houst! of DepuUc, ram­ months ago when she eloped to b held t the chapter houses med It tbroulh II rowdy two­ Georgia with a Miami motor­ 5 pt. 13 at 3 p.m, cycie cop. Conference ~ I p . hour .ession by a vote ot 109-12. Fraternity ru hln, is under l Less tban six weeks la ter she DENVER (A') - Pr sldent El­ the direction of the Interfr ter­ rison Sentence for 4th The speedy congres lanai ac­ returned aione to her parents' nhower Thursday booked a nlly Council compo ed oC pre 1- Lion clamped police powers on home in suburban Melrose Park. hlah-Ievel political straleey pow­ dent. of the 19 fraternities. So­ an area embraclna more than Shalten story 'ow tor Sept. 10 to chart tht rority Rush Week is directed by three million or Ar,cntina's 19 Dash disclosed the Interview 11156 campaign wars - and the Panhellenic Council. mlde Drunk Driving Offense mlltlon ciU~ns. with Silver, vice-president ot thereby touched orr fre$h IpeCU­ up of pr idents ot SUI's 13 so­ An,el Enrique Peralta. who Food Fa ir, Inc., one ot the larg­ I tlon · abou~ whether he will cia I IOrori ties. Judae Harold D. Evans Thurs- representa the powerful pro­ est rrocery chains on the East­ seek re-election. H len Reich, Istant director ern seaboard. d y Imposed a fourth oU n e Ito m kc a thr c-ycar entence ~ron Gcncril Confederation or T"-e summer White Houae an­ of the office ot ,tudent affairs, Labor In tho Ho~ . of Dcpl,llles. The dl4trict attorney said Sil­ 15 Panhell nle advisor, and Paul drunken drlvlne sentence - the Imandalory upon conviction for nouncement that he wltl hold a only such conviction ever hBnd- the "third otrelUie and each sliel the stllte of sel.e '''wlll 1 st ver had shattered an important breakfast conference here , then GrUleth 1.s fr lernlty advisor. point in the story told by princi­ d down in Johnson County. thereart r." II lon, IS necessary _ until we wi t h the 48 Republican .tate orori., Parties eUmlnate tho ' last danger spot pals in the case. that Mr. and chairmen seemed to be at last Followlnl th openlne m tin, Roy S. Furman, 37. Oxford. There have been only a "haU- of trouble-mak~T8." Mrs. Milton Schwartz, in whose a pretty c I • r Indlcatlon the for lororlly TUIIhe , the n w was lent nced to th mandatory dozen or so" such convictions' In (A I' WI .... IooI., t h r e e ye rs, at Fort Madison IOWI alnce th leI I laUon was apartment Mrs. Oestreicher died, President plan an active role II} coeds will be~n a week of at­ d~r_ " en we r e long-time' lriends 01 the PILOT AND NAVIGATOR are plucked from the water anel laken penitentiary. e A state of sol,e would alve aboard the launch. quadron Leader Paul Bowry I lifted. aboard the campalen wh ther he runs or tendine open hou and parti • H was arrested March 20 by chan ed, Tucker said. family. not. with pled lin, \0 tak place S pt. Per 0 n torces extraordinary Investigators said this punched a8 FlIl"ht . ergean& Gran& cronin paddles toward aiel. Alreraf\ (owa City police on South Unn ""er1Ma nie0ee4 But for the answer to lhat 1~ at 5 p.m. power. such Ii IIFrest and pun­ hole In the story told by the is shown just before It sank, three mtnutea aner tbe C(Uh_.__ as Street. JudIe EvalUi sentene d Inother a red hot will-he-run qu lion, Th frat rnlty and sorority man on a drunk drlvln, charre lahment at alle,ed troublemaker. girl's mother that she and her PrlllOD Term Eisenhower continued to k e e p rusheca will be joined by all oth­ Thursday, on the spot. Furman had been convicted of Peron Slid he needed the pow­ dau(hter were paying a friendly r.h I J. '8 · 3 ' his own counsel. er freshmen In liberal arts and Richard Wayne Robertson, 47, visit to the Sohwartzes to bring \J 01 Ig . At any rate, It iJ probably a nurslnl {or the open!nl 01 Orlen- drunken drlvin, offenses twice ers to deal more ctIecUvely wlth them reading matter. rys er ns before in Johnson County and 113 Pr nUsa St., was htenced afe WB' r that the slale chair­ to days In Johnson County his political enemies. He spelled Fltber D1dD'~ Know once In Wa hlnaton. He was sen­ eo men at the Sept. 10 session will Jail In Ii u or a $300 fine. out these powers to ~ wildly tenced to a three year prlson cheerln, thron, in the Plar.3 de D~sb said Silver told him he W·th L If P PI m a k e a stronlC appeal to the term Dec. 1, 1947, on the Wash­ Robertson told Evans he was did not know of his daughter's I Mayo Wedne,day night when he oyo oy on President to go for a second unable to pay the fine. He was alleged pregnancy or anything term. WAC Ington County char e. wllhdrew an earllpr offer to re­ about the alleied operation. The DETROIT (IP) - Chrysler Cor- Co. Atty, William M. Tucker rr teCi by J 0 w a City poUce sign. Arrlvln h alan with them 111 Woman Check. in MaN:h 21 on Iowl Avenue. district -attorney quoted the fath- pol'ation Thursday agreed to a workers. The company' Chrys­ will be Leonard W. Hall, chair­ said the conviction was the fLrsl He told hll Well-or,lnlzed fol­ er as sayln,. he didn't 'even know Soldien Home of its kind In John on County. Evans also susp~nded Robert­ Ihat his wife and daughter went layoff pay plan for its 139,000 ler. Desoto, Dodge and Plymouth man of the Republican National lowers to ".MIhUate and crush" divisions are down for model Commltt e. who for montN hu WASHINGTON (IP) - There's "M06t offel'lders learn aCter they IOn'l driver's license for 50 ckys. the enemy, IDd added: to the Schwartz apartment. empioyes, completing establish- a bit of excitemcnt IImong the serve a prison term on their Robertson had entered a plea changeovers.
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